Installation :: Website Retaining IIS Settings?
Mar 10, 2011
I have created .msi and .exe installer for one website. I now want to install this on Windows server 2003 with IIS 6. As the installation is on a already existing site on IIS I want the installer to remove all the exisitng files but retain the IIS settings of the already existing site(such as default document and directory security).
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Nov 4, 2010
I am trying to run a website on iis7, it was working fine untill i tryed to install isapi rewrit on iis7. when i go to localhost i get the 404 message and when i type localhost/Default.aspx i get the default page but the css is not applyed to the page. i tryed to uninstall /install iis but the settings remain the same. how can i install iis with default settings.
i was following this instructions.
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Jun 22, 2010
Just got a new dev machine and am having trouble with this piece of code in our project. I have set folder permissions to give Network Service read/write accessFor dev, this is being ran locally on IIS 7.5. IIS Authentication settings are Forms Authentication and Windows Authentication enabled.I am getting a permssions error when the xml is written to the local hard drive.
PDFGenerator pdfGenerator = new PDFGenerator();
DataSet dataSet1 = pdfGenerator.GenerateDataSet(Parameters, xmlFilePath);
outputXmlFile = Guid.NewGuid() + outputXmlFile;
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Jun 9, 2010
In our IIS (v 6.0) there is one classic ASP app deployed, which has around 35 concurrent users. Now, a new ASP.NET(3.5) app needs to be deployed on the same server which will have its own 50 concurrent users. In this scenario should we create a Application Pool for this new .net app? What are other recommendations for the IIS settings in future?
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Oct 19, 2010
I want to make a 2nd website and am using a copy of the site files from my 1st site built for me, I added them via FTP to the hosting company. I realise when I edit the new site via the CMS it is editing both sites plus when I try to change anything to the CSS file I get the following error -
So my questions are what do I need to change to be able to deploy a new site with the files I have to make a new site?I also don't understand where the password is coming from, I can see the User ID comes from the database. in the connection strings are the following:
site Data;Initial Catalog=***;User ID=***;Password=*** - Where is this password coming from?
membership Data;User ID=***;Password=***;persist security info=False;initial catalog=***;
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Sep 6, 2010
Am running web application.I need to modify the appearance of my web page..I want to bring a table that contains some labels and textbox to the centre of the page..I changed the align to is not working...i changed the padding pixels which is in is also not working out...i feel CSS in not applying.
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Nov 20, 2010
I have a Settings.cs class that exposes some Static properties. Those properties are read-only. This class reside in a seperate DLL than the website.
On the application start, I need to initialize the Settings.cs class and populate the Static properties with values. This shall be done once per Application Start.
I am hooking to the Application_Start event in the Web Application. How can I access those "private" Static properties on the Settings.cs class (residing in a separate DLL)?
I have one option which is let the Settings.cs class populate itself. But again I need to do so once per application start.
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Jan 18, 2010
In multilingual website in english Uk and swedish, i have three rsources file
1. en-GB.resx
2. sv-SE.resx
3. Culture neutral file.
I have create one base class and all pages is inherited from that class. There i write following lines to set UICULTURE and culture
1. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name;
2. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name;
Question: Suppose my browser language is Swedish(sv-SE) then this code will run because it find CurrentUICulture and CurrentCulture values as sv-SE.
Now if suppose browser language is Swedish(sv) only, in that case values will be set as
CurrentUICulture = sv; and CurrentCulture = sv-SE
Now the problem is that user can able to view all text in Culture neutral resource file that i kept as english while all decimal saperators, currency and other will be appear in swedish.
It looks confusing to usr.
What would be right approach. I am thinking following solution.
1. i can create extra resource file for sv also.
2. I check value of CurrentUICulture in base class and if it is sv then replace it with sv-SE
Please correct me which one is right approach or Is there any other good way of doing?
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May 8, 2010
Got the following issue:Tried in IE7 (may be the same problem in other browsers) to log into a website programmed in 3.5 with C#. Log in fails. Nothing happens, no error, no crash, it just does not log in. Setting the privacy to medium high resolves the problem. As far as I am aware the website does not use cookies.Any idea what the problem could be? Can this be resolved to enable users to log in regardless of their privacy settings?
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Nov 16, 2010
I have an ASP.Net website as one of the projects in a Visual Studio 2010 solution. I have several files in my ASP.Net website project which are named correctly according to the expected pattern of *.aspx and *.aspx.cs, however, when I view them within the ASP.Net website project, they are not displayed hierarchically and are instead displayed in a flat file view adjacent to each other. How do I get the files to display hierarchically within Visual Studio as they are normally when I add a brand new .aspx page to the website project? I have been looking all over for a corresponding Visual Studio MSBuild or settings file that might be storing these hierarchical display settings but have found nothing as of yet.
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Aug 10, 2010
I wish to keep the site settings like ProductsPerpage, SiteName, MaximumFileUploads etc in web.config file I wish to add a "Change Settings" form in the web site in order to change settings. Is it a standard method to access and edit the system.config file programmatically for changing site settings? Else what should be the good approach I should follow?
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Mar 2, 2011
I have a E-Shop Site and I need some customization for my users like following :
Store favorite products in their own basket.Customize products list in order to what are their favorite. It must remember their basket next time they want to visit our site.
my question is how I can store information for my customers who are new to my web site also most of customers don't like to have username and password then login first they like to buy during a week and at the end of week pay for them then we can send some products to their locations.
I have already written my application using with framework 4.0.
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Nov 26, 2010
have couple of question i will ask one by one.1) how i would like to configure the local web site with IIS.I need to run the web site using IIS server not default visual studio web development server .2) how i would like to give the solution name for website.for example normally when your going to create the web site it will display the website name is http://localhost/testprojector "d://....../testproject".but i need to display web site project name is testproject alone
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Jan 4, 2010
I want to offline the website before I start update. So to do that I simply put App_Offline.html in the root directory and it works nice. Now when I open my site it shows App_Offline.html. But while I replacing the dlls in bin directory and this time I refresh the page I get "Runtime Error". So my question is that, is there any better way of doing this ?
View 8 Replies
Dec 1, 2010
I have reasonable experience programming for windows form programs in VB 2005, but I am new in ASP.NET. I have tried the file system website, and it does not seems to have a problem for me. However, when I was trying to create a website to run with IIS, it failed. This is what happened, to start, I chose location:HTTP on the "new web site" dialog box, and using browse button, I opened the "choose location" dialogbox. I choose "Local IIS" on the lefthand side. Then, I create new virtual directory, with the alias name "Test" and folder c:my documentweb site st (new and empty directory). Then I clicked the open button, it was still fine, where it returned to the "new web site" dialog box. However, when I clicked the OK button on the "New Web Site" dialog box, it comes up with this error:
"Configuring web site 'http://localhost/Test' to ASP.NET 2.0 failed. You may need to manually configure this site for ASP.NET 2.0 in order for your site to run correctly"
When I clicked OK, it does come up with a blank website, however if I run it, it will comes up with this error:
"Unable to start debugging on the web server. The server does not support debugging of ASP.NET and ATL Server application. Click Help for more information on how to enable debugging" but there is no Help button!
By the way, all the trials are done in VB2005/ASP.NET 2.0, we are trying to upgrade to VB2010 sometimes next year. The computer is running Windows XP.
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Jun 30, 2010
i have developed simple login form as my web application. I wanted to connect it with database to add some more features. However, my VS 2008 was unable to connect with SQL Server 2008 on my laptop, I thought, I should copy and paste my entire web application folder into my web space provided by university. I have done that through ftp. However, when I have tried to debug my application (through remote desktop connection on my university server) I got some weired error.
Furthermore, when I have tried to debug my application on my laptop, it gave me an error that "Web.config file has been renamed, changed or deleted........."
So, my question is, "Is it possible to copy and paste your project simply like you do with your other files (songs, movies or photos etc...) and can debug (source as well as destination) without doing any further editing or chages?"........If no, what are the other alternatives?......
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Jan 24, 2010
Strong Named Their Assembly. I've read on-line and in the help files for 6 hours straight and I am no where closer to getting this. It seems that every 6 months I run up against one of these types of things with and the .Net Framework. I read on line and find dozens of people who get the same exact error. Most of the threads are never resolved and the ones that seem to resolve the issue do it in a way that doesn't work for ever one else. It is really absurd.
My web site runs fine in debug mode on my computer (local host). It loads in FireFox and runs fine. When I post it to my web site I get the error below. I try to "Strong Name The Assembly" with the command line command "aspnet_compiler -v default.aspx X:NetProjectsHumMPI -keyfile X:NetProjectsHumMPIkeypair.snk -aptca"
Default.aspx is what fails. This should be the virtual folder of my web app. Obviously "Default.aspx" is not right. I have tried 42 variations on what I think the virtual path to my web app might be. Every single time the compiler fails telling me that it is not a valid path.
I'm moving in to week two of trying to get a simple "Hello world" web app to load on my web site. It runs perfect on my development machine but generates constant errors on the web site. Each time I fix a problem that only happens on the web site another one crops up with even the slightest change - or sometimes even NO change to the code.
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Aug 4, 2010
I inherit an ASP.Net web site from my predecessor, it does not have a .csproj file or .sln file and it's not controlled by version control system. I install SVN server from CollabNet and use AnkhSvn as client since it integrates with VS.Net well, but when I try to open a subversion project, it must be a solution or project, can not be a website, are there any workarounds?
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Jul 9, 2010
Until last week it was going smoothly. Now when I make changes to any of the forms it still shows up fine when I hit F5 to run it, but when I install it on the server none of the changes show up. I have uninstalled the site and reinstalled it but the result is the same.
I am using VSTS 2008 and I have tried building this on two machines with the same result. The solution contains a web deployment project and a setup project. Both of which were working fine early last week. This isn't a configuration specific issue because it happens on both. I get no error messages.
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Oct 13, 2010
I've been having an occasional issue with my website "converting" to site that requires windows authentication. This happens every few months and the only way to fix it to recycle the application pool.This issue is actually happening with a hosting company and my site is on a shared server. I believe I have my own application pool and I'm able to recycle it myself using their web administration tools. Fortunately, I know how to fix and have the ability to do it myself but it is embarrassing when my site now longer works and I have a client email there is a problem. I'm running .NET 3.5 with latest SP.
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Mar 3, 2010
I have a client that currently has a comprehensive php website (with a huge amount of functionality built in).
We have been requested to link into our c#/SQL server application and pull information from the SQL database and display this on the existing website.
I would like to do this as aspx pages. However, I do not want to re-create the complete existing website. I would like to add the aspx functionality onto the current website.
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Jun 29, 2010
I have just finished developing a website in ASP.NET 3.5 with database as SQL SERVER Express edition (Free one).
I am looking for a hosting provider who supports SQL SERVER Express Edition.
However I know that SQL SERVER Express edition can save data upto 2GB size.
tell me about a web-hosting provider who allows SQL SERVER Express edition of size 2GB ?
I am fine with shared hosting.
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Jan 17, 2011
I am working on a setup package that installs a web site on IIS7 and IIS6. I've already made it for IIS7, now I need to make it for IIS6. But I am working under windows 7 so I can't install IIS6 on it. Any way, I have to test my setup project. What are the ways to do it (preferrably free and legal ;) ) ? I can think of a remote connection to a machine that already has IIS6 and using a virtual machine, for example . But even though is free, WinXP with IIS6 isn't ;) .
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Jan 21, 2010
I have 2 machines on a domain. The first machine has IIS 6. 0 inatalled on it, whereas the second machine has published web content.
On the local machine ie. Web server i have configured the website like "A Share located on another computer" Eg: //Machine2/Application1. The pubished web content is inside a shared folder on the remote machine. Finally when i run the application in browser(IE 7.0) i get the following error.
Server Application Unavailable
The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.
Administrator Note: An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.
The Error in the Windows event viewer is as follows:
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Jan 7, 2010
When I create a new website in IIS and its associated application pool, I get the option of setting the .NET framework to 1.0 or 2.0.Via windows updates I have installed versions 3.0 and 3.5..however these dont show up in the drop down list.I read that the aspnet_regiis -i command needs to be run in the installed .NET framework folder for it to be visible in IIS.However, the aspnet_regiis.exe is only present in the 1.0 and 2.0 folders. Can I use the same exe to register the 3.5 framework with IIS?
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