Localization :: Making RESX Translation Process Less Complicated / Time Consuming

Dec 27, 2010

I have worked on many localized sites in the past, using mainy some standard patterns and techniques involving Global/Local RESX files as well as session to maintain currently selected language.

However, it is quite difficult to maintain from a translator point of view, we used a small tool that converts RESX to Excel and then the localized Excel back to RESX, but for some reason this technique doesnt work properly anymore...

better and more reliable tools (paid or free) that can be used to localize RESX and provide translation team a better/easier way to localize content?

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Architecture :: Running Time Consuming Process Behind The Scene?

Dec 23, 2010

My web application currently requires users to upload files, after which I take it for "further processing". This processing is VERY time consuming and can take a while before the control gets back to the user. I would like to run this in the background and not have the user wait until this completes.

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a) create a BackgroundWorker process in my Global.asax file that will spawn a process and take care of the activity.

b) create a web service that will do the processing for me .. (how?)

c) Use Ajax (Again how?)

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.net - Mvc 2, Resx Files And Page Translation?

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I've used a very interesting article (which i recommend, you can see it here :http://adamyan.blogspot.com/), and i've started to localize my asp net mvc2 site.However, i've come to a point where i don't know if it would be possible to do something else, or if i just have to do it this way The thing is, most of the pages are text and links and stuff. In general, all of the links i have them using some markup and calling the Html.ActionLink (for example). So, if i'm translating a page that has 20 links, i would have to split all of those texts into 20 entries in the resx file (and the Html.ActionLink text would have to have its own resx entry, of course). I find this a little bit unpractical. Is there a way to just copy the whole contents, and make some intermediary parse the tags in the resx file and call the appropriate code?

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I found the solution. Just override InitializeCulture().

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Feb 16, 2010

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Jun 2, 2010

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Localization :: Load Data From Resx To Ddl?

Jan 18, 2011

I am having difficulties loading the data from resx file to ddl control.

Inside the resx file the format is:

Name: CData


<c text="Canada" value="1"/>
<c text="USA" value="2"/>
<c text="Africa" value="3"/>

cs file:

ddl.DataSource = this.GetLocalResourceObject("CData");
ddl.DataTextField = "text";
ddl.DataValueField = "value";

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Mar 17, 2010

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i want to make page in administrator to can change value for any key in resources.

how i can search key by value.

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Key : MSG Value : Message.

i want to change 'Message' Value to 'welcome to visit us' throught website is running.

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Now I wish to add a resourcekey to the appropriate web.sitemap.resx file(located in App_GlobalResources).

I have tried many different ways :

- using XMLDocument load/save => says I don't have access to write to that resource file

- ResourceReader says the source stream is not valid.

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Dec 15, 2010

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Feb 18, 2010

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Jul 13, 2010

i has 2 resx files Test1.aspx.resx (for english) Test1.aspx.ko.resx(for korean) its working fine when language has changed on IE settings(that is automatic detection), my question is on my page i has a dropdownlist and showing the languages list, based on the user selected language i have to display language resx file. by default its automatically working based on the culture and no need to write any new code, but how to do this by user selected language?

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May 6, 2010

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Or, are all the .resx files placed directly inside App_GlobalResources? If it is possible to use subfolders, how do you programmatically access resources within subfolders?

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Class 'DictionaryRouteValueTranslationProvider' must implement 'Function TranslateToRouteValue(translatedValue As String, culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As RouteValueTranslation' for interface 'IRouteValueTranslationProvider'. P:Web_DevelopmentAHNDEVRoutingDictionaryRouteValueTranslationProvider.vb

This kind of programming is too advanced for


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Localization :: Create "Pick Languages" Usercontrol From Resx Files?

Apr 6, 2010

I am a little bit of confused here. I translated resx files to lots of languages, and I am looking for the best way to allow user to select it's language.I think that maybe a country selection would be better then a language selection. what do you think?I have a .resx file translation of about 100 languages. What is missing now is an easy to use DropDownList with flags (auto population according to the resx files)I am looking for an easy way to associate the DropDownlList.SelectedIndex to the CultureInfo property, so user will be able select the corect language.Since this is a common use, Is there a ready to use control doing so?

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Add Items To Resource File (resx) On Run Time?

Mar 22, 2011

i have some global resource files that store my dictionary for app.when a key is not in the resource file i return the key.

public Object MyGetGlobalResourceObject(string classKey, string resourceKey)
if (GetGlobalResourceObject(classKey, resourceKey) == null)

i want to add the resourceKey to the classKey file.

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Jul 7, 2010

I have a class project with only localized .resx file, means AxRes.de.resx. An MVC project with a resource folder an in the public AxRes.resx neutral (en) resource what can be reached by project-name.resource.AxRes.label-name. If now the satelite dll is copied to inde the german label shoud appear, but it doesn't. What must be done when referencing satelite assemblies? Can all resources be in the class project, how to link these to my MVC project?

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Sep 15, 2010

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I've used the Thread class and while it works well on my development machine (VS2010 internal web server) non of these threads seems to be working at all on my production server. And I don't know of an effective way to debug the problem on the production server.

I saw this technique which encourage you to register cache objects. Since the application fires a callback when a cached item expires, then it's possible to run any code to mimic threading behavior. It seems a little Micky Mouse like.

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Move Time Consuming Operations Out Of Page Load?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a aspx page in which i create reports and charts on the fly. Creation of these charts and reports takes a lot of time because of which a blank screen is shown to the user until the creation completes.

can unlink actual report and chart creation code from page load so that i can show a processing text and then show the generated chart or report once it is ready.


I would want to do something like this -

on first request trigger the report or chart creation and register a call back for completion. the client can then poll the server every 2-3 seconds to check if the report creaetion is complete.

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Web Forms :: Perform Time-consuming Task On Server?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a function which performs a series of time-consuming operations which include querying a large database, customising an excel file and sending an email with a 5MB attachment.

I would like to excute this function in the background, when a button is clicked, and immediately redirect the user to another aspx page. The user should be free to browse to other pages or even close the browser when the background operation is still running on the server. I have tried to implement threading but could not get it to work. The email with attachment does not get sent even though there are no errors.

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Complex Process Of Making A Typical Housie/Bingo Game Ticket?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm trying to create a typical Housie/Bingo Game ticket in Asp.net 2.0 (VB). But, not being succeeded. Ticket contains 3 row with 9 columns. Total 27 blocks, and it must be only 15 should be fill outta those 27. and each column contains value like 1st column should be between 1-10 and 2nd must have random values between 11-20.. It doesn't matter how many blocks filled in each column.. 1 is must, no single column should be blank, all 9 columns must be filled, some have all 3 blocks filled, some have 1 with total of 15 blocks filled in whole ticket. with random numbers..

Guys here was the typical housie ticket specification.. Please help me out generating a ticket like this. I've tried but, not being that much succeeded, I get whole column blank and validating columns.. takes extra load on system. please find me the way to make it.

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C# - .resx Serialization / List Of All Valid Keys For A Given *.resx File

May 14, 2010

I'm contributing on an I18N project and there's a call to serialize our *.resx files as JSON objects (for whatever reason).

What I'm wondering is:

Is there a way to get a list of all of the valid keys for a given *.resx file so that we could use HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject to grab the tokens?
If that won't work, has anyone come up with a clever solution that does?

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