Localization :: Culture And Locale Same Thing?

Apr 16, 2010

As per MSDN - Culture is name for traiditional wotd locale But at som many places, people use phrase like . "I am trying to implement culture and locale" Are they same or different?

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Similar Messages:

Culture Setting That The Web App Uses To Decide Which Locale To Use?

Jun 17, 2010

This is a pretty basic question. Since browsers have a culture setting that the web app uses to decide which locale to use, should I still have a "language" button for users to be able to override the culture? Why or Why Not? To me it doesn't make sense to have a button there if the user had already set their language in their system.

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Localization :: Want To Change Culture Of The Specific Aspx Page Bases On The Main User's Culture

Nov 23, 2010

I need to change culture of the specific aspx page bases on the main user's culture.I am able to fetch the data that which culture main user have.But some how I am not able to set the same culture for that aspx page.I had written the below code for that.


But that is not working it sets the default culture of the browser.

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Localization :: How To Get Culture Info Or Just Culture Name From The Datetime String

Apr 7, 2010

how can to get culture info or just culture name from the datetime string e.g i have strings like: "16/02/2008" or "23/02/2008 " can i know the culture name from the above datetime strings?

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Localization :: Locale Settings Causing Date-Time Exceptions?

Jan 12, 2010

Our application has a database varchar field which at times store datetime values. Code is not formatting the date time values before storing.

Now the issue is coming when we are trying to restore database from our deployment server
to local server and then run the application.Dates are getting stored in format 'dd/mm/yyyy' [ex 31/12/2009] on deployment machine [EN-UK]however when we have restored DB and then try to run application on local server it throws invalid datetime exception, probably because it is expecting
datetime in 'mm/dd/yyyy' format [EN-US] (Dont know why !!).

The code base for our ASP.NET application is deployed into server machines with Regional and local settings as English-UK. However our local servers have regional settings as English-US we changed the regional settings from Control Panel to En-UK however still same error is coming !!

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Localization :: How To Set Culture Information?

Jul 13, 2010

I want to set culture info for my full application. where're i say datetime.now, it should give datetime based on my cultureinfo i set. how do i do it?

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Localization :: Set TextBox's Culture To Other Then En - EN?

Mar 25, 2010

Is it possible to set TextBox's culture to other then en-EN? If yes then how? I need to be able to allow users to type japanese in textboxes.

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Localization :: Switching Global Culture?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a very simple bilingual site with a link at the bottom that will allow users to switch between the two languages (english/french). the the web.config I have the following line:

<globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" />

This allows for whatever the users browser culture is to be the default lanauge but I'd still like the ablility for them to click a bottom button to toggle. whats the best what to go about doing this?

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Localization :: Changing Language Using Culture Information?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm using the following msdn article to use different languages in my web application:


I'm following the instructions step by step in VS 2010, and it creates the resource files exactly how it's supposed to. However, when I run the program it just doesn't apply it. I don't see the different values from the resource file.

If I leave my resource file name as sample.aspx.resx, it works. But when I change it to sample.aspx.en-us.resx, it doesn't work. I'm supplying culture from the aspx page's Culter and UICulture properties. I'm being very careful in choosing the correct file name, as that could be the issue, but it just doesn't work. I also tried changing the culture in the backend code this way:

Sub InitializeCulture() [code]....

It still doesn't work.

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Localization :: Programatically Changing UICulture And Culture?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm trying to change the value of the language and culture values via a database entry and then appending the culture to the returned value. IE: "en" is in the database, I add "-CA" via VB code.When I hardcode the values, it does work no problem. However, appding the "-CA" makes it crash with the following error message:


Now, I'm retrieving the language value from a database and, since the information is used all over the web site, I cannot really change the data within the database.The following code is posted in the Default.aspx page, called by the master page.The function "siteSetLanguage" retrieves from the database the base language (EN/FR) and returns the value. Null values are checked for and if a null value is returned from the database, it defaults to EN.[Code]....

I do want to force UICulture to english as everything in the databases and external files are stored through the english canadian regional method. However, I've been trying to use .resx files using the above method, but to no avail.Needless to say, my language files don't seem to work no matter what I do.

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Localization :: How To Set The Culture Programmatically Via Code Behind At Runtime

Jul 13, 2010

I want to have my web site localized to 3 languages english, spanish, french.

Is it possible by clicking the flags on the home page set the globalization culture tweak, in flag image click?

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Localization :: Number Format Based On The Culture Information?

Nov 22, 2010

I have an Label where I need to show the value 0.00 if the culture is Englidh and 0,00 if the Culture is french. I am using the following code but it does not work.

string minAmount = "0.00";
DisplayLabel.Text = minAmount.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo);

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MVC :: Extending A ViewModel/ Localization/culture Information For Dates?

Feb 23, 2011

below is what I'd like to do (but i cant because cant convert source type string to target type 'System.DateTime'). I want to localize the account.LastUpdated value from DateTime to localized string and have it available to use in my view. Im getting the account.LastUpdated from a service, which I cant control. what I get back is what i get back. do i extend AccountsViewModel to have additional properties in AccountsViewModelFormatted? [Code]....

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Localization :: Control Doesn't Display After Applying Different Culture?

Oct 10, 2010

I have drop down list and text box controls contained in asp:table control.

when i change the language of my page.

then drop downlist and text box doesn't display.

the values of dropdownlist and text box are boud from database.

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Localization :: How To Get The Main Culture's Language From Country Code

Apr 7, 2010

I am using a web service which return country code by the IP.

Now I need to retrieve the language code so I can create a CultureInfo.

How do I do that?

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Localization :: How To Change Current Culture Of Content Page

Nov 29, 2010

i have three master pages and some contents pages in my project.

in content page i have wrote below script:


And i have a language flags in my master page. so i have created image button for language flag to perform on click action. where On click of language flag (polish) i like to change the content (English) of my page as per the selected flag click.

hence i have wrote in master page:

<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" runat="server" ImageUrl="../common/images/pol.gif" AlternateText="Polish" />
And in code behind --- ImageButton1_Click
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("pl-PL")
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo("pl-PL")
Dim geturl As String
geturl = Request.Url.ToString()

here the geturl is print with "pl-PL" but the page content is printed with English language.

I want to change page content also as per flag seletion.

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Localization :: How To Get Current Language Or Culture From Previous Page

Feb 14, 2011

i create a simple webpage to test the Localization. i create two pages.

Default.aspx & Welcome.aspx

i use two languages ENglish & FRench. i already created Localized folder & .RESX of both.

but i can change only current page languages. using UIculture.

but i click on the link for Welcome.aspx.... it still show me ENglish, not showing french. Language conversation only going on Default.aspx page.

here is my Coding:-



Now what i have to write in welcome's CS file?

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Localization :: Display In Diffenrent Languages Without Changing The Culture Settings

Jul 14, 2010

I am working on an ASP.net web application, the application need to display text in English, Chinese and Japanese based on the parameters passed, however the culture settings such as currency symbol, time and number format should remain as en-US locale.

My understanding about ASP.Net localization is a package deal, am I wrong? If I am right, the only way to do this is to roll my own solution?

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Localization :: Can Call Initialize Culture Of Every Page From The Global.asax

Jan 24, 2011

Can I call Initialize Culture of every page from the Global.asax?

Every page looks at the query string of "?lang=##" and sets the language accordingly. Since all pages do this, is there a place where I can implement it once and all pages will load it?

My site has around 200 pages and I dont want to implement the code in everypage. Would take too long for maintenance and to implement. It would be more convinient if I could simply put it in a function that all pages call when loading.

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Localization :: Change Culture For All Pages (in Button Commant Event)?

Mar 3, 2010

I've used 3 languages on my site and I've also put 3 Image Buttons. The language image button that you click will allow that language to be seen on the site. What should I write for that command btn (btn1_command event)

but when I cllick language button, culture should change for all pages for only current user.other users can use different culture.how can I

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Localization :: Assign Culture To Current Thread When Http Is Stateless?

Feb 5, 2010

When I was localizing my web application I got one strange doubt.

In the first request i set current thread's current culture to user chosen culture. It worked fine for that particular request. But when i browsed for other page, server rendered content in default english culture. I think the reason meight be "http is stateless" means current request is served by a thread whose culture was set properly. Send request will be serverd another thread which does not about previous thread. So we should once again assign culture to this thread. Localization can be done by setting culture to a session variable.

So my question is what is the benifit that we get by setting culture to current thread. With setting to thread we can show the page in user desired language.

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Localization :: Culture Settings Work On Machine - Don't Work When Moved To Server?

Jan 20, 2010

I am working on a multi-language web site. It is half English and half Portuguese. I have created forms that have portuguese values in it. These forms work perfectly on my desktop. I'm using Cassini as the development server. When I move them over to IIS, they are not loading properly. The text comes up all weird looking. I am declaring the culture in the page attribute: Culture="pt-BR"

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Localization :: Change UI Culture But Resources Doesn't Change Into The Update Panels?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a pesky problem: if I change the UI culture dynamically and then I reload a page, the Resources.resx file selected was changed into the page but not into the Update Panel.

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Databases :: Getting Error While running Application /Could Not Find Any Resources Appropriate For The Specified Culture Or The Neutral Culture

Sep 17, 2010

I am getting below error while running my application

Exception in MS Oracle DAAB Method - GetDataSet : Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "DABResource.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "DBServices" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Exception: Exception in MS Oracle DAAB Method - GetDataSet : Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "DABResource.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "DBServices" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

Source Error: [Code]....

I am Having DBServices .dll which is registered in my assembley

Recently i installed VS 2008 in my system.this application is working fine in VS 2005 priviously.Now i am getting above error while running this application in VS2005

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AJAX :: Error / Could Not Find Any Resources Appropriate For The Specified Culture Or The Neutral Culture.

Jan 27, 2010

I followed the instructions to setup the Ajax Control Toolkit.

After that I just create a TabContainer and I'm getting this error when I try to run my website application :

Server Error in '/WebSite3' Application.

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