MVC :: Dynamic Columns For View At Runtime?
Nov 2, 2010
I finally got the DynamicLibrary issue nailed down I asked about in another post. The basic gist is that there's a project table that renders to a View. The user can, at runtime, choose the columns to display and the order in which they should be displayed. Here's the method that does the work:
This works great. The SerializeToCsv() method is an extension method I created for generic string lists. I used the jQuery UI bundle to create a sortable set of 'ul li' elements with checkboxes in them, which allows users to select which columns to show, and in what order. When the post happens, the current order the elements are in on the View is the order in which they're added to the FormCollection, so I don't need to do anything special to track ordering. So far, all is working according to my evil plans.
The problem I have now is how to render this in the View dynamically at runtime. It's very easy to check for the Model's property values and display them selectively, but not to reorder them. Off the top of my head, I can think of a few ways to do this, but none of them are very attractive. The first idea is to send the Model in as a collection of objects. The query that returns the data as shown above already has the columns returned in the order the user chose, so I could wrap them in objects and render them as string representations in the View. This is clunky, ugly, and won't give me the support for the actual data types boxed in the objects. I'd have to convert them all to strings in the service class and then wrap them in objects, because the View wouldn't know if it was dealing with a DateTime, string, int or whatever. I REALLY don't want to take this route. Can anyone give me some advice on a better way to reorder and selectively display columns at runtime?
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Directory.CreateDirectory(MapPath(".") & "port" & clientname.Text & "")
Dim objConn As New SqlConnection("Data; Initial Catalog=mrpoteat; User ID=xxxxxxx; Password=xxxxxxxxx;")
Dim strCommandText As String = ""
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Jan 11, 2010
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Aug 24, 2010
Im using LinqDataSource like that:
<asp:LinqDataSource ID="LinqDataSource3" runat="server" OnSelecting="LinqDataSource3_OnSelecting">
And I have ASPxGridView
<dxwgv:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView2" ClientInstanceName="ASPxGridView2Client"
runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
In this way Im able to add columns dynamically while handling onSelecting event:
protected void LinqDataSource3_OnSelecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
MyModelDataContext context = new MyModelDataContext();
ASPxGridView grid = ASPxPageControl1.TabPages[3].FindControl("ASPxGridView2") as ASPxGridView;
if(grid.Columns.Count == 0){
GridViewDataTextColumn txtColumn1 = new GridViewDataTextColumn();
GridViewDataTextColumn txtColumn2 = new GridViewDataTextColumn();
txtColumn1.FieldName = "UserId";
txtColumn2.FieldName = "FirstName";
e.Result = from u in context.Users select new { UserId = u.UserId, FirstName = u.FirstName };
It is all made simply to test cause my idea is to have solution that makes it possible to use inqDataSource as a datasource for de ASPxGridView but join 2 or 3 tables and show results in this grid.
What I want to ask is if its good solution or is there any other better way to present some views made from couple of tables by join?
Second question is that I have Users and Group and I would like to have one table in which I would have two columns Name and Type For groups type would by group and for users type would be user. I dont have such a table in my database Is it possible to create specific class. Create List of objects of that class and fill it using linq query and the use it as linq data source for that grid ?
clas would be:
Class MyClass {
string Type;
string Name;
or is there any other way to create such a table ?
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Feb 17, 2010
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DataRow mDr = Datatable.NewRow();
mDr["EmpId"] = TxtEmp.Text
mDr["EmpName"] = TxtEmpName.Text
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Nov 27, 2013
In my gridview I have
EDIT RoleUID RoleID Role Desc ....etc columns
each table contains first "EDIT" and then UID column and ID column etc columns contains.
Now i added new row with the code which you posted. But once i click on "Add New" button then the new row added like
EDIT textbox textbox textbox etc
I need INSERT in place of EDIT
and i am displaying textboxes 0 positon of grid
for (int j = 2; j < cellCount; j++)
How to display "insert" and how to put lable with uid and id values which are autogenerated..
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May 26, 2010
I'm developing a CMS of sorts, and I want to give my users the possibility of customizing the display. More precisely, I want to give them the ability to choose to display or hide the left column, the right column and/or the top div. The middle column cannot be hidden since this is where the actual content will show, whereas the other columns are for navigation or side menus.
I've been looking for a way to make this as smart and flexible as possible. For now I'm using a MasterPage, but that seems to be too constraining. For instance, with MasterPage you need to add a ContentPlaceHolder control in every of your ASPX pages.
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Aug 10, 2010
I'm using dynamic columns boundfield and templatefield in gridview, the GV embeded in a panel (autoscroll:auto;width:fixe), I fixed 3 columns to fit the panel's width , when I add exceed the 3 columns the width changes !
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Apr 23, 2012
How to dynamically assign a datasource to a DataList ?????????
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Feb 11, 2011
I have a master document which is composed of other document types (some are required and some are not). While the master document's status is "Draft" I need to ignore all not nullable constraints (because the writer may decide to work on one of the children
documents that is not required and save as draft).
The closest solution I found for this problem is check constraints but I have not yet to see an example of this in check contraint and I'm not even sure if this is possible. Has anyone implemented a similar solution with check constraints (or any other methods)?
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Apr 1, 2010
How to add a form and a loginview control at runtime? and how can i set loginview LogedInTemplate and AnonymouseTemplate at runtime?
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Feb 22, 2010
Is there any potential pitfall for using HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler for runtime view access?
public static GetView<T>(T view) where T : IView
return HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler as T;
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Jan 11, 2011
I am dynamically binding dataset to a gridview(No Columns at design time) .I need to show Totals for some of the dynamically generated columns in the footer.
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