DataSource Controls :: How To ObjectDataSource NULL To Empty String

Nov 26, 2010

I have pass following SQL Query to the through ObjectDataSource


And I am passing parameter through QueryString and My idea is like when empty string is pass it should show me all records but when I am passing empty string ObjectDataSource is making NULL and I am not getting desire result

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Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: Sql Constraint To Convert Empty String To Null?

May 10, 2010

Sql constraint to convert empty string to null

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DataSource Controls :: LocalResourceObject Null When Used By ObjectDataSource

Feb 5, 2010

I have a dropdown list that uses an ObjectDataSource. The select method of the ObjectDataSource needs to localize the TextField, so i create a Dictionary<int, string> and use GetLocalResourceObject as such:


In the Local Resource file, there is status0, status1, and status2, all with a value (Deleted, Active, Inactive). The dropdown and object datasource like:


Now, if I use an ObjectDataSource and put the DropDownList's DataSourceID to it, I will get a null reference on the lookup to the GetLocalResourceObject. BUT If I manually set DataSource/DataBind on the dropdown list on Page_Load, it works fine:


OR If I move the status values to a global resource file and use GetGlobalResource instead of GetLocal, it works fine! Why can I not use an ObjectDataSource and LocalResourceObject in this way?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Check For Both Empty And Null Fields

Jan 28, 2010

How do I check if my value is empty AND Isnull? I need to check for both, using ISNULL is not enough because the data can change just so that it is empty.

how I can change my query to accommodate this?


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DataSource Controls :: How To Convert Empty Textbox Text To Null On SqlCommand

Mar 22, 2010

How would I convert an empty textbox.text to null when updating/inserting using an SqlCommand? I've got this to populate the textbox:

If IsDBNull(dr("data")) Then
TextBox1.Text = ""
TextBox1.Text = dr("data")
End If

Here's the SET of the SqlCommand:


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Access :: How To Convert Empty String To Null Value - Insert Into A DB

Oct 22, 2010

How to Convert empty string to Null value - Insert into a DB



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Insert Element With Empty String For Null Values

Jan 30, 2010

For coonverting Linq to DataTable I am using the following Extension Method(Taken from Stackoverflow)


The Extension Method creates XML file.But for null values no element is created in XML file.Say if Commission field is null then commission element is missing in Xml generation.

I want to insert element with empty string for null values (ref type) and (0.00) for decimals and (0) for integers. where do i need to make change?

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DataSource Controls :: Microsoft Matrix Framework DataGrid - Update Command - Convert Empty Strings To NULL?

Sep 30, 2010

we have a AutoGenerateColumns-enabled WmxDataGrid in which we are able to update table rows in a DataBase connected with a SqlDataSource.

Each time we clear a field an empty string is written to the database where we want to write DBNull values.

At the moment we generate the update string via UPDATE... SET.. and the SQL Server function NULLIF(value, '').

Works proper but when I want to add the values to e.NewValues in BeginUpdate event I'm not able to read the values from the auto generated text boxes. How do I do that? Is there an easier way to automatically convert empty strings to NULL values?

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Passing Null / Empty String To Oracle Stored Procedure?

Mar 1, 2010

We have an ASP.NET web service that invokes a stored procedure on our DB (Oracle 11g). The problem is that the call to the procedure blows up every time an empty string is passed as one of the parameters. We're seeing an ORA-01084 error, which indicates to me that call is failing before the procedure is actually run.

Here's the procedure, minus some logic that I believe is not relevant:


As an experiment, I modified the web service to pass null rather than an empty strings. When null is passed in, I see an error indicating "wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'CREATEREPORT."

I also tried passing DBNull.Value whenever the params were null/empty, but that resulted in the error

Parameter 'p_column_id': No size set for variable length data type: String.

(Of course, p_column_id was the empty parameter in this case).

So, how can I successfully pass empty strings as parameters to my stored procedure? We definitely want to allow the p_column_id parameter to be empty.

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VS 2010 / Json Replace Null Values With Empty String?

Jun 1, 2012

If I have JSON like this and pass it to the engine I am using to create a PDF file, the word "null" appears on the PDF. This isn't really my example, but I googled "json replace null empty string" and this was a hit, which is a good representation of my data, also:

"relationship": {
"type": "relationship",
"id": null,
"followed_id": null

We use a rendering engine that creates a PDF from a fixed template and variable data in the form of a json string. But our customers don't want to read that the id is "null", they want to read that the id is blank. In my C# program, the json is just a string, so I can easily do something like this:

jsonString = jsonString.Replace("null,", ",");but the issue is I can't replace null-comma with a comma, because then it's invalid json.

how to I make the rendering engine *and* my customer both happy?

View 18 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Write Dropdown Menu Value In Oder To Get Empty String Instead Of Null

Aug 26, 2010

I have drop dowm menu as follow.

<asp:ListItem Value="">none</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="STO">Stock</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="ORD">Order</asp:ListItem>

If I chose none, it stores data as "Null" If I Query the data as below, I don't get the data has value of "Null" SELECT tabale From type Where type <> STO or type <> ORD I get data that has empty string but not Null.

1, How do I write dropdown menu value in oder to get empty string instead of Null?

I did <asp:ListItem Value="">none</asp:ListItem> but this stores Null.

2, Why this Query won't pick up Null?

SELECT mytabale FROM type WHERE type <> STO or type <> ORD

View 10 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Displaying A Null Or Empty Cell For A Null Datetime Database Value In Gridview?

Dec 6, 2010

I have setup my business object to have a create_date and edit_date members both datetime datatypes. My company want to display the create_date and edit_date fields in a gridview for each transaction. The problem i have is that after insterting a record it will have a valid create_date but no edit_date and when displayed in the gridview it defaults to datetime.minvalue (My default). How on earth do i show an empty field in my gridview for a null datetime field in the database?

I am using similar architecture to the Imar Spaanjaars example of a tiered solution. With a few small tweeks it has worked well for me for ages. I am passing a List<Database> to my object datasource which connects to my gridview.

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Getting Text As Empty String When Gridview Cell Is Empty?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a gridview with two bound fields. On clicking a button i want to display the values in first row of gridview in two textboxes. But if gridview cell is empty i am getting the text in textbox to which the value of cell is given as -' 'i know my problem will be solved if i use the template fields instead. But i want a solution while maintaining the bound fields ,if any.

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DataSource Controls :: Using Null Date Values And String Was Not Recognized As A Valid DateTime Error?

Jul 5, 2010

I am very new to ASP .NET and am getting above error when trying to insert a new record into a SQL database. I have turned on Option Explicit On so the default date of 01/01/1900 does not get assigned to this field automatically. Since most of the people in the database will not have a date of death, I need to have "blank" deathDate. When I run the stored procedure within SQL and choose pass null value, the Insert Procedure works fine. When I attach to Web Form, however, I get String was not recognized as a valid DateTime error. How can I set it so Null values are accepted into this date field.

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C# - Set An Empty String As A Default Value For A DataSource Parameter?

Sep 30, 2010

This doesn't work. I've got an exception from SQL databse that column does not allow nulls.

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="MyDataSOurcet" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO MyTable(Name) VALUES (@Name) WHERE NameID = 1"
<asp:Parameter Name="Name" Type="String" DefaultValue=""/>

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Passing Null Values To ObjectDataSource

Jan 4, 2011

This is an ASP.NET 3.5 web app written in C# using VS2008 and connecting to an MS SQL backend. It is using ad hoc queries in a strongly typed dataset to pull from the database. This query (shortened for clarity) is designed to allow optional input of parameters (a requirement) or pull all records if no parameters are input. It works normally in SQL Server Management Studio with the addition of Declare and Set statements and it works normally in the TableAdapter's Query Builder:


The markup contains this ObjectDataSource, which is tied to the TableAdapter with the above query:


The problem I'm having is in passing null values to the ODS to feed to the query. Tying the ODS parameters directly to the dropdownlists and textboxes didn't work. Got an error message that there was a mismatched data type. Tried several combinations of code to feed the right values to the ODS parameters but couldn't find one that worked. Is the problem in the query or am I setting up the code-behind wrong? Here's the code:


View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: ObjectDataSource And DateTime - Set This Property To Null Without Workaround?

Mar 20, 2010

I use FormView with ObjectDataSource and class. I have a TextBox binded to a DateTime? property. When TextBox.Text property is empty i want to set the property of my class to null but the value is 1.1.1 00:00:00. My Workaround:


Is there a way to set this property to null without this workaround? Is this a bug in DataSource or is this a feature by design?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Null If Column Is Empty

Sep 10, 2010

is it possible to display Null. if my sql data is null while binding it with gridview in



for example like this


View 5 Replies

Data Controls :: Query For Both Empty Or Null Values Check Together

Mar 14, 2012

this is my sql query and its work fine in my code but it only check ParentDeptID IS NULL  it not working when ParentDeptID   field is empty how can i check it

("select DeptID,DeptName,(select count(*) FROM HrDept " _          
& "WHERE ParentDeptID=sc.DeptID) childnodecount FROM HrDept sc where ParentDeptID IS NULL ", _          

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Data Controls :: How To Check Container DataItem Is NULL Or Empty In GridView

May 7, 2015

I have a

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "starttime") % >

i.e. starttime is field in mysql which i bind to asp:Repeater. and  want to print as <span>Start Time:

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "starttime") %> </span>

if starttime is not blank ..and if blank, print nothing.. How to do this in ...

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Empty String - Check If Textbox Empty?

Sep 5, 2010

I have this code, how will I write the code so I can check if a textbox i empty? This way want work. Now it goes in if cellPhone != null all the time.


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DataSource Controls :: ObjectDatasource And Class As Datasource

Jun 24, 2010

I am really having a hard time trying to write something from scratch I created a 'Person' Class.Public Class Person

Private _FirstName As String = ""
Private _LastName As String = ""
Private _Age As Integer = 0
Public Sub New(ByVal FirstName As String, ByVal LastName As String, ByVal Age As Integer)
FirstName = FirstName
_LastName = LastName
_Age = Age

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Mode Updates Read Only Field To Null Or Empty

Sep 10, 2010

I have a detailsview on my page binding a table with information about the employees. They can update their information. Some info should be visible but not updateable. I could change the update command not updating but I like the control where I can set the column to read only. In that way the employee will find the data visible and they will see that the field/column cannot be changed. But having the column read only will return a null-value into that column when editing and updating anything. Why is that? Shouldn't it just update it's read only value?

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DataSource Controls :: Objectdatasource Does Not Run?

Jan 26, 2010

I have set the objectdatasource in the web form. Does I need to check anything as I find that method "objProductSuppliment_Inserted" does not run??


<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="objProductSuppliment" runat="server"


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DataSource Controls :: Objectdatasource Does Not Bind The Name And ID?

Jan 16, 2011

I've created a query in the table adapter for retrieving customer name based on the first letter. The query is executed fine, and the output is the customer name and ID. A Customer BLL accesses this query, and sends the results to an objectdatasource. This control is configured to use this customer-by-letter query. However for some reason, this objectdatasource does not bind the name and ID, but instead all the other fields produced by the main query in the table adapter (i.e. name, address, phone, etc....).

I'm probably not configuring something correctly, but I'm not sure what.

The BLL code:


The .net code:


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