Forms Data Controls :: E.command Argument Is An Empty String?

Nov 22, 2010

When my LinkButton1 button is clicked in the gridview below, I would like the Gridview1_Rowcommand to assign the ID1 to the index variable. I am getting a "Input string was not in a correct format." error. The e.command argument is an empty string

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Similar Messages:

C# - Assigning Command Argument Value To String In Code Behind

Nov 26, 2010

<asp:CheckBox oncheckedchanged="chk1_CheckedChanged" ID=chk1 CssClass='<%# Eval("UserID") + "," + Eval("IsB") %>' runat="Server"/>

I got this check box on my page..if I need to assign these two values of CommandArgument in CssClass attribute ie <%# Eval("UserID") %> and <%# Eval("IsB") %> to two strings in my code behind..How do i do this?

protected void chk1_OnCheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string s1 = "Need the first value from Command argument here";
string s2 = "Need the second value from Command argument here";

how do i fetch those command argument values passed in CssClass attribute of checkbox?

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Forms Data Controls :: Command Name & Argument In Datalist?

Jun 13, 2010

Command name and argument didn't work in datalist ! am I doing something wrong ??


Here is my datalist buttons;

<td><asp:Button ID="buttonytl" CommandName="Purchase" CommandArgument='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "YtlArgument")%>' style="font-size: x-small;" runat="server" Text="Book Transfer" /></td>[Code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Specify The Command Argument Of Button With Radiobutton?

Jun 12, 2010

I have following datalist;


And I have following cs code;

What I want is here that ; I want to specify the button's command arguments according to selection of radio buttons which is in the same group. I want know that which price type is selected return or one way.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview With Command Argument With Template Field

Nov 30, 2010

i have a grid with template feild with two button's Accept and Deny and Command Name="update" and command argument ="Accept" and command argument2="Deny" now the problem is everytime when i click any Button it gives me first row data see my source


My Code Behind


Image [URL]

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Forms Data Controls :: Command Argument Of A Image Button In Grid?

Apr 8, 2010

I want to know how we can get the command argument of a Image button in Javascript.


I have a grid in that I have image button in template column.on click of each image button i have to redirect to another page with respective ID fields.

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Forms Data Controls :: Select Command In App So Could Execute The Command And Retrive The Data Into A String Variable?

Apr 9, 2010

i'm trying to issue a select command in my app soi could execute the command and retrive the data into a string variable.the problem is that this command is overloaded with DataSourceSelectArgument and i can't figure out what it is.i'm using sql server express and when issue a n insert command for example sq.Insert(); i have no problems.this the command that's holding me:

SqlDataSource sq = new SqlDataSource();
sq.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CustomerDatabaseConnectionString1"].ToString();
sq.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
sq.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM CustomerTable where customerID = 1";
string result = sq.Select(some overload that's stopping me);

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Data Controls :: Add Command Argument To Link Button In DataList

Jul 17, 2015

this is how i did it....but it is not working......

$(".lbtnaddtocart", row).eq(j).attr("CommandArgument", customer.find("ProductId").text());

this is the linkbutton in my datalist....

<asp:LinkButton ID="lbtnAddtocart" runat="server" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("ProductId")%>'
BackColor="Green" Font-Bold="true" Text="Add To Cart" Width="150px" BorderColor="Black"
BorderStyle="Inset" BorderWidth="2px" ToolTip="Add To Cart"></asp:LinkButton>

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Data Controls :: Image Button Command Argument Is Blank In GridView

May 7, 2015

I use imagebutton in gridview that when I click on it, it delete row of gridview..below is code...

protected void DeleteCustomer1(object sender, EventArgs e)
ImageButton IMGDelete = (ImageButton)sender;
private void DeleteProduct(ImageButton IMGDelete)
using (SqlConnection conn = General.GetConnection())


but when I click on imagbutton it didn't do any thing..I put break point and checked @ID value that was "_page" and I checked  IMG Delete. Command Argument value was "".I used .CommandArgument  for Linkbutton in other page I don't know is it right to use it for imagebutton?

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Text As Empty String When Gridview Cell Is Empty?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a gridview with two bound fields. On clicking a button i want to display the values in first row of gridview in two textboxes. But if gridview cell is empty i am getting the text in textbox to which the value of cell is given as -' 'i know my problem will be solved if i use the template fields instead. But i want a solution while maintaining the bound fields ,if any.

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Validate - Ensuring That All Controls Have Value And Passing Them Onto Buttons Command Argument

May 20, 2010

I'm looking for the best design solution in relation to the following scenario:

submit button

The user control is a series of 5 buttons (similar to a radio button list) where only the latest button is recorded. I.e. if you click button 3 and then button 5, button 5's value is stored. The repeater can have a number of usercontrols, varying in numbers. The typical number if 5/6. When the submit button is pressed, the form needs to collect information from all user comtrols I.e. the database id of the control and the final value. The values will be processed later. At this point i'm looking at the best way of validating values, ensuring that all controls have a value and passing them onto the buttons command argument.

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Forms Data Controls :: Calling CommandArgument Gives Empty String?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a button inside a table in gridview templatefield and i want to access its row index value in row_command event

i used this line.

Dim index As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)

but got error .Input string was not in a correct format.

However i am able to fetch the row index value in button _click event using this line.

Dim index As Integer = (CType(CType(sender, Control).Parent.Parent, GridViewRow)).RowIndex

View 11 Replies

C# - How To Work With Command Argument

Jan 1, 2011

i'm tryng to pass a parameter with command argument with a link button but the result i get is always "".

this is in my aspx page:

LinkButton1.CommandArgument = "abcdef";
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" OnCommand= "LinkButton1_Click">

and in my aspx.cs i have:

protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender,CommandEventArgs ee)
String id = ee.CommandName.ToString();

the id is always "" after i press the linkbutton.

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Getting Some Text Or Empty String From Backend For A Particular Column

Sep 22, 2010

I am using ListView to display the Data.

I am getting some text or empty string from backend for a particular column.

If i got empty string i need to bind with an imageButton in that row.

and if i got a text i need to replace the imagebutton with text.


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Linkbutton Command Argument Code Behind?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm trying to duplicate this link button in code behind, but I'm having problem with command & commandArgument


First of all I don't see onclick in above code (not code behind) after rendering.

I probably have to do something different with""" linkbtn.Attributes.Add("onClick", "Imageswap")""""

What am I missing?

View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Row.Cells[2].Text Is An Empty String In GridView_RowCommand (3 Buttons Inside An EditItemTemplate)

Jul 22, 2010

string s = "" when I click on the DeleteImage1 button in the EditItemTemplate row.Cells[2].Text is an empty string in gridView_RowCommand (3 buttons inside an EditItemTemplate)








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Forms Data Controls :: Why Getting A Empty String For "GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[2].Text"

Jan 14, 2011

I am using c# with VS 2010 and dynamic data. I have a gridview that is populated by scaffolding. I then want to use the "Delete" command on the row. While the command works fine, it does not seem to know the datarecord has child tables in a one to many relationship, thus it wont properly delete the child tables before deleting the parent table. Which is fine, i can call some linq to sql to get the table id and delete all of its children before the parent table is deleted. Odd thing is, the Gridview is retruning "" emtpry strings for the cell that has the table uniqe ID.


and here is the gridview:


why i am getting a empty string for "GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[2].Text"?

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DataSource Controls :: Microsoft Matrix Framework DataGrid - Update Command - Convert Empty Strings To NULL?

Sep 30, 2010

we have a AutoGenerateColumns-enabled WmxDataGrid in which we are able to update table rows in a DataBase connected with a SqlDataSource.

Each time we clear a field an empty string is written to the database where we want to write DBNull values.

At the moment we generate the update string via UPDATE... SET.. and the SQL Server function NULLIF(value, '').

Works proper but when I want to add the values to e.NewValues in BeginUpdate event I'm not able to read the values from the auto generated text boxes. How do I do that? Is there an easier way to automatically convert empty strings to NULL values?

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C# - How To Pass Command Argument While Selecting A Menu Item In System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu

Feb 2, 2011

I have a Menu. When user clicks on the menu , I need to pass a command argument. How is that done ?

This is the code for


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Empty String - Check If Textbox Empty?

Sep 5, 2010

I have this code, how will I write the code so I can check if a textbox i empty? This way want work. Now it goes in if cellPhone != null all the time.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update / Delete Command Like A Update Command?

Apr 26, 2010

how would i do my Gridview delete command like a update command?

im using a datasource... and my delete command is like my update command... so i can change the status into "INACTIVE"...

DeleteCommand="UPDATE ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE SET am_status = 'INACTIVE' WHERE (accmain_no = @accmain_no)"

UpdateCommand="UPDATE [ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE] SET [account_type] = UPPER(@account_type), [min_deposit] = @min_deposit, [min_capital] = @min_capital WHERE [accmain_no] = @accmain_no"

when i press my delete command at gridview... the status changed into "INACTIVE" but when i refresh or press f5... it automatically update the status into "INACTIVE" also...

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Data Controls :: Display Empty Message When Data List Is Empty When Working With Alphabet Paging

Jun 27, 2012

When I click on the Alphabets it will show the details of a player...however, when that particular letters has no details of the player..I want to show."No results can be found"..Is there anyway to do it?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
ViewState["CurrentAlphabet"] = "ALL";


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C# - Use String Argument To Represent Object

Dec 21, 2010

If I have the following code:

TextBox txtUsername = new TextBox();
void setEnabled(string str, bool enable)
// use str to find the TextBox object
// str.Enabled = enable;

Is this kinda thing even possible? I want to be passing in 'Username' and then be prepending it with 'txt'.

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Forms Data Controls :: Invalid Postback Or Callback Argument?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a datalist which will display a list of groups from the database. In every group record, i have a button binding to it, and i give it a commandName call "joingroup" . When a user actaully clicks on the button(btnJoinGroup), the commandName fires. The problem i am facing now is, whenever i click on the button, i get this error below:

Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.

aspx code

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" RepeatColumns="1" OnItemCommand="DataList1_ItemCommand">
<br /> [code]....

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DataSource Controls :: How To ObjectDataSource NULL To Empty String

Nov 26, 2010

I have pass following SQL Query to the through ObjectDataSource


And I am passing parameter through QueryString and My idea is like when empty string is pass it should show me all records but when I am passing empty string ObjectDataSource is making NULL and I am not getting desire result

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