MVC :: Posting Hidden Values To Controller?
Jan 26, 2011
I'm working on a mvc project that builts a table of items and each row has a button to submit that row to the controller. Now each button has an id and I use hidden input to store the data in that column. How do I post the id to the controller? I use Html.beginform() at the beginning and a submit button. I want the ID to appear in the URL so I can extract the data based on that.
Also I can see that my values are posted but they don't show up in the query string. How do I get these values in the controller? The code is like this. [Code]....
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Mar 20, 2011
Can I reach the value of hidden fields in controller action ? And how ? Do I put it in the model somehow ?
EDIT: some code example how to store something in hidden field and retrieve it on postback.
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Jun 7, 2010
I have a form as
<form action="" method="post">
<input name="Descripcion" type="hidden" value="" id="Descripcion" runat="server" />
<input id="Submit1" type="submit" value="Comprar" />
Instead of clicking on submit button i want that the form should be posted without clicking submit button with hidden fields
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Jun 30, 2010
I am using hidden fields to save some preset data, but upon postback they appear to disappear.
Here's what my controller actions look like:
The view is coded like this:
But when the POST action receives the object back, some of the fields have become null. The FormCollection, however, contains all values. I realize I could just take everything from the formcollection but it's probably better practice to use the object, right?
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Feb 24, 2010
I have a search form on my site. I want to post the search term to my controller. I just have a question about [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)]. It seems to post the field name. Why can't I just get the value ?View:
ViewData["SearchTerm"] contains the value : txtSearch=my search term
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Sep 23, 2010
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Jan 13, 2011
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And heres the View
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May 14, 2010
I am using mvc 1.0. In this I have to create an UI for modifying the profile of the user. Now this modfiy profile will contain jquery tabs. and each jqeury tab will show some results such as user's personel information, professional info, etc on seperate tabs. I also want to give user ability to modify the fields and save this modified data. I am just not getting any idea how to do that. I have searched on internet for various jquery examples. most of them are just showing data to user by creating some partial views. Also i am not getting exactly how this functionality can be achieved through ajax on click of button.
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Feb 16, 2011
I got a list of checkboxes on my form, and a jquery script that catch a button click to get all the selected items (in an array) and post to a controller action.
This is my script: (yes A, looked at your sample but cannot get this to work)
That alert will print out correctly (like 1,3,5).
However when the above post hit my controller action, "selectedInvestments" are null, which I can't figure out why (back to my tekpub jquery videos, can't go on like this)
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Oct 13, 2010
I'm trying to realise how to make a div on the page hidden, from the controller.
the situation is this:
i have 2 radioboxes, which need to fill a hidden label with thier value, dependant on the one selected.
the second case is gettin the value in the ID part of the link, and hiding the radioboxes altogether.
been googling it for hours and could not find a solution for this?
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May 30, 2010
I have a filter on my MVC web site. I display some records in a few different controller actions but when moving from one action to another I want to apply those filter values.
How can I persist values from controller to controller?
Should I use Session? TempData?
I am using Structure Map for IOC.
Maybe I could have a class that contains a Property for each Session Value that I use in my application and inject it on the controllers that need session?
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Jun 3, 2010
I'm using V.S. 2008 and MVC. I have a form in this page that user selects various items from Select controls. I then construct a string varible that contains each selected element's id a hidden input control that holds this information. How can I pass this variable (and it value of course) to a Controller Action? I am using regular Html Form and the Submit button.
In the following code you see the "ResearchInterests" is the one that holds the string but I can't even reference it in my Controller action, Search. How can I correct this?
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Mar 14, 2011
I have a user control I am adding dynamically. It has a link button and a text area on it. The containing div is hidden via style sheet (client side), and I use some jquery to pop it up in a modal. It is getting added in the init and the button click event is firing on the server. BUT the textareas value is not being set. On further inspection the field value is not even being sent in the form POST data. why the value is not being sent. The rest of the form values are being sent with no problems.
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Sep 3, 2010
have an ASP.Net page with two ListBox components, rendered in the browser as <select> lists. I'm using jQuery to move elements from one list to another by manipulating the DOM. I then select all elements with the mouse and postback the form. That way, all the list elements are posted with the form.When I submit the form, in my button_save() event handler, the Request.Form[<<listbox ID>>] values are correct. However the ListBox controls themselves, specifically their Items collections, do not reflect my changes.I've also used Fiddler to modify the select items and submit the form. Same as above, the ListBox values are no different, though the Request.Form values are. Would anyone know what's going on or what incorrect assumptions I'm making?
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Oct 23, 2010
I am doing project in, and sqlserver2005 I am using cross page posting property from reviewsubmit.aspx page to principalauthentication.aspx, and to get the values to other page i am using get propery, here the problem is when i am posting details to other page from there i am submitting to db. if both users logged in at a time and submitted, second submitted user previouspage values coming as first submitted previous page values. what should i do, how can i resolve
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Jun 10, 2010
I am having two hidden fields which are server controls and i set the values in the javascript function. But i want to clear them as soon as one of my code behind method gets updated. As my page is not refreshing the hidden fields are not getting cleared. But i dont want page refresh.
So how do i clear the hidden field values without refreshing the page.
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Jul 25, 2010
I have a /Register [GET] Action in the controller that pre-poluates a view-model with a string and an integer and returns: return View(myModel);I can see the string being populated in the textarea and the id being populated in a hidden input. Yet when the form gets POSTed, the string value is null and the int value is 0. I verified that both values are posted to the server but the model received in the POST action is missing those values.
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May 8, 2010
I need to remember expanded (or) collapsed toggles sections and on page reload I have show them as is expanded (or) collapsed.
Now My question is: How to store multiple values (.subCategory id) in hidden field when I click on toggle?. also How to parse them back and iterate them get ids and show toggles?.
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May 7, 2015
I have a hidden value field on a page. On submit I post to a different page. On the page I've posted to I do a Request.Form but I do not get the value just a null value. This is the initial page
<div id="booking_content_wrapper">
<form id="mainForm" name="mainForm" runat="server" action="Cancellation.aspx">
Paid Bookings</h2>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="booking_table">
The javascript ViewCancellation function is set to a hyperlink in the code behind. The function will have a value like this,<a href="#" onclick=" View Cancellation(54666);return false;">cancel</a>.
string sResID = "";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
sResID = context.Request.Form["ResID"] != null ? context.Request.Form["ResID"] : "";
sResID = Regex.Replace(sResID, "/[^A-Z]d-/g", "");
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Mar 22, 2011
the problem is that i am not able to recieve any value in the controller . what could be wrong? the code is here.
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Apr 23, 2010
I am having a form in a view page that looks as below:
Now when the form is posted, I am trying to retrieve the values submitted in the controller as below:
The string value shows null when I submit the form by checking some checkboxes. Is this the way to retrieve the values or am I doing something wrong? And I cannot use html control because all other controls on the form are server controls and I am not sure if I can only make this control a html control. And I am not sure how can I bind the values to it?
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Apr 8, 2010
the code for getting the dropdown selected values (both TextField and ValueField) in MVC Controller class.
This is my case, I have a dropdown filled with Product category. Its having default value as "--Select--". I want validate this dropdown selected any values or not in controller action method. How will i do this stuff?
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Oct 22, 2010
I have an ASP.NET MVC2 application that supports visualization plug-ins/providers. The IVisualization interface is defined in a common assembly which is referenced by both the ASP.NET MVC2 app, and any visualization providers.
In the Visualization controller, I have a method which returns all the applicable visualizations for a given set of data. In order to scan the available providers, I use the following code in the controller's ActionMethod.
var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(HttpRuntime.BinDirectory);
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
var visualizations = container.GetExportedValues<IVisualization>();
However, I feel like if I have the following in the controller
[ImportMany] public IEnumerable<IVisualization> Visualizations { get; set; }
then the import should happen automatically. What am I missing that prevents the automatic imports?
Also, is the code that I am currently using going to kill scaling of website?
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Feb 24, 2014
I want to get the values from the Invisible rows from my gridview. here is my code.
<asp:GridView ID="gvTeam" runat="server" Width="900px"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#CC9966"
BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4">
<asp:BoundField DataField="FULLNAME" HeaderText="NAME" />
<asp:ButtonField DataTextField="EVALUATION" HeaderText="EVALUATION"
Text="EVALUATION" CommandName="select" >
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Aug 27, 2010
I have an ASP.Net ListBox that I'm trying to populate via jQuery, using the following snippet:
$("#MyList_btnAddAll").click(function(e) {
$('#MyList_lstAll option').appendTo('#MyList_lstSelected');
The code has two ListBoxes in fact, one a "source" and the other a "destination". As you can tell above the ListBoxes are MyList_lstAll and MyList_lstSelected. These are rendered in the browser as <select> elements, as you'd expect.
The jQuery is working great, the items are moving from one ListBox to the other, the DOM is updated but when I submit this form (not using jQuery), the ListBoxes don't reflect this change on postback.
I realize my modifications via jQuery aren't available in ViewState but I thought since the DOM was updated these changes would be part of the postback data? But in the codebehind after postback the ListBox contents haven't changed. Does anyone know what might be going on and what I can do about it?
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