MVC :: When Does A LinqDataSource Or Any Data Aware Control Begin To Hurt Pattern
Jan 2, 2010
I am seeing things that lead me to believe that using data aware controls is almost the opposite of what VC tries to do? But how can I recoupe the advantages of a data aware control and cooperate with the MVC Model?
Do we have to do something special to have ASP.NET partial classes aware of controls that are declared in our user control's base classes? The partial classes keep generating declarations for controls in the base class which mean the controls in the base class get hidden and are null.
I cant even seem to start. i drag the chart icon into the ground and then the sqldatasource. tie them too together. and then im completely lost. i tried tieing x&y values with sum,customer name but they just arent working correctly
We have an ASP.NET MVC site that uses Entity Framework abstractions with Repository and UnitOfWork patterns. What I'm wondering is how others have implemented navigation of complex object graphs with these patterns. Let me give an example from one of our controllers:
It's a registration process and pretty much everything hangs off the POCO class Person. In this case we're caching the person through the registration process. I've now started implementing the latter part of the registration process which requires access to data deeper in the object graph. Specifically DPA data which hangs off Legal inside Country.
The code above is just mapping out the model information into a simpler format for the ViewModel. My question is do you consider this fairly deep navigation of the graph good practice or would you abstract out the retrieval of the objects further down the graph into repositories?
Does anyone have a working pattern for converting a GET-POST-GET pattern to asny?
I'm encountering the following issues:
1. You cannot mix Sync and Async action methods SubmitForm(), SubmitFormAsync(bool? confirm), SubmitFormCompleted() ... (because the resolver gets all confused ... it doesn't use the HTTP verb to decide who to target. BTW: I think that's poor design, or a bug)
2. Renaming the get method name to something else eg: SubmitFormConfirmation(), SubmitFormAsync(bool? confirm), SubmitFormCompleted() would be very awkward if it works ... because you have to doctor the <form markup to specify an action name.
3. You cannot give them all async names SubmitFormAsync(), SubmitFormAsync(bool? confirm), submitFormCompleted(), because the call just keeps malfunctioning. It sometime even behaves as if you are requesting a delete of something.
Can someone give an insight from an actually working sample.
Now that the next version of ASP.NET MVC is being prototyped and previewed (ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 came out a couple of weeks ago), I wonder if we should call the attention of the Core Dev team (S Hanselman, Phil Haack and all) to this "feature."there a easy/non tacky way of associating subdomains → areas?Something like: [URL]Also, whats the best accepted design pattern in implementing PRG pattern in ASP.NET MVC? I guess it should also get some official loving in MVC 3.
In my code behind I can use try/catch blocks to deal with database errors. How can I capture and handle database errors when using a datasource with a dataenabled control? For themost part I'm using ListView and EntityDataSource controls.
in the selected event it seems even though e.TotalRowCount really is the total row count, when I cast e.Result to a type in order to access the actual data only the current page of data is there? not all.
items only has the 15 records for the current gridView page, not all the records, is this normal? If I need to access all the items in the result do I need to stick with the selecting event instead?
i want to ask question i have simple regular expression pattern like "[ABC]" when i add it to me class
it is working good when i add A , B Or C as i need.but if i copy this pattern and paste it in my regular expression validator control it is not working
I have written the below pages (base of question) to populate my listview control from an objectdatasource. To allow for easier CRUD commands and to make my application more efficient I want to replace this objectdatasource with a linqdatasource but when I attempt this I receive a binding error which stops my ItemDataBound event firing? I'm basically replacing my objectdatasource with the below linqdatasource...
Am I placing my query within the wrong event? Why does my ItemDataBound event not fire?
Without using a third-party control, is it possible to automatically begin uploading a file as soon as the user selects a file and the file browser window closes? I have the data struture in place as well as all the information needed to capture the data, but I need a way of knowing if the file upload has changed? Is there an event that fires, or something I can capture to achieve this?
in other words, reading the content (records that lies within) of a LinqDataSource object programatically (i.e. similar to what the GridView class does internally when binding to a LinqDataSource object).
If I have a Linqdatasource that isn't connected to a a bound control on my page how do I use the data source to read data in the code behind. ie
var query = (from x in linqdatasource select x)
What I actually want to do is create a data array (myArray) within the code, read all of the data from the linqdatasource (selecting 1 field to form tableDataArray), then compare the two arrays and then write (insert) those into in myArray that are not already in the datasource to the datasource (ie execute an insert back on the datasource).
A bit of background: I am familiar with PHP and Java, did some C, C++ and Lisp (gasp!) back in programming classes but never used them too much. So, I've been wanting to step out of PHP a bit for web development. I have a few reasons for this (in no particular order): there's a lot of amateurish code(rs) in PHP, which somehow makes me look bad; I am unhappy with a few quirks in the language; and I really want to try something new. Here are the options I've been looking at:
Python and Ruby (on Rails): They both seem nice, but it looks like I'll have some difficulty finding webhosts that run these. And it appears that Python scripts aren't as portable as PHP (correct me if I am wrong).SP.NET: I have an issue with Microsoft software kind of existing in their own realm. I mean, MS has some really good tools for developers and if you stay within those tools your life is easy. But if you deviate just a bit out of it, you are on your own. And oh, it's not opensource.
So what do you recommend? And if I go with Python (it's tempting), should I use a framework like Django or web2py or should I go down and dirty with the basics (same thing with ASP.NET and MVC)?
EDIT: What I don't like about PHP:
No namespaces Implicit type conversions can cause problems Many silent errors No unicode support Slow ....
How can i retrieve the data in linqdatasource in code behind?i have a dynamic database design with column storing the datatype eg. text, int, date.i need to retrieve the value in order to populate the control and bind it.
I have a page on which I've thrown a LinqDataSource and a GridView. I've created a DataContext LINQ-to-SQL class called dcResidents.dbml. When I attempt to configure the LinqDataSource to utilize the dcResidents data context - it doesn't appear in the list of options...though under class view (tab in VS) it does appear. I do have several other working datacontexts - why is this one not being recognized by VS?
its simple question: if my edit cursor in at line 1 I wantto Quick jump to 5 and backforth again (to line 1) is there a Jump Shortcut between Corresponing End/Begin tags ?