Microsoft Ajax Framework Script Registration Order?
Dec 15, 2010
Currently i am having an issue where we register scripts through the scripts collection on the scriptmanager, but sporadically, when the scripts are written to the page, they will be out of order, as in the ajax framework script(microsoftajax.js) is not the first script registered, instead it will be one of the others scripts in the collection. I looked at the code in reflector and i dont see how this happens since the scriptmanager injects the framework script into the first spot before writing them out to the page.
we are currently using 2.0 and ms ajax 1.0
I can find loads of articles about using the CD to load the Ajax framework, but I can't find anything regarding not using it.point me in the right direction.
I have developed an ERP module wihch runs on intranet. with ASP.NET /AJAX. It runs perfectly in my localhost. IIS. But when I try to run it on my development, It gives some errors of AJAX. undefined string literals. Microft ajax client-sisde framework failed to load. sys is undefined.. I've check my web.config file. But I cant find any problems into it.
I have tried every single method in almost every post available on both Bing and Google. And I still get this error.I thought it was something in my website or web.config, so I opened up VS2008, selected to create a new ASP.NET Website and let it go..Here is the default.aspx page and web.config created by VS2008. Without modifying anything other than chaning the website properties to .NET 3.5 instead of .Net 2.0, I still get the error on this website when I hit F5. I have other websites with the ajax update panel and script manager on this server that work fine and have tried the web.config from them on a new project. But any new projects still do not work.I have verified that the settings for the working project as well as this new project in IIS are the same. Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error and theSys Undefined error?
I'm trying to use formview in order to do insert of a new entity object (called Customer) Customer has a reference to another entity called Address. How can I fill both of them in the same formview?
I have recently converted all my applications to framework 4.0 and am very happy as a whole.
I have, however, run into a bit of a bind: i have exposed quite a few web services that have methods returning datasets.
Clients immediately started complaining that the order of the tables within the returned datasets were different. I investigated and can confirm that the webmethods are indeed shuffling the tables within the datasets. The order of tables in the method result are markedly different from the table order in the code before being returned.
My question is: is it possible to hard code the order of tables within the dataset being returned by a webmethod? I know that clients should, ideally, be referencing the tables via the table names, but that is - unfortunately - not the case in the really real world.
I have an application uploaded on a server which only supports Microsoft Report Viewer 8. my Application has been written with .Net framework 3.5. The Question is :
Is there a way for me to generate my reports using Microsoft Report Viewer 8 with my current application being with framework 3.5?
How can I draw a Radar Chart using Microsoft Chart Control for .NET Framework 3.5. I can draw "column" chart using the following code from MSDN. I could not find any example for Radar Chart.
I'm looking for suggestions for the following issue, and I realize there is really not going to be a perfect answer to my question:I have a UI built in WinForms.NET (v4.0 framework) with WCF back-end and EF4 model objects, that I am looking to port to the web. UI is not huge and is not super complex and is structured well. But it is not a super simple system either. I am looking to pick a technology stack for the web-frontend that will target desktop & partially mobile platforms, provide a good development platform to build on, and facilitate code reuse across UI and back-end tiers...
As this is registration form, I want server side validation of existing email id .If user entered email id already exist in DB I want to reopen the above modal dialog (automatically) with an error massage Email ID already exist.
we have a AutoGenerateColumns-enabled WmxDataGrid in which we are able to update table rows in a DataBase connected with a SqlDataSource.
Each time we clear a field an empty string is written to the database where we want to write DBNull values.
At the moment we generate the update string via UPDATE... SET.. and the SQL Server function NULLIF(value, '').
Works proper but when I want to add the values to e.NewValues in BeginUpdate event I'm not able to read the values from the auto generated text boxes. How do I do that? Is there an easier way to automatically convert empty strings to NULL values?
But ofcourse it is not working as I want to. The Ordering works on Question.Order, but I would also the Questions.SubQuestions List to be ordered according to SubQuestions.Order
I already wrote Phil Haack about this issue, but got no reply yet. I think he is deep into work and got enough to do. So for the sake that this problem does not disappear I wrote a small sample and perhaps anyone of the MVC 3 team members reads along to check for it. My scenario I was testing is very common. A multilanguage website with a datepicker in a form. I prepared two files, one having jquery.validate.js included an one without. In the version with jquery.validate.js included the datepicker fails. Line 211 throws an error source.replace is not a function. I fixed it with wrapping if (typeof(source) == "string) { } around it. But none the less the formatting also fails. Instead of having the short date like "11/17/2010" I do have "Wed Nov 17 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0100" now, what actually means, the format function isn't working anymore, localization neither.[URL]
I don't know what is going on. When I try to add a tab container in my page, it allows me to do that but when I modify the code, the unknown server tag error pops up in the design view of the page.
I checked the source code to see if I had my @register clause in there, and it was there, but still the error shows. I don't know what happened, the last time it worked perfectly.
I have also recently downloaded the cute editor for .net and installed the .dlls to my bin folder and it is showing the same simtoms as well.
How to upload the photo and display in the image control,in the same employee form...the image is displayed in the right side. I've written the code for upload image,the image will uploaded successfully, I want to display on the same page.
I have 5 hard corded texboxes in a page in a sequence with sequence Number . Now i want to add re-order /re-arraning functionaly .. but i can't use ajax reorder list because i have 5 hard corded texbox. how can i maintain the order in Insert/Update cases. And also suggest me control that i can use, another than ajax re-order list. coz i not using any list items i have hard corded items on the page.
The AjaxToolkit has a ReorderList. I'm searching for a jQuery solution that does the same and found this page. I would like to change the order of divs (vertically) and upload the new order to the database (ajax).
What i need is i need to bind last 10 Order in Gridview/details view with paging, and the same order detail also fetch from database and shown in another gridview.. if user click any oderNo in first Gridview/DetailView then i need to show Respective order detail in anther gridview..
without postback coz we already fetch 10 order with orderdetails from the database..and if user click next 10 orderNo using paging then again we need to load 10 orderNo with respective orderdeatils from database like this going well as let me know how to take print of particular oder and order detail....?
I'm Using Ajax POP UP Extender Control ... and The Panel Which will appear in The POP UP Has Data List ... Inside That DataList i have Image Button For Each Item In Data List.... When I click in any Image Button in That DataList ......I Get That Error At run time Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'this._postBackSettings.async' is null or not an object
... My ASPX Code is
And I put that code inside update panel and ToolkitScriptManager
I'm developing a website, i having a problem in one page i using ModalPopupExtender to show a asp:Panel, this panel have a updatePanel with e FormView and nested ListView and ataPager when this was done the Microsoft.Ajax js file throw exception"element is null or non object" at Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler.
From my testing, it appears that the order of parameters for the UpdateParameters must match both the order of the bound fields on the form (asp:Formview), and the order of the parameters in the UpdateCommand. Is that correct? If so, why do the parameters have names if all that matters is the order? I tried both asp:ControlParameter and asp:Parameter. Maybe the more relevant question is why aren't the names used instead of the order, particularly for the form order?
So, given I display the Identity field (CID), and need that for the update, I cannot get the update to work without including it in the UpdateCommand. Of course, since it is an autonumber field in Access, I cannot actually set it. So, I had to add another field to the db (lngUpdateCID) that I could set. That can't be how it has to be done, but I could not figure out another way to do this.