MVC :: How To Update A Record When The User Clicks On A Link At A View

Dec 28, 2010

i have added the following link at one of my view:-

<%: Html.ActionLink("Like","")%>

but i watn when the user clicks on the Like link to update a count field at the books table by 1, so how i can implement this type of links uisng LINQ?

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Pdf Will Load If Use 'save Link As' But Not If User Clicks On The Link?

Jul 27, 2010

After submitting a form, the user is presented with a link to a pdf document. The link is straight to the document, it is not streamed.

If the user right-clicks and chooses 'save link as,' the document saves and opens fine. However, if the user just clicks on the link, the browser takes a very long time to respond (I'm going to guess it's 3 minutes) and then adobe reader gives the following error:

"the file is damaged and could not be repaired"

This is in Chrome v5, ASP.NET 3.5 and the link is returned inside an UpdatePanel.

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Delete Record In Jqgrid When User Clicks On It

Jul 30, 2010

i want to delete a record in jqgrid. for this i have the image and when the user clicks on this the record is getting deleted.but i want to show the confirm box and when true then only the record should get deleted. so any one can tell how to call javascript in jqgrid. my jqgrid is

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
url: 'AddFilterGrid.aspx?Show=ViewFilter',
datatype: "json",
id: "FilterName",
colNames: ["SubCategory", "Filter", 'Delete','Edit'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'CategoryName', index: 'CategoryName', width: 150, align: 'left', sortable: true, sorttype: 'text' },
{ name: 'FilterName', index: 'FilterName', width: 150, align: 'left', sortable: true, sorttype: 'text' },
{ name: 'f', index: 'f', width: 100, align: "center", formatter: 'showlink', formatter: formateadorLinkDelete },
{ name: 'FilterId', index: 'FilterId', width: 100, align: "center", formatter: 'showlink', formatter: formateadorLinkEdit },
height: 280,
width: 650,
//autowidth: true,
mtype: "GET",
pager: '#plist47',
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [10,20,30,40],
repeatitems: false,
viewrecords: true,
sortname: 'FilterName',
viewrecords: true,
sortorder: "desc",
gridview: true,
imgpath: '/Scripts/themes/redmond/images'

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AJAX :: Display A Modalpopupextender When User Clicks On The Link?

Feb 13, 2011


I want to display a Modalpopupextender when user clicks on the link, but the above code does not work, it does not give an erorr but does not work too.

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MVC, Incrementing A Value In The Model's Data Every Time A User Clicks On A Link?

Mar 3, 2011

Essentially, this is what I have:I have a view form for an object in MVC. On this form, I have a hyperlink. Every time that the user clicks the hyperlink, I would like an integer value inside of the object to increase by one, in addition to redirecting the user to a different page.Is there a way to do this and keep track of how many times the link is clicked?

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Security :: Activating New Account After New User Clicks Link In Email?

Jun 30, 2010

Could anyone provide guidance about the common technique of sending an email to the new user -> new user clicks the link in the email -> and then the account becomes activated and ready for use?

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The link below outlines a technique for sending a confirmation email but does not include activation:[URL]

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May 20, 2010

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ASP Code [Code]....

VB Code Behind

There is a gridview on the page and when the user clicks the link button it calls the popup..

How can I remove btn1 and the ModalPopUpExtender still work ?

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Forms Data Controls :: When The User Clicks On The Select Link Want To Get The Text Of The Template Field And Put In A Label Control?

May 26, 2010

I've been searching in all the forums, and websites for the last 4 hours without finding a solution for a problem that in the beginning I tought it was an easy one!!!This is my problem, I have a gridview with the following colums: select (link), Room Type (for hotels), and TotalThe total field Is a template field it has in the custom binding property a function: find_total(Eval("Room")) this function makes some calculation and returns the calculated Total value, and shows in the gridview without problems,The thing I cant do is: when the user clicks on the select link I want to get the text of the template field and put in a label control.

I tried, almost all the events of the datagrid, to reference the content of my template field but sometimes I receive a null value (seems that Im looking for the value before the find_total function has been executed) or I get an error "the index is out of range".I dont know how to approach this, I tought It has to be much easier, but Im very confused right now, if anybody knows how to do this

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MVC :: Adding A Record To The DB When Clicking On A Link In A View?

Dec 26, 2010

I want to add a link on one of the views , and when the user clicks on the link i want to insert a record in on of the a database table. The link will not take the user to another view or controller it just execute and insert statement to the database.

I am using MVC and LINQ

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User Controls :: Resend Email With Details And Link After Adding Record By User

Apr 27, 2016

Into below code which is working fine, but the last section which started from using (SqlCommand SendMailcmd ... update it as i want when the user click on the button the code take the AdsID and (QAdsEmail "the user email") and send an e-mail to user depending on QAdsEmail and inside the email create a link to URL... so the user when he receive the mail he can click on it and move to the page to edit his Ad info ...

The table where below info will store in is called "ads" and the column that's need for sending email with ad info/the E-mail part of the code below i just copy it from another part of my application ...

protected void adNewQdadsbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string FileExtentio = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(RegInteFileUploadImg1.FileName);
string FileExtentio2 = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(RegInteFileUploadImg2.FileName);
string FileExtentio3 = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(RegInteFileUploadImg3.FileName);
string FileExtentio4 = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(RegInteFileUploadImg4.FileName);
string FileExtentio5 = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(RegInteFileUploadImg5.FileName);


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Forms Data Controls :: User Update Doesn't Update The Record

Oct 22, 2010

For right now, the View Account for an individual user has the following setup on the aspx page.


In the MembershipUserODS file i have the following:


And in the code behind page i have this...


The page posts, when you click the update button, but the data never changes / updates.

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VS 2005 How To Edit/update/delete Record On The Form View

Jan 4, 2010

Can someone tell me how to edit/update/delete record on the Form View?

i got this on my Update COMMAND :



You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?, Name = ?, Addr1 = ?, Addr2 = ?, Addr3 = ?, Addr4 = ?, PhoneNo = ?, HPhoneNo =' at line 1

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JQuery :: How To Update A Grid View When Insert Or Delete A Record

Nov 12, 2010

how to update a grid view when we insert or delete a record using jquey

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Forms Data Controls :: Master Details View Refresh After Update Record?

May 10, 2010

I have a Drop Down List, a GridView and a DetailsView. The Gridview is the master, the details is the records detail view. When we edit a record and click the update button, I want the page to refresh the gridview and detailsview. Right now after clicking the update, nothing happens, it just updates the current details record.

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ADO.NET :: Update A Record For Multi-user App Using Entity Framework .net 3.5?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a webservice which of course has to be .net 3.5 (a side note is does anyone know why you can't create a webservice using .net 4.0?).

Anyhow it is using entity framework, which I have recently discovered was a really bad mistake to try to use this in .net 3.5.

I have a table "Licenses" with the following columns: LicenseKey, ProductCode, OrderID, Seq, UserName.

In my 4.0 application I can simply do the following to perform an update:


But it appears there is no ExecuteStoreCommand in .net 3.5 with entity framework. Can anyone explain to me how to accomplish the same thing? The thing I need to point out is that because this is a multi-user access service. I need to verify that SQL will only update the given record where OrderID and Seq is what I tell it ONLY if the UserName is already null. So if two users process the same statement at the same time only one would work and the other would not because the sql should fail (or return 0, rather than a 1) for the second one.

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Web Forms :: GridView To Update (edit) Columns And View Table Without Edit Link?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a user requirement to hav the ability to directly edit the gridview without having to click the edit link. I was thinking of showing dropdown lists for each column-to-row so that the user can select the values for each record. Then the table will be updated accordingly (no update link).

Is this possible or do I still need the edit template and specify the item template with the dropdown list?

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Security :: Select User View Only Noticesselect User View Only Logsselect User View Only Newsetc?

Feb 14, 2011

have a web in which there are different areas i have a 1 admin which manage all things like news, Events, Notices, Logs, Forums, Publications etc.........i want assign user rights that select user view only Noticesselect user view only Logsselect user view only Newsetc....

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Forms Data Controls :: Second User Will Try To Add His Record, It Remove The Record Of First User?

Sep 27, 2010

What I am trying is, whenever user enters his Name and Address into the textbox on the webpage, I am going to displaying it in a Gridview. Now if second member will do the same thing thing the GridView will be updated and his Name and Address will display in second row and likewise for other users. But what happened in my code is when second user will try to add his record, it remove the record of first user and add the record of second at row1. I want the record should be added one after another. below is my code


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User Controls :: Send Email To User When Clicks Forgot Password Button?

Feb 6, 2013

when user click forgot password it asked user name and email and send his password on his email.

How implement this task in with datbase sql server.

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Web Forms :: On Logout Redirect User To Login Page If User Clicks Back Button Of The Browser

Jul 9, 2010

after user loggs out if he clicks the browsers back button then users had to be redirected to login page

doenst matter how many time the user clicks on back button take him to login page

how to achieve this let me know

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Web Forms :: How To Restore Last Record And Pass It Into The Details View As An Insert Record Again?

Feb 26, 2011

I'm very new on VWD, but I got the hang of it for the past 2 weeks(thank you for all the videos posted here in ASP.NET),but I'm really weak on the coding part(vb & c#),except for all the sample shown on the tutorials. Anyways, I have a simple project that
does insert, update & delete to SQL express using the details view. But to complete my project, I need to add a button that will create an event to restore the very last record inserted in SQL and display it back into the details view for minor modification
and nserted again as the newest record with the mod. I'm doing this so user, doesn't need to re-key-in redundant information, like names, original date & time etc, and just make modification on the description of the last record.....

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Using Details View If 1 Record Is Returned And Gridview If More Than One Record?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm using a details view and a sqldatasource control to populate it. Every once in a while i get an error message because more than one row is returned. How can I have the data display in a gridview instead if more than one row is returned?

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Security :: Want To Record Username Against Each Record Update?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a website where i already have User / Roles mechanism. What i am after is the if user update certain record i will include his username against that record thats easy enough. But if that row have multiple coulmns i want to save which coulmn he/she updated?How can i compare old and new data have save this information?

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Forms Data Controls :: Details View - Blocking Multiple Clicks When Updating?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a problem that is driving me insane. I have a simple detailsview that operates as you would expect a detailsview to do - the only difference being that in the updated event I send an email to various people to advise of detail changes (I have conditional testing to do this).

The problem is that if the user goes crazy with left clicking the update button, email recipients can receive multiple duplicate emails.

I have looked all over the net and seen many varied solutions for this problem - mainly using javascript - but none of them seem to be able to block multiple clicks without disabling or hiding the update button - which obviously causes issues with client side validation in the event that information is missing or incorrect.

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