I want to generate serial number in gridview but the serial number should be equal to the count of records for a particular column(in my case No. of Villages).
I know how to generate serial number but i am unable to generate number of rows equal to the number of records of my datatable column(Village_Name---say for example 45 rows--- any no. of rows)
Does anyone have an example for how to create a Dynamically Templated Listview with prefernces page to specify which columns & column order)? Also the listview would also have Edit, delete and insert options if possible. And uses the n-tier approach with Bus Layer and does NOT use LINQ.
How can i get the number of a listview records (or the index of the last record) from within the ItemDataBound event ? I would like to hide one of the controls in the last record, how can i know if the item is the last one ?
I coded in code behind to dynamically generate a gridview as the columns of the gridview changes based on user selection. In the gridview I have dynamically generated controls like textbox, dropdown list etc.I have a few filtering options about, for example: listbox which will postback on change and causes the gridview content to change as well.My problem is: since the controls are randomly generated and every postback will read dataset from database and reload, the naming of the controls are dynamically generated too.
I use listview and datapager. When I click on 2nd page and so on, it still highlights the 1st page number. How to highlight the right page number in listview paging?
I've implemented a ListView to display selected data from a DataTable. My listview is one row high and 4 columns wide. I've setup a DataPager to the left of it and another to the right to allow the user to access any item in the ListView.My problem is simple: When the user adds a new item to the DataTable, I rebind the data again { e.g. listView1.DataBind() }, and then I proceed to select that newly added item. BUT no matter what I try, nothing works! More precisely, I do this: listView1.SelectedIndex = #; where "#" is the appropriate index number.
I've searched for this several times but have never been able to find the answer with my search terms. Say you have a listview and a datapager set to 10 rows, but you only have 4 data items in the database at the time the query is run. Is there a way to force it to show a 10 row table (4 with data and 6 without)?
Everytime I search on this, I just find information on setting the number of rows for the datapager, which will not show empty rows if the data isn't there. Probably an easy solution, but the heck I can find it.
I have a listview, that shows 8 rows until creating another page to navigate to to see the rest. I can't figure out where the limitation of the number of rows is coming from
It seems that VS always displays more than 20 rows of ListView in its designer. If a page has quite a few of ListViews, it is a bit hassle to move around. Is there any way to reduce the number of displayed rows?
I have a aspx where i have thumbails of pictures in listview, once i click on a picture, picture shows up as big next to list view. Now what i want to do is, have a red color border around the thumbail of picture which is show big at the center. check the Picture I just want to change the CSS class of the image selected in the listview. I get to know which image id is selected through query string PageNO or if <%#Eval("PageNo") %> is =2 then second image css class should be redBorder else imgBorder1 ASPX Page
I have a listview control which is created dynamically, it is nested inside a repeater's itemtemplate. I'm trying to attach a datapager to it, which is also created dynamically but the datapager will not display and the listview will just display all its records in its entirety.
I have a listview which has a complicated Item template that contains a repeater, an objectdatasource and some other controls. On the first run I am only showing 10 Items of the listview. The user has an option to show 10 more ListView Items. If user clicks on show older items; the listview shall add another 10 items. how to go around this since my list view already has a datasource and I don't want to rebind the whole listview all over again. Instead; I just want to add another 10 items.
I'm trying to check dynamically generated "checkbox" value inside Listview.
I can reference non-dynamic checkboxes exact in same location (index) inside Listview using "e.Item.FindControl", however I can't reference dynamic checkboxes.
I have a dropdownlist in EditItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplate which I want it to populate at the runtime while Inserting an item or Editing an item.
I am facing an issue regarding populating a dropdownlist dynamically while in Edit and Insert mode. There are 0 Records in my table and it shows "Empty Data message" in my Listview control. Even the ItemDataBound event does not fire. So I am not able to find the dropdownlist in that listview.
This is my Aspx code which shows only InsertItemTemplate and EditItemTemplate.
I am developing a mini project in asp.net-c#..how can i visible number of textboxes at runtime to insert records by single click in sql server 2005. for example. If I have assigned 3 subjects in Assign_Subject table then i want 3 textbox at runtime but when we retrieves the subjects from Assign_Subject table we don't know the exact number of subjects to insert students marks into Exam_Result Table....
I need to create textboxes dynamically as per assigned subjects and also I need to read the text entered later (in my case its marks of the student)then 1 Insert button to insert all subjects marks as per single click.