C# - Ignore Case When Data Binding To SqlDataSource?
Mar 16, 2011
I have a DropDownList which binds its SelectedValue to a field from an SqlDataSource. However, I need it to ignore the case when data binding, as if it's not in the correct case I recieve a lot of errors. Is this easily achievable?
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Sep 3, 2010
If a browser requests http://site.com/?q=abc
and gets a 301 redirect response to location http://site.com/?q=ABC (note case of querystring)
Is it possible for the browser to ignore the difference in case and re-request http://site.com/?q=abc, thus causing an infinite redirect loop?That's the scenario that appears to be happening according to the IIS logs. It seems to be isolated to Internet Explorer with some variation of the Ask toolbar installed (based on user-agent values). I even installed the Ask toolbar, but have not been able to recreate this scenario in any way.
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Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var q = Request.QueryString["q"];[code]...
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Mar 9, 2011
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Jan 5, 2010
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GridViewRow gr = (GridViewRow)((DataControlFieldCell)((DropDownList)sender).Parent).Parent; //find the control in that DropDownList d1 = (DropDownList)gr.FindControl(ddl1); DropDownList d2 = (DropDownList)gr.FindControl(ddl2); SqliaDataSource.SelectParameters.Add("@name", d1.SelectedItem.Text.ToString()); dataView dv=(dataview) SqliaDataSource.select(DataSourceSelectArguments .Empty);
Error: There is no source code available for the current location. and Returns null value
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The problem I had to modify the virtual directory in IIS, delete virtual path "/MyVirtualPath" and I created the new "/myvirtualpath", but in all cases I use tilde "~" or where I make a "RedirecToAction" (which should take "LowercaseRoute"), continues to maintain the virtual path "/MyVirtualPath". For example, if I see the HTML source code in the browser, see "/MyVirtualPath/Content/Site.css" instead of "/myvirtualpath/Content/Site.css. "
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Jan 21, 2010
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Mar 18, 2011
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Mar 2, 2011
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For example:
The user is sorting my grid and when he presses the back button or a link with history.back he goes to the previous page, not the previous grid state.
Im not using ajax or update panel, Im not allowed to. It's a regular grid in an aspx.
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Mar 4, 2011
What's the difference between binding for example a column called ("Name") in both cases ? and is there's any performance difference ?1- Assigning the data in the mark-up
<asp:Label ID="Name_Lbl" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>' ></asp:Label>
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Jan 4, 2011
I am making a website. It searches some data from database. When It fetch 1000 records, it runs very softly but when it fetches more then 10000 records then it doesn't display data for second page and I get a error that "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".
I also want to share the functionality of the site. It display only 10 records in the page and rest of data will be kept on the object. When user click on next page then it fetches data from that object only. It doesn't go back to database.
It workds nicely when it fetches 1000 records but it gives error when it fetches more then 10000 records.
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Jan 4, 2011
I am making a website. It searches some data from database. When It fetch 1000 records, it runs very softly but when it fetches more then 10000 records then it doesn't display data for second page and I get a error that "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".
I also want to share the functionality of the site. It display only 10 records in the page and rest of data will be kept on the object. When user click on next page then it fetches data from that object only. It doesn't go back to database.
It workds nicely when it fetches 1000 records but it gives error when it fetches more then 10000 records.
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May 14, 2010
I am trying to tie a sqlDatasource to a Stored Procedure. The stored procedure looks like...
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May 7, 2015
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Feb 25, 2016
With reference to the following link: [URL] .....
I want to save data to a different table. My save is working fine but the challenge is that it saves empty cells as well.I will like to save only QTyDelivered cell with value. Any empty QTyDelivered cell should be ignored (which means the row of QTyDelivered cell that is empty will not be saved) .How can i achieve this?
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a Formview where students put their information in such as name, address, etc. The text boxes are bound to my database, so once they are done, they choose to update, and my database is updated with their information. My problem is that the students often use All Caps to enter in their information.
I think I need the StrConv somehow, but I just can't seem to get this done. I've seen where it could be done with text boxes, but not when they were in a Formview using parameters.
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Jun 16, 2010
My problem i am facing is that i do not know if it's possible to access a single field in my case sold from the following code.
What i want to do is have the checkbox true if the value of sold = yes and false if the value = no I have the checkbox ready on the asp.net side but just need for the checkbox to recognise the datafield, sold, and do and if check statement, is this possible if not i will work around it.
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Oct 23, 2010
how we find the listview index of row in case of item databind
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Feb 3, 2011
if we enter text without space in text box and then display it in gridview then it doesn't break in multiline and disturb all GUI. i try to set column width but it doesn't working.
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