Populate Bulk Of Data From A DB Table Into A Combo Box?

May 19, 2010

MenuItem menus = new MenuItem();
GridView1.DataSource = menus.GetDataTable();

menus.GetDataTable() returns a DataTable. In the above case, we are returning to GridView. I need to populate the data into a combo box. How can i do it?

NOTE: Assume GetDataTable only returns records of a single column. I'm using Winforms

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How To Insert Bulk Data Into Mysql Table At Once

Jun 1, 2010

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I've also thought of creating a new datarow, assigning values to each cell,adding the resulting datarow to datatable and finally calling dataadapter.update(...).But it seems to be complex because I got around 50 columns and hence I'll have to assign 50 values to the datarow.

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C# - Populate A Gridview With Table Data From Sql?

Sep 9, 2010

I want to populate a gridview with table data from SQL. I tried just returning my SqlDataReader object and using it as my datasource, but I am getting errors that the reader has been closed. I wanted to convert this to a DataSet and just return a dataset, but I couldn't find an easy way to convert the row data to a dataset. I've also read that DataSets are dead in .NET 3.5/4.0, is this true? Here's my Data Layer method. It would be awesome if I could return something useable as a datasource:

public SqlDataReader GetSites()
SqlConnection sqlCon = null;


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Web Forms :: Insert Multiple Records To A Table In Bulk?

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SQL Server :: Populate Specific Data From Table

Sep 2, 2010

I am trying to build an application.

I have table in my database named tbl_customer.

I am able to display all the customers information using MVC i.e Name,Designation, Address, PhoneNumber, Sex etc.

Now I Want To Display Customer only Having Sex "Female" (Sort Out Data From tbl_customer)

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Oct 29, 2010

I have two tables, Users and Roles. The roles table is a reference table for the different roles of my site (RoleId and RoleName columns). The Users table contains profile data for each user, including a RoleId column that is FK'd back to the Roles table [RoleId].

Both tables are in a Linq to SQL model.

I have an edit page created which lists all the profile values of a user. The edit page inherits the User model. One of the editable values is the RoleId field. I want to set this up to be a drop-down list that contains items labeled using the RoleName column of the Roles table, and matched with values of RoleId.

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May 17, 2010

how to bulk update a temp table with the sum of another query. for example

update @temp
Set total =
select sum(bedstays)
from @temp2
WHERE @temp2.ID = @temp.ID

i keep getting error in sub query on the @temp.ID saying i need to declare @temp and when i alias @temp "@temp t" i get an incorrect syntax near "t".

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DataSource Controls :: Bulk Update In Table Using Dataset With Only Differences?

Feb 25, 2010

I select few columns from table A in dataset. Example "EMP_ID","Name","Address","Phone_Number". I want to save data in this dataset into some other table B.

I want to save data from dataset into table B. But i want to have following functionality

1. Before saving a record from dataset to table B if that record if previously present in table B, if yes then check if any value are different, if yes then update that record with the record from dataset, if all the values are same then leave the records as is.

2. If the record is not present in table B then insert it new records in table B from dataset.

Is there any efficient way to implement in .NET C#.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Drop Down List In Vb.net Depending On Data Table?

Jul 2, 2010

Basically I want to populate a drop down list with time slots for a user to select. If the time slot is already recorded in the database table I want to skip that one so it doesn't display as a selection in the drop down list.

So my drop down list looks like;


And then I have setup a datasource (even though I may get rid of it to bind in the code behind file)


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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Grdiview / Check To See If Data In A Table Has Changed?

Nov 13, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Cross Populate And Amend Table Data

Feb 19, 2010

I have textboxes of customer Address data. bound to Invoice table. Displayed on a Page.

I want to be able to show same data in detailsview. bound to Delivery table

using the following criteria:

1. check delivery table for address data, where email = usermembership Email address and populate Detailview. If no data present, copy Customer Invoice Address data across IF present, to Delivery Detailsview.

2. Insert record IF no Address found/Update IF record amended in Delivery detailsview(Only applicable to Delivery Detailsview)

I would prefare this to be accomplished in a Button_Click event instead of using Command buttons in bottom row of Detailsview.

This is because i am using a Multiview page that processes Customer Address data.

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Web Forms :: Upload Excel To Table As Bulk On Server - Error Shown

Apr 27, 2016

When I try to upload excell to table as bulk on server 64 bit

the error show

(its work on my pc but when i publish it on server error shows)

The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.

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This is what i have:



What am i doing wrong?

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Web Forms :: Create A Table And Populate It With Data Without Using Data Controls?

Mar 14, 2011

I want to know how we can create a table (or a layout consisting of div's) and poulate it with data from the database. We do this generally using data controls like gridview, datalist etc. But i am restricted by these controls like there is no inbuilt paging with datalist and there is no repeat column in gridview. I just want complete control over the layout as well as the data that goes into it.

I dont know how to do this. Is there anyway of doing it without using the data controls.

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Data Controls :: How To Populate Data As HTML Table Using Repeater

Sep 27, 2013

i need to display whole table including headers with repeater ,,

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Web Forms :: Why When I Click The Button To Populate A Table, My Table Is Populated Twice?

Apr 19, 2010

I am experiencing is that when I try to populate a table on a online environment with the below code, the table is populated twice. With the same code the table is populated correctly on an offline/production environment and cannot understand why :

This is what I have:

The table is called Trips

Code Behind:


This is what I use in my .aspx page:

(removed for brevity...)

<script type="text/javascript">

since I am trying to find one googling but there is nothing apparently.

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JQuery :: Add Rows Dynamically To A Table And Populate Data In Cascading Dropdowns

Dec 3, 2010

Add rows dynamically to a table and poulate data in cascading dropdowns,I am using ASP.NET3.5,

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MVC :: Populate Table Column First Then Row?

Jan 1, 2010

I'm currently switching over to ASP.NET MVC and have ran into a problem. I have a list of items (e.g. a list of names) that I would like to display in a table. I would like to display it down a column, before starting onto next column.

I have tried a nested for loops for mark up of <tr/> and <td/>, and am getting undesired results.

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Populate Record In RoleActionLinks Table

Apr 8, 2010

I have 3 tables(Roles,Actions and RoleActionLinks). Roles table has few columns(RoleID,RoleName,Desc). Actions table has few colums(ActionID,ActionName,Desc). In RoleActionLink is created for store the association between Roles and Actions and this table has the columns such as RoleID,ActionID When I created the data model(edmx). it shows only Role and Action as entity. i did not find RoleActionLink table. but even there is no direct relation between Roles and Actions table, both tables are automatically related using RoleActionLink table. When i create the new Action, a action record should be populated in Action table(this is works fine). At the same time, i need to populate record in RoleActionLinks table. But i dont have the entity to populate.

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Populate Table From Text File?

Oct 1, 2010

new developer here. I'm trying to populate a ASP table dynamically. This is what I'm trying to do.I have table with 1 row and 4 cells. I want to import information from a text file into the various cells. Each line of the text file is what I want to go into each cell.

For example if the text file reads:





I want each line to go into each cell. Is this possible, or will I need to create a SQL Server table and read from that?

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C# - How To Populate IList <t> From DataTable Or From A Table In Database

Aug 12, 2010

I have a table say, Student.

I have a class 'Student'.

I want to populate IList<Student> with objects of Student class from Student table in database.

Is it possible to implement this?

If yes then how to implement this.

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