MVC :: What View Is Used When Calling A Controller Method Without ActionResult

Jan 9, 2010

I have just started using MVC. I created the MVC application and was playing around with it.When you call the http://localhost/home/Index/ on the sample MVC application the Index method of the controller home gets invoked and the view Index.aspx is displayed and similarly when we call http://localhost/home/About/ then the About method of the Home controller is invoked and the About.aspx page is displayed

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Similar Messages:

MVC :: Partial View Not Sending View Model To ActionResult Method?

Dec 29, 2010

've created a Search partial view and it works, except for my view model. What i mean is, the partial view sends a string to my ActionResult Method, but only a string, that is not related to the view model that the partial view is built in. If i tell my ActionResult method to receive the view model in which the partial view is built in, it always tells me that i have null values. Here's my code This is my partial view:


Now here is my Model in my MoviesSearch view model:


Now the actual MoviesSearchViewModel


Inside my Search controller i have this


And then i have this:

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MVC :: Implement A Controller Method That Does Not Have A View

Dec 29, 2010

i have created a controller method that just update a record in the database.

and i call this method using the following code

: Html.ActionLink("Perform

but the problem is that when i click on the Perform Link an error will be raised indicating that it can not find the Calculate view.

so how i can enforce my application to call the Calculate controller method to perform the update and to keep the user in the current page .(the index page).

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MVC2 Does Every Single Controller Method Have To Map To A DIFFERENT View?

Sep 16, 2010

In MVC2 does every single controller method have to map to a DIFFERENT view?Or can I make two methods map to the same view?

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Accessing Static MVC Controller Method From View

Mar 16, 2011

I've got an .aspx page with this in it:

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Mvc" %>
<%= AssetController.ScriptTag("/js/Community/CommunityWizard.js")%>

And I have an AssetController class:

Imports System.Web.Mvc
Public Class AssetController
Inherits Controller
Public Shared Function ScriptTag(ByVal src As String) As String
Return String.Format(
"<script type='text/javascript' src='/js.mvc?src={0}&{1}'></script>",
New BuildVersion().ToString()
End Function
End Class

The project has a reference added to the version of System.Web.Mvc assembly. When I try to view the page in a browser, I get a HTTP 500 with this message:

BC30007: Reference required to
assembly 'System.Web.Mvc,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
containing the base class
'System.Web.Mvc.Controller'. Add one to your project.

What gives? I don't understand why I can use this controller everywhere in our ASP.NET Forms/MVC hybrid application, but not in a view. EDIT: In fact, when I type <% System.Web. into the .aspx view, Mvc doesn't even appear in Intellisense!

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Fill View Page Of This Controller Method?

Apr 23, 2010

Why will not fill View page of this controller method

public ActionResult Person()
testEntities6 testPersons = new testEntities6();[code].....

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MVC :: Calling A Method (of Model Class) From A Partial View?

Dec 13, 2010

MVC / LINQ to SQL.I am trying to insert my website's main logo in the Header.ascx.I have this function :


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MVC :: Can't Reach Controller - Javascript Library And Method Called From View

Jul 23, 2010

I have a javascript library and in there i have a method that is called from my view. Here it is:

<li><a href="javascript:void 0" onclick="deleteAll('image', '<%= ViewData["FileGroupId"]%>')"><div><%=GetGlobalResourceObject("default", "Delete_all") %></div><div></div></a></li>
and here is my js code in the javascript library:
var deleteAll = function(module, groupId) {
jConfirm(_deleteConfirmAll, _deleteAll, function(r) {
if (r) {
cache: false,
type: "POST",
url: _baseUrl + "/" + module + "/deleteall/" + groupId,
success: function(msg) {
if (msg == '0') {
location.href = _baseUrl + '/' + module;
else {
jAlert(msg, _errorTitle);
My problem is that i cant reach my controller. Here is my controller code:
#region common methods
List<.CMS.Core.File> GetList(int groupId)
List<CMS.Core.File> list = new List<CMS.Core.File>();
CMS.Core.FileFilter filter = new CMS.Core.FileFilter();
filter.GroupId = groupId;
int res = CMS.Core.File.Search(_connection, filter, ref list);
return list;
public ActionResult DeleteAll(int groupId)
List<CMS.Core.File> list = GetList(groupId);
foreach (File item in list)
return Json(list);
And at last her is my Index method
public ActionResult Index(int? id)
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
JsonPaging paging = new JsonPaging();
int offset = 0;
int page = 0;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["page"]))
Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["page"], out page);
if (page > 0)
offset = (page * paging.PageSize) - paging.PageSize;
FileFilter filter = new FileFilter();
filter.Deleted = false;
filter.MaxRecords = paging.PageSize;
filter.Offset = offset;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["keywords"]))
filter.FilterType = FilterTypes.AND;
filter.Name = Request.QueryString["keywords"].ToString();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sort"]))
filter.OrderBy = Request.QueryString["sort"].ToString();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["direction"]))
filter.OrderBy = filter.OrderBy + " " + Request.QueryString["direction"].ToString();
if (id > 0)
filter.GroupId = id.Value;
List<CMS.Core.File> items = new List<CMS.Core.File>();
int results = CMS.Core.File.Search(_connection, filter, ref items);
foreach (CMS.Core.File current in items)
JsonItem item = new JsonItem();
item.Id = current.Id;
item.Name = current.Name;
item.ImageText = current.ImageText;
item.Aperture = current.Aperture;
item.TakenOn = current.TakenOn;
item.Camera = current.Camera;
item.ExposureTime = current.ExposureTime;
item.FocalLenght = current.FocalLenght;
item.Tags = current.Tags;
item.Url = current.Url;
item["Active"] = current.Active.ToString();
item["Created"] = current.Created.ToString();
return Json(paging, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
ViewData["FileGroupId"] = id;
return View();

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MVC :: Calling An Asmx Webservice From ActionResult?

Feb 11, 2011

I have an old legacy webservice that I need to call from a controller ActionResult and I have no idea how to do it.

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MVC :: Getting The Reference Of Dropdown Server Control In The Action Method Of View Controller

Dec 30, 2010

I am having a dropdown server control on view, when the user clicks the submit btn at that time the form gets posted. and a action method in view controller is called with verb=post.

But the problem is that how should i get reference to the dropdown server control in the action method of view controller?

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How To Change Default Controller Actionresult

Jan 8, 2010

By default ASP.NET MVC uses ContentResult for controller method that return result not inherited from actionresult type. That is why if we will return some poco entity it will be only its type name.Could I overload something in controller to make it return jsonresult by default.Example:// return json product representation instead of product typename

public MyController: Controller
public Product MyAction()
return new Product { Name = "Foo", ID = 1 };

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.NET MVC Controller FileContent ActionResult Called From JQuery?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a controller method "SaveFile" that attempts to download a binary stream to client's PC using the FileContentResult. If I make the call as a post from the controller corresponding view everything works OK. I want to call the same controller method "SaveFile" from a jquery function via an .ajax call, when I do the function returns an error and the responseText is the contents of the file to be written. What would I have to do to get the same behavior from a jQuery function as if the MVC framework handled the call via the submit button? Or an alternate solution would be to determine how can I catch the browser's download dialog close event.

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MVC :: How To Get Table Data On Form Submit In Controller ActionResult

Aug 3, 2010

I have a table in my View, which I populate rows in dynamically via jQuery. Below is my jQuery and my table code:



The problem that I am having is that my entire page is wrapped in a form. I am using the jQuery tabs, and have 4 tabs that collected different information. The last tab is where the user will submit all of the data on the page. I need the data that is populated for FSC, NIIN, NAME, UI, AVAIL QTY, and REQ QTY in my table to also get submited into my FormCollection in the controler ActionResult. Since these field in the table are not within a control, and don't have an id, I have no idea how to accomplish this.

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MVC :: How To Get Values From A Form Inside Controller Via Custom ActionResult

Feb 15, 2010

I have created a Search page inside the Home section and is handled by the HomeController.Inside the HomeController I created a custom ActionResult called Lookup():


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MVC :: How To Transfer Control To A Controller's Method From A Controller's Method?

Jan 19, 2011

How can i transfer control to a controller's method from a controller's method..I am having two Controllers Home and User.. After username and password are verified inHome Controllers method , i want to show the User Controllers index page , so i have to callindex method of Home controller..How can i do it.

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How To Use An Actionresult To Return Both A View And A Partial View

Feb 17, 2011

How can I use use an actionResult to return both a view and a partial view. Actually in case of an ajax request it should send a partial view else it should send a view.

public ActionResult Test(string Name ="", DateTime? Date= null, string sex="" )
myModel model = new myModel(Name, Date, Sex);
return PartialView("partialView", model)
return View(model);

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MVC :: Pass Parameter To ActionResult Method?

Mar 17, 2011

I have an ActionResult Method defined as following;


I am using JQuery and would like to know how I call this method passing a parameter. I have the following which does not work;


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MVC :: Calling Action Of A Controller From Another Controller?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a User entity and a department entity. I have a UserViewModel and DepartmentListModel which has List of departments.

UserViewModel has a property of type DepartmentListModel .

Now on user/create action I need to populate DepartmentListModel by calling DepartmentController's list action. List action returns populated DepartmentListViewModel.

From UserController how do I set DepartmentListModel ?

I tried doing so


But RedirectToAction returns RediretToRouteResult

View 7 Replies

C# - MVC ActionResult View() Not Changing Url?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a method...

public ActionResult Start(SomeViewModel someViewModel) { ... }

that based on some conditions returns things like return View("Invalid"), View("NotFound"), View("Run", anotherViewModel), etc. The problem is that no matter what view I present, the URL does not change to reflect the new controller/action. This poses a problem when my View wants to post to a different action. How can I fix this?

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MVC :: Two ActionResult In A Single View?

Aug 19, 2010

Shall i able to create two actionresult in a single page?

I m using two Html.BeginForm() in a single page? These two forms has different data as like

BeginFrom1() - dropdownlist

<% using (Html.BeginForm("ViewByStatus", "NewsLetterAdmin", FormMethod.Post))
{ %>
<%=Html.DropDownList("statusName",new SelectList(new[]{"#firstname#","#lastname#","#emailid#","#date#"}))%>
<input type="submit" value="?" />
<%} %>

BeginForm2() - textbox , freetextbox
<% using (Html.BeginForm("ddown", "NewsLetterAdmin", FormMethod.Post))
<%= Html.LabelFor(model => model.TemplateName) %>

When i select a dropdownlist and submit , dropdown selected value comes to textbox and freetextbox. Its working well

Again i m adding contents to freetextbox

Again i select a dropdownlist and submit , dropdown selected value comes to textbox and freetextbox. The newly selected value only comes to textbox and freetextbox, but my old contents are not exists in freetextbox.

I need old contents and dropdown selected value comes to freetextbox.

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MVC :: Send ActionResult View As EmailTemplate

Jul 10, 2010

I am trying to implement a way to send email templates in my application and would like to populate an ActionResult view with data and then output the view HTML as a string to use as the body of my email. I found the following

blog post but have not been able to get it to work correctly in my app and was wondering if anyone had been able to implement something similar. The issue that I am running into is that I have created one controller, EmailController, to handle all generation and returning of the the view strings. So for instance if I am in my home controller and I have a contact form whose action is Contact when the user submits the contact form I want to call the email controller to get the correct action result for the email template and upon successful send of the email redirect the user to a success action on the home controller.

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MVC :: Post Method In MVC - Public ActionResult MyPost Obj.labels Is Null Whereas Name And Description Contains Updated Values

Feb 17, 2010

I am using MVC for the developement. My Model class looks like

class MyModel
string name;
string desc;
string[] labels;

When I bind this model to the view, all the values are displayed on the view successfully. But on Postback method public ActionResult MyPost(MyModel obj) obj.labels is null whereas name and desc contains updated values. why is it so?

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AJAX :: Calling Webservices From Javascript: OnError Method, How To Identify The Method

Aug 26, 2010

I have an application that has JS calling ASMX files to do asyncronous requests, using ASP.NET AJAX.

The problem is that I use always the same "onError" function, and now I don't know how to identify the method that rised the error, and it is giving me a lot of problems to debug errors. The parameter "data" of the onError method does not give enough information, for

en System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, Object value)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToTypeInternal(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer, Boolean throwOnError, Object& convertedObject)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToTypeMain(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer, Boolean throwOnError, Object& convertedObject)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToType(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
en System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.StrongTypeParameters(IDictionary`2 rawParams)
en System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.CallMethodFromRawParams(Object target, IDictionary`2 parameters)
en System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.InvokeMethod(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData, IDictionary`2 rawParams)
en System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData)

Is there any way to know the webmethod that raised the error?

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MVC :: Action Method Returning An ActionResult Used In A Action Method?

Aug 27, 2010

I have the Index action method calling a method that itself is an action method.

Example :


What to do in this case ?

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MVC :: Pass Parameter From Controller To View And Back To Another Controller?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a simple model where a Person has Gifts. I have a view which is a list of Gifts belonging to one Person.

My problem is with the Create action for a new Gift. I want it to default to the PersonID that we are already viewing the list of Gifts for. I tried simply passing the last PersonID (they are all the same)

Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create", new { id = Model.Last().PersonID }) which works fine if there is already at least one Gift for that person but if this is the first Gift I don't have a value.

My Gift List controller knows the PersonID I want to pass but the view doesn't.

How do I pass this PersonID from my Gift List controller to my Gift Create controller via the Gift List view? Or is there a better way to do this?

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