How To Auto Populate Fields When Page Loads
Jul 26, 2010
I have a form on my website and when the page loads I want the fields to be populated with information from the database. I have written a stored procedure to do this, but I can't seem to find the syntax to make these fields auto populate with this information when a user goes to this page.
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I've tried adding the following changes
But this doesn't auto populate the fields on the website when it loads. Is there something special I need to do so the webpage will fill in the fields on the form?
Also bonus if I could just auto submit to login so I don't need the page to load and have me click "login" but I don't think that's possible... or is it?
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This is my part of my code.-------------------------------------------
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<tr> [code]...
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Database model is very simple. I have articles and each articles has a category. Simple relationship 1 category many articles.
So to take all articles I use code:
and it's automatically loads Category reference and all Category references to. So it's looks like it's load all nested fields automatically. How I can deny this?
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The maximum read depth (32) has been exceeded because XML data being read has more levels of nesting than is allowed by the quota.
var tt = from a in PE.Articles
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Public Class userDetails
Public address1 As String
Public address2 As String
Public city As String
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ReportViewer settings:
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here is my code:
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Aug 18, 2010
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Currently I parse the first data row of the Grid/ListView, check if each value is numeric or text, and assign a type to the column accordingly. That works, except for when I have something in the first column which looks numeric but in fact is a text string. I don't want to parse every row in order to be sure I have the correct data type as some of these exports are quite large. When I load the Grid/ListView from the database, the database certainly knows what type each field is. So my question is... how do I extract the type of the database item behind a a Grid/ListView item? I could explicitly code it as an attribute on the item, but that's duplicating information I already have, if only I can get to it. I know that where I have a DataTable then I can get the underlying type from that, but mostly I don't have tables handy, just the Grid/ListView. Note that Jet will throw if you try to insert an empty string into a nullable numeric column. The way to do this is to omit that column name from the insert statement, or output a zero.
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I need to know the easiest way to populate these fields with the data found in my database in an MVC fashion.
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