Mobiles :: How Does Fileupload Control Work In Website For Blackberry

Mar 10, 2011

I tried to use the fileupload control for uploading a picture or music file, from blackberry device to server. But, What happened is ; the file is uploaded , ie, the file is created with 0 bytes in it. That is, file is actually not uploaded. Since blackberry browser doesn't support other fileformats, the device contains only .png & .m4a fileformats in its samples. I have used these sample in blackberry for uploading. The same has occured in the case of .m4a files also... Why is it so...? One more thing... The blackberry browser which I am refering here is the blackberry browser simulator, bold 9700.

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Jul 9, 2010

I got an application to support, it's an web project, on the 1.1 framework.

It's all ok, with the application, when it runs on web brownsers, and when I try run it from inside a blackberry mobile phone it runs ok too, except when I try to execute an Response.Redirect("some_page_of_my_app.aspx").

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mFileName = "ABC.jad";

mPath = ResolveUrl("~/" + mFileName);

Response.ContentType = "text/";




this code is not work in blackbarry mobile but work in nokia & windows can i do for blackbarry mobile.

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Feb 13, 2011

I'm having a problem with the FileUpload control in ASP.NET. It requires two postbacks to server in order to upload the file. In other words, after I select the file and click upload the page reloads but do nothing. Then I reselect the file and click upload then it works.

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Web Forms :: FileUpload Control Does Not Work When Placed Inside UpdatePanel

Jul 24, 2012

Following is my html design 

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="up1" runat="server"><ContentTemplate>
<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click" Text="upload" />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>   </ContentTemplate></asp:UpdatePanel>


if (FileUpload1.PostedFile !=null) {
//my upload code here....

without update panel it works fine.after place all control inside update its not working. How to fix this...

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Nov 23, 2010

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Then problem comes up when user browse file and press upload button, no file is uploaded.

Is it we cannot do partial rendering with FileUploader ?

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Feb 13, 2011

I'm using an image field in the EditTemplate of FormView to allow my users to upload an image. It works fine in all major browsers, including Safari. But not on the iPad. There I get the error message "object reference not set to an instance of an object" when the EditTemplate is submitted.

I'm guessing it's because, on the iPad, the FileUpload button in my EditTemplate is "greyed out" (which is a problem in and of itself)...I suppose there's no built-in way for an iPad user (using the iPad version of Safari) to search for an image on the iPad hard drive to upload (without a special App, I'm guessing)....So, when the EditTemplate form is submitting on an iPad, I get the above error message---I think because the Fileupload field is Null (I have this theory, because the stack trace references my "ValidateImage" method in my code behind.)Anybody have any direction or answers I should try? Is there an obvious answer here, or should I post my EditTemplate mark-up and code behind?

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Jun 27, 2012

I have Fileupload control in my page

1-i want delete the text that is beside of fileupload button  text: no file choesn

2-i want change text of file upload button(  I want change Choose file text)

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C# - Get Data Chosen In FileUpload Control Without FileUpload.SaveAs Method On The Server?

Feb 17, 2011

How to get data (read file) chosen in FileUpload control without FileUpload.SaveAs Method on the server? Is it possible write it at once to some object?

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