Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through GridView?

Dec 10, 2010

How do I loop through a GridView (the actual GridView, not its data source) to check what's displayed in the first cell (a BoundField with int data) of every row?

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Gridview To Update Values In Gridview To Stored Procedure?

Jan 14, 2010

I would like to ask a question on the visual basic codes to loop the gridview to retrieve the values and based on the values, it will be provided as parameters to update to the database table using stored procedure.

Firstly, I have a gridview named grvProduct. The page (ui) will be loaded with data from the database with the use of stored procedures. And only certain values can be edited through the use of template in gridview. So based on those edited values, I'm supposed to pass these values as parameters to the stored procedure which will then update a database table.

Let say, I have 3 records retrieved from the database and displayed in the gridview. And I would like to edit a values in the 3 records, how do I do batch update and pass those parameters to the stored procedure? I went to debug and step through the visual basic codes and realised there were too many arguments specified because I actually loop the gridview.

Below is my visual basic codes:


Below is my Stored Procedure code:

I believe it is the error in the looping of the gridview which results that I could not batch update the data/values.

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through Gridview And Set Row Backcolor?

Feb 9, 2010

Is it possible to loop through a gridview and based on if a checkbox is checked, then change the backcolor to that current row? I have gave a few attempts, but luck.


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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through Bulk Gridview?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a Bulk Gridview(all rows are editable) I need to loop through.I need to get the text that's displayed in each of the textboxes in the gridview, my current code is this:


like this, I need to loop through the gridview, but instead of just getting the text in each column, I need to get the text from the textboxes. How can I do that?If i'm going to use findcontrol() then I need the ID of each control. the gridview is always created dynamically, which means I don't know the number of controls that's being created beforehand. So, how/where can I find the ID?Is there another way to extract data from the textbox, other than findcontrol()?

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Forms Data Controls :: Multi - Edit Gridview Without Row By Row Loop?

Mar 3, 2011

I have found demos of multi-edit gridview which basically mark each row as edited then loop through them:

I would like to avoid row by row loops for performance reasons possibly using the SQL Server 2008 "MERGE"

I program in VB.Net but I can use C#.

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Forms Data Controls :: One CheckBox Checked In GridView And Loop To Get Value

Mar 17, 2011

I need to make sure only one checkbox gets checked in a GridView. I have tried a solution on here, but I get an error. The other is looping through the checkboxes in the gridview to get the value, in this case, a date.


And here is my code behind:


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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Gridview Rows To Read One By One

Mar 24, 2011

How do I loop the gridview to read or insert one row by one row?I have a database which has a Primary key. Currently,all the rows seems to appear at one time.Even when I use a counter,it did read one row from a textbox(which is for my testing to read one row) but in the database,it still inserts the whole rows from the gridview.I can't click button twice as it will occur an error "Primary Constraint".

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Loop With GridView To Detect Updates/changes?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a two gridviews that I populate it through some tables from a database.

In the same page I have a ASP:Button with onclick event.

When click is perform I wish to write a code that compares the old values of both gridviews (that retrieved from database), with the new values, and if changes were made then create the changes in the database.

I think that the best way is to loop every gridview sepertly, and compares it with the values in the database

How do I do that? Do you have a sample code that loops on gridview and compares with the old values to detect changes?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Each Value Inside A 'for' Loop In Gridview?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a code like yis

for(int i=0;i<Count;i++)


I want to add each value of 'k' to a gridview..If I have 10 values for 'k' (count=10), then I want to display a gridview with 10 rows...How can I do this?..

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through GridView For An Update Statement?

Mar 22, 2011

I need to loop through a GridView and get the values of a databound field. Then use those values in my update statement.

Here is the GridView:


And here is my UPDATE statement, which is actually just passing the values to a stored procedure:


Right now, I just have it grabbing the text from a label control, but I know that will not work as it only passes one value. I need to be able to update multiple rows based on the del_doc_num.

View 15 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Javascript Loop Through Each DropDownList Inside GridView

Mar 28, 2010

I have a GridView, the first column it's a RadioButton template and the second it's a DropDownList Template, the number of rows depends on the user, I mean they are not static. I'm using the following JS function to get the row selected with the radiobuttons:


With this function I know which RadioButton was selected, now, I would like to get the DropDownList value or text of the selected row, I know I have to loop through every DropDownList to get an array of controls, but since they are something like ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GVProducts_ctl02_DValsDropDown, I just don't know how to achive this through JS.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Loop Through Gridview With Programmaticaly Added Rows

Jan 12, 2010

I have a gridview in which I add extra rows manually (besides the regular bound rows).The manually added rows do not have a textbox, they are just text.The normal rows hold a textbox "minprice".Now when the user clicks the NewGarage button I want to loop through the gridview and get the values in each row for the minprice textbox.

Gridview structure looks like this:
NORMALROW <= enter value here works

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through Gridview Row Controls - Set Visible?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to loop through a manually created row's controls in a gridview and set the visible property.

I can use findcontrol and it works fine and I don't have to loop. But there are a lot of controls, so I just wanna do it in a loop. But it never finds the control type I'm looking for. Here's my code:


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Data Controls :: For Loop Inside Gridview Row Databound Not Working?

Mar 1, 2014

This is my for loop code, it is working fine , just the problem is, if there are 10 rows , it runs for 9 rows and not for 10th time? What correction is needed?

protected void gvouter_RowDataBound1(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
int count_rows_for_saving_answers = gvouter.Rows.Count;
for (int ii = 0; ii <= count_rows_for_saving_answers - 1; ii++)
Label lblsubid = (Label)gvouter.Rows[ii].FindControl("lblsubid");


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Data Controls :: Loop Through Parent And Child / GridView And Same Data To Database

Mar 3, 2014

 I have nested gridviews, in the outer grid I am displaying the question and in the inner grid 4 options are displayed in radiobuttons.  I have kept Lock Answer button inside Item Template in inner gridview , so this button is coming with each and every question and when i click on Lock Answer button in front of any question, its saving the corresponding answer in the database. For ex, if there are 10 questions this button is coming with all the questions, all the questions are on single page and all are multiple choice. Now everything is working mine, my requirement is that I need on 1 common Lock Answer button at the bottom of the page and not with all the questions. And when I click on that common button it should run for all the questions that are displayed on the screen at should fetch and update each unique answer corresponding to that question in the database. Below is my code:

<asp:GridView ID="gvouter" runat="server" GridLines="None" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
AllowPaging="false" OnRowDataBound="gvouter_RowDataBound" Width="100%" OnRowCommand="gvouter_RowCommand"
OnPageIndexChanging="gvouter_PageIndexChanging" >
<PagerSettings Position="Top" />


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Data Controls :: Loop Through All GridView Rows And Not Only Current Page When Paging Enabled

Oct 9, 2013

I currently have a GridView control on my aspx page with paging enabled and I need to loop through the entire row collection/count to process the selected records. With my current code, it will only loop through the current page of GridView row.

foreach (GridViewRow data in grid.Rows)
//here is my code

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Data Controls :: How To Loop All GridView Rows On Button Click When Allow Paging Enabled

May 7, 2015

I tried to keep all the data in the gridview when paging, but when I try to save it, which appears in my database only when it is active pages .. ex: in the first and second page I have data in gridview .. when I save, the stored in the database only the first or second page of course .. so I like to keep all my data in gridview when paging..

 i have tried using :   foreach (GridViewRow row in GridCustomColumn.Rows) but it's not working..

string sql1;
foreach (GridViewRow row in GridCustomColumn.Rows)


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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through Listview And Get 1st Value Of Each Row

Jun 1, 2010

I just cannot figure out how to do this. How do I get the 0 index item from each row of a listview? Here is what I have so far.


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Forms Data Controls :: Insert To Data Table Checkboxlist Items Within For Loop?

Jun 1, 2010

in my button4 click event, i want to insert checboxlist items to data table. first i want to delete all of the exisiting and then insert again.

my code is below but it is not working if you could explain anyone ?

in page load I have written code so that existing checkbox items are selected.


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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through Each Listview In Tabcontainer

Jul 9, 2010

What I want to do is programatically set editindex of all listviews to 0. How can I do this?

I want to use a foreach(listview lv in Page.Controls)

lv.editindex = 0;

but I get an error Unable to cast object of type 'ASP.masterpages_claims_master' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListView'.

View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through All Gridviews On Page?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to loop through all gridviews on a page to hide them and set their page index to 0. This should be very easy to do and it seems like the code below should work but it doesn't?? How can I accomplsh this with the least amount of code? FYI- this code is executed on a button click.

foreach (Control childControl in Page.Controls)
if (childControl is GridView)
((GridView)childControl).Visible = false;
((GridView)childControl).PageIndex = 0;

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop To Create Controls Dynamically From Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to find out if there is anyone who would know how to read from a database then returns the same number of records that a stored procedure returns and display those records on the webpage there after pass the ID of the record to a variable to another stored procedure that displays the data related to the record that was clicked, I tried doing this in a repeater but I can't seem to be able to reference the controls inside the repeater.

<Repeater HTML Code>
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="OpenLogs.aspx.cs" Inherits="OpenLogs" EnableEventValidation="false" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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Forms Data Controls :: Loop In DataGrid For Find Control?

Jan 22, 2011

I have a data gird in my page that my gird have checkbox and i have to loop on checkbox and if checked add too collection but i dont undrestand How can?? this is my DataGrid

<asp:DataGrid ID="grdData" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" HorizontalAlign="Center" Width="100%" DataKeyField="ContactID" CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None" OnDeleteCommand="grdData_DeleteCommand"> <itemstyle backcolor="#E3EAEB" /> <pagerstyle horizontalalign="Center" backcolor="#666666" forecolor="White" /> <alternatingitemstyle backcolor="White" /> <columns> <asp:TemplateColumn> <itemtemplate> <input id="chkIsCheked" type="checkbox" title="<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ContactID")%>" /> </itemtemplate> <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="کد مشتری" SortExpression=""> <itemtemplate> <center> <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ContactID")%> </center> </itemtemplate> <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="نام " SortExpression=""> <itemtemplate> <center> <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "FirstName")%> </center> </itemtemplate> <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="نام خانوادگی" SortExpression=""> <itemtemplate> <center> <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "LastName")%> </center> </itemtemplate> <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="ایمیل " SortExpression=""> <itemtemplate> <center> <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "PrimeryEmail")%> </center> </itemtemplate> <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="موبایل مشتری " SortExpression=""> <itemtemplate> <center> <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "PrimeryMobileNumber")%> </center> </itemtemplate> <asp:TemplateColumn> <itemtemplate> <a href="EmailSender.aspx?Email=<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, " primeryemail=")%>"> فرستادن ایمیل با این شخص </a> </itemtemplate> <asp:TemplateColumn> <itemtemplate> <a href="ContactsDetaile.aspx?ID=<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, " contactid=")%>"> دیدن جزئیات </a> </itemtemplate> <asp:ButtonColumn ButtonType="PushButton" HeaderText="حذف" CommandName="Delete"> <itemstyle backcolor="Red" /> <HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></HeaderStyle> <itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle> </columns> <edititemstyle backcolor="#7C6F57" /> <footerstyle backcolor="#1C5E55" font-bold="True" forecolor="White" /> <HeaderStyle BackColor="#1C5E55" ForeColor="White" Height="30px" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" Font-Bold="True" /> <SelectedItemStyle BackColor="#C5BBAF" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through Different Sets Of Rows In A Datatable?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a following scenario - A use selects criterias from a webform (C#) - a result is then returned from the sql. Say, to start, there are 2000 data returned from the sql and are stored in a dataset.

Now, the user wants to choose a number of drops (up to 6) - with the number of drops selected, they can enter their own quantity in each box. So, they can divide the 2000 records into 6 different drops. With each drop, there is campaigncode created based on the mail date and the job number they provide.

So, now i have the 2000 records in a dataset. What i want to do is loop through the gridview where the user fill out the quantity depending on the number of drops (for ex: if they say 3 drops, then there will be 3 rows in gridview with 3 quantity box to fill).

In the loop, I am getting the quantity, dropdate and the job number. The Campaigncode is created as well. Then, i am looping through the datarow in the dataset; updating the Campaign Code column with the CampaignCode for the number of records thats set in a loop. It works but the Campaign Code is not populated for the next set of records.

Here is the code:


I think its this line right here thats causing the problem. But i don't know how to tweak this so as to accomplish what i want to do.

if (Convert.IsDBNull(DSAEFile.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Campaign Code"]))

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Handle Null Values In While Loop

Apr 16, 2010

i am unable to handle null values in while .even i tried to handle condition is breaking and coming null value comming inside loop.


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