Web Forms :: Why When I Click The Button To Populate A Table, My Table Is Populated Twice?
Apr 19, 2010
I am experiencing is that when I try to populate a table on a online environment with the below code, the table is populated twice. With the same code the table is populated correctly on an offline/production environment and cannot understand why :
This is what I have:
The table is called Trips
Code Behind:
This is what I use in my .aspx page:
(removed for brevity...)
<script type="text/javascript">
since I am trying to find one googling but there is nothing apparently.
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1. university
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Below is the code in which I add the button to a TableCell, and the TableCell to the TableRow collection:
note that the popupHandler is a delegate to the function below. I am using it as a the Click event handler for testing purposes.
Also you should be aware that the table is only populated when the user clicks on a "Query" button inside the main ASPX web page, this means that I only populate the table after the PageLoad event has occurred.
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Here is the code part:
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<table style="width:50%;">
<th colspan="2">Reference</th>
<td><input id="txtRefName" type="text" /></td>
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System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table table = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table)addrowpnl.FindControl("Table1");
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for (var i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
var row = table.rows[i];
//This is where I am having trouble
var chkboxIndicator = row.cells[0].childNodes[1];
if (chkboxIndicator == indicator && Checkbox.checked == false) {
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Dec 10, 2010
my main intention is that, the exsisting table of sql server database(.dbo) with 1000's of records, that should be import to a new access database table(.mdb).for example if we want to had a new table in db2, of exsisting table in db1 with some conditions by using "select * into New_Tabel from (select * from Exsisting_Table where <Condition>) as objectName". Here the new table is created and records inserted in one execution in db2. The same work should be done for access(sqlserver db --> Access db).Here the new access database table with given name (as string_sysdate) must be created dynamically by clicking a button (multiples time creating new table).Is there any query or c# code for sql server database to access database.
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Dec 10, 2010
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Is this where "Dynamic Data" would play a role? If so, it's completely new to me, my needs are just for a single table on a page, not something that needs to be done en'masse all over the website, if that makes a difference?
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Nov 1, 2010
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May 7, 2015
How to read values of asp: table in grid view after binding.
I want to get values one by one in label in for loop and read values of table row one by one.
Like if i put check box in gridview and the row which is selected , i want to read value that asp:table in gridview.
How I bind grid, code attached.
Private Sub gvTransactionsBind(ByVal qry As String)
Dim adp As New SqlDataAdapter(qry, ConString)
adp.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim ds As New DataSet
gvTransactions.DataSource = ds
[Code] ....
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Mar 24, 2011
then the database table is created in database(that is SQL express),how can do that.Please sir help me in that problem.I try that thing and debug the code and there is no error in the code but when I click the button in run time ,no table is created in the database(which is placed in sql express 2005).So my problem is that why the table is not created in the database.
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