Forms Data Controls :: Datasource Can Potentially Change Any Time

Mar 9, 2010

I have a web content page that contains a ListView with two identical dropdownlists, one in the InsertItemTemplate and the other in the EditItemTemplate. I populate each from the same datasource. The listview is wrapped in an UpdatePanel.Any template change requires from 3-5 seconds to render which is not acceptable. The datasource can potentially change at any time thus limiting my options.

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataSource How To Change The Stored Procedures At Run Time

Aug 18, 2010

Is it possible to change the select, insert and update stored procedure of an SqlDataSource at run time. I don't mean to change the definition of the stored procedure, but I mean to change the assignment, i.e. To change the select stored procedure from "selectSP1" to "selectSP2" at run time. Is it possible?

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Date Time In Chart

Feb 17, 2011

I have a chart on a page and i call a dataset which sends the infomation to the chart this works fine and all the infomations is displayed fine. However my x axis is a time which is UTC time. Most of the people looking at the charts will be using EST is there anyway in which i can change the Xasis times to corespond with EST instead of UTC

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Forms Data Controls :: Page Taking Time To Populate Gridview With Row Data Bound At Select Index Change Event

Mar 26, 2011

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SQL Reporting :: Change The Report Datasource At Run Time?

Feb 4, 2010

created a data source DS_QCategory that select data from a table but according a passed parameter which is a DDL selectvalue.I write the sql statement like this (select * from myTable where ({fn YEAR(tblarQuestions.QuestionDate)} LIKE (@QuestionDate)))this function will compare only the Year from my full date field with a DDL that include all Years like 2008, 2009, 2010 Then I create a report using reportviewer control and i defined the parameter in the bjectDataSource of the report then I added to my Years list in the DDL something like this "All" to select all data from myTable regardless the parameter so i created another Datasource DS_QCategoryAll to select all data from myTablewhat I need is to change the object data source of my report once "All" is selected: this is my code:


But get this error:


A data source instance has not been supplied for the data source 'DS_QCategory_tblarQuestionCategory'

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Forms Data Controls :: Assign Datasource At Run Time?

Jan 28, 2011

Based on user access rights (I am using aspnet log in controls) I want a gridview to show different result set for every type of user.

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Mar 13, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Taking Long Time To Import Data From Csv To Sql Server 2005?

Feb 20, 2010

I have an application which imports data from csv to sql server 2005. It is taking long time to import data from csv to sql server 2005. it has a timer. on tick of timer, I am checking if current rown in csv exists in database. If it exists, It is not added to sql server otherwise, It is added that row to sql server 2005. Also, In page load, It checks on each tick, whether user is logged in or not. it adds value to log file that user is logged in. How can I optimize this ?

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DataSource Controls :: Restrict User Not To Insert Data In A Booked Time Slot?

Jun 30, 2010

restrict user not to insert data in a booked time slot,suppose User reserved an item say below dates, now how to restrict other users to reserve that item at the below time.

date1 date2
2010-06-30 09:00:00.000 2010-06-30 12:00:00.000

how to restrict below cases:

(A,B are other dates entered by other user)

date1 A B date2
A date1 B date2
date1 A date2 B
A date1 date2 B

hence AB must be less than Date1,Date2 or greaterthan Date1,Date2

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Forms Data Controls :: Time Used As "amount Of Time Available", Not Time On A Clock?

Jul 6, 2010

how to suppress the "AM" in the gridview (template Bind("RideTimeMin", "{0:t}")? Don't tell me to use military time because the function is not "time on a clock"; it's how much time is allowed for a task (in this case the min/max hours & minutes that horses have to complete a 20 mile trail; e.g. 05:00, 05:27, etc). I'm currently accomplishing this in the "ondatabound" function by "..RTmin.Replace("AM","")". I have looked and looked at all the websites that talk about datetime formatting but have yet to find a way to do it upfront in the gridview bind statement.

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DataSource Controls :: Change Data Capture In SQL Server 2008

May 29, 2010

I was reading about "Change Data Capture" functionality in SQL Server 2008. It sounds awesome. My implementation of it would be in a website environment where ASP.NET pages use SQLDatasources to do inserts, updates and deletes. When enabling "Change Data Capture" can you store additional information supplied from the website like a UserID, SessionID, UserRole etc so you can identify who did the insert, update or delete? [URL]

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DataSource Controls :: How To Change A Table Column Data Type

Jan 21, 2010

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So column 4 is actually the date column. All other queries work for this table. I then tried to change it back and then copied all data to a new table and now I am using the new table and converting the dates as needed but I am still getting the error.

SELECT * FROM postlinks WHERE >= CONVERT(datetime,CONVERT(varchar(10),GetDate(),112))

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Forms Data Controls :: Comparing Time In Field Vs Current Time?

Mar 18, 2010

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May 26, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Asp 3.5 Time Field In FormView / Update/insert Time Fields?

Oct 20, 2010

This is the sqlDateTime overflow problem again. Background. As I'm sure you know dates must be between 1/1/1753 and 12/31/2999. If you have an empty date field, it throws and exception. So I created a function (below) that solve the problem when attempting to update or insert a record with a date field. Works great.

Public Shared Function MakeDateField(ByVal pasDate As String) As Nullable(Of DateTime)

If IsDate(pasDate) Then
If pasDate <= System.DateTime.MinValue Then
Return Nothing
Return CType(pasDate, DateTime)
End If
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
Return Nothing
End Try
Return Nothing
End If
End Function

So I thought about using a time field. I have the field, have the validator in place and then attempted to test the page. It resulted in my least favorite error message "sqlDateTime overflow".

I can think of several workarounds like adding a date or a fixed date to the time field, or converting it to a string. Each of these is problematic.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview With Checkbox Update One Time In A Button Click Not Every Time?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a gridview on my page. I have a checkbox in each row of this gridview. For each checkbox in the gridview, I'd like to update my table accordingly, but I don't want them to have to hit a submit button every time they check the checkbox. I want them to check all the boxes they need to and at the end, they should hit one submit button.

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Mar 18, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Gridview Change Data Source By Hyperlink Selection?

Apr 11, 2010

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i have in one aspx page a gridView with a few of sqlDataSources ..

and i have in another page ,,, hyperlinks ... and i want that it will select a defrent datasorce each time i click on other link ....

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DataSource Controls :: Login Stored Procedure - To Compare The Last Login Attempt Time Against The Current Time ?

Apr 10, 2010

I was wondering if anyone knows of a good login stored procedure that can be freely used and features login limits and so on (basically a good one) With my limited SP knowledge, I've tried to create one myself, I haven't completed it yet as I'm not sure on how to compare the last login attempt time against the current time (it's in the comments).

P.S. I had to write this in notepad.


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DataSource Controls :: Set The "time" Value Stored In A Date Time Field In Other Words

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to set the "time" value stored in a date time field, in other words, I want to change the value

05-13-2010 08.47.34


05-13-2010 00.00.00


05-13-2010 23.59.59

What statement would I use to accomplish this?

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How To Calculate Time As User Can Change Server Time

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to implement a license in which we will provide a license file which will be placed on the server root directory.This license file contain encrypted strings which have ServerName, Concurrent Sessions , Timeperiod.n this i have two issue.How could i calculate time as user can change server time.How could i maintain the concurrent login sessions [because i can't catch the event hen user close the browser].I will welcome any tehcnique otehr then javascript solution.[even polling] but i can't save session information in database

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Background Color Based On Data Key Change?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a GridView with an alternating Css style. The GridView has a column called tradeId. What I want to show is an alternating colour based on a change in the tradeId. Is this possible? It will make it easier on the eye to group trades together by colour. Here's the GridView code as it is right now:


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