I am making a website. It searches some data from database. When It fetch 1000 records, it runs very softly but when it fetches more then 10000 records then it doesn't display data for second page and I get a error that "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".
I also want to share the functionality of the site. It display only 10 records in the page and rest of data will be kept on the object. When user click on next page then it fetches data from that object only. It doesn't go back to database.
It workds nicely when it fetches 1000 records but it gives error when it fetches more then 10000 records.
I am making a website. It searches some data from database. When It fetch 1000 records, it runs very softly but when it fetches more then 10000 records then it doesn't display data for second page and I get a error that "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".
I also want to share the functionality of the site. It display only 10 records in the page and rest of data will be kept on the object. When user click on next page then it fetches data from that object only. It doesn't go back to database.
It workds nicely when it fetches 1000 records but it gives error when it fetches more then 10000 records.
I have a custom object that I'm throwing into the viewstate on an async postback. If I step through the code, I can put the object into the viewstate, then call the object from the viewstate and cast it with no problems. The code, when stepped through, has no issues whatsoever. However, when I go to FF and run it, I get "60|error|500|Error serializing value 'Case' of type 'Case.'" First thing that hits me as weird is that the value is being named as the type. It's not like value oCase (an instance of Case) of type Case. I've checked that all containing objects are set for serialization, compiled and rerun the web app.
I have my project set up with the virtual path "/MyVirtualPath", create the virtual directory in IIS 6 (W2003) and everything works fine. Then to work better with Google Analytics I change the virtual path "/myvirtualpath" and change all redicecciones and links to lowercase. also applies the class "lowercase route urls in aspnet mvc" and works perfectly.
The problem I had to modify the virtual directory in IIS, delete virtual path "/MyVirtualPath" and I created the new "/myvirtualpath", but in all cases I use tilde "~" or where I make a "RedirecToAction" (which should take "LowercaseRoute"), continues to maintain the virtual path "/MyVirtualPath". For example, if I see the HTML source code in the browser, see "/MyVirtualPath/Content/Site.css" instead of "/myvirtualpath/Content/Site.css. "
I have two servers. One is a web server and one is a sql server. What I'm trying to do is as follows: User uploads a document to a web site. File is stored on a web server in a directory, verified that it's a certain type of file, and saved. When the user presses a submit button, the page is uploaded and the Onclick event triggers a sql bulk insert (not on the same web server.) That's it in a nutshell. The basics of this page are done. The file can be saved but for whatever reason, I'm getting a Operating system error code 3(The system cannot find the path specified.) I've modified the machine.config on the web server to impersonate another user. I've made sure that the directory in question can be reached from both servers (and it can.) I can open/edit/delete the file from the directory from both sides, but evidently that's not the issue.
I have a website which has both html and aspx pages. for aspx pages i have added code in customerror section in web.config and is working fine, but only in case of aspx pages. I want if somebody looks for html page which does not exist should also be taken to error page.[URL]( What about html pages section) will only work if the site is hosted at my servers, but in my case the website is hosted somewhere else.
I am using sqlbulk copy data from tableOne in serverOne to tabeTwo in serverTwo.If data is alreay copied from tabeOne in serverOne to tabelTwo in serverTwo, those data will not beneeded to be copied. How to copy data from tableOne in serverOne not exist in tableTwo in serverTwo toserverTwo in serverTwo?
I try to bind a detailsview to my SQL Server data base, but I dont know how to get specific field like this case. this is my C# code
this is my HTML code, in line 10 in wizard I can get "title" by using "<%# Eval("Title") %>" ,is that right? I want to get the same title but not in wizard
I have a DropDownList which binds its SelectedValue to a field from an SqlDataSource. However, I need it to ignore the case when data binding, as if it's not in the correct case I recieve a lot of errors. Is this easily achievable?
I have a requirement that I need to read an excel sheet using asp.net/C# and insert all the records into mysql table.The excel sheet consists of around 2000 rows and 50 columns. Currently,upon reading the excel records ,I am inserting the records one by one using a prepare statement into mysql table.But its taking around 70 secs to do so because of the huge data.
I've also thought of creating a new datarow, assigning values to each cell,adding the resulting datarow to datatable and finally calling dataadapter.update(...).But it seems to be complex because I got around 50 columns and hence I'll have to assign 50 values to the datarow.
What I am trying to achieve here is, I am supplying xml as string (varchar) to my stored procedure, In stored procedure I want to parse this xml and fetch each Promotion record and insert into my table. Also once each record is inserted, I need to fetch the Identity of that record alongwith the AreaID attribute from the Parent node "Promotion" of each Promotion record and insert into second association table. how would I go about doing it, my generated xml is given as under.
MenuItem menus = new MenuItem(); GridView1.DataSource = menus.GetDataTable(); GridView1.DataBind();
menus.GetDataTable() returns a DataTable. In the above case, we are returning to GridView. I need to populate the data into a combo box. How can i do it?
NOTE: Assume GetDataTable only returns records of a single column. I'm using Winforms
I want to do a bulk data transfer from Oracle 10.2G into CSV or Excel sheet.I would either want that an entire table's data be populated into EXcel/CSV or the result of a select query be so populated.
1)Is there any stored procedure or function that can do this?
I know of a function in postgres which does this kind of a thing.There could be something similar.The second thing is the reverse of it.I want to transfer the contents of a CSV file into a oracle table after truncating it.
I have a requirement like i have bulk of excel data which i have do validate and if it is okay then i need to insert the data in the DB .
Validations includes like datatype, length, precision.. etc ... Wil ahve thousands of records.
Earlier validation was done in the Stored procedure side where the developer moved the data to the temp table and loop through each row and validate it . But we are acing performace isues and some time time out error as well.
So i thought of silution like , Convert the execl data to datattable and validate the data in UI instead of the DB.
How can I load data from xml file into MSSQL Server using sql xml bulk load? I had try some code but when I ran my application, I encounter below error msg
"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID ...... failed due to the following error: 80040154"