Having Trouble Putting Together A Good Solid Newsletter?

Jan 2, 2010

Having trouble putting together a good solid newsletter.Can some of you experts help me with this problem.
Either with code or link tutorials.everything!

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SQL Server :: Remove From Newsletter / Code To Insert The Users In Newsletter?

Aug 9, 2010

Has the following simple code to insert the users in my newsletter.But how do you delete it again?


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Web Forms :: Looking For A Solid Explanation Of How A Page Works...

Jan 5, 2010

Seems like a basic question but im looking for an article that can give a good solid overview of how a page in asp.net works.

What im looking for in specific is how variables react on postback and stuff like that. For example if I bind an Asp.net control to the page, do I need to rebind it every time the page is refreshed? And what if its a postback, do page variables get preserved across postbacks.

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VS 2010 Line Breaks Are Not Appearing (only Get A Solid Paragraph)

Jun 8, 2010

I am currently working on a site that reades from several fields in a database to present the information on the site. One of the fields containes several paragraphs of data and I am having trouble displaying it correctly on the site.

The database holds the text in a plain text format (no html) the requirements are such that the website should be able to display this same text, properly formatted, without having to convert it to html code. Thus far I have setup a <p> tag with an ID in the markup like so:


<p id="body" runat="server"></p>

The problem I am having is:

1) line breaks are not appearing (I only get a solid paragraph)
2) the ' marks are not showing up.

Here is my code behind


Dim lblBody As HtmlContainerControl = CType(editplaceholder.FindControl("body"), HtmlContainerControl)
lblBody.InnerText = NullTest(dsarticle.Tables("selectedArticle").Rows(currentrow).Item("Article_body"))

I am sure my problem is that I am feeding plain text but I am not sure of the way around this. Do I need another html element? Is there somewhere I need to convert the text?

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AJAX :: ModalBackground - Opacity On Large Page Turning Screen Solid?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a problem with Opacity in my project - it turns the screen a solid colour instead of see-thru.

I am displaying a rotating wheel in a panel and using modalpopupextender.

1) Only happens in IE8

2) Only happens when there is a lot of data displayed on screen (i.e Datagrid displaying a lot of records).


Example of my issue:

I have a screen with a Tab Control with 3 tabs.

Tab 2 and 3 contain a small amount of data on the grid (10 to 20 records), Tab 1 contains 1000+ records.

All this is within an Update Panel - the tabcontrol have AutoPostback set to on.

Now if I click tab 2 -> tab 3 -> tab 2 -> tab 3 etc then the progress show correctly with an opaque screen.

If I click Tab 1 the pop displays but the screen is a solid colour. If I try Tab 2 or 3 again the screen stays a solid colour.

View 8 Replies

Newsletter Software For IIS? (asp)?

Jul 5, 2010

here's my questions:is there a good asp software component for creating + sending newsletters online (via browser)?is it recommended at all to send thousands of newsletters directly off my IIS machine? (because of server load) or better using a standalone win-application for creating/sending?i'd like to code my own software for that and think a standalone html editor which also creates the (personalized) emails + sends them would be a better alternative - what would you think?

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Mass Mailout Of Newsletter?

Jun 29, 2010

My client needs to be able to perform a mass email mailout of a newsletter (just once a month). Does anyone know of any resources I can use to code this ? Its on a hosted server and im using C#. I have found one example that sends the email aynchronously, but for some reason the emails just dont get sent. I have used the same code for sending an individual email, but it wont go when sent synchronously. Heres the code im currently using


Ive stepped through the code on my development machine and Ive confirmed that the SendEmail Method is being executed and I have used the sendmail method to send an individual email (which works). When I deploy the code to a hosted environment, the emails dont get sent.

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Sending An HTML Newsletter To Various Subscribers

May 12, 2010

I am sending an HTML newsletter to various subscribers.

I created two alternate views: Text/Html and Text/Plain

In Outlook the email looks fine but in GMail I don't get the Html version.

If I remove the Text/Plain version then the HTML version is displayed.


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Send Newsletter To Around 10000 Emails?

Jun 28, 2010

i have to write application for sending newsletter. what is the best way to send newsletter thoundands of users?
My requirement is

Each mail is seprately as To :
Every mail has unique Unsubscribe link

Is is good to use SMTP mail class of .net?
I look aound may questions in so but can't decide which approcah i should go?

Multi threaded Windows service
Use Mail Server
Add thread.sleep(2000) between each send.

View 5 Replies

MVC :: Newsletter Registration In Master Page?

Dec 7, 2010

I don't know if it's the right way to do it in MVC.What I need is to put an input with a button for newsletter registration common to all pages.which is the correct way to do it?putting it directly in themaster page? - which i couldn't find a way to do?putting it in a user control in the master page? - also can't find a way to do?

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Newsletter/Email Bounce-Back Tracker?

May 24, 2010

I have a newsletter system which sends out emails to subscribers who have signed up via a form on the front-end of the website. I would like to find a way of recording which emails bounced-back, due to an unknown email address etc..

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Security :: Trouble Authenticating From Non-SSL To SSL?

Mar 21, 2010

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application using the Default membership provide provided by .NET - I have created a login page and create user page, etc. etc... The problem is, if you're on the site and you are authenticated, and then you go to a link on the same authenticated folder (Called MemberPages) but you go to a SSL location, it asks you to enter your username and password again! Is there anyway to fix this bug.HomePage -> Login.aspx -> Enter your username and password -> Access MemberPages/Default.aspx -> Then a link called Purchase a Product -> suppose to take you to[URL]

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Asp.net - Importing A Spreadsheet, But Having Trouble.

Apr 9, 2010

I have a form that allows a user to import a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is generally static when it comes to column headers, but now the users want to be able to include an optional column (called Notes). My code crashes when I try to read the column from the spreadsheet if it doesn't exist.


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Having Real Trouble Adign A Third Level?

Sep 6, 2010

I have created a nested repeater using dataset relations before, but am having real trouble adign a third level

<asp:Repeater ID="rptModules" runat="server">


Do I have to cast the third repeater and then databind it the same as the second one?

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MVC :: How To Upgrade MVC 1 Project To MVC 3 Razor [trouble]

Feb 10, 2011

I have a project who build in MVC 1 and i make a new fresh project to migrate them in MVC 3. so it's work fine. but whenever it's come to done or complete we hear that not make changes in Admin panel.so i copy paste the model [logic module] from MVC 1 to MVC3 and now many of code was not worked. they used dll to use logic. when i try to use them in my project who is new version that's not worked.now i thing to migrate the MVC 1 project to MVC 3 and the taks and changes i do last days i integrated in old one.well tell me the way i can use to migrate the MVC 1 project to MVC 3 razor without making new project. means changes in old and make them work fine in razor.

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Trouble With Returning Results From MySql?

Feb 4, 2011

Edit: I solved my problem but if you have anything to add do. Note: I did not create the DB it was created by Wordpress hosted on GoDaddy with my site I have a MySql Database called "wordpress" (for clarity). I want to be able to grab the most recent post from my blog and show it on the landing page for my url.
So my thought is this: connect to the MySql DB, run a query to grab the most recent post, display the post.

I built a class to handle the connection and process the request:

public class DAL
private string connectionString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=[server here]; PORT=[port]; DATABASE=wordpress;
USER=[user name here]; PASSWORD=[password here];";
private OdbcConnection blogConnection;


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.net - Trouble Defining Bindings Using Ninject?

Mar 28, 2011

having trouble defining bindings using ninject.I am in a standard ASP.NET WebForms application. I have defined an http handler to Inject dependencies in pages and controls (Property injection).Here is what I am trying to do:I am creating a custom combobox usercontrol. Based on the value of an enum on that combobox, I want to be able to Inject a different object in a property (What I am trying to do is a bit more involved than that, but answer to this should be enough to get me going).

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Web Forms :: Why Doesn't Inserting Records In Newsletter Database Not Succeeding

Mar 8, 2010

i'm making a application for a newslettersystem. The only thing i want yet is to subscribe to a elecronic newsletter, but the record to subscribe isn't inserting. What do i do wrong?


and the vb code

Protected Sub btn_verwerken(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim strConnectie As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/nieuwsbrief.mdb")
Dim Connectie As New OleDbConnection(strConnectie)
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO TBL_Subscribers(Email, SubscribeDate, ActivateDate, UnsubscribeDate) VALUES (@Email, @SubscribeDate, @ActivateDate, @UnsubscribeDate)"
Dim command As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, Connectie)
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", Emailadres.Text)
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubscribeDate", DateTime.Now)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "BCT")
End Try
End Sub

View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Store Members And Newsletter Subscribers In Database?

May 18, 2010

On a website I'm building user's can subscribe to newsletters by entering their email address into a form and submitting. This will then add them to a 'Newsletter_Subscribers' table in the database.

Users can also sign-up to the website by entering their username/password/email details. They also have the option of subscribing to the newsletter. If they choose to do this then their email address is added to the 'Newsletter_Subscribers' table.

However, I wish to make the data more consistent rather than storing the email address into two different unrelated tables in the database.

Has anyone tackled this issue before, and what is the best way to go about storing this information?

One idea I had was to have a 'Users' table, a 'Users.Members' table and a 'Users.Subscribers' table. All three would have a relating UserID column, with the email address stored in the 'Users' table but I'm not sure this is the best method as I would also wish to store the Username/Password in the 'Users' table in case we had a 'Users.Advertisers' table for example.

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VS 2010 Trouble Referencing A Radiobutton In A Repeater From Code-Behind?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a repeater that retrieves questions from a database and displays them on the screen along with a group of radiobuttons. The radiobuttons display correctly and seem to work (only one can be selected per question), but I'm having trouble referencing the buttons from code-behind (C#) to see which button has been checked. So far I've been trying to access the radio buttons this way:here "current" references the index of the current question,


Things like .Checked (after the code above) do not work since the code does not recognize the returned item as being of type Radiobutton. The radio buttons are grouped, so if there is a way to find out via the groupname

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DataSource Controls :: SQL-Query, Pivot / Having Trouble Getting It To Work?

Feb 26, 2010

I have a table that could look like the left table in the following picture, but i want to present it as the right table in the picture. http://pici.se/549963/?size=fullsize

So i've found out that i could use pivots to do this, but am having some trouble getting it to work, so if you know how to do this.

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PnlLogin A Panel On Page Is Givingall Sorts Of Trouble?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a panel on my page called pnlLogin.In the code behind I have the following line.pnlLogin.Visible = FalseThis errors out when run everytime with the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." I have done these a million times before, but this page is giving me all sorts of trouble.How could an existing control give this error?

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Forms Data Controls :: Trouble Adding Parameters To FormView's UpdateCommand?

Feb 15, 2010

I'd like to pull several NewValues from a FormView and write them to a database as part of the Update command.For some reason, I am unable to do this using the following code. Is there something I am missing?


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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying A Datatable In Gridview, Having Trouble Lining Up The Rows

May 22, 2010

So I've been teaching myself ASP.NET and VB for about 3 weeks now, having trouble with datatables, not sure how to get the rows to line up like I think they should. My code:


Which gives me the data output I want, but the days are adding rows underneath the previous day instead of lining up side-by-side. The idea is that once it's working I'll replace the specific dates with calendar controls. The gridview currently outputs like this:

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Web Forms :: Cookie Trouble "Input String Was Not In A Correct Format"?

May 6, 2010

early in the code I have this set of intializations...

bCookie2["System2"] = ddlSystemsMain.SelectedIndex.ToString();
bCookie2.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(2);
Response.Cookies["System2"].Expires = bCookie2.Expires; //Maximum year of cookie's life

later in the code, I have this...

oddl.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["System2"].Value);

on the last line of code I am getting "Input string was not in a correct format."

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