ADO.NET :: Check Data Is Copied Using Bulk?

Mar 8, 2011

I am using sqlbulk copy data from tableOne in serverOne to tabeTwo in serverTwo.If data is alreay copied from tabeOne in serverOne to tabelTwo in serverTwo, those data will not beneeded to be copied. How to copy data from tableOne in serverOne not exist in tableTwo in serverTwo toserverTwo in serverTwo?

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Jan 5, 2011

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how to retrive the long raw datatype data from client machine(which have oracle database)

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Getting Error In Case Of Bulk Data?

Jan 4, 2011

I am making a website. It searches some data from database. When It fetch 1000 records, it runs very softly but when it fetches more then 10000 records then it doesn't display data for second page and I get a error that "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".

I also want to share the functionality of the site. It display only 10 records in the page and rest of data will be kept on the object. When user click on next page then it fetches data from that object only. It doesn't go back to database.

It workds nicely when it fetches 1000 records but it gives error when it fetches more then 10000 records.

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Mar 4, 2011

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Data Controls :: Bulk Insert Data From GridView Rows Into Database?

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i insert some data in textboxes and i click add button so data will go to gridview and click submit button then data will goto database.

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Using A Single Database (or Copied) For Hosted Site And Desktop App

Jul 4, 2010

I've built an online scheduling system for a local company so that they can have a calendar with the scheduled jobs for the day and so that the customers can check on the progress of the work being done for them. Allowing the customer to check for themselves would cut their phone call volume down to about 30% of what it is now leaving more time to complete jobs. Everything is fine but I'm concerned about instances when either the server has issues or the business' internet is down. I was considering making it a desktop application but then it wouldn't have the online abilities of allowing the customers to check on the job's progress.

So, basically, as it stands now, if there is problems with the internet connection, either at the business or at the host, the business loses their daily scheduler and if I make it a desktop app the customer has to call to check on the progress. Unless I can make the local database copy any transaction made on the desktop app to the database on the server. How would I go about doing something like that? Would this be a good reason to use a web service (something I've never done)?

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Error In Case Of Bulk Data?

Jan 4, 2011

I am making a website. It searches some data from database. When It fetch 1000 records, it runs very softly but when it fetches more then 10000 records then it doesn't display data for second page and I get a error that "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".

I also want to share the functionality of the site. It display only 10 records in the page and rest of data will be kept on the object. When user click on next page then it fetches data from that object only. It doesn't go back to database.

It workds nicely when it fetches 1000 records but it gives error when it fetches more then 10000 records.

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Data Controls :: Use SqlBulkCopy To Import Bulk Data With Performance

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How to use SqlBulkCopy for import excel data into windows with high performance.

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How To Insert Bulk Data Into Mysql Table At Once

Jun 1, 2010

I have a requirement that I need to read an excel sheet using and insert all the records into mysql table.The excel sheet consists of around 2000 rows and 50 columns. Currently,upon reading the excel records ,I am inserting the records one by one using a prepare statement into mysql table.But its taking around 70 secs to do so because of the huge data.

I've also thought of creating a new datarow, assigning values to each cell,adding the resulting datarow to datatable and finally calling dataadapter.update(...).But it seems to be complex because I got around 50 columns and hence I'll have to assign 50 values to the datarow.

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ADO.NET :: Insert Customized Bulk Data Into Sql Datatable?

Jul 29, 2010

What I am trying to achieve here is, I am supplying xml as string (varchar) to my stored procedure, In stored procedure I want to parse this xml and fetch each Promotion record and insert into my table. Also once each record is inserted, I need to fetch the Identity of that record alongwith the AreaID attribute from the Parent node "Promotion" of each Promotion record and insert into second association table. how would I go about doing it, my generated xml is given as under.


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Populate Bulk Of Data From A DB Table Into A Combo Box?

May 19, 2010

MenuItem menus = new MenuItem();
GridView1.DataSource = menus.GetDataTable();

menus.GetDataTable() returns a DataTable. In the above case, we are returning to GridView. I need to populate the data into a combo box. How can i do it?

NOTE: Assume GetDataTable only returns records of a single column. I'm using Winforms

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Databases :: Bulk Data Transfer Oracle 10.2G?

Dec 1, 2010

I want to do a bulk data transfer from Oracle 10.2G into CSV or Excel sheet.I would either want that an entire table's data be populated into EXcel/CSV or the result of a select query be so populated.

1)Is there any stored procedure or function that can do this?

I know of a function in postgres which does this kind of a thing.There could be something similar.The second thing is the reverse of it.I want to transfer the contents of a CSV file into a oracle table after truncating it.

2) What sp or function is available for that?

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Architecture :: Validate Bulk Excel Data?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a requirement like i have bulk of excel data which i have do validate and if it is okay then i need to insert the data in the DB .

Validations includes like datatype, length, precision.. etc ... Wil ahve thousands of records.

Earlier validation was done in the Stored procedure side where the developer moved the data to the temp table and loop through each row and validate it . But we are acing performace isues and some time time out error as well.

So i thought of silution like , Convert the execl data to datattable and validate the data in UI instead of the DB.

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SQL Server :: Oad Data From Xml File Using Sql Xml Bulk Load?

Jan 6, 2011

How can I load data from xml file into MSSQL Server using sql xml bulk load? I had try some code but when I ran my application, I encounter below error msg

"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID ...... failed due to the following error: 80040154"

How can I go about solving this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Update A Date Field When Check Box Check In Detailsview

Jul 15, 2010

I have a detailsview with an update button one of the update fields is a checkbox which when is checked I want to automatically update a date field of when the checkbox was checked, am I going the right way with this code....... as I am getting a number of errors

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To detailsview2.Rows.Count - 1 Step i + 1
Dim row As GridViewRow = GridView1.Rows(i) [code]....

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Nov 12, 2010

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same with when i click on DOWN button the checkbox below the selected checkbox should be selected.

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Forms Data Controls :: Check The Check Box In The ItemDataBound Event Or Will It Get Checked Automatically?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a check box in the grid.IF IsChecked has a value checkbox should be checked else not.Should i check the check box in the ItemDataBound event or will it get checked automatically.

<asp:DataGrid Runat="server" ID="gridProduct" AllowPaging="True">
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Employee Name">[code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Uncheck / Check A Check Box Inside The Gridview

Jan 6, 2010

I have a grid view with two column has a no. like (123) and a check box....which user can checked or unchecked......all I need to do is that I need to disable the man handling of that check box......rather I would like to see a seperate grid view with the same no. of rows as of the first and in this gridview I may allow to type in or scan the no. and if this scanned or typed number matches any no. in the first gridview number then the corresponding check box should be checked/unchecked.

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MVC :: Code Behind Can't Recognize Server Controls After Copied To Project From Old Webform

May 30, 2010

I migrating a large webform site to MVC. I want to mix match old web form and mvc together for sometime and gradually convert the webform model to pure mvc model.

So i copied all aspx/ascx files from the old webform site to my mvc project. Now when i compile, i get build error. Code behind files can not find any server controls inside their aspx pages.

I can solve this problem by adding a desinger.cs file for each of the aspx,ascx file but that simply is not viable for me since i am dealing with hundreds of aspx pages and user controls and i can not afford to manually add a designer file for each of them.

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Visual Studio :: Copied Web Form Not Showing Up In Solution Explorer?

Dec 1, 2010

I have two web forms inside the same project folder that will be very similar when completed. When I copy a web form and paste it in the project folder by its new name I can see the .aspx file, the aspx.cs and aspx.designer.cs all by the new name. Appears to work perfect...........Why don't these show up when I view the Solution Folder? I was hoping to copy one, make changes and rename the second one saving time. Appears to not be tied into the Project.

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Controls :: How To Paste Copied Text From Word Document File

Dec 2, 2013

i use wysiwyg editor but problemĀ  when i copy from word to editor then html content not proper created and i show this content in string so not display

so how to insert word content in wysiwyg editor properly

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VS 2012 - How To Get Started On Existing Web Service Code Copied Locally

Apr 7, 2014

We have a web service running live. Last week, we pulled the source code down to my machine and successfully built it.

My goal is to become familiar with this code and document it. My problem is that I am not sure how to get it running locally.

First of all, I have to configure it in IIS or something? How do I do that, and is that indeed the right place to begin? I tried creating a consumer in a separate VS solution, and when I said browse for local web services it said "Active Directory Services cannot find the web server."

I tried this link, but got lost when it said "3.Under Visual Studio installed templates, click ASP.NET Web Service." because I don't have that template.

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Data Controls :: How To Bulk Insert Data In Database

Jul 16, 2013

How to insert bulk data using c#?

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