I am having a problem that I want to get a list of items(like categories) and count of records corresponding to those items (like subcategories).. I have two tables (categories, and users). I want to get the list of categories from categories table and the count of subcategories from the users table...I donot know how to do this. e.g. "select categories from categories" and "select count(subcategories) from users where category = ?"
I have a DetailsView control in a VS2010 project. There are 20 fields, most of which have been converted to template fields. However, when I right click the control and choose Edit Template, I only see the first 15. I cannot choose to edit any of the template fields beyond that. The fields work when I run the project, but I cannot edit them via the designer. Is this by design or is something corrupted?
Say I have a table Comments with these columns: Id, Comment, Category, CreatedDate, CommenterIdI want to get the top 5 categories from the Comments table (based on the count of each category in that table). How can I do this in linq, to return either List or IQueryable?
Dim query as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT wb.arrival_time FROM web_bookings wb ')"All I need is to convert my arrival_time into a datetime field in the query
I have the code below which does work, but I need to add further functionality to it. The functionality I want to add to it is the text I have commented in the code below.
Dim objSQLConnection As SqlConnection Dim objSQLCommand As SqlCommand Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim intID As Integer = CType(Request.Form("ID"), Integer) Dim strHeading As String = CType(Request.Form("Heading"), String)....
Before the if statement, I want to find out if the database already has records with the username in the strUser variable.
I need to do some performance testing for an ASP.NET MVC application and specifically want to measure how many database queries each HTTP request results in. The data access layer is using LINQ-to-SQL. I'd like to be able to automate the tests so am looking for a good way to be able to do a before and after count of the number of SQL queries. The possibilities I can think of are: A performance monitor counter for the ASP.NET process, A system table in the MSSQL database that can be queried before and after each page request, A property somewhere in the System.Data.SQLClient namespace that tracks the number of queries executed by the process. Has anyone done this before and can perhaps point my down the right path?
sometimes learning asp.net feels so heavy handed compared to some of the general purpose scripting languages like php. for examples, all i want to do is create a sql connection that pulls a row count and displays that number. I don't need a grid, list, detail page, etc., nothing this heavy... a simply query that will display a simple bit of text. for the life of me I can't figure out how to do it. Using these controls, I'm not in the code behind with the query, so I wouldn't attach this to a label (or would i), and there's nothing i see in the toolbox that does what i want. Perhaps i'm too accustomed to php but it feels like with asp.net, major things are simple, and simple things are hard.
i am using sql 2005 db. i have created a table called attendance where i store employee attendance, i want to separate number of absence for a particular employee and particular month. It have to show number of absence of a particular employee and particular month. Also i have to count no of absence. for eg: if an employee absence for two days for a particular month, it have to display 2 count.. how to do this? also how to write the store procedure for this?
I now want to count the number of returned rows so that I can say:IF rows_returned = 1 then login else deny I think you get the idea.P.S. I know this is not the most secure method of login but I do not want to use the ASP.NET configuration manager as I like to understand what is happening. I am starting off very simple and I shall work up from there.
When a user submits the query to SQL when clicking a button I need to get a count of the number of rows that are returned. Which event does the gridview.count code need to be place in?
Right now I have it in the btn_click event, but in order to get it to count the rows you have to hit the button twice since the query is not returned yet. Here is my code.
I HAVE A GRID VIEW IN asp.net + VB Code. There is a drop down list and the selected data is displayed in web page. I placed a label in web page and code behind i used following code.
Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.DataBound Label1.Text = GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString() Dim ONYO As Integer = 0 Dim DONE As Integer = 0 For i As Integer = 0 To GridView1.Rows.Count - 1 If GridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Text = "ON YO" Then
Incrementing and decrementing a count table by button click, when a user clicks a button the count table will increment by 1 and when the same user clicks the button the second time it will decrement by 1...
I am counting from a table for that i have written code as below
protected void get_Id_Afterpoint() { int counter = 0; string strSql = "select count(*) as ID from tblEnergy where ID=?"; OdbcCommand com = new OdbcCommand(strSql, con); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("ID", DropDownList1.SelectedValue); OdbcDataAdapter oda = new OdbcDataAdapter(com); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); oda.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { lblID2.Text = "1"; } else { counter = dt.Rows.Count; counter = counter + 1; lblID2.Text = Convert.ToString(counter); } }
there is no record related to DropDownList1.SelectedValue. but as i am counting if(dt.rows.count) and i put break point on the bolded part it shows 1 record. how it can be possible?
I want to create a web page using ASP.NET (C#, SQL queries) to keep track the login and logout time of all employees of a small store and total hours they work every day. Here are the fields in my table (employID, logintime, logouttime, totalhours). Once an employee log in, he just clicks the Login/Logout button. The program will store the current system time into the "logintime" field while leaving the "logouttime" field and the "totalhours" field empty until he clicks the button again at the end of the day. So when an employee clicks the button, I want to determine if he wants to login or logout by examing the "logouttime" field. If it's emty (NULL), I know he wants to logout. If the "logouttime" field is not empty, I know he wants to login so my progam will create a new entry for him. My question is, what is the best way to determine if he wants to login or logout? This is how I approach it:I create a SELECT query: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE logoutime IS NULL and employID = @employeeID" (this employeeID is the ID an employee uses to log in the web page). I use this "count" value to determine if the next operation is to let him logout or create a new entry. If count # 0, that means the employee needs to logout. I just need an UPDATE command to update value for logouttime field. I need another "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE logouttime is NULL and employID= @employeeID" because my previous SELECT query returns only the count value. I will use a DataReader for the 2nd SELECT to walk through the fileds of the matched row to retrieve the value of "logintime" field for subtracting operation to get the total hours. Is there a way I can access the table to determine if the employee "logouttime" field is empty and at the same time using that open connection to retrieve his information if the "logouttime" field is empty? I hope what i'm trying to say make sense. I haven't coded it yet. Just logics at this point.
I have a database which contains 2 fields called DateOfBirth and Age, for storing users DOB and age respectively. I want the Age column to be automatically incremented by 1 every year, according to the DOB matching server date.
What could be the best way for achieving this? I am using asp.net and sql server 2008.