How To Run Web Application In Xp With VS2008

Nov 24, 2010

I have runned a web application but it only show a directory

How to make a show a web page for debug in xp with visual studio 2008

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Installation :: Web Application Not Running After Upgrading From Vs2005 To Vs2008 (IIS 7)?

Jan 25, 2011

I upgraded my vs2005 web application to vs2008, after i run the upgrade wizard,It l pop up one error which says that .net framework 2.0 is not available. I can compile the upgraded project but can not run that. I am wondering where in IIS, I can point the project to framework 3.0?

I ran the project, it had the following error,

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /XX/yy.asmx

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.4952; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4955

the project was upgraged to vs2008, i am not sure why it still points to v2.0. Also i looked at the project file, I already upgraded the oracle data access dll(from oracle side) to higher version, it also points to the old version.

The other issue is when i open the Solution, It prompted me to create the virtual diectory: Http://localhost/XX, I clicked yes, will the vitually directory automatically generated? If i go to the view sites/add vitual directory, if i enter VeroValueXmllister, will it automatically generate the Virtually directory? Http://localhost/XX

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Visual Studio :: Upgrade Vs2005 Web Application Project To Vs2008

Jan 20, 2011

I have a vs2005 web application project,I upgraded my machine from xp to Windows 7, the web application project not working in vs2005 anymore, does anybody know why windows 7 not support web application project for vs2005? if i upgrade vs2005 web application project to vs2008, will that work in windows 7? and after upgrade, will the original web application project still a web application project or it upgrade to website project?

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AJAX :: Running Enabled Web Application Developed Using Vs2008 - Getting Error

Jan 5, 2010

I have developed the 3.5 ajax enabled web application and it is working well for me. i have included ajaxtoolkit dll and used the ajax tool kit controls in my application. And i copied the application source to another computer and open in visual studio 2008. i have installed the 3.5 in this computer. now the problem is, when i run the application getting error in web.config file. the error is in script. i guess the issue is because of ajax. what i need to do. should i install the ajax latest version in this machine. if so, where can i download the ajax latest version.

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Configuration :: Using VS2008 To build / Compile Web Application And Then Publish It To The Server?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm relatively new to actually publishing sites on my own..Anyway, right now I am using VS2008 to build / compile my web application and then publish it to the server. Simple enough, until I want to change several of the code behinds, and don't want to spend 30 minutes re-publishing several thousand documents.

I have been reading that publishing via VS is not the best approach, so I guess I have two questions:

1. Using VS2008, is there a way to build the project and publish only certain parts of the project such as the pre-compiled code or better yet have VS only update the code that has been changed on the server? I suppose I could simply publish it to my local drive and pick apart the files from there / is there a better way?

2. In your opinion what is the best deployment strategy?

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Security :: VS2008 Development Server (local Host) & Hosted IIS7 Site Different Configuration - How To Test Application

Mar 19, 2010

How can I test an application that I am publishing to a remote provider's IIS7 hosted site, with the VS2008 development server that is built in with VS2008 on an XP Machine?

My membership/roles work perfectly up on the remote host. On ths hosted IIS7 site when I try to access a secure directory it redirects to login, and I am able to login, however when I launch (debug - F5) from VS2008, it will provide that folder/resource, no questions asked. Same build, config, etc... nothing has changed.

I am running XP, and local IIS version installed is 5.1.

My guess is what is happening is that the new format required in the web.config is configured properly for IIS7 deployment, which is why it works remotely, but when running locally through VS2008/XP it is running with an older version on IIS and does not recoginize the new tags.

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Can Use .NET Framework 4.0 With VS2008

Apr 21, 2010

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No Tab Control In VS2008 Pro?

Apr 21, 2010

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Register COM Dll In VS2008?

Mar 30, 2010

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Web Forms :: Difference Between IIS And VS2008 IIS?

Mar 10, 2010

I have the project in vs2008. I find that there is difference behavior between VS2008 Debug Mode IIS and Windows 7 IIS.

I have published the project and deploy on windows 7 IIS.

Different examples: After login, VS2008 debug mode can go to default page but not in windows 7 IIS in which it return back to login page after login. Sometimes, they can login but still difference behavior in page reload such as dropdownlist databind.

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Web Forms :: Trying To Use Some Of The Controls In Vs2008?

Feb 19, 2010

I have been trying to use some of the controls in vs2008 and I am having probems. 1) When I try to choose multiple controls the control nor shif key works and I can only click on one control at a time.

2) When using wizard, panel, ajax tab control, etc. I cannot get my other controls to go inside the boxes. They want to land elsewhere on the page (Outside the box). I have tried copying, moving, a new pull, etc. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong or direct me to a tutual on this.

3) In Ajax tabs the tabs are so small that I cannot read the text in the tab. I have tried to enlarge etc. but it's not working. Also, when I try to pick on a tab to change tabs, my tab doesn't change and I cannot get the controls to go into the right tab.

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VS2008 Toolbox Grayed Out?

Jun 21, 2010

I opened an existing VB WINFORM Project on Sunday that I had been working with on Friday, but now the toolbox only showed REPORTING and Visual basic PowerPacks.I had not added or changed the toolbox since I used it on Friday (in fact there have been no changes for a long time....if ever).I tried running "devenv /installvstemplates" and "devenv /resetskippkgs" but they didn't fix it.If I do a "Show All" on the toolbox, a Standard heading shows, but all controls (Label, Textbox, Button, etc) are grayed out

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Jun 21, 2010

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Security :: Use Log-in Tools In VS2008?

Dec 13, 2010

i have been trying to use log-in tools in VS2008

i made folder named Admin with web.config contains:


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Convert A Asp 1.1 Project To Asp 2.0 Using VS2008

Jul 29, 2010

I need to migrate a ASP.NET application from 1.1 to 3.5. I have gone through the answers on this forum already, but still have some questions

should I convert the application from 1.1 to 3.5 directly? OR convert it to 2.0 first and then to 3.5 and the reasons for doing so.Is there any article that walks through the whole conversion process from 1.1 to 3.5 with solutions for any typical issues encountered during the conversion process?Is it possible to convert a ASP.NET 1.1 project to ASP.NET 2.0 using VS2008 OR do I need to use VS2005 IDE for doing so?

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VS2008 Changes Don't Update Immediately, C#?

Mar 13, 2010

When I make a change to a form, add a control, or text, etc., the updates don't appear immediately in the web browser after I run the application again. I have also tried saving the changes before running it again. Same results in either IE or FireFox.

I have also set my browser to check for updates everytime a web page is loaded again.

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VS2008 - How To Get The Porofile For A Specified User To Return

Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to get the porofile for a specified user to return so i can put the info into appropriate textboxes but using profile base and a number of other remedies i cant seem to get it to return anything other than null values


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Adding ADODB Reference In VS2008?

Jul 23, 2010

I need to be able to add a reference to ADODB in my code to access that particular COM object's result.

I have tried to add the adodb reference from the properties page of my site, but whenever I try to run the site after adding it I get this:


To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.

To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog].

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3603; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3082


Why would this be? I've not encountered this before when adding the adodb reference. The source of the adodb reference is:

c:Program FilesMicrosoft.NETPrimary Interop Assembliesadodb.dll

The file is indeed in that directory.

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VS2008 - How To Bind Array To A Repeater

Feb 23, 2010

I have an array that I want to bind to a repeater. It's a single dimensional array, and I simply want to post the values of that array to a repeater. I tried binding directly from the array but I couldn't get it to work right, so I looked around and found that I should maybe use a hashtable. I'm thinking that I can sort the array appropriately, then feed the array into the hashtable as is. The problem is, though, the key order in the hashtable doesn't match the values in the array. Here's the code:


So if my sorted array is 1,2,3,4,5, for some reason the hastable doesn't have the keys in the same order. Is there someway to sort the hashtable so that the key order is sequential when I bind the repeater, or is there a better way to handle this?

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Trying To Connect To A Remote Debugger For VS2008-SP1?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm having problems trying to connect to a remote debugger for VS2008-SP1.I'm trying to debug an ASP.NET application on a Win2k8 VM. The host PC (WinXPsp3) running Visual Studio is connected to an AD domain, and is logged in with a domain account. The VM is not connected to the domain and is logged in with the local Administrator account.The VisualStudio remote debugger requires authentication in both directions, so I would normally add my domain account as a local admin on the VM and allow debug permissions for that user.Since the VM is not on the domain, I can't add my domain account as a local admin. What can I do to get remote debugging going between my PC and the VM?

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How To Get The Ajax Extensions To Show In VS2008 IDE

Dec 3, 2010

When I open a 3.5 related web project then the Ajax extension is showing; e.g.: script manager,update panel etc

However when I open a 2.0 web project then Ajax extension is not showing.

what to do if I want Ajax extension to be available in case of 2.0 related project.

Do I need to download an installer? If so then tell me URL from where I can download Ajax extension for 2.0.

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Get VS2008 To Upgrade To SP1

Apr 19, 2010

I run the preparaion pack then successfully run the installation of SP1 I do not see verification on the 'About VS 2008' page.

Consequently (I think) my attempts at installing SQL Server Management Express 2008 constantly fails due to the lack of SP1.

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Security :: Opening Configuration In VS2008?

Apr 11, 2010

I'm having a problem with opening ASP.NET configuration in Visual Studio 2008 Express. It just won't open. Nothing happens when I click ASP.NET configuration (under Website).

Odd things:

(1) It works fine (opens) in Visual Studio 2005 Express.

(2) I tried re-installing Visual Studio 2008 Express and the ASP.NET configuration opened fine for a couples of day, but now its not working again.

View 11 Replies

AJAX :: No Extenders Are Working For VS2008?

Jan 26, 2011

I started up a new 3.5 Asp.Net Website using VS2008.

No Asp.Net Ajax enabled Website or Ajax toolkit enabled templates present.

Ajax Extensions tool set is there.

Added the ajaxtoolkit3.5 controls to the toolbar in its new tab. I'm running 3.5.


Add scriptmanager to the page.

Add a standard control. I tried each one of the following one at a time: Button, Textbox, Panel.

I drag and extender to the window and (/) can't do!

I cannot drag and drop any extenders to my page.

I add reference to the ajaxtoolkit dll that is the bin directory. Does nothing.

I add a Register declaration on the page. Does nothing.

I didn't touch the code behind. Everything there is default including the using statements.


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AJAX :: Published BIN Directory Using VS2008 - 3.5

Sep 27, 2010

After I publish my site and I take a look at the bin directory I notice a lot extra directors that seem to be associated with the Ajax Control Toolkit such as ar,cs,de,es,fr Could any explain what these folders are and do I have to have them? Also I notice it seems to publish the .pdb file for the AjaxControlToolKit can I delete these when I place them on my server? I am using VS2008 .net 3.5

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