How A .net Website Work With .pfx File

Mar 5, 2010

my purpose is to connect to a website which was writted by java and this web service requires a certificate*My web service writted by Asp.Net 2.0 I already tried this..1 open mmc then import this pfx file to Local Computer2 open VS2005 add web reference ( the java web service) 3 input web service

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Website Membership Doesn't Work After Uploading Website To Iis 5.1 (xp)

Jan 28, 2011

I'm currently developing a web application where everything works fine in the visual studio web server. It authenticates the user, access the database, writes to it, etc.

After I wrestled yesterday to publish it to my local iis, a subject I admit I have little to no experience of doing, suddenly the membership of the website started to not authenticate the users.

At first I suspected maybe the app wasn't accessing SQLServer, or that the data with the users I had in the membership database was erased when I uploaded the website.

So I stopped iis, i attached the db file to my local sql server, and I can see that all the users are there just like I uploaded them. I also can see the website can access another database with micellaneous contents just fine.

The loging controls don't tell me there's any problem either, they just show a message telling the user that the login attempt wasn't successful.

So, here's what I remember I did to make the app work as it wasn't even doing that when I first uploaded it.

I used the asp.net_regiis tool to copy website scripts to the website.

aspnet_regiis -sn <path>

then I deleted the website, uploaded again from VS. this time it shows in the browser but it doesn't authenticate the users.

The application isn't precompiled, I just uploaded it.

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Architecture :: Website That Work A Lot With The DB - The Best Way?

May 22, 2010

I'm in the middle-end of written a big website that work a lot with the db.
In every call a page runs 5-12 different queries.What I did was build an execute class that uses MySqlConnector API, which get string that represent the sql and the parameters and then just execute the query and return DataTable. In addition to that I have a class that hold all the function that call the execute class functions. For example in the class I have getAllProducts, getOldestProducts etc... and in each and every one of them theres sql statements.

Recently I watch the LINQ video series(How Do I with LINQ - on this site) and it looked good.As I sees it my way is very good because it just open connection execute the sql get the result and close the connection.The question is what is the best performance wise way to build this site? Is it my way that I use all along? Is it using LINQ? Or working with DataSet/TypedDataSet is the preferred way?

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How To Fix Website That Works In IE6, To Work In IE8

Jan 15, 2010

ix a ASP.NET website that works in IE6, to work in IE8 browser. I added the EmulateIE7 http header to IIS6 as short term fix, but still the pages are not displayed correctly. the web app was initially designed and developed for IE6, now we are upgrading to IE8, so is there any quick fix available for IE6 website to display correctly in IE8? I thought the EmulateIE7 works for both IE7 and previous versions as well, is that not correct?

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Configuration :: Timeout Does Not Work In Website?

Aug 8, 2010

My website never logs time out even after I set time out both in Autentication and in session state. What I did wrong? Here is my settings in web.config file

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl ="/default.aspx" name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" timeout ="1">
</authentication >
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="AutoDetect" timeout="1" />

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JQuery Doesn't Work In A View Of Mvc Website

Jul 12, 2010

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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("jquery", "1.4.2");
google.load("jqueryui", "1.8.0");
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(function () {

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Configuration :: Why Would Website Not Work When Using Precompiled Solution

Nov 24, 2010

I just published my website to my webhost, and for some reason it's giving me errors. So I copied the solution and it works correctly.

What could the problem be? I think a possible problem may be that there's a process that creates a directory so it can copy files. By copying everything from the solution to the ftp, everything works correctly. If I publish the site, it somehow does not create the directories.

Is there something I'm not doing correctly? I've published in a local folder, and then copied to the FTP. I've also published directly to the FTP. Neither of them work.

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Convert File System Website To IIS Website?

Apr 26, 2010

We recently migrated from VS 2008 to VS 2010. The migration went fine, except for our web project. Before, in VS 2008, the site showed up as http://localhost/Website. Now, it appears as C:...Website. It appears that when we did the migration, VS started to treat it as a file system website.

I've tried removing the existing site and re-adding it as an existing website, but it still displays it as C:...Website. Is there any way to convert it back to show it as a http://localhost/website, and run through IIS, as opposed to the default ASP.NET Development Server?

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Mobiles :: How Does Fileupload Control Work In Website For Blackberry

Mar 10, 2011

I tried to use the fileupload control for uploading a picture or music file, from blackberry device to server. But, What happened is ; the file is uploaded , ie, the file is created with 0 bytes in it. That is, file is actually not uploaded. Since blackberry browser doesn't support other fileformats, the device contains only .png & .m4a fileformats in its samples. I have used these sample in blackberry for uploading. The same has occured in the case of .m4a files also... Why is it so...? One more thing... The blackberry browser which I am refering here is the blackberry browser simulator, bold 9700.

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How Much Work-power And Time Does It Take For Building Website Like Stackoverflow

Feb 20, 2010

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AJAX :: Control While Upgrading Website From 3.5 To 4.0 Frame Work

Oct 1, 2010

i am working on website.

on my web page i submit some data on click at button , this block is inside update panel.

this functionality working fine in 3.5 frame work.

Now our website is using 4.0 frame work.

controls inside update panel giving following error on submting data :

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500.

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Security :: Login Controls Cannot Work After Publishing The Website

Jan 5, 2011

I have published a website when is a plain page with login and CreateUserWizard control in it. I have used the "aspnet_regsql.exe" file to configure my database such that there I can see the tables like dbo.aspnet_users. I have also added a the following to the connectionstring in web.config

<add name="ApplicationServices" connectionString="Data Source=***location of DB***; Initial Catalog=***DB Name***; User ID=***My ID***; Password='***My Password***';" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

I kept getting the "

Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

" whenever I try to create user account using the CreateUserWizard control.

I am using web hosting account.

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Web Forms :: How To Make Event Work When Exit From Website

Feb 16, 2013

how can make event work when exit from website..i want store the time out of  user client in database when i add the event 

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ADO.NET :: Visual Studio 2010 MVC 2 Order By Does Not Work On Live Website

Aug 7, 2010

Platform : Visual studio2010 , MVc2 and sqlserver 2008

I wrote query in Linq for order by. Following is the code snippet for the same,


It works in on my local machine but in live site it doent work correctly. I mean it won't show sorting/oder by. In live

site we used sql server 2005, does this going to make any difference ?

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MVC :: Area And Default Route / Doesn't Work When Open Website?

May 30, 2010

I use in my application 2 areas: Website and Admin. I will put all controllers and views in these areas, not in root application. So I would like to have default route 'Website/Mycontroller/Myaction', not 'Mycontroller/Myaction'. I have changed Global.asax.cs:



but now my application doesn't work when I open website

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IIS Configuration :: Website Working Fine On Local But Does Not Work On Server

Jan 4, 2013

In my site on every load some session is made through url and single page(say xyz.aspx) is call every time and on the basis of url we create session. When i click on a href tag , page start reloading ,url we created is accurate but data doesn't change every time, means some time it show data on first click, but some time after 3 or 4 click.

I say problem is weird because when i run this on my local server there is no problem, when i run this on my project (visual studio) there is no problem , but when i up this project on my online server it show this kind of error but not every time .

I use data caching to fill dataset. There is no problem in this website since we created this (more than 1 year) and we don't made any change on this page but suddenly it starts showing this kind of error so what kind of error this is.

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Web Forms :: Configure Existing Database And Website To Work With Membership?

Jun 13, 2012

I have a website and a SQL Server Database. I want to use ASP.Net Membership for login and roles.

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Activate COM Object Using Website Doesn't Work In Windows 2003 Server

Apr 12, 2010

I have been trying really hard to activate and launch a COM object using an ASP.NET web application. The aspx website has a code-behind file that has a reference to this COM object (which is an actual application -a CAD software). When required, the VB code creates (or launches) the application.

The complete set-up works in a Win-XP (32-bit) environment both under debugging using visual studio and when the website is accessed by an outside user (through IIS server in XP). But the same application doesn't get activated when it is hosted onto the Win-2003 (32-bit) IIS server. I get "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

The way I have setup in Win-XP was to grant ASP user and Internet guest user permissions to the COM object in the DCOM Config and since the windows firewall is enabled, I add the exe file (associated with the COM object) to the exception list. For the case of Win-2003 server, I add the Network Service permission to the COM object. But the setup doesn't seem to work at all. I am not sure what I am missing and how to get the application to launch.

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Work With An Uploaded File In .NET?

Mar 18, 2011

I need to create a custom web control which will be a part of a class library. This custom web control implements the upload functionality. I have implemented this with a web user control where I have a fixed path to a page in the web project where the upload of files take place and it works just fine.

The created control in this class library is used in the web project. How do I post the uploaded file to a page, say SomeClass.cs, in the class library.

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Put C# Into Html File - Code Doesn't Work

Oct 16, 2010

How can I put the C# code into the htm file ? Then following code does not work. How can I make it work?

-------------- begin RSSTable.htm ---------------
ProductId = <%= Request.Params.Get("ProductId") %
-------------- end RSSTable.htm ----------------

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Configuration :: Connection String For .DBF File Don't Work When Using IIS

Sep 17, 2010

I am using this connection string to query some .DBF .


How can i make it work?

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Web Forms ::how To Modify The Code For The Excel To Work With A .csv File

Aug 20, 2010

In my orginal post i asked the question to handle this within the .Net side.

I was trying to stay away from using SSIS package, and with help from another member, i was able to get the process to work with an excel spreadsheet.

But part of my project requires us to allow .csv files.. so my question is how can i modify the code i have now for the excel to work with a .csv file?

You can find the current code in my original post here:


I not sure what the best solution is for the end result.. I was reading somewhere online that you can right the data from the file to a datalist or gridview so you can present the user with a view of what is being uploaded, then use that datacontrol to insert into SQL.

In my current code, im uploading the file, then using that file to do the insert. This works fine for .xls files.. but i need to accomplish the same thing for a .csv file.

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Web Forms :: How To Make The Separate Code File Work

Oct 21, 2010

I am using some code I found that generates a random password. I am in the habit of putting code in a seperate file. The code was written in the same file and I'm trying to move it to a seperate file and get the following message. Also, below, I posted
the original code (code on same page as aspx) and what I did (code in seperate file).what adjustment needs to be made to make the seperate code file work?

Compiler Error Message: BC31143: Method 'Public Function GeneratePassword(length As Integer, numberOfNonAlphanumericCharacters As Integer) As String' does not have a ignature compatible with delegate 'Delegate Sub EventHandler(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)'.

Source Error:


ORIGINAL CODE (with code on same page)





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AJAX :: Flajaxian File Uploader - How To Get The .net Button To Work

Feb 22, 2010

i used the flajaxian file uploader. there is an example which i found that can use an external button to run the file uploader. the example is shown below. the current problem im faceing is that the button in the example is a HTML button adn when i change to an button the function cannot be called. any ideas how to get the button to work? serverside code

clientside code [Code]....

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Configuration :: URL ReWriting - Extension Less Not Work - Add Dll From Web.config File?

Feb 8, 2011

I am working on url rewriting all is working fine on my local machine when i upload this site on production server the link of url rewrite which is extension less not work. i search the multiple solution in the google one solution is that insert the aspnet_isapi.dll in the properties->virtual directory tab->configuration->insert aspnet_isapi.dll site in working, but problem is that hosting provider refuse to add this dll. tell me alternate solution to add this dll from web.config file.

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