Explanation - Use ClientIDMode Property That Comes With 4.0?

Apr 27, 2010

How should we use ClientIDMode property that comes with asp.net 4.0?... When i should i use one over the other clientIdModes?

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Way To Get ClientIDMode And ClientID Property On 3.5?

Jun 4, 2010

I would like to have the brand new ClientIDMode and the ClientID property on ASP.NET 3.5 controls, there is any way I can achieve that?I was thinking in replacing the default control compiler, this is possible or there is many changes to make this behavior available?

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How To To Set ClientIDMode To AutoID

Mar 18, 2011

am using an asyncFileUpload in a DotNetNuke project developped with VS2010. I want to set ClientIDMode to AutoID but I get an error message: "ClientIDMode is not a member of asyncFileUpload".

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Default For ClientIDMode In .NET 4?

Apr 26, 2010

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JQuery :: ClientIDMode In Framework 2.0?

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I've been building a project for a customer in framework 4.0.What I didn't know was that he wanted the project built in fw 2.0.Now, my gridview is using a setting called ClientIDMode="Static" to setup a jQuery "tablesorter" function, which makes sorting possible using jQuery.But that settings is not available in 2.0, any ideas how to fix this? If I remove the ClientIDMode setting, the header won't be clickable and sortable.

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OnServerClick Not Working - ClientIDMode In Web.config

Jan 5, 2011

The event is simply not firing, what am I missing?

Code for the button:
<input type="button" class="button hide" id="savetext" style="float:right;" value="Hello" runat="server" OnServerClick="savetext_Click"/>

And the code that is generated (i.e. when opened in a browser and the source is viewed) is this:
<input onclick="__doPostBack('ctl00$Main$savetext','')" name="ctl00$Main$savetext" type="button" id="savetext" style="float:right;" class="button hide" value="Save to text" />

I've got <pages clientIDMode="Static" /> in web.config but the name and generated onclick event are prefixed despite that. Server side code:
Protected Sub savetext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub

To be clear, my goal is to register a click on a button server-side, not just client-side.

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How To Make Use Of AJAX 4.0 New Feature Of ClientIDMode

Apr 22, 2010

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Correct Setting Of ClientIDMode In .Net 4 To Get .Net 2.0 Rendering

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<pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" clientIDMode="AutoID" />

My understanding is that this is supposed to render the controls the same as .Net 2.0/3.5 would.However.

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AJAX :: Does Static ClientIDMode Always Defeat UpdatePanel

Aug 6, 2010

I have a GridView in an UpdatePanel. As long as the ClientIDMode of the GridView is
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What Does Prerender() Do / Finding Explanation

Jul 15, 2010

I read this


and I was wondering if there's anyone that can explain to me what Prerender should do, for example for a button or a calendar component.

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Oct 9, 2010

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C# - Dependency Injection - Colloquial Explanation

Apr 8, 2010

Recently I was asked to express the DI in colloquial explanation.

I answered :

1)I am going to a hotel.I ordered food.The hotel management asks me to clean the plates and
clean the tables.So here i am a client,I am responsible for managing the service (Instantiating,executing,disposing).But DI decouples such tasks so the service consumer no need not worry about controlling the life cycle of the service.

2)He also asked is there any microsoft API follows DI ?.I answered (This was my guess) In WCF you can create a Proxy using ChannelFactory that controls the life time of your factory.

for item (1) he said only 10% is correct

for item(2) he said that is factory pattern not dependency injection.

Actually what went wrong in my explanation (apart from my bad English) ? What is the real answers for those?

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Installation :: Always Prompts And Error With No Explanation?

Jun 14, 2010

I am trying to unable the asp.net so that i can dev on windows azure, unfortunately going through windows features(in win7) to install it, always prompts and error with no explanation whatsoever. its the "an error has occured, some programs may not have been changed sucessfully" or something similar to that.I have tried uninstalling IIS and reinstalling afterwords, and have tried removing WAS.

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Clarification / Explanation Of RegisterClientScriptInclude Method?

Apr 20, 2010

I've been looking on the Internet for a fairly clear explanation of the different methods of registering javascript in an asp.net application. I think I have a basic understating of the difference between registerStartupScript and registerClientScriptBlock (the main difference being where in the form the script is inserted).I'm not sure I understand what the RegisterClientScriptInclude method does or when it is used. From what I can gather, it is used to register an external .js file. Does this then make any and all javascript functions in that file available to the aspx page it was registered on? For example, if it was registered in the onLoad event of a master page, would all pages using that master page be able to use the javascript functions in the .js file? What problems would arise when trying to use document.getElementById in this case, if any? Also, when it is necessary/advantageous to use multiple .js files and register them separately?

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DataSource Controls :: Looking For Explanation Of Query ?

Feb 21, 2010

Hregarding to following query:

Use AdventureWorks

ELECT p.ProductID,

What does mean ON 1 = 1 in this query??

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Data Controls :: DatePicker Inside GridView Does Not Work When ClientIDMode Is Set To Static

Jun 16, 2015

i have tired your demo 


but   this is not working  change your  code 

<asp:TextBox ID="txtProductDate" ClientIDMode="Static" runat="server" ReadOnly = "true"></asp:TextBox>

it is always updating values to first datepicker 

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Dotnetopenauth OAuth Service Provider Explanation?

May 28, 2010

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Configuration :: Explanation Of Publishing Site Options?

Feb 18, 2011

what the two following options in the publish dialog are for when publishing a site? I just required to know in what situation these will be use.

1) "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable"

2) "Used fixed naming and single page assemblies"

3) "Emit Debug information"

4) "Enable strong naming on precompiled assemblies"

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Sep 10, 2010

explain reasons why the name property of a Repeater control's child controls would be generated differently in an ASP.NET application when it is deployed on different IIS servers?

One some IIS servers the Name is generated using the format:

String.Format("{0}:_ctl{1:00}:{2}", RepeaterControlID, itemIndex, ChildControlID);


<input name="Mntc_Software_List:_ctl1:id" id="Mntc_Software_List__ctl1_id" type="hidden" value="1772" />

and on other IIS servers the format is:

String.Format("{0}$ctl{1}${2}", RepeaterControlID, itemIndex, ChildControlID);


<input name="Mntc_Software_List$ctl01$id" type="hidden" id="Mntc_Software_List_ctl01_id" value="1772" />

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ASP.Net page life cycle events with code example C#

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What does this do exactly?

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Custom Server Controls :: Binding UserControl Property To Page Property?

Sep 15, 2010

So what I'm trying to accomplish is this


The user control has public properties named accordingly and the page has protected properties accordingly which I've verified have the desired values.

For some reason the values are always empty strings or 0s in the usercontrol, no matter what the page property is.

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Web Forms :: Creating A Nested Property In UserControl Or Multiple Child Properties In Parent Property?

Aug 2, 2010

Can anyone add a complete input about how to create Parent Property with multiple child properties or in short nested properties.

Example: Style tag: which has properties like font, color, display... etc? which accept objects and its value.


As soon as Rainbow property is typed, user should get intellisense for list of number of colors. Then accordingly user can select list of those colors and assign a value to them.

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