OnServerClick Not Working - ClientIDMode In Web.config

Jan 5, 2011

The event is simply not firing, what am I missing?

Code for the button:
<input type="button" class="button hide" id="savetext" style="float:right;" value="Hello" runat="server" OnServerClick="savetext_Click"/>

And the code that is generated (i.e. when opened in a browser and the source is viewed) is this:
<input onclick="__doPostBack('ctl00$Main$savetext','')" name="ctl00$Main$savetext" type="button" id="savetext" style="float:right;" class="button hide" value="Save to text" />

I've got <pages clientIDMode="Static" /> in web.config but the name and generated onclick event are prefixed despite that. Server side code:
Protected Sub savetext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub

To be clear, my goal is to register a click on a button server-side, not just client-side.

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Similar Messages:

Cannot Get OnServerClick To Work

Feb 1, 2010

Here's what is in my .aspx:
<div> <input id="testButton" type="image" src="<%=TestImageUrl %>" onserverclick="RedirectTest" /> </div>

And in my code-behind this:
protected void RedirectTest(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Logic is here}

It's not hitting my method at all when I click the image. And please note, I do not want to use an ImageButton. I want to figure out how to get this working with a plain old input tag.

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How To To Set ClientIDMode To AutoID

Mar 18, 2011

am using an asyncFileUpload in a DotNetNuke project developped with VS2010. I want to set ClientIDMode to AutoID but I get an error message: "ClientIDMode is not a member of asyncFileUpload".

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Default For ClientIDMode In .NET 4?

Apr 26, 2010

What is the default for ClientIdMode ona) Pageb) Controlc) UserControl From what I have read it is Predictable, Inherit, Inherit. I expected the default on the Page to be AutoId. Wouldn't Predictable break things?

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Explanation - Use ClientIDMode Property That Comes With 4.0?

Apr 27, 2010

How should we use ClientIDMode property that comes with asp.net 4.0?... When i should i use one over the other clientIdModes?

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Way To Get ClientIDMode And ClientID Property On 3.5?

Jun 4, 2010

I would like to have the brand new ClientIDMode and the ClientID property on ASP.NET 3.5 controls, there is any way I can achieve that?I was thinking in replacing the default control compiler, this is possible or there is many changes to make this behavior available?

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JQuery :: ClientIDMode In Framework 2.0?

Jan 31, 2011

I've been building a project for a customer in framework 4.0.What I didn't know was that he wanted the project built in fw 2.0.Now, my gridview is using a setting called ClientIDMode="Static" to setup a jQuery "tablesorter" function, which makes sorting possible using jQuery.But that settings is not available in 2.0, any ideas how to fix this? If I remove the ClientIDMode setting, the header won't be clickable and sortable.

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OnServerClick Only Works When Onclick Not Defined

Jan 28, 2011

protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnNext.InnerHtml = "CLICK";
} <button type="submit" runat="server" onserverclick="btnNext_Click" id="btnNext">Next > </button>

This works fine, but when I add an onclick event:
<button type="submit" runat="server" onserverclick="btnNext_Click" onclick="return checkForm();" id="btnNext">Next > </button>

And in the head:
<script type="text/javascript"> function checkForm() {
if (document.getElementById("<%=lstChooseSpec.ClientID %>").value) {
return true; } else {
$.jGrowl("<strong>Warning!</strong><br />Please select an item", { sticky: true });
return false; } } </script>

It submits the form, but doesn't change the buttons text to 'CLICK'. The text only changes to 'CLICK' when the onclick() isn't defined, although the form is still submitting!

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JQuery Validation And OnServerClick Triggering

Nov 22, 2010

I have a form with my own JQuery validation. When a JQuery <button id=btnRegister type=submit> is clicked, my validation code is invoked and if invalid, form does not submit. All works great. I have another <button id=btnSave> on this form. I would like btnSave to fire asp.net server side event (onserverclick) only if form data is valid. I have tried following -
<button type=submit onclick='if($(this).closest('form').submit()==false) return;' onserverclick='btnSave_click' runat =server>Save</button>

When I click on the btnSave, it does invoke my form's submit event handler, which correctly returns false, if invalid. So far so good. After this point, I would like the onserverclick event not trigger. However, the onserverclick does trigger and the page posts back, even when the form is invalid. As I see it, cannot have onclick and onserverclick at the same time. What should I do to make them co-exist harmoniously? If I change <button> to <input type=submit> it all works out. But I like <button>'s look and feel more.

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How To Make Use Of AJAX 4.0 New Feature Of ClientIDMode

Apr 22, 2010

I wanted to make use of AJAX 4.0 new feature of ClientIDMode.I have a dropdownList inside updatePanel. I defined a unique ID for this control and set the ClientIDMode to be static.The problem is , when I select the dropdown list, the page jumps(postbacks). However this does not happen if I remove the Static setting for CleintIDMode. I have also downloaded a new ajax 4.0 dll from the codeplex library

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Correct Setting Of ClientIDMode In .Net 4 To Get .Net 2.0 Rendering

Jun 9, 2010

We have just updated our application from ASP.Net 2.0 to ASP.Net 4.0.We have included in the web.config in the system.web element:

<pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" clientIDMode="AutoID" />

My understanding is that this is supposed to render the controls the same as .Net 2.0/3.5 would.However.

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Web Forms :: OnServerClick For ASP Controls (HTML Buttons)

May 29, 2010

I have several html buttons on my form which I have calling the same routine in my code behind.

For example:
<input id="cmdSaveChangesOnEdit" type="submit" value="Save Changes" name="cmdSaveChangesOnEdit" runat="server"
OnServerClick="cmdSaveMainPricingChanges" />
<input id="cmdSaveChangesOnEdit_NEW" type="submit" value="Save Changes" name="cmdSaveChangesOnEdit" runat="server"
OnServerClick="cmdSaveMainPricingChanges" />

I would like to replicate this functionality with the asp:DropDownList control i.e. I have several dropdowns which I would like to call the same code behind routine. However it seems that asp controls do not support the OnServerClick option. Is there a way to explicitly define which code behind routine to call on an asp control?

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HTML Button Elements And OnServerClick Attribute

Feb 2, 2010

I have been experiencing some very strange behavior using html buttons with the onserverclick attribute. What I am trying to do is use jQuery to designate the default button on the page. By default button I mean the button that is "clicked" when a user hits enter. In testing, I would hit enter while in an input field and sometimes the intended "default" button was clicked and the server side method defined in the corresponding onserverclick attribute was hit. Other times a post back was made without hitting the server method. In order to isolate the issue I created a minimal test case and found some very interesting results.

Client side:
[Code] ....

Server side:
public partial class admin_spikes_ButtonSubmitTest : System.Web.UI.Page {
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
} protected void ServerMethod1(object sender, EventArgs e) {
_response.Text = "server method1 was hit";
} protected void ServerMethod2(object sender, EventArgs e) {
_response.Text = "server method2 was hit"; } }

What I found was that everything worked as expected with this code except when I removed one of the input elements. In Firefox 3.6 and IE 8 when only one input exists on the page, hitting enter does not trigger the onserverclick, it makes a post back without even being jQuery "clicked" or actually "clicked". You can test this by starting with two inputs and clicking "test2". This will output "server method2 was hit". Then just hit enter and the output will be "server method1 was hit. Now take away an input and run the same test. Click "test2" see the results, then hit enter and you will see that nothing will change because the "test1" method was never hit. Chrome worked as expected

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Web Forms :: OnServerClick - How To Validate Captcha In Javascript

Feb 10, 2011

I would like to do the validation work using javascript or jquery in onclientclick and then show blockUI, next page using server click. But, I have a captcha validation in server click and I don't know how to validate the captcha in jquery or javascript.

protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
lblMessage.Text = ""; if (Page.IsValid) { if (txtUserName.Text == "") {
lblMessage.Text = "نام کاربری را وارد نمائید";
txtUserName.Focus(); return;
} if (!BLL.IsStrictPassword(txtPassword.Text)) {
lblMessage.Text = "طول کلمه عبور حداقل باید 5 کاراکتر باشد";
txtPassword.Focus(); return; } if (ddlYear.Text == "<سال>"
|| ddlMonth.Text == "<ماه>" || ddlDay.Text == "<روز>") {
lblMessage.Text = "لطفا تاریخ تولدتان را وارد نمائید";
return; } if (!chk_Low.Checked) {
lblMessage.Text = "برای عضویت می بایست قوانین سایت را بپذیرید"; return; } if (txtSecurityCode.Text == String.Empty) {
.Text = "کد امنیتی را وارد نکرده اید";
txtSecurityCode.Focus(); return; } secCode.ValidateCaptcha(txtSecurityCode.Text);
if (!secCode.UserValidated) {
lblMessage.Text = "کد امنیتی نادرست وارد شده است";
return; } try { //some code } }

View 5 Replies

AJAX :: Does Static ClientIDMode Always Defeat UpdatePanel

Aug 6, 2010

I have a GridView in an UpdatePanel. As long as the ClientIDMode of the GridView is
not Static, the updating behavior is what expected - any change of the GridView does not affect any area outside the UpdatePanel. As soon as the ClientIDMode of the GridView is changed to Static, the UpdatePanel behaves as if it did not exist - any of the GridView will refresh the entire page.

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Adding OnServerClick Event Handler To HtmlAnchor Dynamically

Jan 14, 2010

When I write the code for Each HtmlAnchor a in Me.Master.FindControls("link" + i)
AddHandler e.OnServerClick, AddressOf OnClick
end for
I get an error that OnServerClick event is protected and I cannot access it. The question is how do I dynamically add event handlers to HtmlAnchor controls?

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Web Forms :: Creating Dynamic Buttons That Pass Value And Have OnServerClick

Jan 28, 2011

I've created some dynamic buttons on page load but the buttons need to have an onserverclick event and pass a value. I used buttons because they can pass a value. My code below so far, just outputs onserverlick to the html page, which is obviously not what I want. Would it be possible to use some other method, I originally used hyperlinks until I needed to pass a value (I didn't want to use querystrings).

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Forms Data Controls :: HTML Component OnServerClick Does Not Trigger

Aug 20, 2010

I'm new with ASP.NET, and this is my first project that make myself cruel. I'm trying to create a link on every row that created dynamically.(I'm using GridView). The Problem is, the onserverclick eventhandler show nothing.? Heres the code:

public void GridV_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) {
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {
e.Row.Cells[0].Text += "<font id='12345' runat='server' color='blue'
BACKGROUND-COLOR='#9471DE' style='cursor: pointer' Title='Click this:
to view to the Root menu of the thread'><U> <a onserverclick='Submit_Click'>This is description</a></u></font>";
e.Row.Cells[0].Text += "<br/>";
e.Row.Cells[0].Text += "<div id='DataDiv' style='overflow: auto; border: 1px solid olive;
width: 888px;'>"; //height: 300ox; onscroll='Onscrollfnction();'>";
FindHttpVideo1(dDataset.Tables[0].Rows[e.Row.RowIndex].ItemArray[0].ToString(), e, 0);
e.Row.Cells[0].Text += "</div>"; } }

Here the click EventHandler on also on code behind :
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Label1.Text = "Hello --->"; }
I don't want use Java script to for onclick() handler, I want to do it on code behind.

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Data Controls :: DatePicker Inside GridView Does Not Work When ClientIDMode Is Set To Static

Jun 16, 2015

i have tired your demo 


but   this is not working  change your  code 

<asp:TextBox ID="txtProductDate" ClientIDMode="Static" runat="server" ReadOnly = "true"></asp:TextBox>

it is always updating values to first datepicker 

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Web Config Location Tag Not Working

Sep 23, 2010

We have an application that is making use of the location tag in the web.config file at the machine level - meaning like :WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0...CONFIGweb.config, the one that applies to the whole server - this application has lots of virtual directories under it and for each one there is a <location path="IIS Web App NameCustomerA">...This seems to work ok for that app. But then we have a second app on the same server, and I'd like to add location tags to that app's web.config file - meaning the local web.config file in the app's directory - and have each one of them specify a location tag in a similar way

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C# - Web.config DefaultRedirect Not Working?

Nov 25, 2010

I have a problem to redirect to my error page. In global.asax I have implemented Application_Error, so I can catch and log errors.

If I put this:

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Errore.html" />

everything works...

with this:

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Errore.aspx" />

it is show the page: http://localhost:3821/Errore.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/pagine/Ricerca.aspx

BUT on Errore.aspx Page_load() or OnError() are not called, and the page showed is just the standar one, (runtime error) that suggest to change to off the mode in customErrors.

This is on my pc, so there is not IIS... ...and I don't use authentication (not yet)


The error occur in Global.aspx, in Application_Start() . When the error occur, redirecting to an .aspx page will cause an error because the app is not up. The solution is to redirec to an html page.

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Security :: Web.config Not Working?

Feb 6, 2011

I have done forms authentication a couples of times before but this time I cant get my head around something.Somehow altough the user authenticated,the destination page does not get this.The destination page is called Approval.aspx and is located in the /Admin directory which is secured by having its own web config with those settings:


If I remove the <deny users="?" />,then everything works fine but obviously everyone has access to that page.I only want that the user of role Admin can access it. I have implemented the standard VS 2010 login controland the user gets to the destination page with a response redirect:


Why does the destination page not realize that the user is authenticated and does not treat the useras a user in role "Admin"?


While debugging the login page I can see that the user has the right role "Admin".

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Security :: Authentication In Web.config Not Working?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a basic intranet website for my company but there is one page that cannot allow anonymous as I need to grab the user's login. I created the site and everything works perfectly on my development machine. once moved to the production server it no longer works.

Here is the problem: I can get the login prompt when going to the secure page, but when trying to login I get a "401.1 - Unauthorized", even when trying to login as a server administrator. Here is the authentication portion in my web.config:


I have done this before and always gotten it to work. I hope I am just missing something very simple...

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Web.config Is Not Working While Hosting A Web Page

Aug 27, 2010

I have created a website using visual studio 2010 on .net3.5 framework. When I run the site on my local system it works fine but on the external hosting server I am getting a 500 internal server error. Upon speaking to the hosting service provider, they advised me to delete the web.config file, having followed their instructions, the website works fine without the web.config file. But now I have added AJAX controls on one of the pages and am not able to run this page on the hosting server. Do I have to configure my web.config file in order to get this working. Could someone please help me with this.

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Security :: Web.Config Authorization Not Working At All?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm using a Custom Role Provider for authorization.

There are 2 roles: "VIEWER" and "SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR".

I have set up my role for my account as "VIEWER".

Roles.GetRolesForUser(this.User.Identity.Name) returns "VIEWER"
User.IsInRole("SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR") returns false

Web.Config contains below:

<location path="Administration">
<deny users="*"/>

However, I can still access the ~/Administration pages.

Even if I change the web.config to:

<deny users="*"/>

I can still access any of the pages, but I shouldn't be able to access any page when this is set. Correct?

I'm pretty sure my Role Manager is working fine (see above calls to User and Roles), but here's the config:

<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="MyRoleProvider" >
<add type="MyNamespace.MyRoleProvider" name="MyRoleProvider"/>

I'm testing this on my local dev environment using Cassini and on a test web server running IIS 6. Both systems/sites work the same way and allow anyone access to any page. Both systems/sites also return correct data when programmatically checking Roles.GetRolesForUser and User.IsInRole.

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