How To Retrieve The Values Of Controls In The Form That Posted

May 13, 2010

I know this has got to be the simplest-sounding question ever asked about ASP.Net but I'm baffled. I have a form wherein my visitor will enter name, address, etc. Then I am POSTing that form via the PostBackUrl property of my Submit button to another page, where the fields are supposed to be all re-formed into new hidden fields, then POSTed again to Paypal.

My problem is I cannot get at the values entered by the visitor in the original page. Any time I put in "runat='server'", ASP.Net completely changes the ID of the control, making it impossible to figure out how to access. In the POSTed form I tried Request.Form["_txtFirstName"] and that turned up null. Then I tried ((TextBox)PreviousPage.FindControl("_txtFirstName")).Text and that was null, too. I've tried variations on those. I cannot figure out how I'm supposed to get at these controls. Why does this stuff need to be so difficult?

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Could someone point me in the right direction of getting ALL posted values so I can loop through them?

p.s I was looking in Request.Form but couldn't see anything obvious to use.

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I have a datalist that is bound to a table in the database. I need to have a button for each item. Then, when users click that button I want to be able to retrieve information about that item. I have done this with gridview, but cannot seem to get it to work with a datalist. The only reason I am using a datalist is because I am able to arrange the items how I want and not be forced to have columns.

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<asp:DataList ID="dlFeeds" runat="server" OnItemCommand="dlFeeds_ItemCommand">

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One possible way could be to call the method in the page_Load on the code behind and save the collection in a hidden variable and when required do a loop through in the hidden variable and retrieve the selected value Product Id.

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HTML page....


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Jun 24, 2010

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can I still use this code or will it not work cause it's inside a repeater..also I was going to use jquery to add an onclick event to the checkbox so how can I do that now with me using this control?


Here's another issue..I can't even assign values to the checkboxlist using how am I suppose to do this.. Server Error in '/ArchitectView' Application. Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Databinding expressions are only supported on objects that have a DataBinding event. System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem does not have a DataBinding event.Source Error:


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Jul 19, 2010

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I need to specify all my columns using TemplateField?

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Fields On The Form Will Repeated Twice, Once For The Original Values, One For The Changed Values?

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public class RON


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C# - Passing The Values Of Form Controls To .NET Page Method

Mar 2, 2011

I have this function:

public static string EditPage(string nodeID)[code]....

in my Web Form but When I try to reference their IDs they don't auto complete and can't be found.

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Web Forms :: Getting Values Of A Form Contains MULTIPLE CheckBox Controls

Jan 8, 2010

can i have the code for getting the values including Images & Data associated with Checkbox control which is checked on submited.i'm using table,in which i have images along with values of measurements.if i'm checking the checkbox means i need to get the value of that particular images and i need to send it to an eamil i need a code for getting values of the image. if any one provide a code for this either for normal tables or ASP tables.

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkbx12" OnCheckedChanged="chkLayout_CheckedChanged" Checked="true" AutoPostBack="true" runat="server" Text="Select" Font-Names="Arial" />

likewise i'm using 12 checkbox in a normal table(i.e <td> ).end of the form,there will be a button which should get verfy the checkbox's and set the correct value.

Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Button3.Click
'Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim s
As String =
"Selected items:<br>"
Dim i
As Int32
For i = 0
To chkbx(i).Count - 1
If chkbx(i).Selected
' List the selected items
s = s & chkbx(i).Text
s = s & "<br>"
End If
Label1.Text = s
End Sub
Sub chkLayout_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As EventArgs)
If chkLayout.Checked =
True Then
chkbx(i).RepeatLayout = RepeatLayout.Table
chkbx(i).RepeatLayout = RepeatLayout.Flow
End If
End Sub

Is this format is correct.i'm fresher and i dont know realy

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To Change The Values Of Some Of The Controls In The ASPxGridview Edit Form?

Jul 11, 2010

I'm trying to change the values of some of the controls in the ASPxGridview Edit Form, however they are not changing. It seems to be resetting?

How can I do this and in which event would I do this in?

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DataSource Controls :: Adding Values To A Table In A Form?

May 17, 2010

I guess the code is totally right and doesn't require any change in it,, however am getting an error which says "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '11/11/2010' to data type int."check the attached file ..


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