Read Information From TextFile?

Jun 25, 2010

i am writing these 3 lines to a text file storing ID nubmers (each on thier own Line)

TableID1: 10
TableID2: 1
TableID3: 8

To textfile "TableID.txt"

Using StreamReader I would like to read the ID's back to cs for use else where

How would i do this ?

StreamReader Read_SQLConfig = new StreamReader("TableID.txt");

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How To Read Textfile From Particular Line In C#

Nov 30, 2010

Can u tell me how to read textfile from 15line or from particular line that means i have to ignore first 15 lines of textfile and i should start from 16th line.

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State Management :: How To Read Cookie Information When Using Mozilla FireFox

Jul 11, 2010

I am Trying To get information I stored in the cookie after create it , it's works fine when using IE8 in browsing website but i face problems in Mozilla

ttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["HMS_ACC"];if (cookie!=null) { if (PublicFunctions.CheckUser(cookie.Values[0].ToString(), cookie.Values[1].ToString())) { PublicFunctions.CreateSession(cookie.Values["UserName"].ToString(), cookie.Values["Password"].ToString()); return true; } else { return false; } }

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Web Forms :: Reading And Writing Textfile In

Dec 20, 2010

I am trying to read and write text file like that, writing

StreamWriter wr = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("aa.txt")); wr.Write("aaaa" + System.Environment.NewLine); wr.Write("bbbb" + System.Environment.NewLine); wr.Write("bbbb" + System.Environment.NewLine); wr.Close();
string line11 = ""; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("aa.txt"))) { while ((line11 = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { TextBox1.Text += line11 + "
"); } }

and want to display

bbbb in TextBox1.Text

Writing is not problem , The problem is reading, to display line by line on textbox , we use "
" in normal windows form c sharp , but in asp it is not working. also is there anything instead of System.Environment.NewLine when writing. And is there any converter between NORMAL WINDOWS FORM csharp to ASP .NET C SHARP.

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Web Forms :: How To Fill A Variable From Textfile

Jan 15, 2010

I have a text file that I want to read line by line from into a string variable. On each click of a button I want to read the next line.Solutions I find reading from a textfile do it all at once though (in a while loop), displaying all lines on screen, but I don't want that. I want to fill one variable with the subsequent lines in the textfile, one at a time, everytime by a click on a button.How can I 'loop' through a textfile in this manner, without 'file already in use' errors etc.?

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It works perfectly for 3 countries without any issues. but not for the fourth country.

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MS Chart - Reading Data From Textfile (separated By Delimiters) And Plotting Out The Graph

Jul 19, 2010

My whole project is about reading data from textfile(the readings is separated by delimiters) and plotting out the graph. But somehow i am meetnig some problems as i think my method is wrong... It's something like this..what should i do?

Private Sub CreateChart()
'Create some dummy data
'Dim random As New Random()
'For pointIndex As Integer = 0 To 9
' Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddY(random.[Next](20, 100))
Dim h, g As String
Dim lc As New StreamReader("C:Tempdatalogger" & date1.ToString & "int_ana_" + date1.ToString + ".txt")
Dim ff As String '= Label5.Text & ":00"
'Dim sr As String = lc.ReadToEnd
Dim line6 = lc.ReadLine
Do While Not line6 Is Nothing 'loop until end of file
If IsNumeric(line6.Chars(0)) Then
Dim fields5() = Split(line6, ";")
'Dim fields5() = Split(s.Substring(sr.IndexOf(ff)), ";")
h += fields5(0) + vbCr
g += fields5(3) + vbCr
End If
line6 = lc.ReadLine
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
For pointIndex As Double = 0.0 To 2.0
Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddXY(h, g)
'line display chart
Chart1.Series("Series1").ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line
'set the bar width
Chart1.Series("Series1")("PointWidth") = "0.1"
'Show Data points labels
Chart1.Series("Series1").IsValueShownAsLabel = True
'Set data points label style
Chart1.Series("Series1")("BarLabelStyle") = "Center"
'Draw Chart as 3D Cyclinder
Chart1.Series("Series1")("DrawingStyle") = "Cylinder"
End Sub '****End of Graph

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Web Forms :: Delete Every Row That Doesn't Contain "." In Textfile?

Nov 4, 2010

I want to delete every row that doesn't contain "." in my textfile. I have tried different ways but i can't get it to work!This is my code!


My textfile can look like this:


This is what i wan't it to look like:


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ADO.NET :: Automatically Loading Information From A MS SQL DB When Information Is Entered

Jan 19, 2011

I am making an online form (literal form) that needs to have a certain function: when the user enters a 5-digit number, the form should automatically query the MS SQL DB and retrieve information associated to that number and populate other form elements (text boxes, etc.) accordingly.

So say the # was 12345 and in the DB, the record matching 12345 has name=Fred. So, when I enter 12345 into the form textbox, the name text box should be automatically populated with Fred in it.

If this is not easily achievable, I guess a submit button beside the 5-digit number text box can do.

I am still learning my way around ASP.NET and Visual Studio 2005, however I have ample experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C/C++. The ASP.NET app is to be written in C#.

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How To Get Directory Information In C#

Aug 17, 2010

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Get URL Information In C# Variable?

Aug 2, 2010


The above url contain several information .From this url i just want to get bellow information.How to?

Price Earning Ratio : at a glance on Aug 2, 2010 at 11:28:00

I want to know how to get url information into a variable or some storage container in C#.Specific i need above information ,i don't need rest of information. I use the bellow syntax:

WebClient objWebClient = new WebClient();

aRequestHTML = objWebClient.DownloadData("");//
UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding();
myString = utf8.GetString(aRequestHTML);
HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();

After that what to do?i don't guess any thing.Plz show some syntax

foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//td"))//td[text()="Price Earning Ratio : at a glance"
if (node.InnerHtml.Contains("Price Earning Ratio"))
//I get the td value
//[text()=Price Earning Ratio : at a glance
// do stuff with node //@"//td[text()=Price Earning Ratio : at a glance"

After add the above syntax i get the bellow out put

<font color="#FFFFFF" size="3" face="Arial"><b>Price Earning Ratio : at
a glance <b> </b></b></font><br>
<font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Arial"><b> on Aug 2, 2010 at 17:04:00<b></b></b></font>

From this i just want to get the Date part .HOw to ?With out this date i don't need any thing.Each day this date will change,It's dynamical date,so i can not inline this date.From above out put how i get the date .

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Web Forms :: Getting Information From Db?

Feb 8, 2010


how i can,implement this page?

at the first a picture,second description,and last a link for download software...

(supposition: all of the information is in my rows db)

i dont know use 'listview' or 'gridview' or another,and which is better,and howto?

(i dont very thing about that)

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Add Some More Information In Drop Down?

Jun 8, 2010

i have id as TCS ,IBM in my db.When i m giving in drop down text as tcs and values as tcs i need to show in view as tcs (tata consultancy services) like this i want to give some description for the in drop down list can i add this information.

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What Is Spid - Finding Its Information

Jun 14, 2010

I ran sp_who2 in sql server, what is SPID?

From Microsoft, I found that it is session ID.(I copied it at bottom).

I used ASP.NET in app, what is the relationship between SPID and connection string? Is it processing ID?

session ID (SPID in SQL Server 2000 and earlier) is a session identification number belonging to the SQL Server instance. session ID is smallint.

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How To Show Information From A Set Of Records

May 19, 2010

I have a repeater that is used to show information from a set of records. I also need to show a set of related data from another table in another repeater nested within the first repeater. I have been playing around with this but I can not figure out how to handle creating the SQLSource. I tried to pass values from the first repeater into the select command but I get a Parser Error that says that the tag is not well formed.

SelectCommand="SELECT [PLANTID], [SIZE], [PRICE] FROM [PRICE] WHERE ([PLANTID] = <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ID")%>)">
Can this be done? is there a better way to go about this?

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How To Get Meta Tag Information Of Any Web Page

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i m implimenting one web which requires the content of meta tag how i get the content?

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StringBuilder - Get Information On Two Lines?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a message on one and I'm sending that message to another using a Session. The problem is the message come out on one line, please code


Output: --- Original Message ---message for the user.

Output should be:

Original Message

message from the user. How do get the info on two lines?

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Localization :: How To Set Culture Information?

Jul 13, 2010

I want to set culture info for my full application. where're i say, it should give datetime based on my cultureinfo i set. how do i do it?

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Submitting Information In Database?

Feb 15, 2010

I just started with in Visual Studio and I have a problem which I can't find any solution for. I made a master page with a few subpages and one is a very simple shoutbox page. I added a gridview and added some information manually into the database so I could see if it displayed well on the website and it did. So I have a GridView with Name and Message. Beneath that I have a textfield and a button and I'd like to submit the information in the textfield to the database however I don't know how to do it.

This is the code I have on the shoutbox page:


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ADO.NET :: How To Obtain Additional Information

Oct 16, 2010


This works, but I would like to obtain further information Year. Currently only displays a number. How to include the year in txtStevilka.Text?

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How To Get Information About From Where The User Is Coming

Apr 20, 2010

I am creating a website and I want to know that user is coming from where, like from google, bing,, any other site. Is their any way to find out in ?

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C# - How To Fetch Information Passed In The Url

Apr 4, 2011

I am trying the new feature of .NET 4.0 - url routing but not able to fetch information passed in the url. Following is the code :


protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SetRouting(RouteCollection routeCollection)


Now the property mentioned above returns null even when i use Client/Google in the url. When i reset IIS and do it for first time, it returns value. Otherwise it gives null.

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Store The Log Information For Website

Mar 2, 2010

I want to store the log information for website, is there is any inbuild component for that of free source code for that. I want to track the exception and other information that occure in my web site.

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