Localization :: Change Value In Resource.resx On Runtime?

Mar 17, 2010

I am make website and publish it, i am used different language by Resource.resx and Resource.Ar.resx.

when publish website i see resources files convert to .dll


i want to make page in administrator to can change value for any key in resources.

how i can search key by value.

then i want to put textbox to change value.


Key : MSG Value : Message.

i want to change 'Message' Value to 'welcome to visit us' throught website is running.

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Apr 22, 2010

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When a page is created a SiteMapNode is added to the web.sitemap file with the an url , title and resourceKey.

Now I wish to add a resourcekey to the appropriate web.sitemap.resx file(located in App_GlobalResources).

I have tried many different ways :

- using XMLDocument load/save => says I don't have access to write to that resource file

- ResourceReader says the source stream is not valid.

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Mar 30, 2010

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Does it make sense if I create my own resource.xml to store things like strings/labels/messages that will be used in the web application?

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Jan 15, 2010

I found the solution. Just override InitializeCulture().

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Add Items To Resource File (resx) On Run Time?

Mar 22, 2011

i have some global resource files that store my dictionary for app.when a key is not in the resource file i return the key.

public Object MyGetGlobalResourceObject(string classKey, string resourceKey)
if (GetGlobalResourceObject(classKey, resourceKey) == null)

i want to add the resourceKey to the classKey file.

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Localization :: Load Data From Resx To Ddl?

Jan 18, 2011

I am having difficulties loading the data from resx file to ddl control.

Inside the resx file the format is:

Name: CData


<c text="Canada" value="1"/>
<c text="USA" value="2"/>
<c text="Africa" value="3"/>

cs file:

ddl.DataSource = this.GetLocalResourceObject("CData");
ddl.DataTextField = "text";
ddl.DataValueField = "value";

At debug mode, I checked that the data is been capture from resource file as shown above (xml format) But it fails at DataBind(), showing that the text is not found...

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Mar 3, 2010

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Dec 15, 2010

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Localization :: Online Tool For Translating Resx Files?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm using resx files to localize my asp.net 2.0 application. As it's freeware I need the help of many users translating it for free. I don't want to use automatic translation as there are my special terms which need to be translated exactly.Is there somewhere an online tool where resx-files could be translated? My users might have different operating systems, so having an online tool would be the best to find new users translating the pages.

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Localization :: Call Resx Based On Language Selection?

Jul 13, 2010

i has 2 resx files Test1.aspx.resx (for english) Test1.aspx.ko.resx(for korean) its working fine when language has changed on IE settings(that is automatic detection), my question is on my page i has a dropdownlist and showing the languages list, based on the user selected language i have to display language resx file. by default its automatically working based on the culture and no need to write any new code, but how to do this by user selected language?

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May 6, 2010

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Apr 20, 2010

I was just wondering guys, how did you manage to update website's content with resx(resources) files.Did you manage user's database with connection, accessing to this page. I need to make a poll as well, should I use sharepoint or c# with a database?

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Localization :: Making RESX Translation Process Less Complicated / Time Consuming

Dec 27, 2010

I have worked on many localized sites in the past, using mainy some standard patterns and techniques involving Global/Local RESX files as well as session to maintain currently selected language.

However, it is quite difficult to maintain from a translator point of view, we used a small tool that converts RESX to Excel and then the localized Excel back to RESX, but for some reason this technique doesnt work properly anymore...

better and more reliable tools (paid or free) that can be used to localize RESX and provide translation team a better/easier way to localize content?

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May 24, 2010

What I want to do is to use the default web resource inside asp.net. For example, If I create a web page with a simple Wizard control and 4 WizardStep ( Start,Step,Finish and Complete) it create a translation of navigation button with the culture of application.

But, for example if i want to create a custom FinishNavigationTemplate I can't (or I don't know how) use the default asp.net transaltion.

How can I use the default asp.net translation (or web resource) for my custom template?

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Localization :: Pick Value From Resource And Put Into XML?

Mar 7, 2010

I am facing a big problem.I am using multi language support (English, Punjabi) in my asp.net web application. I pick some data from XML for display into my website. But this lead a problem (only show in one english language), so my question is :-1. How to pick data from resource file and put into XML file??like for asp.net label we pick as Meta:Resource(label1).

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Localization :: Resource Dll Conflict?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a resource "myResource" in a resource file called myResourceFile.resxWhen i try to acces the resource in code using : Resources.myResourceFile.myResourceI get the following exception:

The type 'Resources.myResourceFile' exists in both 'myResourceFile.dll' and 'App_GlobalResources.j3b95g9k.dll'


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Localization :: The Resource Not Found Error?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a bunch of literals that try to get their info from a resource. I want the page to show Dutch automatically and english by use of a url parameter (?lang=en)


I keep getting a " System.InvalidOperationException: The resource class for this page was not found. Please check if the resource file exists and try again."My web.config looks like <globalization uiCulture="auto:nl" culture="auto:nl-BE"/>In Literal1 I use Resources:Voorstelling.aspx.nl-BE, bevord.Text . Is this correct?The resources are named "Voorstelling.aspx.nl-BE.resx" and "Voorstelling.aspx.en-GB.resx". There are copies of it in the root and in App_LocalResources. They are also compiled form in ../bin/site.dll, in ../bin/en-GB and in ../bin/nl-BE . Where should I save my resources?At this moment I want my page to recognize the resources without using InitializeCulture() or any fancy stuff.Is this possible?This problem has been bugging me for 2 days already. I tried iisreset /stop and /start.

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Feb 16, 2010

I have a multilanguage application and I use resource files (.resx). I hired a person to make the translation. My question is, am I supposed to give him the resource files in order to make the translation and how he will open the resource files? Obviously, he doesn't have a copy of Visual Studio! Is there any tool that I can give him in order to work with the resource files?

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