Property With A Default Value / Possible To Set A Default Value To The Property?

Oct 11, 2010

I have a property defined in the UserControl. It is possible to set a default value to the property?



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Similar Messages:

WCF / ASMX :: Set The Default Value For DateTime Property?

Oct 29, 2010

how can i set the default value of some property for DateTime ?


when i try this then it prompts the below error?

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How To Add A Default Value To A Custom Profile Property

Jun 16, 2010

I know you can add defaultValues using the web.config like this:

<add name="AreCool" type="System.Boolean" defaultValue="False" />

but I have the Profile inherited from a class:

<profile inherits="CustomProfile" defaultProvider="CustomProfileProvider" enabled="true">
<clear />
<add name="CustomProfileProvider" type="CustomProfileProvider" />

Heres the class:

Public Class CustomProfile
Inherits ProfileBase
Public Property AreCool() As Boolean
Return Me.GetPropertyValue("AreCool")
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
Me.SetPropertyValue("AreCool", value)
End Set
End Property
End Class

I don't know how to set the default value of the property. Its causing errors because without a default value, it uses an empty string, which cannot be converted to a Boolean. I tried adding <DefaultSettingValue("False")> _ but that didn't seem to make a difference.

I'm also using a custom ProfileProvider (CustomProfileProvider).

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Web Forms :: Class Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property?

Dec 6, 2010

What am I doing wrong here?

Me("Label" & CStr(i)).Text = strURI.Substring(strURI.ToString().LastIndexOf("/") + 1) & ": " & intCount.ToString()


I get an error on Me; it indicates that it cannot be indexed because it has no default property

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Default Button Property In Panel Does Not Work

Sep 16, 2010

On pressing enter key, I want and image button's click event to get fired. So i have placed the textbox and button inside a panel and given the image button's id in 'DefaultButton' property of the panel. But on pressing enter key, the image button's click event does not get fired. The code is pasted below:


Also provide code for search textbox function present in stack overflow website. On entering text in textbox and pressing enter key, the search function should get executed.

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C# - Custom Control With Nullable Property That Has A Default Value?

Feb 10, 2011

I can create a custom control with a default value:

private bool exclue = false;
public bool Exclude { get { return exclue; } set { exclue = value; } }

I can Create the same thing with a nullable property:

private EntityStatuses? status = EntityStatuses.Active;
public EntityStatuses? Status { get { return status; } set { status = value; } }

But how can i then set the property to null in markup when using the custom control?

<MyControls:Control ID="Con" runat="server" Status="?" >

View 3 Replies

System Data Dataset Cannot Indexed Because It Has No Default Property

Aug 18, 2010

I have built a site and worked fine for me, when I passed to a collegaue to deploy into another site he gets the message in subject.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
If Not getQueryString("post") = 0 Then
postID = Request.QueryString("post")
BlogAdmin1.Buttontext = "Edit Blog"
Dim MyCommand As SqlCommand
Dim myAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet
Dim myUpdateconnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("conn"))
MyCommand = New SqlCommand("ADMIN_BLOG_SELECT_POSTBYID", myUpdateconnection)
MyCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@postID", SqlDbType.Int))
MyCommand.Parameters("@postID").Value = postID
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(MyCommand)
myAdapter.Fill(ds, "postData")
Catch exp As SqlException
End Try
If Not ds Is Nothing AndAlso Not ds.Tables(0) Is Nothing AndAlso ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
BlogAdmin1.BlogTitle = nullToStr(ds.Tables(0)(0)("title"))
BlogAdmin1.BlogBody = nullToStr(ds.Tables(0)(0)("body"))
BlogAdmin1.BlogCategory = nullToInt(ds.Tables(0)(0)("category"))
End If
Response.Redirect("/admin/blogs.aspx", False)
End If
End If
End Sub

It errors here

BlogAdmin1.BlogTitle = nullToStr(ds.Tables(0)(0)("title"))

View 8 Replies

C# - Setting Property Default Values For A Web User Control?

Apr 15, 2010

I am trying to build a web user control and set some default values for its properties in the code-behind like this:

[DefaultValue(typeof(int), "50")]
public int Height { get; set; }
[DefaultValue(typeof(string), "string.Empty")]
public string FamilyName { get; set; }
[DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "Orange")]
public System.Drawing.Color ForeColor { get; set; }

When I add the user control to the page and call it without any properties:

<uc1:Usercontrol ID="uc" runat="server" />

the default values are not set and every property is 0 or null.

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SQL Server :: How To Set 'Default Value Or Binding' Property To Respective Row Number

Jan 28, 2011

I want to make my column unique identifier as well as the indexer.I used autoincrement property but when we delete specific row then the below rows are not in order like

if we have

2---delete 2nd row

then it will be


but i want the o/p as

2----3rd row is now 2nd row

Is there any way like 'Default value or Binding=Row_Number()' something??

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Web Forms :: Panel Default Button Property Is Not Working In Firefox?

Jan 22, 2011

I have a panel inside a usercontrol i adjusted default button property to btnsave for this panel this property is working in IE but it doesnot working in Firefox, in Firefox another button is executin when i press enter


View 10 Replies

MVC 2 - Add A Default Property To A Strongly Typed Html.Textbox Helper

Apr 22, 2010

The strongly typed helpers are now written like this -

<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.State) %>

I need to add a default value to a textbox. In the prior version of Asp.Net MVC it was easy to assign a default value. I thought doing the following would work in MVC 2-

<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.CountyId, new{ value = 840 })%>

This, however, does not work for me in Asp.Net MVC 2. The value is still blank for the textbox. I want to make sure that this isn't some random error that I am having. Has anyone else encountered the same problem? I have searched and searched to find more information on the default property for the html helpers in MVC 2, but I can't find anything. Does anyone out there know how to correctly assign a default value to a textbox in Asp.Net MVC 2?

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Class 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow' Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property.

Mar 11, 2011

What i am having trouble doing is set the current parameter to the current row at a specific column like e.row[column index]

For Each trow As TableRow In table.Rows

cmd1.CommandText = "dbo.directway"
cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd1.Connection = conn [code]....
Class 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow' cannot be indexed because it has no default property.

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ADO.NET :: Class '' Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property

Dec 17, 2010

I'm trying to get a custommembership to work and i have the following problem.

i get a error class '' cannot be indexed because it has no default propert.

Here's my function.

Public Overrides Function GetUserNameByEmail(ByVal userEmail As String) _
As String
Dim userName As String = ""
Dim mymember As New Data.DataTable


View 4 Replies

ADO.NET :: Class 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter' Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property?

Feb 22, 2011

First time using a dataset instead of a data reader, and I'm trying to fill both a datalist on my page, and set the selected item value for a drop down list. The datalist on the page is displaying properly, but I get this errorClass 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter' cannot be indexed because it has no default property. when trying to set the selected value for the drop down list. Why can't I get the selected value for the drop down list to work properly?


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Custom Server Controls :: How To Set Default Height/Width Property Value Of Composite Control

Nov 3, 2010

How to set default Height/Width property value of Composite control


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Invisible Web Control Default Property In Custom Control?

May 19, 2010

I am developing one custom control. I dont want default web control property should be in my custom control.For example.[Code]....

When you put this control in the page, you will see default web control property such as Font,Border,Width,Height.... I want to show only those properties that I define in my class.Suppose, I have three property defined in class then only three properties will be visible for control, other default web control proeprty should be hide or invisible.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Custom Controls Derived From Existing Controls - Overriding Default Property Values

Nov 15, 2010

I have some (probably very basic) questions about developing custom controls. I am wanting to derive a set of button controls, and the first one I have started on is a "DeleteButton", that has a additional property (DeleteConfirmationText) that is built into the OnClientClick attribute. To get that added, I overrode the Render method as follows:


This all works well. Now, I will add some logic to make sure that there is some text in the DeleteConfirmationText property, but that isn't the intent of my question.
What I am also wanting to do is to override some of the default property values, so I added that to the default constructor:


Now, in the designer in VS2008, and I look at the properties for the control, there isn't a default value shown in the "Properties" section, and the Causesvalidation still shows the underlying classes default value of "True". As well, in design mode, where the GridView control that containse my DeleteButton control would be displayed, there is an error box "There was an error rendering the control. 'Are you certain you want to delete this attorney?' cound not be set on property 'DeleteConfirmationText'. Here's the markup where I am defining the deletebutton control:


What am I doing wrong?

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Security :: Allowing Access To Default.aspx With Default Document Enabled?

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to secure very mixed content that is located in an ASP.NET directory. For purposes of this question, it can be ~/MyApp/.

I want all of the content in the directory and its subdirectories restricted to authenticated users. The default.aspx page, though, should be accessible to everyone. This is the web.config in that directory:


Now if you are an unauthenticated user, everything works fine if you request [code]....

The problem occurs in that visitors do not always request "Default.aspx". We have a default document configured so that they get Default.aspx even if they just request "/MyApp". An authenticated user works fine, but an unauthenticated user is directed to the login page.

Now I know that essentially this happens because even though the request for "/MyApp/" will actually end up serving up "/MyApp/Default.aspx", the security system is only checking for "/MyApp/" since that is what I requested. That is then getting the default security for the directory.

How can you configure an exception to allow access when no particular file is requested in the directory??

Is there some dependency between DefaultDocumentModule and UrlAuthorizationModule? In this environment, the UrlAuthorizationModule has been removed and re-added in order to make sure it fires for non-managed requests. I would not expect that to change the order of execution, though, since UrlAuthorizationModule usually goes after DefaultDocument.

A workaround could be to set up the opposite security with the directory being open, and then trying to secure individual files. Because of the (changing) number of files, and extensions, etc, and the fact that you cannot use wildcards in a <location>, this is not really a workable solution for me.

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Why Does The Default Forms Authentication Cookie Have A Leading Period In It's Default Name

Mar 21, 2011

the default ASP.NET Forms Authentication cookie sets it's name as ".ASPXAUTH". Notice the first character is a period? Is there a particular reason for this? Like, does this have an impact on domain names or subdomains for the target domain.

Or is it purely some random thing an MS dev person came up with (maybe to help out the ordering of the cookies, when they were debugging or something .. as text with periods prolly get listed before other strings)?

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Custom Server Controls :: Binding UserControl Property To Page Property?

Sep 15, 2010

So what I'm trying to accomplish is this


The user control has public properties named accordingly and the page has protected properties accordingly which I've verified have the desired values.

For some reason the values are always empty strings or 0s in the usercontrol, no matter what the page property is.

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Web Forms :: Creating A Nested Property In UserControl Or Multiple Child Properties In Parent Property?

Aug 2, 2010

Can anyone add a complete input about how to create Parent Property with multiple child properties or in short nested properties.

Example: Style tag: which has properties like font, color, display... etc? which accept objects and its value.


As soon as Rainbow property is typed, user should get intellisense for list of number of colors. Then accordingly user can select list of those colors and assign a value to them.

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C# - Why Does ReSharper Need To Scan All Files When Converting A Property To An Auto Property

Mar 4, 2011

Is there any difference between accessing a property that has a backing field

private int _id;
public int Id
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }

versus an auto-property?

public int Id { get; set; }

The reason I'm asking is that when letting ReSharper convert a property into an auto property it seems to scan my entire solution, or at least all aspx-files.

I can't see any reason why there should be any difference between the two from outside the class. Is there?

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C# - Difference Between Timeout Property Specified In Web.Config And ExpiryDate Property Of FormsAuthenticationTicket?

Jul 3, 2010

In the Web.Config we have a timeout property. Ex:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Login.aspx" timeout="2880"/>

When loggin in, we can specify a ticket expiry date. Ex:

FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
1, id.ToString(), DateTime.Now, expiryDate, true,
securityToken, FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);

Why there's two places where I can set expiration info about forms-authentication? What's the difference between them? What has more relevance?

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Using Type.InvokeMember To Invoke A Property Of A Property Of A Class

May 21, 2010

Is it possible to use InvokeMember() of Type class to call a property of a property of a class?


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Web Forms :: Setting 'Style' Property Value To Code-Behind Property?

Jan 5, 2011

I need to set a style property of an element to the value returned from a code-behind property. I have done this in the past, but it now seems everything I try fails. I get an error telling me that the literal is not formed correctly.These are some of the arrangements I have tried:


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