Disabling Button With JQuery Doesn't Send State Back To Server?

Dec 2, 2010

Before I go the route of using hidden fields or something similar, is there any way to send back to the server changes to the disabled state of an ASP.net Button control? I have a Button that is initially enabled and I disable it via jQuery on the client. Works great. The only problem is when I do a PostBack the server still thinks the Button is enabled and sends back a response that changes it back to enabled. Why doesn't the ViewState send back the current disabled status of the Button? Is there a way to force it to postback the changes? Other ASP.net controls, like the CheckBox, do send back the state changes to the server. Seems odd to me.

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Web Forms :: Disabling Browser Back Button With Display Of Alert Message?

May 28, 2010

In my application I have to use such like on clicking back button of the browser the current page should be there. it should not navigate to the previous one...Also there should appear a alert box which will prompt message of fear of losing some data.........

for back button functionality disable I have used javascript. Its working but not fully.

I want to do this by disabling the Cacheability ..

I have also tried disabling the cacheability but it's not working ...

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Javascript - Jquery.ajax Set With Async=true To Send Data Back To Server Not Working If Page Redirects/reloads.

Sep 3, 2010

I'm trying to save some content whenever a button/hyperlink is clicked using jquery.ajax (Using Asp.net 3.5). The logic is as follows:

Through .bind in jquery I bind my own method(MakeLog) to a button click or hyperlink click. The click events of button/hyperlink contain nothing, I need to use .bind for selective controls.Now we have a button whose click event will fire a method, say MakeLog.Code snippet for MakeLog is as follows:

var xhr = jQuery.ajax({
url: "/Logger.aspx",
data: { content: logContent }, [code]....

This works fine in IE but in Firefox this is not sending the data back as expected.I tried to identify the issue and came across the following: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3522944/jquery-ajax-calls-async-false-vs-async-true .What I understand is that, whenver page is redirecting/reloading due to button click or hyperlink click the async call is not working properly.

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Forms Data Controls :: Back Button Doesn't Go Back When Canceling / Updating Edits In Gridview?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a gridview bound to a sqldatasource with editing enabled. If I click Edit, then either Cancel or Update, the update or cancel occurs and the Edit button reappears. However, I cannot then click the browser's back button without having the Update and Cancel buttons reappear. A second click of the back button takes me to a state where the Edit button shows again, *then* another back button click will take me to the referring page (the one before the one with the gridview on it.) IOW, it looks like the postbacks are cached. How can I prevent this and have the back button go straight to the referring page?

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Javascript - Disabling A Button Inside A Gridview Using Jquery?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a gridview and on the 6th column there is a link button. I want to enable/disable the link button according to the value of 7th column.... Iam using the following code. but it wont work...

$('#<%=xgvVisitersRegister .ClientID%> tr').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('td:eq(7)').text() != "") {
$(this).find('td:eq(6)').attr("disabled", true);
else {
$(this).find('td:eq(6)').attr("disabled", false);

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Security :: FormsAuthentication.SignOut() Doesn't Work For Previous / Back Button?

May 13, 2010

I have a Default(contains the sign-out button) and Login page, once the user is not authenticated, it will always redirect the user to login page.

So the scenario is when the user hit the sign-out button it will redirect him to the login page which is good. My problem is, when the user hits theprevious or back button from the login page,it will still read the authorization cookies and redirect him to the default page. which should not be the case. the user should be redirected to login page when authentication is invalid.

I've read some solutions on the net, but still it doesn't work for me. below are the codes I've used for my sign-out function


By the way, when the user is authenticated, the previous or back button is available/enable for the user.

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C# - Using A Timer Post Back, Which Controller To Use That Doesn't Post Back To Server?

Jul 14, 2010

Being new to ASP.NET I have run into trouble building my own Whack-a-mole program. I think my problem comes from using Buttons, which by themselves send post backs to the server, making the software unusable. The looks are in place, making new buttons show up in the grid, in different places by random. However, when a button is pushed - the score doesn't change (which I feel is strange).

Not so strange is that the Button doesn't work since it sends post back to the server - reloading the UpdatePanel. I think I should use a different controller like the CheckBox and style it hard using CSS (which isn't a problem). Is this the correct way to go, or should I make use of JavaScript AJAX instead?

Note to self: This technique shouldn't be used in a public application since it put too much unwanted pressure on the web server.


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Save State Of Two List Boxes On Post Back Using JQuery?

Aug 13, 2010

could any body explain me how can i save state of two list boxes on post back i am using jQuery of this kind i dont know on what event what should i do or where can i save view state or how can i use hiddenField to persist the state of both list box


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JQuery :: JavaScript Attached To Cancel Button (HTML Button) Click Doesn't Fire

Jun 20, 2010

I have a LoginView element in an Update panel and use JQuery to hide the div containing the update panel when the cancel button(Html) is clicked.

It works fine normally. However, when I enter an invalid password and there is an error message displayed, the Javascript attached to the Cancel button click stops firing.


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Web Forms :: Button Posts Back But Doesn't Fire Event Only In IIS - Fine In Cassini

Nov 29, 2010

Here's an odd one that I've never seen before. Only on IIS, not in Cassini but in all web browsers I have a button that posts back and the page_load event fires, but the actual button click event doesn't fire. there is no re-writing of the page or anything else happening.

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State Management :: How To Clear Sessions After Clicking Back Button

May 17, 2010

I would like to clear sessions after hitting back button . Iuse the java script to disable back button how can i clear sessions now after hitting back button.

I use the following script

<script type="text/javascript">
function preventBack(){window.history.forward();}
setTimeout("preventBack()", 0);

View 6 Replies

State Management :: Click Back Button No Refresh Data

Apr 18, 2010

I have 2 webpage 1 is a.aspx and 2 is b.aspx on a.aspx it contain gridview data on 2paging when click on gridview data on 2paing link to b.aspx so on b.aspx have back buttom when i click on b.aspx it will be back to a.aspx but i dont want a.aspx refresh data to 1 paging. I want to click back buttom it show data on a.spx on 2paging not 1 paging.

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State Management :: Clear Back Button To Force A Postback?

Sep 18, 2010

I am using asp.net 3.5 and use master pages for most of the website. I need to make sure that users after they logout are not able to use the back button to see in cache data.

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JQuery :: Cascading Html Select Server Control, JQuery Does Not Retain Value On Post Back

May 26, 2010

Cascading html select server control, jQuery does not retain value on post back

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State Management :: How To Control And Add Extra History Points In IE8 Back Button

Jun 23, 2010

I wasn't sure where to post this type of question so here you go. The title says it all really I'm using the Microsoft.web.preview dll so that we can provide history support for the Ajax controls used in a .net 2.0 project. This works in IE6 but fails to function correctly in IE8 it appears to add additional history points when you attempt to navigate backwards through history.

Enter the page > Make a change using Ajax (add history point) > press back button you would expect to go back to initial page state but another two history points have been inserted between your initial page request and new your manually added history point. there is no where in the code that is adding these additional history points by accident. Remember it works perfectly under IE6. What are my options do I have to upgrade to 3.5 .net to make use of the history functionality built into the scriptmanager?

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State Management :: UserControl Data In Viewstate And Retriving On Back Button?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a page with a few usercontrols. from a usercontrol I will redirect to a new page(response.redirect). Now On pressing the back button I want the data to persist for the usercontrols as well. I have tried it out by overriding DeterminePostBackMode, LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium, and SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium but all data except the ones within the usercontrol persist. i feel what i have tried is ok for the page data but for usercontrol data do i need to do something else.

P.S: I understand that i could be storing all user controls value in a session but I am looking for another way because its going to be a huge task taking each controls values in a session. I am not using any dynamically loaded user controls. May be if I know of a way of saving and restoring viewstate for user controls it would work but..

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Web Forms :: Email Doesn't Send On New Server

Jul 16, 2010

I have been using a C# asp.net email form for a while on an old server (administered by a friend who has moved away) and now I have my own server. The problem is the form appears to send but the message never turns up in the mail box. Because the form used to work, I suspect its my server settings. The code behind for the form is:


I have set the web site up as ASP.NET and the pages load ok etc. So I go to the form, fill it out and it is processed and I get the confirm message. What do I need to check at the server end? Sorry if its a dumb question I am quite new to the finer points of server management

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Jquery Disable Post Back On Button?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm using Jquery UI and Autocomplete func.(Combobox) and I interested in this part.

$("<button> </button>")
.attr("tabIndex", -1)
.attr("title", "Show All Items")
icons: {
primary: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s"
text: false

My problem is when I use ASP.net, this button do PostBack, but I not need this because my list of items then gone. How can I override this behavior of button.

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Can Check Which Data Send Back To Server In Multi Updatepanel Form

Dec 26, 2010

I have a few updatepanel in my asp.net webform . I'm doing some tests and I'm wondering how can i check what data send back to server in different situations ?

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Can't Send SMS Directly As Web Server - Doesn't Allow To Browsing Other Sites

Feb 13, 2011

Session("CellNo") = New List(Of String)() From { _
"CellNo1", _
"CellNo2" _
Session("SMSMess") = New List(Of String)() From { _
"Messagetext1", _
"Messagetext2" _
' Popup window.
' Generate many iframes to send SMS.
Dim CellNo As List(Of String) = DirectCast(Session("CellNo"), List(Of String))
Dim SMSMess As List(Of String) = DirectCast(Session("SMSMess"), List(Of String))
For i As Integer = 0 To CellNo.Count - 1
Dim url As String = [URL]
?usr=USERID&pwd=PASSHERE&sndr=SENDERID&ph=" & CellNo(i).Trim() & "&text=" & SMSMess(i).Trim() & "&rpt=1"
Response.Write("<iframe frameborder=""0"" height=""1px"" width=""1px"" src=""" & url & """ />") Next

I'm using above Code to send SMS. For some reason I can't send SMS Directly as my web server doesn't allow to browsing other sites. But above code sending only 1 SMS.

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Page Post Back But Server Click Event Doesn't Fire

Aug 31, 2010

I have a button like this:

<asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" Text="Save" OnClientClick="return ConfirmSave();" OnClick="btnSave_Click" />

If I write my client function like the following, it works as expected:

function ConfirmSave()
return confirm('Confirm?');

But I should check, inside the function, for the confirm result, like this:

function ConfirmSave()
if (Page_ClientValidate('validationGroup'))
var conf = confirm("Confirm?");
if (conf)
$('#btnSave').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
return conf;
return false;

Doing this, the page postback but the server click event doesn't fire.

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State Management :: .Net Website Logged In Pages Still Displayed By Pressing Back Button In Mozilla Firefox Browse?

Jun 18, 2010

I want know, If an error has occurred and website is redirected to the Custom Error Page and is also logged out. If back button of the Mozilla browser is pressed, previous logged in page is displayed. I have also used

in Page_init on Custom error page. Also set the values of .ASPXAUTH and other cookies to 1 but again page is not going to the Login Page. These cookies could also not be removed.

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Javascript - Server Side Show JS Alert Box, Doesn't Work When Using Partial Post Back?

Mar 24, 2010

I have put the following method in my master page. It works when I call it on a full post back, but when I call it from a updatePanel's asyncPostBack no alert is shown.

public void ShowAlertMessage(String message)
string alertScript =
String.Format("alert('{0}');", message);
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Key", alertScript, true);

What do I need to do so it works on partial post backs?

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JQuery :: Button Inside Modal Popup Doesn't Work

Jun 3, 2010

I have a small problem, I have a page which 4 jQuery modal popups. everything works fine, all the popup comes up however when i click on the button inside the jQuery popup nothing happens. I cannot figure out why.

This is the jQuery code i used [URL]:-


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JQuery :: Getting Data Back To The Server?

Jan 20, 2011

I was very kindly given some code to do drag and drop which works well. I'm now having a problem posting the data back on a button click event. To recap the JQuery looks like this:


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