MVC :: Passing Values From Model To Javascript (JQuery)?

Jun 18, 2010

i have a simple model [Code]....

when i render a view to show the data inside the model, i also need to write some javascript

how to get the ID value in the script from the View?

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AJAX :: Passing Values From Model Pop Up To Text Box?

Nov 30, 2010

Am using a Model popup to show a grid view. From where the selected record should be posted back to a Text Box in the parent page. i loaded the grid succesfully i can post the values inside the modelpopup. but can't post the value to the text box in the parent page. and i use only server side code not client side scripting.

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Passing Values From JavaScript To .NET Code-behind?

Nov 1, 2010

I have an ASP.NET Image control declared as:

<asp:Image runat="server" ID="SortOrder"

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MVC :: Possible To Update Model Via Javascript/jquery?

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Id like to access the ViewModel properties via javascript, i have a jquery treeview and links that fill the contects of a textbox asyncronously using javascriptalong with filling in a texbox, i also want to set the models properties without the need of a textboxFor because its an id and i would like to keep it hiddenwhen updating i need the contents of that textbox as well as the id (which i dont want the user to see)

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C# - Passing An Array Of Values In A JQuery Ajax Post?

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I have a ListBox on my page, and I'd like to make an AJAX post containing all the selected items. Here's my code:


I'd like to pass in the selected values either as an array, or a comma-delimited string. What's the best way to pass that data, and how can I do it?

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var background1 = '<%=Session["test"]%>'

But I get blank

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Two Values From GridView To Javascript?

Nov 2, 2010

In this datelastmodified is Datagrid Column Name. I m displaying that column value in DIV. Now, I want to display another column Value in that DIV. that column name is Document Type. May I know how to pass that value.


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JQuery Ajax With MVC Action - Passing Arguments From JavaScript In POST

Mar 4, 2011

I have an ASP.NET MVC controller action with the following VB.NET signature:

Public Function ClosestCities
(ByVal position As MapCoordinate, ByVal citiesCount As UInteger) As JsonResult

The MapCordinate class is:

Public Class MapCoordinate
Public Latitude As Double
Public Longitude As Double
End Class

If I'm trying to send an Ajax POST in jQuery to the ClosestCities action, what should my request look like?

When I use the following code to POST to this action, in the debugger window of VS, position.longitiude and position.latitude are equal to 0.0 (0D):


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Forms Data Controls :: Passing GridView Row Bound Values To JavaScript Function

Oct 28, 2010

I have a GridView with an image button in a TemplateField in the last column.

I would like to pass the GridView row values (Bound Field Values - a record) to a JavaScript function to create another html table of selected records in ClientSide (like jCart-A shopping cart).

I would like to know how to pass all GridView column values to the javascript when the image at the end of the respective row is clicked.

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Jquery - JavaScript Int Variable From MVC Model Data / Get Model Data Into A JavaScript Variable

Jan 11, 2011

I need to get model data into a JavaScript variable and use it as an int to compare values. But I can only figure out how to get the model data as strings, otherwise the compiler complains.

So how can I get the max and taskBudgetHours as int variables in the Javascript?


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C# - Pass Model Values As Javascript Function Parameters From Inside Mvc Html Helper Such A Html.Radio?

Jul 20, 2010

I think I need to drop in some escape characters, but I'm not quite sure where. Here is the javascript function I'm attempting to call:

function setData(associateValue, reviewDateValue) {
var associate = document.getElementById("Associate");
var reviewDate = document.getElementById("ReviewDate");
associate.value = associateValue;
reviewDate.value = reviewDateValue;

Here is the asp .net mvc line where I'm attempting to create a Radio button with a click event that calls the above function and passes data from the model as javascript parameter values.

<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('<%=item.Associate%>','<%=item.ReviewDate%>' )" } )%>

The above throws a bunch of compile issues and doesn't work. A call such as the following does call the javascript, but doesn't get the data from the model.

<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('item.Associate','item.ReviewDate' )" } )%>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('item.Associate','item.ReviewDate' )" } )%>
<% String functionCall = String.Format("setData('{0}','{1}')", Html.Encode(item.Associate), Html.Encode(item.ReviewDate )) ; %>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick=functionCall } )%>

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Javascript - Get Grid View Values Using Jquery?

Dec 4, 2010

I am using asp grid view... How can i get particular values in the grid view using jquery...
Foe eg:_ i want to get all the values of 5th column in the grid view. Then how can I do this using Jquery?

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Passing Multiple Values From Multiple Textboxes In Jquery?

Feb 3, 2010

Below is the jquery script that takes one input value from textBox1 and pass it to a web method then returns the name of the person and displays it in textBox2. The web method only takes one parameter, the user initials.


I want to be able to pass two values from two textboxes for a web method that requires two parameters. how can I modify the jquery code above to accomplish that?

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MVC :: Model State Doesn't Contain Model Values

Aug 2, 2010

when I use Html.HiddenFor( model => model.OwnerId ) to create a hidden field, the value assigned to that field is zero. When I use <input type="hidden" value="<%: Model.OwnerId %>" /> to add the hidden field to the form, the value is assigned correctly.

Why would Html.HiddenFor( model => model.OwnerId ) not get the correct value from the Model object? Am I supposed to load model state somehow separate from returning the model object from the action method? Here is the view:


The Create action method is relatively straight forward.

public ActionResult Create( ... )
ViewStockItem item = new ViewStockItem();
item.ActionCode = ActionCode.Add;
if (item.OwnerId == 0)
item.OwnerId = 7;
BookOwner owner = db.BookOwners.Single(c => c.OwnerId == item.OwnerId);
item.OwnerName = owner.OwnerName;
return View(item);

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Javascript - Passing Data Between A Parent Window And A Child Popup Window With JQuery

Dec 3, 2010

I have the following HTML

<td class="label" valign="top">
Affiliate Party
<td class="field">
<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$MainContent$ExternalAccountAttributes$AffiliatePartyId" id="AffiliatePartyId" />
<input name="ctl00$MainContent$ExternalAccountAttributes$AffiliatePartyName" type="text" id="AffiliatePartyName" class="PartyLookup" />

and the following Javascript/jQuery

$(".PartyLookup").after("<img src='Images/book_open.png' class='PartyLookupToggle' style='padding-left:4px;' />");
$(".PartyLookupToggle").click(function () {"PartySearch.aspx", "PartySearch", "width=400,height=50");
return false;

I need to be able to flag ANY PartyId input field with class="PartyLookup" so that it will modify the DOM and include the image next to the input field. The popup window returns data to populate both the hidden and text fields, but since the click() is generic I need to pass it the ID of the input field.

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Javascript - Jquery Loading Values On Page After Post Back?

Oct 26, 2010

Im currently trying to use a jQuery plugin:jQuery Autocomplete TokenizerNow after posting back the page, I want to re-load the values back into the textbox for whatever items had been entered.Now the jQuery on the page is like below:

$(document).ready(function () {
$("#<%=txtPeople.ClientID %>").tokenInput("Handler.ashx", {
hintText: "Type in a name",
noResultsText: "No results",
searchingText: "Searching...",

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AJAX :: Pass And Save JavaScript Array Values To Database Using JQuery?

May 7, 2015

I have create a web page having dynamically created text boxes if  i select value in dropdown list,text boxes auto generates .but i want to save all text box values in SQL server database after clicking on submit button using ajax/JSON request

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Data Controls :: Multiply Values Of Two Columns Of GridView TextBoxes Using JavaScript And JQuery

May 7, 2015

Multiplication of two columns in gridview and display the result in third column using Javascript

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MVC :: Passing A Model To A View?

Nov 10, 2010

In my controller I UpdateModel(model). That works. I'm getting the model from the view.I save the fields of the model to a business entity and save the entity through a business layer to my database. The business layer returns a unique record id which I store in my model. Then I pass the model to the View.

return View(model);

After the View loads the Model in the View has not been updated. The unique record id has not been changed. I have been at this for four hours and I'm not getting anywhere. I have been trying to convert a windows forms project to MVC2 for six weeks and it just gets more and more frustrating. None of the tutorials on the MS site or the Microsoft book I have answer any of my questions.

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MVC :: Passing Model From One Action Method To Another

May 23, 2010

I'm sure something like this worked before for taking a type and pass it to another action method (I cannot / never use TempData)


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Web Forms :: Passing Values From Parent Page To User Control And Maintaining The Values Added

Mar 18, 2011

I wanted to know if we can pass values from Parent page (in this case from Default.aspx page) to the user control and maintain those values on subsequent "Add/Load" of user control.

So in short, if I click the "Add" button it loads my "webusercontrol" and also I am able to pass my default.aspx dropdownlist value to this dynamically loaded user control and assign it to a "Label or Textbox" which resides in my "webusercontrol", now the problem is that the value doesn't persists! What I meant is , when I click "Add" button again the "webusercontrol" gets loaded again perfectly but now all my "Label's" in webusercontrol has the new selected value from the default.aspx dropdownlist.

So say for instance I have a Dropdownlist in Default.aspx page with Values "Apple, BlackBerry, Nokia" and initial value to be passed is "Apple", I click the "Add" button, now my "Label" inside webusercontrol has the value "Apple", perfect! Next when I click "Add" button again and select a different value to be passed this time say "BlackBerry" now I have 2 webusercontrol loaded on the page, so that means I have 2 "Labels" with different ID's, but now my first Label initially had the value "Apple" because that's what I had passed and now when I passed the value "Blackberry" both the labels of my webusercontrol has the value "BlackBerry" instead of one being "Apple" and another "BlackBerry"

Is there a way to resolve this issue? may be Dictionary List?

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MVC Passing Model Together With Files Back To Controller?

Oct 6, 2010

I've been going at this for several hours and I simply cannot find the solution.

I want to get some data from my user. So first, I use a controller to create a view which receives a Model:


The rest of this controller does not matter since no matter what I do, the count attribute of Request.Files (or Request.Files.Keys) remains 0. I simply can't find a way to pass the files from the form (the Model passes just fine).

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ADO.NET :: Passing A Complex Model To A Create View So It Can Be Populated On The HTTP-Postback?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a somewhat complex model that I need to pass to a MVC 2 Create view so its properties can be filled out. I'm not sure how to actually create this model as it has some relationship data that must also be filled out during the creation process.My main model is a Game. Most of its properties are scalar. It contains a foreign key to Content, for the game reviews, and there's a many-to-many relationship between Games and Platforms - games can be on a variety of platforms (PS3, XBox 360, etc.), and each platform has a library of games.When I pass data to my Edit view, it's as simple as:


I'm unsure what to do in the case of Create as I'm not sure how to link the associated parts - Content and Platforms - to a Game object.

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JQuery :: How To Open A Subform Model Form,Sub Window Form Using Jquery That Save The Data Ajex

Sep 15, 2010

how to open a subform model Form,Sub Window form using jquery that save the data ajex

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AJAX :: Programming Model - Getting Values Of Dropdownlists

Feb 6, 2010

Imagine I'm developing a webform with two dropdownlists and a submit button. The second dropdownlist depends on the choice in the first, and both are loaded dynamically using webmethods being called with javascript in de ASPX page (ajax). When I submit the form to the server, to save the data, I can't get the value of those dropdownlists. I think it is because with client AJAX no viewstate data is being generated. I need to send the data to the server and save the webform data, and identify wich data is on each webcontrol.

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