Getting AppSettings Values From Web.config In Javascript?

Apr 30, 2010



In the span's onclick handler i wrote "javascript: alert(getAppSetting('ftpuser'));" for testing, and built some alerts into the function. The first alert returns [object]. That's nice, i thought. The second alert returned 0. That's strange, because the web.config has exactly 1 of this node. So i guess that the function doesn't actually load the correct document. Has anyone done something similar ? When i don't suppy a full path, doesn't javascript assume that it should look for the file in the virtual directory of the current web application where the web.config is ?

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Configuration :: Can't Access AppSettings From Web.config - ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings Is Empty?

Jun 12, 2010

i have stored settings in the AppSettings section of the web.config file.

I'm trying to access these settings via System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings, but the AppSettingsCollection is empty. So I can't access this settings.

The strange thing is that this is working on my development machine, but is failing on the production machine. Previous versions of the web application have also worked on the production machine. I'm not aware of any modifications that could couse this.

I have also tried using ConfigurationManager and WebConfigurationManager without success.

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Access To Web.config Attributes (not AppSettings)?

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<add name="MyMembershipProvider" type="Portal.Infrastructure.MyMembershipProvider"
[...] />

My question now: How do I access these values in the code? I understand that the ConfigurationManager can be used to access key value pairs in the appSettings section but this is different.

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I have something like this in mind:

<add key="ConfigName" value="configuration" culture="1033" />
<add key="ConfigName" value="konfiguracja" culture="1045" />


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Put Custom AppSettings Web.config Data Into The ApplicationState?

Mar 7, 2011

I've got some custom values in the AppSettings, in my web.config file.

These values get checked upon every Request.


So if every request checks the web.config file for the value of this key, would be be smart to put this into the Application cache (eg. via the global.asax) instead of checking this value EVERY request?

I'm assuming that when we read a value from the AppSettings, the website does a physical read of the web.config file? or is this information also all read into Memory when the website starts up and all references to any appSettings information is just an inmemory read .. not a disk I/O read?

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Data Controls :: Read And Display AppSettings From Web Config File In GridView?

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In ASP.NET I would think of an ASHX handler to write the javascript file to the response replacing placeholders with the settings values.

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C# - AppSettings Vs ApplicationSettings. AppSettings Outdated?

Feb 28, 2010

I've got some question about two ways to save settings in the web.config.


Look in web.config
<add key="key1" value="value1"/>
<add key="key2" value="value2"/>

Usage in code-behind:

ApplicationSettings/ Properties (autogenerated by using the 'properties'-tab in the project)
Look in web.config
<setting name="Testenvironment" serializeAs="String">



So, what the difference between these two storage possibilities of settings in the web.config? As far as I can see, a downside of the appSettings is that you have modify the web.config yourself and the appSettings are not strong tiped, where as the applicationSettings are. Both are replaceable with in a web deployment project.As far as I am concerned, there is no use for appSettings. Am I missing something here? Which is the historically seen older one?

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Configuration :: Web.config AppSettings - Keys Referencing Other Keys?

Dec 7, 2010

My current project has many peripheral systems and many different environments (testing, integration, development etc). As expected, we're using .config files to dynamically manage everything.

Instead of updating each relavant key when deploying to an environment, I was hoping there was a way to change 1 key only. Such as:

<add key="Environment" value="Development"/>

<add key="WebServiceLocation" value="http://<<Environment>>/text.asmx"/>

I've done some searching and haven't come up with an elegant solution. I'm aware that .config files can make use of system variables, but this seems like a bit of a high wire act.

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How To Update Values In Web.config

Feb 21, 2010

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Code looks like this:

strHTML = DecodeFTBInput(FTB1.Text)

FTB1.Text is a string of HTML, like this: <b><font color="#000000">Testing</font></b>

DecodeFTPInput uses the String.Replace() method to change < and > to < and >, and " to ".

Given the above string and function, let's say strHTML now contains the following:

<b><font color="#000000">Testing</font></b>

Of course I can manually edit web.config to store the correct value, but I need the authenticated admin user to be able to change the html themselves.

The problem is that when I try to save this string into its key in web.config, it escapes all ampersands
as & which ruins the string.

How can I get around this?

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Nov 2, 2010

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I am not looking for the current culture. I am looking for the default ones on the Web.Config as showed.

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Web Forms :: OpenWebConfiguration To Get Web.config Values?

Mar 29, 2011

I am executing this code to the appSetting value


but I keep getting a null value error. The problem is that this file is not on the root level. How can I get the root string to the web.config?

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How To Determine The Following Default Web Config Values

May 18, 2010

I've been getting "Connection forcibly closed" errors and in researching a resolution, I have seen to with the following web.config options, which currently are not set in my web app.

Before I change them, I'd like to know what they are currently set to.

how to read these values from .NET code, preferably VB.NET, though C# is fine.


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.net - Multiple Values For A Single Config Key?

May 12, 2010

I'm trying to use ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.GetValues() to retrieve multiple configuration values for a single key, but I'm always receiving an array of only the last value. My appsettings.config looks like

<add key="mykey" value="A"/>
<add key="mykey" value="B"/>
<add key="mykey" value="C"/>

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C# - Adding Values In Web.config Dynamically?

Mar 16, 2011

i just came up with the reading, Writing and adding values dynamically in web.Config in Have many ideas in mind, but i just wana know what is the best way of adding values in web config dynamically.

for example in my case i have to add

<identity userName="someDomainUser" password="password" impersonate="true" />

in tag in web config from code behind.

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Configuration :: Change Values In Web.config?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a website that has 2 databases and 2 folders , what I need to do is to create a combo box and if the user select " project1" I should see the tree that populates its data from the first database if user selects "project2" I sshould see the tree that populates its data from the second database , both the 2 trees will be populated in the same page following below is the part of the connection string and folder values for 1 selection but how can i add another one and change it on the fly from the combo box selection

<add key="FolderName" value="test" />
<add key="EnglishFolderName" value="demo1" />
<add key="Virtual path" value="/" />
<!--<add name="MyConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=SADERSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=LawsTest;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>-->
<add connectionString="Data Source=.;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Initial Catalog=TarbooshLaw" name="MyConnectionString(Arabic)" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

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Web Forms :: Reading Random Values From Web.config?

Oct 28, 2010

Say I have 3 keys:

<add key="w1" value="1"/>
<add key="w2" value="2"/>
<add key="w3" value="2"/>

I want to create a randomizer so that it gets random values each time.

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Web.Config Values To Be Specific To Release Versus Debug

Jul 7, 2010

Is it possible to make some values in my Web.Config file dependent on whether I am building a release or debug based ASP.NET application?

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