I've Created The Worst Tag Soup Of All Time ( MVC 2)?

Nov 9, 2010

I am staring at the worst mess, my monitor isn't tall enough to see what is going on, and VS 2010 is noI do not have any idea how to refactor this trash.It's 11 AM and I feel like pouring a drink already.Is this just the final proof that I have no business coding? Be honest.

<div id="followedFriends">
<% if (Model.FollowedFriends.Count() > 0)


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C# - Hidden Input Types Get's Created At RUN Time / How To Make Sure That These Are Not Created

Jan 19, 2010

For some reason I have noticed that at run time when looking at my source of my ASP.NET page there are tags being created.

<input type="hidden" name="_VIEWSTATE" id="_viewstate" value="..lots of text.." />


<input type="hidden" name="_EVENTVALIDATION" id="_EVENTVALIDATION" value="..lots of text.." />

Why is this and what is it for?

How can I make sure that these are not created?

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DataSource Controls :: Need To Set Properties On Run Time Created Control?

Dec 29, 2010

I have datasources being created in the code behind, and I am using an int for the name like:


How do I define properties on a dynamic control like that?

datasource(convert.tostring(i)).connectionstring = "xx"

that will not work, how do I set properties on a dynamic control?

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Web Forms :: Get Text Of Link Button Created At Run Time?

Sep 23, 2010

I have created a link button at run time and that too in a for loop.The text of linkbutton is coming from database.now i want,when i click a link button i should get the text of that particular link button stored in some variable.The code is as follows

for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
linkbutton lk=new linkbutton()

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Web Forms :: Use Master Page - Controls Created During Design Time Initialized?

Jan 18, 2010

a) Assuming a page has a master page associated with it, then all controls (those declared in master page and those declared in content page) created during design time are assigned declarative values only during an Init event? I'm assuming this since to my understanding controls need first to be put into the control tree before they can be assigned their declarative values? And when page has a master page associated with it, then aren't page's controls put into the control tree only during the Pre_Init or perhaps even during the Init event? Then if that is the case, then isn't the earliest that these controls can be assigned their declarative values during Init event?

b) Assuming our page is associated with Master page and also uses a theme --> skin files are also applied during an Init event, so I assume that during an Init event Asp.Net first initializes controls to their declarative values and only then applies skin rules to them?

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C# - How To Get Sorting Without Removing Row-Created Function(Use For Changing Column Of Header-text In Run-time)

Nov 15, 2010

The following code is my Grid View AA from aspx page.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView_AA" runat="server" OnSorting = "Gridview_AA_Sorting" OnRowCreated="GridView_AA_RowCreated">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Period Name" SortExpression="PERIOD_NAME">

I cannot sort after adding GridView_AA_RowCreated function. Each column of Grid view header-text worked well before I add this Row Created function. If I cut the following code: e.Row.Cells[2].Text = "Period Name";
Sorting works. I want to get sorting without removing this Row Created function. Do you have any brighter solution about my problem?

protected void GridView_AA_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
e.Row.Cells[2].Text = "Period Name"; //Change header text in run-time

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Button Control Click Event Not Firing First Time?

Sep 16, 2010

im creating a button control in page int and im assing a click event for the button control. here the click event is not firing for the first time. here is my code.


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State Management :: Expire The Session After Certain Period Of Time Which Has Been Created Once The Customer Logged In To The Page?

Feb 2, 2011

i want to know how expire the session after certain period of time which has been created once the customer logged in to the page

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DataSource Controls :: Created LINQ To SQL Classes And Built The Project, Then Created An Aspx Page?

Jun 3, 2010

I have been using LINQ to SQL for quite a while (about two years). Every thing was fine until now. As usual, I created LINQ to SQL classes and built the project, then created an aspx page. However, I cannot see the DataClassesDataContext in the code behind file. It is not listed in the intellisense list.

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Website Type Project No Solution Is Created And No Link Is Created With IIS?

Feb 12, 2010

onething is not clear to me that in asp.net 1.1 there was asp.net project type but from 2.0 there is no asp.net project type option rather

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why microsoft design in this way from 2.0. i think there must be soldin reason & advantage behind it.

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C# - Is A New Object That's Created In A Static Property Getter Only Created Once

Jan 11, 2010

I'm creating a static helper class for web services I'm writing. I'm tapping into the API of Telligent and therefore creating these Telligent "service" objects that allow me to do things with the platform. For example, I'm creating a MembershipSerice object in my helper class so I can do membership stuff with the same object. In my helper class I have a property with a getter that creates a new one of these objects:

private static MembershipService _MembershipService {
get return new MembershipService(path, usr, pwd);

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Web Forms :: Image Show / Captcha Show Only One Image That Created For First Time?

Mar 4, 2010

i have a image control that show Captcha...

Problem:in the Host(not local system) Captcha show only one image that created for first time,but in my local system every things is right,and captcha change for every page load...

i think image can't find server folder address and always show first produced image!!!

see code:


where is the problem?

notice:when i see server "Upload" folder and "AddIntuitionReflexRandom.gif" file,content change truly,but that can't show in my image.

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Difference In Display For JQuery Created Img Tag And Created Img Tag?

Jun 2, 2010

My web page has two ways of displaying a particular content. 1. When the page is loaded, the items ( images with anchor tag) are generated using ASP Repeater. 2. When user perform some Ajax action, the images are returned as JSON and I use jQuery for creating the a & img tags.In both these methods, the anchor tags with images are displayed with width 60px. There is no CSS class applied. But strangely the display is not consistent. Here is the both displays:I wonder why this difference occur. I check this with all browsers ( IE,FF& chrome) and all behave the same. Here is my jQuery code:

$('<a>').attr({ href: '/Detail.aspx?id=' + result.it[i].pid, title: result.it[i].nam }) .html("<img src='" + result.it[i].url + "' title='" + result.it[i].nam + "' alt='" + result.it[i].nam + "' width='60px' />").appendTo("#SummaryDiv");

Any idea why this behaviour occurs? I also checked the css applied to these elements in chrome and FF.. they seems to have all the same CSS attributes.

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Global Time Settings / Displaying The Canadian Time Instead Of India Time?

Oct 1, 2010

My web application has hosted on the canada server but my all clients are indians.So, as I am using System.datetime.Now to store all the dates in application.Obviously, it is displaying the canadian time instead of india time.How can i do it?Is there not any gloabl settings that we can do in our web.config file so that it indicates to the server at run time which time zone to execute..?Or any other suitable alternate?

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To Get The Time Difference Between The Replied Time With Arrived Time Of The Mail?

Aug 2, 2010

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ADO.NET :: How To Format A TIME COLUMN In SQL 08 To Regular Time And Not Military Time

Mar 5, 2011

Anyone know how to format a TIME COLUMN in SQL 08 to regular time and not military time? VB.net

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How To Get The Time Slot Of Telerik's Scheduler From Client Side By The Time Or Date Of That Time Slot

Nov 19, 2010

I'm using Telerik's RadScheduler Control with WebService Binding.

I've used RadScheduler with Server Side Binding which has an event called "OnTimeSlotCreated" which fires every time when a particular time slot creates so that i can access the time slot and get the control (HtmlTableCell Control) to modify it according to the requirement.

But now i'm binding it from client side through WebService which has no such "onClientTimeSlotCreated" event, also these time slots are not having any identity at client side to access.

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Forms Data Controls :: Time Used As "amount Of Time Available", Not Time On A Clock?

Jul 6, 2010

how to suppress the "AM" in the gridview (template Bind("RideTimeMin", "{0:t}")? Don't tell me to use military time because the function is not "time on a clock"; it's how much time is allowed for a task (in this case the min/max hours & minutes that horses have to complete a 20 mile trail; e.g. 05:00, 05:27, etc). I'm currently accomplishing this in the "ondatabound" function by "..RTmin.Replace("AM","")". I have looked and looked at all the websites that talk about datetime formatting but have yet to find a way to do it upfront in the gridview bind statement.

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Security :: Time In LastLoginDate Field Ahead Of Local Server Time 3 Hours?

Mar 25, 2010

In my asp.net application I user Microsoft Membership to manage site access security and find the time saved into LastLoginDate is ahead of local time (Eastern Time Zone) 3 hours. What is wrong with it and how to ajust it to local time by application system only such as changing some properties od application?

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Web Forms :: Display Start And End Time Based On If Current Time Falls In Range

Dec 23, 2013

I need to do to the following:

Find if the current time falls within hourly ranges  and display the start hour and end hour of that range in labels.


 If the current time is 8:46am, label startTime would return "8am" and label endTime would return "9am"
If the current time is 10:01pm, label startTime returns "10pm" and label endTime returns "11pm"
If the current time is 12:59am, label startTime returns "12am" and label endTime returns "1am"

I have been working with the C# TimeRange class but not getting what I need.

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Data Controls :: Split Time Based On Comma As IN And OUT Time And Bind It To GridView

May 15, 2013

select distinct tbl.emp_code, b.EmplName, convert(varchar, tbl.punched_date,101) as Punched_date,
(select convert(varchar(8),itbl.PUNCHED_TIME, 114)+', '
from Trn_Capture_Data_New itbl
where itbl.EMP_CODE=tbl.emp_code and itbl.PUNCHED_DATE=tbl.punched_date and itbl.EMP_CODE='4'
and tbl.punched_date >= '03/27/2013' and tbl.punched_date <= '03/28/2013'
for xml path('')) Punched_Time

[Code] ....

I have the above query and that gives me result

Emp_code EmplName Punched_date Punched_Time
4 XXX 3/27/2013 14:22:00, 09:44:00, 10:38:00, 11:01:00, 16:12:00, 18:25:00, 
4 XXX 3/28/2013 13:14:00, 09:49:00, 18:02:00, 

Now i need to Bind it to gridview, the gridview columns should be


In punched time the first one should be IN and second OUT. A employee would have punched several time a day. Based on that I should take maximum punches and bring that of columns as IN and OUT in gridvew dynamically. How to achieve this?

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Web Forms :: How To Open A Popup Window Automatically At Some Time Interval Of Time

Sep 3, 2010

in my application i need to generate/open a popup window automatically at some interval of time, when the user is working at some page in the application, like a alert message

the popup window contains some information which should take from the database,

and the information should be updated automatically when the popup window opens,

i am developing my application with c#.

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Forms Data Controls :: Comparing Time In Field Vs Current Time?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a date/time stored in a smalldatetime field (ms sql 2005) that i want to compare with the current time and receive a difference. If the difference is less than 30 minutes, do this....if more do that....

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AJAX :: Error On First Time Page Refresh Then Removes On The Second Time / Could Not Load File Or Assembly

May 20, 2010

Server Error in '/MedTegraSL.Web' Application.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Source Error:


Source File:

c:ProductiveTeamsMedTegraPresentationMedTegraSLMedTegraSL.WebMainMaster.Master Line: 16 Assembly Load Trace: The following information can be to determine why the assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' could not be loaded.


Stack Trace:


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AJAX :: Collapsiblepanelextender - Each Time The Page Opens Or Postsback The Panels Open For A Time And Then Close

May 20, 2010

I have a series of collapsible panel extenders on my page and each time the page opens or postsback the panels open for a time and then close. Is there a way to prevent this?

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