MVC :: Show Description Column Value To Html.lable?

Feb 13, 2010

i set a value for decription column in my table of database.and now i want to show that for html.lablehow can i do it?

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Similar Messages:

Passing A Value To WebUserControl For Show In A Lable?

Dec 9, 2010

i have a WebUserControl that have a lable for show message how can i send a value to the lable from Page to my WebUserControl at runtime.

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Replace Column Value With Description?

May 27, 2010

How to replace cell value with their description. This is my grid

<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" GridLines="None">
<HeaderContextMenu EnableAutoScroll="True">
<MasterTableView AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="OrderID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<HeaderStyle Width="20px"></HeaderStyle>
<HeaderStyle Width="20px"></HeaderStyle>
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="OrderID" DataType="System.Int32" HeaderText="OrderID"
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<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="CustomerID" HeaderText="CustomerID" SortExpression="CustomerID"
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="OrderDate" DataType="System.DateTime" HeaderText="OrderDate"
SortExpression="OrderDate" UniqueName="OrderDate">
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="RequiredDate" DataType="System.DateTime" HeaderText="RequiredDate"
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<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="ShipName" HeaderText="ShipName" SortExpression="ShipName"
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="ShipAddress" HeaderText="ShipAddress" SortExpression="ShipAddress"
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="ShipCity" HeaderText="ShipCity" SortExpression="ShipCity"
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="ShipRegion" HeaderText="ShipRegion" SortExpression="ShipRegion"
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<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="ShipCountry" HeaderText="ShipCountry" SortExpression="ShipCountry"

This grid will load Orders table. How to replace CustomerID with CompanyName which is come from Customers table during run time?

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Retrieving Description Item From Sql Server Table Column?

Apr 5, 2010

is it possible to retrieve by using connection.getschema() the description item from a sql server table column, just like it's possible to retrieve the column name, data type, is nullable, column default value, etc? if so, how?

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MVC :: Access Selected Item's Description In Html.DropdownList?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a MVC dropdown list (Html.DropDownList) with list of Movies populated. I want to retrieve both Title(value field), Description(Text field) when I perform the form Submit. I can access the Title(value field), but I can't access the description. My code sample is below.


public string CinemaName { get; set; }

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Web Forms :: Description Box - Modify The Description Not To Be In A Straight Line

Jan 30, 2011

<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="productnum"
<div class="ContentHead"><%# Eval("name") %></div><br />
<table border="0">
<tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">
<img src='images/big/<%# Eval("image") %>' border="0" alt='<%# Eval("name") %>' /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: top"><%# Eval("description") %>
<br /><br /><br /></td></tr></table>
<span class="price"><b>Your Price:</b> <%# Eval("price", "{0:c}")%><br /><span class="number"><b>Number:</b> <%# Eval("number") %>
</span><br /><a href='AddToCart.aspx?productnum=<%# Eval("productnum") %>'>
<span class="ProductListItem"><b>Add To Cart<b></font></span></a>

this is from the product details page and the description goes in a straight line always - i want to make the description a box and have lenght of 30 characters every line -- i want to modify the description not to be in a straight line

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C# - Making A Description Text - Unable To Get A Description Text From The Whole Text Which Exist In Txt Field

Feb 28, 2011

I have in my database the News Table which consist of => Id, Title, txt . I need to be able to get a description text from the whole text which exist in txt Field , but without any codes like <...> , just a pure text !! how can I do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Want To Show Datalist In Grid View View Column On Click Of Linkbutton Show?

Apr 20, 2010

I have gridview and want to show datalist in grid view view column on click of linkbutton show.


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Web Forms :: Lable That Changes To Textbox?

May 17, 2010

Im looking for some advice on how todo the following, I want to have data that is shown underneath eachother eg

Name: this
Type: is
Action: data

But when its clicked I would like the text after : to dissapear and a textbox to take its place <so that I can change the data there and then> but im unsure how to sort out the positioning etc so that it appears in the same place as the text.

View 7 Replies

Return Text Of DB Into Lable?

Jan 26, 2011

write code to return text of DB into lable in form,but text is biglentgh.i want labletext.lentgh in everyline 600 character.

StringBuilder htmstr =


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ADO.NET :: Use The Item Description Look Up Table And Store The Item Description Id In The Items Table?

Dec 31, 2010

i have the following two questions:-

1. let say i have a table for ITEMS including (item id,item description id (FK to the ITEM Description tabe), item price,etc) and have ITEM Description look up table having (item descriptionid,item description),.

so what is better to use the ITEM DESCRIPTION look up table and store the item description id in the items table


to directly store the item description "Not the id" in the item table.

2. I am working on an MVC web application using LINQ, now if i want to modify the SQL server tables which i have created for example modify some of the foreign key properties will the effect be directly reflected on any new inserted or deleted records or i have to create a new LINQ to SQL class?

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AJAX :: Lable Messge Not Visible?

Oct 21, 2010

used the ajax in my page like Gridview when i select the delete button page is not refreshed. but message box not vissible.suppose if removed the update panle for particualr gridview its page refreshed and lable message visible(Deleted successfully)what should i do for showing the message??

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Which Is Better Span That Runat Server Or Default Lable

Dec 26, 2010

I have a simple web page that contain a table with about 5 TR and each row have 2 TD .. in the page load I get user data ( 5 property ) and view them in this page the following are first 2 rows :


I always used <asp:Label to set value by code but i always notice that label converted in runtime to span so i decided to user span by making him runat=server to be accessed by code, so Which is better to use asp:label or span with runat=server?

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Web Forms :: Populate A Lable Field With A Button Event?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm currently learning more about C#.Net via video tutorials (I'm a visual/hands on learner) and I'm learning more about Console.WriteLine functions.

What I want to do is take this code (see below) wich is a bunch of console writelines and make it so that each time the button on my page is clicked the lable field is populated with a new random number.

I understand how to use the lable field with static data (Label1.Text="") but I just can't figure out how to get the method that I want to execute into that label upon a button click.

It is somewhat difficult to explain what I am trying to do. but, essentially I just want a lable saying "Random Number Function" then a button that says "Generate Random Number" and a non-labeled lable that will populate a random number upon clicking the button. With a little help, I can get this and then I'll be able to create all the rest of my console.writeline functions into my asp page for later reference :D

And I do appologize if this is in the wrong section. I am very green to this. I've only take a half semester of C#.Net and half of Java. My Asp.Net and Visual C#.Net are self taught. And, I often hit walls with using google for what I'm after, probably due to my lack of termonology knowledge.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Need To Get The Value Of A Lable Text?

Feb 11, 2010

I have site where I am listing used equipment. I have a gridview that I have a image field and a template field. In the template field I have the equipment information listed via lables. I also have two link buttons for click for more details and add item to queue. What I am trying to do is when a user clicks on either link button I want to redirect the user to the equipdetails.aspx page based on the EquipID. The problem is that I am getting an errorObject reference not set to an instance of an object. I know that this error is due to the value being nothing. So I need to know how to get the specific row so I can get the correct EquipID. Here is the gridview code and codebehind.


Code Behind:


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Forms Data Controls :: Access Content Of Lable From A Gridview?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a gridview and a lable on a page...

In the gridview I have a column called "% of Points" and another column called "total of pot". Outside of the gridview I have a label called (label Total) and it has a total amount of £6335.

The idea is that as each gridview row is created, it will check the amount in the label and based on the % amount in the % of points, it will work out the total of the pot (£6335) each row has. So for example, paul would have £1583.75 in his total of pot (25% of £6335 = £1583.75)

Anyone know how I should go about doing this? I presume I'd need to do a find control for the label, but not sure where to go from there.

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SQL Server :: Add Two Sum Column To Show In One?

Oct 13, 2010

add two sum column to show in one?

select SUM(a.SqFt + b.SqftDespatch)as Qt from dbo.Batch_reg a

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Forms Data Controls :: Textbox&Lable Lagged Behind The Gridview Page Change?

Dec 1, 2010

I have this gridview, what I wanted to do is that when the page_load or when the page index changed when the user clicked "Next or Previous" the label change with the gridview. The label and the textbox get the information from the gridview row. It's working but it's alway lagging behind the changed gridview page. Ex: When I click next nothing happen, when I click previous the label changed to the info on the "next" page. O_0This is the code behind.


This on the main page:


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VS HTML Designer Tag Hierarchy Links / Should Bar On The HTML Designer Show The Tag Name

Mar 29, 2010

Should bar on the HTML designer show the tag name? It sometimes does!

Here's an image of what I referring to.

I thought for sure it must be a bug but considering that I heard that MS was rewriting the editor (designer too?) I am starting to question whether I know how to use it!

Note the "TD" tooltip on the bottom right. Shouldn't this "TD" appear on the bar on the far right where the mouse would be?

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SQL Server :: Show 0 As First Number In Column?

Aug 24, 2010

I have database with one table and it has 4 rows.

1. I want to show a zero in front of all number. Actually i added but it doesn't show.

2. If i don't put any value in column is it possible to have minus for example instead of 0?


I post it like that because i can't see how to post pics directly.

P.S. The columns with numbers have checked "allow nulls".

I draw in paint so it's not so good but i think it's understandable.

View 14 Replies

Show A Text Value In A Column In Gridview In .net?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a GridView to show user detail like name,phone,and status(active,suspend).my problem is that in database the user status in from of integer like 1 for Active and 0 for while i am showing data to user in GridView I want to show Active and suspend Text according to status in database 1 or 0. I am not getting where to check for this condition in Asp.Net I am new in asp. I have done it in php

echo "Active"
echo "suspend"

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Keep Width Even When Column Changes. (HTML)?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a login on the left sidebar of my website. When a user is logged in, the sidebar width doesn't remain the same as it was when the user wasn't logged in.Is there a way to keep the width the same?

<!-- Start Sidebar -->
<td id="sidebar" valign="top" height="400px" style="width: 200px">
<!-- Login Form -->[code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Always Show First Column?

Apr 26, 2010

how I can make the first column in my GridView with Edit, Delete etc. buttons always shown on the screen, even when scrolled far to the right?

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Show Two Properties In One Column Of Grid View C#?

Feb 7, 2011

I have class Person, having two properties First Name and Last Name, if I set array of person as Data Source to GridView how can I show both First Name and Last Name in one column?/

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AJAX :: While Typing Some Text In Search Lable Of Listsearchextender The SelectedIndexChanged Event Is Fired And The Page Is Posted Back?

Jul 9, 2010

In my current web application I have a listbox containing large number of elements. I have used an ajax listsearchextender to help the users in selecting the elements. I have set the autopostback property of listbox true. The application is working fine as expected in internet explorer. But in firefox while I am typing some text in search lable of listsearchextender the selectedIndexChanged event is fired and the page is posted back. So I am not able to selected the item properly using list search extender control. Can you please suggest me how can I stop the selectedIndexChanged event.

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