How To Customize The Unobtrusive Validation In ASP.NET MVC 3 To Match Style

Mar 30, 2011

The default validation in MVC 3 is based on jQuery Validation, which I can usually customize with something like:

submitHandler: function() { alert('submitHandler'); },
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
// do something important here
errorClass: "error",
errorElement: "input",
onkeyup: false,
onclick: false

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Similar Messages:

MVC :: Validation Parameter Names In Unobtrusive Client Validation Rules Must Start With A Lowerc?

Oct 7, 2010

I am migrating my application to MVC3 and getting this error message Validation parameter names in unobtrusive client validation rules must start with a lowercase letter and consist of only lowercase letters or digits.How can I ovoid it without going and modifying all my ViewModels

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MVC :: Unobtrusive Validation Broken With JQuery 1.5.1?

Feb 25, 2011

Just found out this problem. Upgraded by site to jQuery 1.5.1. I had some cascading dropdowns populating via some very simple code like this:


This code no longer runs with jQuery 1.5.1 AND unobtrusive validation active. Fails also with jquery 1.5.0. Works fine with jquery 1.4.4.

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Unobtrusive Validation Optio With DropDownListFor MVC 3

Feb 16, 2011

Why is it that client validation is getting triggered saying that my Default Theme field is required even if I didn't specify a [Required] attribute in my model?

public class Site
public int SiteId { get; set; }
Required(ErrorMessage = "*")]
public string Title { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "*")]

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Can Add Mvc3 Unobtrusive Validation For Min/max Validators

Mar 25, 2011

I'm trying to implement client validation for my custom type, however i'm not sure how to do it for min/max validators.

[MultilanguagePropertyRequired(ErrorMessageResourceName = "fld_Description_val_Required", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.Service.Controllers.Firm))]
[MultilanguagePropertyStringLength(1000, MinimumLength = 150, ErrorMessageResourceName = "fld_Description_val_MinLength_lbl", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.Service.Controllers.Firm))]
[Display(Name = "fld_Description_lbl", ResourceType = typeof(Resources.Service.Controllers.Firm))]
public MultilanguageProperty<string> Description

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MVC :: Can Set The Unobtrusive Validation Support For Html.TextBox()

Dec 13, 2010

I know the unobtrusive client validation is required using Html.XXXFor to generate the input html. But in my project, I want to use Html.TextBox(), and also want to use unobtrusive client validation. I think you'd better expose a extension method like Html.TextBox(..., ModelMetadata,... ) allow me pass the ModelMetadata manually.

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Unobtrusive Javascript Validation Not Submitting Form In Mvc 3

Dec 24, 2010

I'm using the latest RC with mvc 3, and have turned on unobtrusive javascript validation and added the necessary scripts to the page. All of the validation works perfectly, but when I try to submit the page, it simply doesn't post. If I turn unobtrusive javascript off in the web.config without making any other changes, everything works perfectly fine.

Here's my scripts I'm using:

<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.4.4.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>

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MVC :: No Unobtrusive Validation If Html.BeginForm In Layout Template?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a project using MVC 3 RTM and the Razor View engine.I am using a _Layout view in which the Html.BeginForm() is located.


The Browse.cshtml contains (simplified)


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MVC :: Unobtrusive Validation Not Working On Form Loaded By Ajax

Feb 10, 2011

Is it possible to validate a form that has been loaded dynamically by Ajax? I have two forms that I load on a page with another form and niether of the Ajax forms can be validated.

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Mvc3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Generating Client Code?

Mar 25, 2011

For some reason fields named with '.value' or .anything does not generate client validation. For example this code:

generates this:
<textarea rows="2" name="ContentObjectFirm.Description" id="ContentObjectFirm_Description" data-val-required="Firm description is required" data-val="true" cols="20">

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MVC :: Client Side Unobtrusive Validation For Editor Templates

Mar 22, 2011

I am new to ASP.Net MVC 3, facing some issues while trying to implementing client side unobtrusive validation for a editor template I have created for showing date in
a custom way.EditorTemplate for displaying the date in three parts


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Social Networking :: Customize And Style Google Custom Search Engine

Feb 3, 2013

I used below link to use google search engine in my page [URL]....

here google put default for textbox and button search engine Height and width 

I put code into div that I define in my page and I set height and width for div so I can change search engine textbox Width but it didn't change textbox Height

How I can change Height of search engine textbox

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Forms Data Controls :: Customize Style Of DataPager - Change The Image While Mouse Over?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm using a DataPager for a ListView, it works well, I'm using ButtonType:Image to style it but I want to change the image while mouse over, but I can't, I've tried some with ButtonCssClass but there's no good result. Here is my DataPager:


So, is it possible to change the image while mouse over?

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MVC :: How To Customize The Generated (JavaScript) Validation Messages

Apr 8, 2010

For example, if you use this attribute in a view model object:

[Required(ErrorMessage = "MyErrorMessage")]
public virtual string Subject { get; set; }

Then the following javascript will become generated (but below I have only copied the relevant part below) into the generated "mvcClientValidationMetadata": "Subject_validationMessage","ValidationRules":[{"ErrorMessage":"MyErrorMessage"

I know how it is possible to localize the messages in server validation, by adding your own localized message value to the ModelState, i.e. with the method 'ModelStateDictionary.AddModelError(key, "MyLocalizedMessage");' where the key can be retrieved as illustrated in the "GetErrors" method in the blog tutorial abot xVal [URL]

However, I have not figured out how to be able to customize the generated javascript, which I want to provide with the same localized validation messages as those that will become displayed when the server validation is executing (e.g. for clients that have disabled javascript).

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MVC :: "Unobtrusive Javascript Validation" Loses Effect If "Edit Panel" Is Partially Rendered Through Aj?

Mar 9, 2011

I make a partialView based "Detail-Edit" function as : 1 create two partial view : Details , Edit

2 in Details PartialView I render a link as "Ajax.ActionLink( .. "Edit" , AjaxOptions { get , updateTargetId="xx" , InsertMode="Replace" } )
3 in Edit PartialView I use "Ajax.BeginForm()" ...

As a result I can perfectly swith from Details view to Edit view in ajax manner ; however when I change to Edit mode in this approach, the "obtrusive js validation" loses its function that it can't prevent user from callback ajax even with invalid inputs. I think this is a common issue for MVC3 developers, could anyone help to give a standardized solution against this ? or any other valuable solutions ?In a word, just want to realize the traditional UpdatePanel-based "Edit,Details" effect on MVC mode with ajax .

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Removing Inline Style From Validation Control?

Apr 10, 2010

My validation controls don't line up with my textboxes because I can remove the inline styles, how can I make style=display:none disappear?

<span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderSYLMainMaster_RequiredFieldValidatorOnlineID"
title="User Name is required." class="validationerror"
style="display:none;">Online ID is required.<br />

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JQuery :: Datepicker Has No Style As In It Doesnt Seem To Be Recognising The Style Sheet?

Apr 1, 2011

My date picker has no style as in it doesnt seem to be recognising the style sheet


and my html


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Give Style Attributes To Sub-elements Inside A <style> Tag?

Apr 9, 2010

My <style> for thumbnails currently looks like this:

<style type="text/css">
img.TN {
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 5.294%;
cursor: pointer; }

This is annoying, because I have to apply this style to every single thumbnail image individually, when there could be any number of them on the screen at any given time. All of the thumbnails are inside a single <div> that groups them together, and I'd like to apply a single style to the <div> that will push the attributes I need down to all of the the <img> elements nested inside, regardless how many thumbnails there are.

I'm using ASP.NET 2.0, and CSS 2.0

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MVC :: New MVC Samples - Razor, Unobtrusive JavaScript And TDD?

Nov 1, 2010

Both samples have complete VB/C# project downloads. Please post comments/questions in this thread.
Walkthrough: Using TDD with ASP.NET MVC

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MVC :: MVC 3 RC - Unobtrusive JS Val Doesn't Fire Unless Use Range?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a simple view model: public class ContactUs


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MVC :: How To Add A Class To EditorFor When Classes Already Exist Because Of Unobtrusive

Nov 25, 2010

I'm trying to add a `Class` to the `EditorFor` Helper inside an `EditorTemplate`.

The problem is that because I'm using Unobtrusive Validation, the input element already has classes assigned to it.

Here is my EditorTemplate


And here is the output <input class="text-box single-line" id="BirthDate" name="BirthDate" type="text" value="08/08/1980" />

You can see here that the `datepicker` class has not been added, yet the "value" has been properly formatted.

Basically I can see that the `EditorTemplate` is working, but the `Class` is not being appended to the rest of the classes on the `<input>` element. Do any of you know how to fix this?

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MVC :: Check Datetime On Model With Unobtrusive Javascript?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying the following code:


And I also tried with a normal DateTime instead of a nullable one. If I put in a date which is not possible then it still shows as valid. How can I achieve validation, both server side as with unobtrusive client validation?

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Forms Data Controls :: Javascript Validation For Assigning Validation Group To Validation Summary On Datalist Item Click?

Dec 25, 2010

I am using one datalist control for uploading multiple images.I hv used one Asp:FileUplaod Control and one button in one itemtemplate.I am using reqired field validator and regular expression validator for file upload cntrl I am assigning validation group for both of them on ItemDataBound event of my datalist so that each upload cntrl hv same validaton group as required field and regular expression validator.Now what i want to do is - i want to show my error message in validation summary which is right at the top of the page.I want one know how to write javascript that will assign validation group of my control in datalist on which i click ?

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JavaScript - Mvc Script And Style References / Include Script And Style References That Will Not Break On Deployment

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to include script and style references that will not break on deployment, however I can not even get the references to work locally. I have tried using Url.Content() and MVCContrib's <%=Html.ScriptInclude("")%>.

My scripts are in a Scripts folder on the root of the site; my styles are in the usual Content/css/ folder.

The scripts render like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/MicrosoftAjax.debug.js" ></script>

This will not work in a view page in the Views folder. What am I doing wrong and what is the best way to handle this?

I would have thought Url.Content() would at least work for styles but used in my master page, the link rendered

<link href="/Content/css/Site.css rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

This does not work, because the Master Page is in a Shared folder, so what is really the way forward with this?

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Regexp - Converting From JS Match To C#

Feb 4, 2010

This is probably a simple one for C# people :-) I have this regular expression in javascript:

strVar = strVar.replace(/(specificattribute=)"s*([^"]+?)s*"/g, '$1"$2"');

It replaces leading and trailing spaces inside a specific attribute's value, globally (as per this example page: [URL]). I need to do the same on a string in C#, but when trying the above, the syntax checker chokes at the regExp. So I need the equivalent line of the above in C#.

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