JQuery :: ClientIDMode In Framework 2.0?

Jan 31, 2011

I've been building a project for a customer in framework 4.0.What I didn't know was that he wanted the project built in fw 2.0.Now, my gridview is using a setting called ClientIDMode="Static" to setup a jQuery "tablesorter" function, which makes sorting possible using jQuery.But that settings is not available in 2.0, any ideas how to fix this? If I remove the ClientIDMode setting, the header won't be clickable and sortable.

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MVC :: BUG In Jquery Globalization Framework From Microsoft When Using Jquery.validate.js In MVC 3?

Nov 19, 2010

I already wrote Phil Haack about this issue, but got no reply yet. I think he is deep into work and got enough to do. So for the sake that this problem does not disappear I wrote a small sample and perhaps anyone of the MVC 3 team members reads along to check for it. My scenario I was testing is very common. A multilanguage website with a datepicker in a form. I prepared two files, one having jquery.validate.js included an one without. In the version with jquery.validate.js included the datepicker fails. Line 211 throws an error source.replace is not a function. I fixed it with wrapping
if (typeof(source) == "string) { } around it. But none the less the formatting also fails. Instead of having the short date like "11/17/2010" I do have "Wed Nov 17 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0100" now, what actually means, the format function isn't working anymore, localization neither.[URL]

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Default For ClientIDMode In .NET 4?

Apr 26, 2010

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Apr 27, 2010

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Way To Get ClientIDMode And ClientID Property On 3.5?

Jun 4, 2010

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OnServerClick Not Working - ClientIDMode In Web.config

Jan 5, 2011

The event is simply not firing, what am I missing?

Code for the button:
<input type="button" class="button hide" id="savetext" style="float:right;" value="Hello" runat="server" OnServerClick="savetext_Click"/>

And the code that is generated (i.e. when opened in a browser and the source is viewed) is this:
<input onclick="__doPostBack('ctl00$Main$savetext','')" name="ctl00$Main$savetext" type="button" id="savetext" style="float:right;" class="button hide" value="Save to text" />

I've got <pages clientIDMode="Static" /> in web.config but the name and generated onclick event are prefixed despite that. Server side code:
Protected Sub savetext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub

To be clear, my goal is to register a click on a button server-side, not just client-side.

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How To Make Use Of AJAX 4.0 New Feature Of ClientIDMode

Apr 22, 2010

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Correct Setting Of ClientIDMode In .Net 4 To Get .Net 2.0 Rendering

Jun 9, 2010

We have just updated our application from ASP.Net 2.0 to ASP.Net 4.0.We have included in the web.config in the system.web element:

<pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" clientIDMode="AutoID" />

My understanding is that this is supposed to render the controls the same as .Net 2.0/3.5 would.However.

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AJAX :: Does Static ClientIDMode Always Defeat UpdatePanel

Aug 6, 2010

I have a GridView in an UpdatePanel. As long as the ClientIDMode of the GridView is
not Static, the updating behavior is what expected - any change of the GridView does not affect any area outside the UpdatePanel. As soon as the ClientIDMode of the GridView is changed to Static, the UpdatePanel behaves as if it did not exist - any of the GridView will refresh the entire page.

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Data Controls :: DatePicker Inside GridView Does Not Work When ClientIDMode Is Set To Static

Jun 16, 2015

i have tired your demo 


but   this is not working  change your  code 

<asp:TextBox ID="txtProductDate" ClientIDMode="Static" runat="server" ReadOnly = "true"></asp:TextBox>

it is always updating values to first datepicker 

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MVC :: Looking For Client Side Only Jquery Framework?

Oct 25, 2010

Anyone have any suggestions for 3rd party controls that work entirely client side?By this I mean the following using the example of an invoice:An invoice is a master, with children.I have to be able to select properties on the invoice and add lines to the invoice via a grid to obviously have the customer like my invoice editing window because they don't want to have to enter the basics and then save and then add the line items.In a classic asp.net/mvc.net model the server does the processing. This requires that you either store your data objects in the view state (in this case EF) or you store it in the session.Neither scales worth crap.What I'm looking to do is be able to create an entire form that interacts in javascript using jquery and never posts back to the server to be persistant. It may pull data from the server to update lists and do lookups etc. but it will never have to have the server hold information to be persistant while it's being built (and thus only when the user clicks save will it actually post the data back.In a perfect world what would happen is that the EF object would be converted to javascript and then used and bound, and updated. Once I'm done I'd post back the javascript object and it would be automatically converted to the EF equivalent class which I could then attach and save to the database.By doing this I can eliminate all persistant memory usage and indeed essentially ALL use of the Session or viewstate which would be super powerful.

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Jan 28, 2011

I have a button that uses a ui framework icon on a content page as shown below. I would like it to change state if hover so that the user will know it's clickable. I see there is a.ui-state-hoverclass. How do I apply this to the button?


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Configuration :: Running Framework 2.0 Application Within Framework 4.0 Website

May 18, 2010

I host a website that has recently been upgraded from .NET Framework 2.0 to .NET Framework 4.0. Within the website, I have an instance of BlogEngine which still requires .NET Framework 2.0. Each website is in it's own application pool. My issue is that when I browse to the blog portion of my website, I receive a 500.19 error with the following information...

The configuration section 'system.web.extensions' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration The web.conf file that is listed in the error message is the config file that belongs to my root website which is running .NET Framework 4.0. How do I get the two websites to run together in the same website using different versions of the .NET Framework?

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Jan 6, 2011

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My question is: Can I install the framework 4.0 on the machine that already have framework 3.5. And continue have sites working with other frameworks version?Or, should I develop my new webapplication in framawork 3.5 ?If I can install the framework 4.0, do I need make some specify configuration during the installation?

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Installation :: Framework 2.0 Sp2 Impact On .net Framework 2.0 Development

Apr 23, 2010

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Jan 5, 2011

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Now the problem is support DLLs used in this application still in 1.1 only.

There is no way to change it. While accessing from 3.5 it is not showing any error msg.

But not giving expected results.

Is there any way to run this particular assembly in 1.1 and other in 3.5 ?

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Mar 26, 2011

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Exporting Entity Framework 4 Data Model To Entity Framework 3.5?

Oct 25, 2010

Is there a way to export a EF 4.0 Data Model to EF 3.5?

I looked around and found that we are not able to access EF 4.0 from a ASP.Net 3.5 project here: [URL]

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Jan 6, 2011

I have two questions, could anybody please answer to those:1) Do I need to install Dotnet framework 2.0 if dotnet framework 3.5 is already installed on the same server?2) Also do I need to install "ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0" if higher version is installed on the same server?

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Difference Between Framework 2.0 And Framework 1.1?

Feb 17, 2010

i have an app runs on framework 1.1 but now i have to move to framework 2.0 ... because i need to update dropdownlist with autocompleate mode but ajax control toolkit just work with .net 2.0 ... the problem is they ask me that i have to be done asap i have problem to convert my app to .net 2.0 and if i have lot of problem how can i handle the dropdownlist wiht autocomplete mode without ajax control tool kit

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Is MVC Framework Part Of .net 3.5 Framework

Jan 25, 2010

i just wanted to know whether microsoft is offering ASP .net framework as a part of .net 3.5 Framework or is it an add on.

Does 3.5 .net provide support for nHibernate? Is nHibernate part of .net 3.5(I think it is not, but just confirming)

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JQuery :: Learning Jquery And Topics To Cover To Learn Jquery?

Mar 16, 2011

which is the best way to learn Jquery....and what all topics I need to cover to learn Jquery in full...so I could code like a pro.

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