Localization :: Online Tool For Translating Resx Files?
Feb 18, 2010
I'm using resx files to localize my asp.net 2.0 application. As it's freeware I need the help of many users translating it for free. I don't want to use automatic translation as there are my special terms which need to be translated exactly.Is there somewhere an online tool where resx-files could be translated? My users might have different operating systems, so having an online tool would be the best to find new users translating the pages.
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Jan 15, 2010
I found the solution. Just override InitializeCulture().
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Dec 15, 2010
I have the intranet application project with using properties.resources class. There is a resources.resx file.Now I have generated using resgen.exe from txt file into different languages resx file, e.g. resources.Fr.resx...( resgen fr.txt resources.Fr.resx)How to apply resources.resx or resources.Fr.resx into the program with setting and configuration??e.g. In resources.designer.cs, it has culture setting. Is it related?
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Apr 20, 2010
I was just wondering guys, how did you manage to update website's content with resx(resources) files.Did you manage user's database with connection, accessing to this page. I need to make a poll as well, should I use sharepoint or c# with a database?
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Mar 30, 2010
Is it possible to put resource files (.resx) within subfolders inside App_GlobalResources? For example:
Or, are all the .resx files placed directly inside App_GlobalResources? If it is possible to use subfolders, how do you programmatically access resources within subfolders?
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Apr 6, 2010
I am a little bit of confused here. I translated resx files to lots of languages, and I am looking for the best way to allow user to select it's language.I think that maybe a country selection would be better then a language selection. what do you think?I have a .resx file translation of about 100 languages. What is missing now is an easy to use DropDownList with flags (auto population according to the resx files)I am looking for an easy way to associate the DropDownlList.SelectedIndex to the CultureInfo property, so user will be able select the corect language.Since this is a common use, Is there a ready to use control doing so?
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Jan 18, 2011
I am having difficulties loading the data from resx file to ddl control.
Inside the resx file the format is:
Name: CData
<c text="Canada" value="1"/>
<c text="USA" value="2"/>
<c text="Africa" value="3"/>
cs file:
ddl.DataSource = this.GetLocalResourceObject("CData");
ddl.DataTextField = "text";
ddl.DataValueField = "value";
At debug mode, I checked that the data is been capture from resource file as shown above (xml format) But it fails at DataBind(), showing that the text is not found...
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Mar 17, 2010
I am make website and publish it, i am used different language by Resource.resx and Resource.Ar.resx.
when publish website i see resources files convert to .dll
i want to make page in administrator to can change value for any key in resources.
how i can search key by value.
then i want to put textbox to change value.
Key : MSG Value : Message.
i want to change 'Message' Value to 'welcome to visit us' throught website is running.
View 3 Replies
Oct 13, 2010
I have an application that uses resource files to display items in multiple languages. My app uses quote a lot of javascript and the alerts need to display in the local language. To do this, I have created an http handler which will read the keys and values of the culture-specific resource file and write them to a JSON array which is then embedded in the page in a script tag, the messages can then be accesses using, for exmaple:
Message.Error (en-GB = "Error", fr-FR = "Erreur")
The messages http handler works great in development, however when I run the application on a test server, I get the error: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "Resources.Alerts.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "App_GlobalResources.b0n9j90e" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed. The code that I use to acccess the resource file is:
ResourceManager manager = Resources.Alerts.ResourceManager;
ResourceSet resourceSet= Resources.Alerts.ResourceManager.GetResourceSet(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, true, true);
Where Resources.Alerts is the type that contains my multi-lingual definitions. The build action for the Alerts.resx file is set to "Embedded Resource". Any ideas why this works locally but not on my test server, am I missing something?
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Apr 22, 2010
I have a CMS that allows an administrator to add/create pages for his website.
When a page is created a SiteMapNode is added to the web.sitemap file with the an url , title and resourceKey.
Now I wish to add a resourcekey to the appropriate web.sitemap.resx file(located in App_GlobalResources).
I have tried many different ways :
- using XMLDocument load/save => says I don't have access to write to that resource file
- ResourceReader says the source stream is not valid.
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Mar 3, 2010
I need some people to edit the ressource file without seeing html markup.
How can I do that .. ? I tried RESX edition but it doesn't hide the markup.
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Jul 13, 2010
i has 2 resx files Test1.aspx.resx (for english) Test1.aspx.ko.resx(for korean) its working fine when language has changed on IE settings(that is automatic detection), my question is on my page i has a dropdownlist and showing the languages list, based on the user selected language i have to display language resx file. by default its automatically working based on the culture and no need to write any new code, but how to do this by user selected language?
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May 6, 2010
I was wondering how guys did you manage this in your company or website, to let owner of the website, to update content of the website, when it's resx file compiled.What would be the best option to do that without requiring a developer intervention
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Dec 27, 2010
I have worked on many localized sites in the past, using mainy some standard patterns and techniques involving Global/Local RESX files as well as session to maintain currently selected language.
However, it is quite difficult to maintain from a translator point of view, we used a small tool that converts RESX to Excel and then the localized Excel back to RESX, but for some reason this technique doesnt work properly anymore...
better and more reliable tools (paid or free) that can be used to localize RESX and provide translation team a better/easier way to localize content?
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Feb 3, 2011
I'm creating an online Clock-in/out tool. An employee may have to leave work for a bit and return at a later time in the same day. This would cause multiple entries for the same date. I need to be able to show the daily total for each date. I have not been able to get SQL to total up the times and only display the date once. The image below shows some data in my table and the outcome that I am trying to achieve. The first table has 2 rows highlighted. They have the same date. The second table shows how I would like it to add the two rows and display them as one.
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Apr 2, 2011
I've used a very interesting article (which i recommend, you can see it here :http://adamyan.blogspot.com/), and i've started to localize my asp net mvc2 site.However, i've come to a point where i don't know if it would be possible to do something else, or if i just have to do it this way The thing is, most of the pages are text and links and stuff. In general, all of the links i have them using some markup and calling the Html.ActionLink (for example). So, if i'm translating a page that has 20 links, i would have to split all of those texts into 20 entries in the resx file (and the Html.ActionLink text would have to have its own resx entry, of course). I find this a little bit unpractical. Is there a way to just copy the whole contents, and make some intermediary parse the tags in the resx file and call the appropriate code?
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Apr 17, 2010
How to read strings from the MyResource.resx file from c#. I am not calling this from the asp.net page, rather i am calling from my bussiness logic.
Assembly assembly =
ResourceManager resourceManager = new
here i am getting exception,
Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "MessagesResource.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "App_Web_eerdggo8" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
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Sep 3, 2010
I have an ASP.NET3.5 (C#) ASPX page that is internationalized in 10 different languages.
The page is very complex in its structured with dozens of nested views driven by a state machine pattern.
EDIT: I am using the meta:resourcekey syntax in every asp control, which allows to use declarative syntax for Implicit Resource expressions.
I have been asked to "brand" the page based on some query string parameter. Branding will mean not just loading different CSS files, but also having different text blurbs (in all languages).
Is there an easy way to "swap" resx files without having to get resources manually for each of the hundreds of literals and images that I have on this page?
In other words, let's say I have the following RESX files:
myPage.aspx will be looking for resx files named myPage.xx-XX.resx.
Is there a way to load instead either the brand1xxx.resx files or the brand2xxx.resx based on some value?
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Jul 7, 2010
I have a class project with only localized .resx file, means AxRes.de.resx. An MVC project with a resource folder an in the public AxRes.resx neutral (en) resource what can be reached by project-name.resource.AxRes.label-name. If now the satelite dll is copied to inde the german label shoud appear, but it doesn't. What must be done when referencing satelite assemblies? Can all resources be in the class project, how to link these to my MVC project?
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Feb 26, 2011
I have XML files that I would like to translate autamaticallly using google API.
Do you have good tools that do so?
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Jan 16, 2010
I was wondering if there are any free/OS resx files for phrases commonly used among websites. For instance, we all use save/submit/retry/cancel/etc. and I'd be surprised if there wasn't a library out there with these standard phrases in multiple languages.
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May 14, 2010
I'm contributing on an I18N project and there's a call to serialize our *.resx files as JSON objects (for whatever reason).
What I'm wondering is:
Is there a way to get a list of all of the valid keys for a given *.resx file so that we could use HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject to grab the tokens?
If that won't work, has anyone come up with a clever solution that does?
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Feb 9, 2011
We have asp.net configuration tool to manage user's permission and role for our offline website,
it is working very fine.
Now, I have uploaded my website and aspnetdb.mdf
now i want to manage users and it security and roles online.
How can i have asp.net Configuration tool
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Feb 16, 2010
Our team doing a project in asp.net & Mssql 2005.since our team member are distributed. we need a online tool for tracking project changes, and control access to our online code repositories.
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Nov 6, 2010
I want to know that how many sites like jqueryui, etc. build online zip packages for download. And how it can be done in asp.net ?
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