Web Forms :: Looking For A Solid Explanation Of How A Page Works...

Jan 5, 2010

Seems like a basic question but im looking for an article that can give a good solid overview of how a page in asp.net works.

What im looking for in specific is how variables react on postback and stuff like that. For example if I bind an Asp.net control to the page, do I need to rebind it every time the page is refreshed? And what if its a postback, do page variables get preserved across postbacks.

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AJAX :: ModalBackground - Opacity On Large Page Turning Screen Solid?

Sep 14, 2010

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1) Only happens in IE8

2) Only happens when there is a lot of data displayed on screen (i.e Datagrid displaying a lot of records).


Example of my issue:

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Now if I click tab 2 -> tab 3 -> tab 2 -> tab 3 etc then the progress show correctly with an opaque screen.

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VS 2010 Line Breaks Are Not Appearing (only Get A Solid Paragraph)

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<p id="body" runat="server"></p>

The problem I am having is:

1) line breaks are not appearing (I only get a solid paragraph)
2) the ' marks are not showing up.

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Dim lblBody As HtmlContainerControl = CType(editplaceholder.FindControl("body"), HtmlContainerControl)
lblBody.InnerText = NullTest(dsarticle.Tables("selectedArticle").Rows(currentrow).Item("Article_body"))

I am sure my problem is that I am feeding plain text but I am not sure of the way around this. Do I need another html element? Is there somewhere I need to convert the text?

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Web Forms :: CSS Not Working In Page Derived From Child Master Page When Viewed In Browser But Works In Design...

Jun 13, 2010

I have a page with features supplied from both a master page and a child master page.In the content placeholder for the head in both master pages I have supplied the link to the stylesheet for the site.In Design View in VS 2008 the CSS code seems to be functioning correctly.When viewing in a browser the CSS does not appear to be applied at all.

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Apr 27, 2010

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Web Forms :: CSS On Default Page Works Only When Login?

Mar 24, 2011

I am creating an application in which I am doing forms authentication. I need to show a default page with a login link, normal user can see the form and admin can login and make necessary changes.

But when I configure forms authentication the images and CSS on default page works only when someone logins, otherwise they dint work. I am using Master page also.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Page Title Works Only Once?

Feb 12, 2010

I have an application which is all contained on a single page. (Search client, search products, add to basket, purchase, etc.).

I set the page title on the first page load with this.title = "Whatever";

That part works fine

However I need to change the title depending on what action was just taken (like a breadcrum). All the buttons and contents are placed in update panels. And I cannot find a way to change the title after the initial page load.

I've used this.Title, generic html object, title/header with runat server. Tried adding javascript dynamically. They all word... but only on the first page_load, never after that. I've ran in debug mode to confirm that the code gets hit on every page load and nothing seems to change the totle even if the code runs.

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Web Forms :: ImageButton On Masterpage Works On One Page But Not On Another?

Nov 17, 2010

On my masterpage, I have an ImageButton. I have a page in the "Administrators" folder that uses this masterpage, which is the page directed to after a user in the role "Administrators" logs in, and the button works fine there. I have another page in the "CallCenter" folder that uses the same masterpage, which is the page directed to after a user in the role "CallCenter" logs in, and the button does not work. I set a break point on the Click event for this button, and the breakpoint is not hit.

I looked at the page source in both instances, and in the instance when the button works, the button is rendered as:


The only difference as you can see is the "onclick" in the button that does not work.

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What Does Prerender() Do / Finding Explanation

Jul 15, 2010

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and I was wondering if there's anyone that can explain to me what Prerender should do, for example for a button or a calendar component.

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Apr 8, 2010

Recently I was asked to express the DI in colloquial explanation.

I answered :

1)I am going to a hotel.I ordered food.The hotel management asks me to clean the plates and
clean the tables.So here i am a client,I am responsible for managing the service (Instantiating,executing,disposing).But DI decouples such tasks so the service consumer no need not worry about controlling the life cycle of the service.

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for item (1) he said only 10% is correct

for item(2) he said that is factory pattern not dependency injection.

Actually what went wrong in my explanation (apart from my bad English) ? What is the real answers for those?

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Feb 21, 2010

Hregarding to following query:

Use AdventureWorks

ELECT p.ProductID,

What does mean ON 1 = 1 in this query??

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Forms Data Controls :: Edit Function Works Only When NOT Using Master Page?

Sep 20, 2010


Then: when using a masterpage, all of a sudden, the same code in a contentplaceholder is not working anymore! When I edit, it doens't give me an error but simply deletes all the values of that datarow.


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May 28, 2010

I am a total newbie in the oAuth area and have set up DotNetOpenAuth to set up an oAuth Service provider. The sample provided in the DotNetOpenAuth download is quite confusing for me...maybe cos i am new to this stuff. There is one default page that creates a database and populates the database. Now I browse to the login.aspx and it asks me to put an openid, actually I want to use DNN (which implements DotNetOpenAuth) and i want to use those credentials on another site which will be the oAuth consumer. Can someone explain how to test the oAuth Service provider in the samples of DotNetOpenAuth?

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Jan 30, 2010

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Configuration :: Explanation Of Publishing Site Options?

Feb 18, 2011

what the two following options in the publish dialog are for when publishing a site? I just required to know in what situation these will be use.

1) "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable"

2) "Used fixed naming and single page assemblies"

3) "Emit Debug information"

4) "Enable strong naming on precompiled assemblies"

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview With CSS For Alternative Page (Header Works Fine)

Jul 13, 2010

Did you have any issue to show background images in a gridview with IIS 7. I've exactly applied this [URL] and I've no idea why, my css works for the header but not for:


The alternative row has no background image and the pager too but it works for the header. But when I browse the website online from my laptop, without IIS it works fine. When I check web developer tools from i.e., I've the backround image written in the css so it should come up.

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C# - Explanation Of Differences Repeater Unique Name Format String?

Sep 10, 2010

explain reasons why the name property of a Repeater control's child controls would be generated differently in an ASP.NET application when it is deployed on different IIS servers?

One some IIS servers the Name is generated using the format:

String.Format("{0}:_ctl{1:00}:{2}", RepeaterControlID, itemIndex, ChildControlID);


<input name="Mntc_Software_List:_ctl1:id" id="Mntc_Software_List__ctl1_id" type="hidden" value="1772" />

and on other IIS servers the format is:

String.Format("{0}$ctl{1}${2}", RepeaterControlID, itemIndex, ChildControlID);


<input name="Mntc_Software_List$ctl01$id" type="hidden" id="Mntc_Software_List_ctl01_id" value="1772" />

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MVC :: One Page Is A Silverlight App -> Only Works On Default Page?

Feb 21, 2010

I am trying to create a website containing an application written in Silverlight. Because of SEO, I want to have this Silverlight application on one page of the site, whereas the other pages are ASP.NET MVC, explaining about the application, general info, etc.

I was able to find an example on how to add a silverlight application to an ASP.NET MVC view. Basically, I just have to add:[Code]....

to the <asp:Content> block.

However, this only seems to work if this snippet is added to the default page (/Home/Index in case of an out-of-the box ASP.NET MVC application). If I add the same snippet to, for example, the About.aspx page, nothing shows up. If I make the About page the default page by changing the route to:

then the Silverlight application is launched on the About page (now the default page), but no longer on the Home page.So my question is, how can I get my Silverlight application to launch on any page in my ASP.NET MVC aplication, not just the default page?

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Configuration :: Web Page Works With Localhost But Not With IP

Mar 26, 2011

I have a simple asp.net web page that lists and inserts records into an access db. It works fine by pressing F5 to run in the VS 2008 IDE (Localhost:port) but won't work when it is published. The log shows this error 500 0 0 207.

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