MVC Routes Adding An Optional Parameter At The Beginning Of A Route

Aug 7, 2010

I have the following routes setup in my route config file. I have a config reader that maps these to MVC-style routes.

[route name="customers" url="customers/{statename}/{marketname}/{pagenumber}"]
[controller name="Customers" action="Display" //route]
[route name="pcustomers" url="{customername}/customers/{statename}/{marketname}/{pagenumber}"]

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Id In The Beginning Of The Route In MVC?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a situation where I want a route in my application so that the application's index method can recognize this[URL]The problem is that, when I set up the route corresponding to the first URL, the route for the second URL does not work (even if I set up a separate route for that).

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How To Generate A Path / Url From A Route In The Routes Table

Nov 25, 2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC web application, and I've registered a number of routes in my Global.asax.

I would like to know how I can programmatically build (generate a string url) any one of those registered routes from within my Controller.

I did the same thing in Web Forms with .NET 4.0 using Page.GetRouteUrl(routeName, routeParams) but can't figure out how to do the same thing in MVC (I'm an MVC newbie).

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MVC Routes: Defining Route Including Subpaths

Jan 4, 2011

Let's say I want to forward all requests at /js/* to a JavaScript controller Index method. In other words, these routes should all invoke JavaScriptController.Index():


What would the route definition be in my Global.asax.cs file? This doesn't seem to work:

routes.MapRoute("JavaScript", "js/{*path}",
new { controller = "JavaScriptController", action = "Index" });

The breakpoint is never invoked during Debug mode with:

public class JavaScriptController : Controller
public void Index(string path)
var browser = HttpContext.Request.Browser;

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MVC :: Route With Nullable Values Using UrlParameter.Optional

Feb 23, 2010

I've got a route that I want to be able to pass nullable values to. I was using MVC 1 but updated my solution to MVC 2 to take advantage of UrlParameter.Optional.

My route look like:


Which works fine if I go to http://localhost:1234/Search.aspx/l-1/t-1/p-1/s-1 but when I go tohttp://localhost:1234/Search.aspx/l-/t-/p-1/s- or any combination with missing parameters I keep getting 404's.

Also on a related note since I've upgraded to MVC 2 I can no longer use RedirectToRoute for the above route I get the following error: No route in the route table matches the supplied values. Whereas in MVC 1 it would redirect to it without any problems.

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MVC :: Custom Route Returns 404 When All Optional Parameters Are Null?

Feb 19, 2010

I get a 404 error when I navigate to the following URL using the route below:


However, all the following are correctly routed to the List action in my controller:




http://localhost:53999/properties/usa [Code]....

In PropertiesController.cs: [Code]....

It looks like it should just go to the default controller/action,

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Security :: Forms Authentication With Route Handling - Error Routes Not Recognized, Returns To Login

Oct 1, 2010

I just created a small site with form authentication with route handling. Without forms authentication, the pages route just fine. With forms, it returns back to the login page as it is not one of my allowed locations specified in my web.config file.

I know I probably need to write a custom route handler. Does anyone have an example I can follow for this?

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.NET MVC Controller Parameter Optional?

Oct 5, 2010

I have the following scenario: my website displays articles (inputted by an admin. like a blog).So to view an article, the user is referred to Home/Articles/{article ID}.However, the user selects which article to view from within the Articles.aspx view itself, using a jsTree list.So I what I need to do is to be able to differentiate between two cases: the user is accessing a specific article, or he is simply trying to access the "main" articles page. I tried setting the "Articles" controller parameter as optional (int? id), but then I am having problems "using" the id value inside the controller.

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VS 2008 - How To Declare Optional Parameter In C#

Jul 24, 2010

I want to declare Optional Parameter in C#.As in VB.Net we have OPTIONAL Keyword,In C# is there any way or we have to pass all the arguments in C#?



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SQL Server :: How To Set A Optional Parameter To NULL

Oct 29, 2010

I have got a problem about setting the optional parameter to NULL in sql sp. Initially I set all the parameters null in the sql sp. That's OK. But I would like to set the parameters to Null again if a particular parameter has a value of - 1 by using the "IF ELSE" statement block. However, the problem was that I was unable to set the parameter to NULL in the IF ELSE statement. So please correct my IF ELSE statement in the store procedure. This is really urgent and important for my project.

@MealTypeID Int,
@Gluten Bit = Null,
@Dairy Bit = Null,
@Egg Bit = Null,
@Fish Bit = Null,
@Veg Bit = Null,
@Pork Bit = Null,
@Beef Bit = Null,
@Soy Bit = Null,
@Sesame Bit = Null

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.net Mvc Routing With Optional Starting Parameter

Sep 4, 2010

I'm starting a port of an existing ASP.NET Web Forms CMS to ASP.NET MVC and want to get the routing right from the start.Note: it isn't important to have the exact same URL structure.I think this answer is close to what I'm looking for but would like some additional input should anyone have it.


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Optional Parameter Addition To A Colletion

Aug 16, 2010

am to add optional parameter to pass these in a method the parameter may vary every time.And i need to pass these parameter to a method, so my question is how should i add these optional parameter to a collection and what kind of collection object should i use and how should i use that.

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How To Define A Route That Have 2 Optional Parameters In The Middle Of The URL The Start An End Parameters Are Digits

Jun 7, 2010

I want to define a route that have 2 optional parameters in the middle of the URL the start an end parameters are digits


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DataSource Controls :: How To Pass Optional Parameter

Apr 22, 2010

I am getting return some data through stored procedure in a 3.5. Below is the method.

public DataSet GetDataSet(string strConnection,string strSPName, string param1)
DataSet ds = dataAccessLayer.getDataSet(strConnection, strSPName);
return ds;

In some cases, I have to pass 3-4 parameter. How can we do pass optional parameter here....

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MVC :: Routing Displaying Different Pages With The Same Url With Optional Parameter?

May 27, 2010

I would like to have two different welcome pages for a site.How could I handle this? I've looked at routing but I'm not sure if global.asax.cs is the correct place to place this into. should display generic information. Displaying view Home/Default.aspx should display welcome customer x. Displaying view Home/Welcome.aspx

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ASMX :: Optional Parameter Is Not Working At WCF Service

Jul 27, 2010

I was expecting a parameter will become a empty string value if the parameter is missing, but it turn out to be null. have I done it wrong for the optional parameter?


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MVC :: Adding Routes - Best Practices?

Jul 4, 2010

We are working on a project which has lots of routes that can be changed on-the-fly or new routes can be added dynamically. What are the best practices about managing lots of routes and adding routes on-the-fly without recompiling? Reading-Writing from-to database or from Xml Document in Application_Start?

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SQL Server :: Make 'providing Data To Parameter In Sproc Optional'?

Feb 3, 2011

i have a stored procedure with multiple parameters. and several statement which utilities a specific set of queries. therefore, every time its not necessary data will be passed through the parameters, so how can i make "providing data to parameter" optional

My stored procedure:


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SQL Reporting :: Create A Multiple Optional Parameter In Report Builder?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm creating a reports with the following filter criteria:

ID - textbox Created Date - range between start and end date Syste Name - dropdown Users may filter the report based on the ID or System Name or all the criteria mentioned.

The search Field for ID, by default has a Null checkbox beside on it while other filter doesn't. how can I enable the checkbox for the other filters?

So I came across this article which should my issue. Apparently, I'm receiving a formula error "The arguments to the following functions are not valid:FIND" with this formula OR(FIND(Creation Date, Parameter: Creation Date)<>0, Parameter : Creation Date = Empty). see this link for the screenshot. I don't know what I'm missing. I'm using Reporting Services 2005

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JQuery :: Ajax Call Doesn't Work After Adding Routes

Sep 16, 2010

I've added routes to my 4 website so that, for example the page: "~/Main/About/Careers.aspx" is mapped to the url: [URL] I'm using jquery to make an ajax call and it simply does not work after I've added the routing, I used the following code, and it remains stuck on the spinner image:


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MVC :: Bug - Get Value From Route Parameter Instead Of Property Of Model

May 18, 2010

I found little bug feature in MVC 2.

So, if we have in route defined parameter with same name as property at model and then we call it from strongly typed HTML helper (for example Html.TexBoxFor(x => x.PropertyName)), we get value from route parameter instead of property of model.

For example.

We have defined follow route:


Very simple model:


Next action in controller:


And very simple view:


Result you can see at follow picture:

I think what this dirty example described the essence of the problem. Let me know if I'm wrong.

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MVC :: A Catch-all Parameter Can Only Appear As The Last Segment Of The Route URL?

Mar 26, 2010

I have this dynamic url and part of it will going to have paging enabled ike, "http://localhost:96556/MVC_Application/proceedings/url_link/url_section/url_item/url_position/page/2"But I'm getting this error at my route below "A catch-all parameter can only appear as the last segment of the route URL.Parameter name: routeUrl"

routes.MapRoute( _
"UrlItemProceedings", _
"proceedings/{*catchPath}/page/{page}", _


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Getting Null Parameter Value In Controller When MVC Route Fires?

Jan 12, 2011

I'm using a custom route to create the following URL (http://mysite/subscriber/12345) where 12345 is the subscriber number. I want it to run the ShowAll action in the Subscriber controller. My route is firing and using Phil's route debugger, when I pass in the above url, the route debugger shows ID as 12345.

My controller is accepting an int as subscriberID. When it fires, the controller throws the error "The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'id' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32". Why does the route debugger show a value and the controller doesn't see it?

Here's my route (first one is the culprit)

new { controller = "Subscriber", action = "ShowAll", id=0 },
new { id = @"d+" } //confirm numeric
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults

I'm getting a null in the ShowAll action? Here is the action method signature:

public ActionResult ShowAll(int id)

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Custom Route With More Than One Parameter In Url (customer - Extra Info)

Jan 31, 2011

I have a multi tenant system and I need to allow administrators to edit the information of other customers. I believe the correct way to do this is to append the customer ID to each request, and update my routes accordingly. How do I make ASP.NET accept and use something like this in the controller (order doesn't mean much to me): [URL] and how would I pass and consume that in my controller? The ASP.NET tutorials skip this... (or I don't know where to search)

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C# - Adding A Route Only If Numeric?

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to generate a route using ASP.NET routing, but I only want it to apply if certain values are numeric.


Is there anyway to know if {Year} and {Month} are numeric values. Otherwise this routing conflicts with other routes.

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