C# - Creating A GridView With Columns Generated At Runtime?
Jan 14, 2011
I have a DataTable where the columns are generated programmatically at runtime. I then bind this DataTable to a GridView. What I'm wondering is how I can create the GridView to accommodate this, and if it's not possible, how I can output the DataTable into nicely formatted HTML.
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Jan 19, 2010
GridView1.Columns.Count is always zero even SqlDataSource1.DataBind();
But Grid is ok I can do
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.HeaderRow.Cells.Count;i++)
I rename request headers here but
GridView1.Columns[i].Visible = false;
I can't use it because of GridView1.Columns.Count is 0. So how can I hide them ?
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Jan 30, 2010
I have a GridView bound to a DataTable that I construct. Most columns in the table contain the raw HTML for a hypelinklink, and I would like that HTML to render as a link in the browser, but the GridView is automatically encoding the HTML, so it renders as markup.
How can I avoid this without explicitly adding HyperLink, or any other, columns?
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Oct 15, 2010
I have a gridview which makes use of a datasource. The columns are auto-generated.
Right now, my task is to make the first column into a url column. Does anybody know how to do it?
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Mar 2, 2011
i am using asp.net 4.0
i want to remove Auto Genrated Columns of Gridview at Run Time and change the header text of these columns.
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Dec 5, 2010
im showing 3 rows and 2 columns in a Gridview...I want to generate a 3rd column at runtime in a Gridview ....
only 1 LinkButton in Gridview at position row1 and column 3
only 2 LinkButton in Gridview at position row2 and column 3
only 3 LinkButton in Gridview at position row3 and column 3
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Mar 9, 2011
You know how when you put your cursor over the line that seperates 2 columns of a grid, the cursor turns into a 2 headed arrow and allows you to adjust the width of the column? How do you allow this with a gridview?
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Jun 18, 2010
I want to create columns in gridview dynamically based on rows in a table and each gridview colum should have a checkbox. When I Click the save button, I want to save the checkbox state. How Can I do this ?
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Sep 14, 2010
how to create dynamic template columns in gridview .
I have writing some of the code but it gives me error
The type or namespace name 'GridViewLabelTemplatecould' not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I have paste some my code
View 8 Replies
Oct 29, 2010
I need to make a link for all the rows in one column of a gridview(VB .Net) where the grid has been auto-created from the data source. The link would simply point to another ASP details web page. The examples I have found have all been in C# and I don't quite follow them.
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Mar 16, 2011
i have a gridview which is populated from a stores proc using pivot tables. The column are created dynamically apart from a total column which is created as a template field. the gridview looks like below:
Stores Visited
i need to add a hyperlink to each gridview cell and when that cell is clicked pass the header text through the querystring to another page. I can access the cells value ok and pass that through but i cannot seem to access the cells column header text. when i response.write out a count of the gridview.columns it brings back 2 which is the template fields but not the dynamic fields i have tried this on the rowdatbound, rowcreated, page_load and page_unload. the count should be 12 its like it cannot find the dynamic columns at all. ?
here is my code for populating the gridview
and here is my gridview:
i am also moving the total column in this code
and calculating my total in this code and adding my link to the total colum (which works fine)
now i just need to somehow add a link to the other cells and somehow get the value of the header text for that cell clicked.
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Oct 27, 2010
I have able to generate several labels and textboxes based on a table in the database during runtime. My problem is that I could not get these values from these textboxes whenever a user changes these values and update them.
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Feb 24, 2010
I have to show runtime genrated image on a View in ASP.NET MVC web application. how should i render this image.
I am using asp.net MVC 1.0 . how can show runtime generated image to user.
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Oct 28, 2010
I have able to generate several labels and textboxes based on a table in the database during runtime. My problem is that I could not get these values from these textboxes whenever a user changes these values and update them.
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Feb 7, 2011
I have a Winforms app which provides the ability for users to create their own reports. At its simplest they design the query which gets encrypted and saved into a database.
The ability to view these reports via the web as now come upon us.
What is the best way to handle this? Ideally I want to use MVC but there will be no model or viewmodel because these queries can return data for any table across the application and so I cannot have hardcoded propeties etc. Obviously I have access to the SQL to execute it.
I wonder if tradtional ASP.Net may perform better in this scenario ie/execute the SQL and put it in a DataTable but was hoping to get some thoughts from the community.
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Mar 14, 2012
Problem for me is that a tag is being generated that apparently just moves the treview a little bit. So I am thinking I should delete it at runtime. How do I do that?
<a href="#MainContent_TreeView2_SkipLink">
<img height="0" width="0" style="border-width:0px;" src="/.../WebResource.axd?d=2Lx-Wo-AmOSQUgrfkZW7jw2&t=634209174377343750" alt="Skip Navigation Links.">
View 1 Replies
Sep 16, 2010
I have an accessdatasource with multiple columns, one column I use it to populate a dropdownlist. Can I use the data from other columns to insert into a table, insert being done in the aspx.vb page, without creating gridview etc.
Is it possible to make a detailsview one column visible= false and still be able to evaluate its contents?
View 1 Replies
Nov 2, 2010
I finally got the DynamicLibrary issue nailed down I asked about in another post. The basic gist is that there's a project table that renders to a View. The user can, at runtime, choose the columns to display and the order in which they should be displayed. Here's the method that does the work:
This works great. The SerializeToCsv() method is an extension method I created for generic string lists. I used the jQuery UI bundle to create a sortable set of 'ul li' elements with checkboxes in them, which allows users to select which columns to show, and in what order. When the post happens, the current order the elements are in on the View is the order in which they're added to the FormCollection, so I don't need to do anything special to track ordering. So far, all is working according to my evil plans.
The problem I have now is how to render this in the View dynamically at runtime. It's very easy to check for the Model's property values and display them selectively, but not to reorder them. Off the top of my head, I can think of a few ways to do this, but none of them are very attractive. The first idea is to send the Model in as a collection of objects. The query that returns the data as shown above already has the columns returned in the order the user chose, so I could wrap them in objects and render them as string representations in the View. This is clunky, ugly, and won't give me the support for the actual data types boxed in the objects. I'd have to convert them all to strings in the service class and then wrap them in objects, because the View wouldn't know if it was dealing with a DateTime, string, int or whatever. I REALLY don't want to take this route. Can anyone give me some advice on a better way to reorder and selectively display columns at runtime?
View 17 Replies
Jan 17, 2011
following is sample code i am trying to make work. i want to apply formatting to datagrid column "price" i want price to be shown in currency format
Dim bColumn As BoundColumn
bColumn = New BoundColumn
bColumn.HeaderText = "name"
bColumn.DataField = "name"
bColumn = New BoundColumn
bColumn.HeaderText = "price"
bColumn.DataField = "price"
bColumn.DataFormatString = "{0:C}" ' already tried following "{0:#,##0.00}"
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim dr As DataRow
dr = dt.NewRow
dr("name") = "ABC"
dr("price") = 1232100.53
dr = dt.NewRow
dr("name") = "ABC"
dr("price") = 123123.32
dgBizDocs.DataSource = dt
what am i doing wrong ?
View 2 Replies
Oct 12, 2010
Is there any way to change the HTML that is generated by default when you create a strongly typed view in MVC2?I currently get a structure like this:
I want to change it to a structure like this:
<div><%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.user_login) %></div>
<div><%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.user_login) %></div>
View 4 Replies
Jan 23, 2010
1. On OnCreatedUser event, I create a folder for each members, so that they can store their files inside those. The thing is I use User.Provider key as a folder name. Is this a good way to store? Is this OK from security view point. Otherwise I am planning to use the User.Username. Here are the codes inside the OnCreatedUser event.
2. Inside these user folders I want to put web.config at run time [at the time of registration]. So that a member cannot access files of other members at any cost. Do you have any idea on creating web.config file at runtime inside these folders? Else if you can provide me any other options, I am eager to listen that. I don't want to call database frequently. So if there is any easy solution.
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Mar 31, 2011
I've an ASP.NET MVC web site and I'm using AspNetSqlProvider to configure Secutiry
So, I runned aspnet_regsql command to create and configure aspnetdb database that hold users, roles , etc....
I use the asp.net application web management to create roles, users , etc... Ok
But I would like to create roles at runtime :
- If a new user visit my application, I would like to register it as a user and affect it a role ( Visitors)
- If a seller N visit my application, I would like to create a role ( seller N) to register the vositor as admin of seller N
How can we manager this scenario using my configured database aspnetdb ?
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Jan 21, 2011
Newbie in using AJAX . Programming in C# and using SQL as a database. Here is my scenario. User selects a project and I want to display the subprojects related to that project. Here is the query I use to retrieve subprojects.
"SELECT SubProjectName,StartDate,Description FROM SubProject WHERE ProjectName'"+ddlProjectName.text+"';
Currently I store the results of the query in a Dataset. I want to get the SubProjectName in the Header of the Accordion and StartDate and Description values to the text box for each accordion. ( This is what I need to do in each accordian for each subproject)
<asp:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane2" runat="server">
<a href="" onclick="return false;" class="accordionLink">SubProject 1</a>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="td_left" colspan="2">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Start Date"></asp:Label>
<td class="td_left" colspan="2">
<asp:TextBox ID="StartDate" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<td class="td_left" colspan="2">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Description"></asp:Label>
<td class="td_left" colspan="2">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtDecription" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
How can I do this? Some code example would be great on how to creat the accordinas ,text boxes dynamically and fill the values.
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Jul 14, 2010
I have a Masterpage that has Treeview. You can select some nodes there. Based on the selection you get some items in the Default.aspx's Placeholder, you get a image and a linkbutton placed in a Panel. Like this :
This code is in the Default.aspx that has the Masterpage.
There seems to be problem when i create the controllers at runtime, when the site does a postback, lets say if i click "Enska" in the treeview i get the results in the image above. Lets say that i then click "The Punk Panther" i get a error.
An error has occurred because a control with id 'ctl00$CPH_Main$ctl05' could not be located or a different control is assigned to the same ID after postback. If the ID is not assigned, explicitly set the ID property of controls that raise postback events to avoid this error.
Also, how would i go by making a event handler for the linkbutton at runtime, can i make one event handler that every linkbutton uses or what ? I want the folder and the linkbutton to be clickable and link to the same place, is it simpler to make the whole Panel clickable, if so, how would i get a "OnClick" event on it ?
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Aug 5, 2010
I have a requirement whereby one or more image buttons need to be created in a user control at runtime. The number of buttons is determined from a database where a user can add one or more rows that contain an image for each button, so if a user adds 3 images to a table, 3 image buttons are created. Ive used this code but I get an error at runtime
The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases.
this is the usercontrol aspx
I basically want one or more buttons to render within the div in the usercontrol. Ive only got the code written for one button at the moment while I test the rendering, eventually they will be rendered in a loop of records taken from a database. Whats the best way to do this ?
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