SQL Reporting :: Cluttered Website Data Sources Window?

Feb 15, 2010

When I am designing a report, I usually leave the Website Data Sources window up so that I can access the datasources in my project. I can then drag fields to the surface of the report to design the layout.For some reason, the list of entries in the window is getting more and more cluttered with references. I have no idea how these are being added and I can find no way to remove or "exclude" them from the list. Entries included are:

System Microsoft.ReportinServices.RdObjectModel Microsoft.ReportingServices.Common System.Collections.Generic More....You can see a screenshot of what I mean here:


w how to remove these from the Website Data Sources window?

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Similar Messages:

SQL Reporting :: ReportViewer Data From 2 Possible Sources?

May 27, 2010

I have a ReportViewer control on an ASP.Net page and an RDLC set up that uses a TableAdapter that pulls one record. This works fine.I'd like to have the *same* RDLC use a different TableAdapter (schema of table is the exact same, but may have multiple records). I've tried putting two DataSets in my RDLC and having the code dynamically select which one to use, but it's not working quite right for me.

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SQL Reporting :: Confused About Rdlc Report & Data Sources In Web App Project?

Feb 16, 2011

'm learning about reporting in VS2008 (no we haven't moved to 2010 yet!), and I like the idea of rdlc files because it seems you can deploy the report as part of a web app rather than mess around deploying it to a report server. Is this correct?We develop tiered apps that use LINQ to SQL, and the .dbml and LINQ queries are in a separate project to the web application. Also, depending on whether we are developing an internet or intranet web app, it will either reference that project directly, or call its methods via a WCF service. However I can't seem to hook up my rdlc to either. From what I've read, this could be because we create "web application" projects and not "web site" projects. So my question is, is it possible to create an rdlc report within a "web application" project and have it use either a business object or a WCF service as its data source?If I try and create a data source in my web app project, it simply creates an XSD, and don't know what to do with this! If I go through the report wizard, all I can do is choose a database data source (i.e. from what's listed in the VS2008 server explorer) - there is no option to choose an "object" or "service" data source, like you can when the rdlc resides in a report project.

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Javascript - Reporting Child Window's Events To Parent Window To Reset Timer Value Of User Timeout Code

Sep 2, 2010

I've got a Jquery function that I wrote which blacks out the screen after a certain amount of inactivity, creates a pop-up that allows the user to click a button to stay logged in, and logs them out (closing the application window) if they do not respond in time.

The environment is ASP.NET (VB). We don't technically use master pages, but we do have a parent page in which our header, footer and nav reside, and my Jquery code is called from that window, loaded via an IFrame.My problem is that if one is working in a child window, the parent window doesn't recognize that the system is in use, and will automatically engage at the allocated time.I've tried everything under the sun I can think of and nothing works properly. My event handler is working, and it does call the parent window function, but the timer is not being reset.

I have this function in the parent window:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function window.reportChildActivity() {
SESSION_ALIVE = true; [code]....

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SQL Reporting :: Display PDF In New Window

Jul 15, 2010

I created a PDF file on the fly. I am trying to display it in a new window, but I am unble to get it done. how I can open this pdf file in a new window.

new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource("TekDB2DataSet_Employees",
Warning[] warnings;
string[] streamids;
string mimeType;
string encoding;
string extension;
byte[] bytes = ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Render("PDF",
out mimeType,
out encoding,out extension,
out streamids,
out warnings);
FileStream fs = new
fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

I need to display this TestPDF.pdf in a new window.

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How To Put Two Data Sources In The Same ListView

Sep 14, 2010

I have a search page get data from two sources:

1- my data base

2- web service function

How to put this two data sources in my list view?

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SQL Reporting :: Open A Ssrs Report In A New Web Window?

Jan 14, 2010

Is there a way to open a ssrs report in a new web window? I am using PDF. The report works great but I need it to open in a new window so the user can return to the application that created it.

my code:


View 4 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Displaying ReportViewer In A Separate Window?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a web app using SQL2008 R2 and VS2008, the reports are deployed to the report server, and in the app we have aspx pages where the user can select report criteria to run the reports, and when they are done selecting the criteria they click on the run report button and the report will be displayed in a separate aspx page which contains the reportviewer control. I use Server.Transfer() to display the reportviewer page because I need to use session to store the report criteria that the user selected (can't use URL parameters because the criteria can be quite extensive), and we don't want to cause the parent aspx page to postback.

The above works fine currently, but what our clients don't like is that the report is opened in a full browser window (with all of the address bar, toolbar, favorites, etc.), they really want the report page to open in a window with none of those stuff. One of the complaints is that they often mistakenly click on the printer icon in the browser toolbar instead of the one in the reportviewer control. I know how to open a window using javascript (window.open) and set the properties for the new window, but then I wouldn't be able to use session to pass the reprot criteria. Using Server.Transfer() or Repsonse.Redirect() would not let me customize the browser window.

To summarize, here are my requirements:

1. the report must be displayed in a separate page

2. the report should be displayed in a barebone window (without the browser toolbars, etc.)

3. report criteria are too extensive to pass as URL parameters, I have to use session to store the criteria

4. I would like the parent page to not have to do a postback

View 3 Replies

SQL Reporting :: How To Open New Window While Passing Multiple Values

Nov 11, 2010

I need to pass these values : 'A02', 'A04' to a single value like this,


using this javascript:void(window.open('http://server/reportserver?/rpt?Area='A02','A04'rs:Command=Render&rc:Parameters=false'))

not response.redirect, it works using response.redirect. but somehow when I use it using window.open(), it always give me parser error.

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Query Over Two Data Sources?

Jan 12, 2010

I need to create a query which does a join between two tables which are in different databases. I can easily connect to each database, and write queries in each, however, I can't seem to find a way of generating a query which does a join between two tables from different databases.

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Delete A Record From Two Separate SQL Data Sources?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a slight issue with deleting a record that is stored on two separate SQL servers.

I am using an ASP.NET databound control on a datagrid with delete button commandfield linked to one data source.

Is there a way of deleting the same record from another data source at the same time?

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Using The Single *.rpt File With Multiple Data Sources?

Aug 26, 2010

I've created a set of CrystalReports (*.rpt files) for an ASP.NET web app on a development server. I call each report using the following code:


When I transfer the *.rpt files to a different server, the reports display data from the development server; even when I change "Constants.DatabaseName" to point to the new server. It seems like the *.rpt file saves the database connection information from the ODBC File DNS used when creating the report.Has anyone experienced this problem? I'm looking for a solution so I don't have to create multiple copies of my *.rpt files for each server environment (i.e., Dev, Test and Production servers).

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Architecture :: Using Data Sources Vs. Using Data Access Layer To Populate Presentation Controls?

Mar 17, 2010

We are using a tierd design with a Data Access Layer and classes for everything we need. This serves as an advantage because we do not have to write querys over and we can separate the Presentation layer from the Data Access Layer and Business Rules.I have always in the past populated GridViews, DataLists, repeaters,etc with SqlDataSources. This is what I have become accustomed to and I feel like it is simple. For querys such as Select * from Members, I feel like using a DataSource is simpler than having to go in the code and calling methods to populate and DataBind these presentation controls.

I am working with a gentleman who has introduced me to the world of Data Access Layers and we are breaking everything down into simeple, but effective queries to populate controls and do what we need to accomplish with this application. He is not very approving of using any type of DataSource. We are disagreeing on the time and place to use these class methods to call the database.So my question is, which is more widely used in the programming world? Do most people use DataSources to populate presentation controls regardless of the Data Access Layer they are working with? Which type of queries are best suited for a DAL - simple, populating queries or complicated joins and upserts?

View 9 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Importing Data In SQL Server From Diffrent-2 Data Sources

Apr 12, 2010

I developing a application in Asp.net3.5(C#) and Sql server2005, my problem is that i have to Import data from diffrent-2 data sources like MS Access, Oracle, ODBC, XML to my Data base(in Sql server) using C# code. I don't know any thing about importing data from these data sources.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic SQL Error(The IListSource Does Not Contain Any Data Sources)

Jan 31, 2011

I have a stored procedure written using dynamic SQL in the SQL Server and I am calling it on the code behind and adding parameters to it and filling a dataset and binding the data set to a Gridview. But I am getting this error when I bind it.

Can someone please tell me how to fix this?

It used to work fine when I did not use dynamic sql.

Line 237: da.Fill(ds);Line 238: gviewInvestigations.DataSource = ds;Line 239: gviewInvestigations.DataBind();Line 240: Line 241: }
Source File: s:Cybage2CybageSourceCodeGulfcoastGulfcoastControlsInvestigationsControl.ascx.cs Line:
Stack Trace:

[HttpException (0x80004005): The IListSource does not contain any data sources.] System.Web.UI.DataSourceHelper.GetResolvedDataSource(Object dataSource, String dataMember) +8665698 System.Web.UI.WebControls.ReadOnlyDataSource.System.Web.UI.IDataSource.GetView(String viewName) +41 System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl.ConnectToDataSourceView() +128 System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl.GetData() +4 System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl.PerformSelect() +60 System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl.DataBind() +73 System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView.DataBind() +4 Controls_InvestigationsControl.bindSearch() in s:Cybage2CybageSourceCodeGulfcoastGulfcoastControlsInvestigationsControl.ascx.cs:239 Controls_InvestigationsControl.btnSearch_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in s:Cybage2CybageSourceCodeGulfcoastGulfcoastControlsInvestigationsControl.ascx.cs:323 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +111 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +110 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +10 System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +13 System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +36 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1565

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Gridview Data From Multiple Sources?

Jul 16, 2010

I need to display some data in a gridview. Its shipping data.

Part of the data can come from a generic database query. Static shipping data that can be looked up from the database. Part of the data is external and has to be queryed from USPS. Any suggestions on what is the best way to accomplish this.

Should I just programmatically fill the gridview from the code behind doing the database lookup manual and filling the gridview with manual data then going out and filling the rest of the gridview with the data obtained from the USPS service?

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Data Structures Can Be Used As Data Sources For Gridviews?

Mar 31, 2011

so I know that DataTables are often used as the DataSources for gridviews. Lately, I have found that I can also use generic lists as data sources for gridviews. But I figured that out by simply trying it to see if it worked.

I have looked all over the web and simply cannot find any kind of inclusive list or description of exactly which data structures can be used as the data source for a gridview. Does anyone know if there is such a list, or some kind of reference that I can look to for this info?

Although it sounds like an obvious question, like there is obviously one out there and I just haven't looked, my experience has been that it's just not so.

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Forms Data Controls :: Multiple Data Sources For Datagrid?

Jan 17, 2011

I want to have one datagrid use two different data sources, the two datasaet I use have all the same cloumn names, the only difference is that the come form different databases. I wan tto have the data source be chosen by a dropdown list box. Is this possible or do I have to use two datagrid and just make on invisiable as needed.

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Pulling Similar Data From Multiple Information Sources?

Feb 1, 2011

So I have been trying to follow serenarules posts about persistence layers, but I seem to be missing something.

The persistence layer is an architectural layer whose job is to provide an abstract interface to information storage mechanism(s).

This makes sense to me, but I am still having a hard time with this.

So in what cases is this necessary? When you are pulling similar data from multiple information sources?

View 7 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Convert MDF & LDF Data-sources To SQL Server

Feb 6, 2010

I just installed the SmallBusiness Starter kit from MSDN. I believe the starter kit by default points to MDF and LDF files in App_Data folder but I would like to use my SQL server instead. Could you please provide me with instructions on how to convert these two files in actuate tables in SQL server?

View 5 Replies

C# - Combine Data From Multiple Sources - Display In ASP GridView

Feb 5, 2010

I am writing a currency converting module for one of our applications. I have a list of products, a list of currencies we are interested in seeing prices for, and a list of currency rates. I want the user to be able to select which currencies from the list they see in the GridView. I also want to be able to amend my list of currencies and include a new currency, without having to make additional changes to this module. So my GridView display has to be "dynamic". Essentially I am planning on ending up with a GridView that has the following columns:

Part No - Description - USD Price - AUD Price - GBP Price

The USD price would be static as it's our base currency, the AUD and GBP are user selected and could have potentially any number of currencies listed. I would normally use a DataSet and DataTables for this work, but I am sure there is a "better" way to do it using System.Collections.Generics. Right now I have all of the data I need in List collections, but there does not seem to be a way to define how these collections relate to each other, or combine these collections into one so it can be bound to a GridView. Should I be looking at something other than List to achieve this or do I need to go back to my original approach of a DataSet and DataTables.


I will explain a little bit more about what I have setup so far.

1) List of Products & Currencies - These come from an SQL DB via LINQ, so they can be any of the System.Collections.Generics objects, e.g. List, IEnumerable etc.

2) Currency Rates - These I am pulling from the European Bank public XML file. I download the file, strip the data I need out of it and currently store that as a List object.

I could store the currency rates in the database table as well, but then I have to have some sort of background process that goes and updates the rates each day. This way the rates only get updated when someone accesses the report function (which is only going to happen occasionally). So I would rather grab the latest rates "on demand". What I know I need to end up with is some object that has the following structure:

PartNo - Description - Base Price - Currency Price 1, Currency Price 2, Currency Price 3

Where the number of Currency Prices is undefined, as it's based on what currencies the user wants the report to display. It's the undefined part that I am struggling with, essentially how can I create a structured object, that I don't know the complete structure of until runtime?

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Configuration :: Using Linq To SQL Data Sources With Clustered Servers And Mirroring?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm a developer new to asp.net 3.5. My client asked if there were any implications of using Linq to SQL data sources with mirrored clustered servers with Failover clustering.

So my questions are can you use Linq to SQL with mirrored Clustered Servers?

If yes to the above, do you need to add or modify any code for mirrored Clustered Servers?

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List All Data Sources And Modify In Visual Studio 2008?

Jan 28, 2010

I've taken over an ASP.NET project and the previous dev used "dynamic" DSNs sprinkled throughout the application. These data sources are databound to several controls throughout the site.I'd prefer to use a system DSN that I would define on my dev machine and the production web server. This way if I need to change the location of the SQL database I can just change the system DSN on the server instead of modifying the code and recompiling the application in Visual Studio.What is the easiest way to list all these dynamic DSNs that are in use in this web site project in Visual Studio 2008 and modify them to use a system DSN instead?

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Model Binding Multiple Data Sources On One View Page?

Feb 23, 2011

I have one view page (MyView.aspx) and many data sources to bind on this page. Lets say it has Books, Publishers, Comments, etc. Each one of those has an object which provides a List, List, etc. In my view, what are my optiosn for multilple model biding? I want to check to see if each one is empty, and then enumerate it. But I can't check Model.Count() because wouldn't Model be made of all those objects if I set the page to inheriet from? What are my options? Should I load each content area in a control/partial view? Or can I just dump each object into ViewData and then check the count by casting in the view?

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Entity Framework - Combine Multiple Data Sources To A Single Repeater?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a repeater like so:


Problem is, I also want to show the viewer the available number of spots in the room. But this requires somehow pull in either the current_occupancy / max_occupancy or in performing a calculation (e.g. max_occupancy - current_occupancy = actual_available) and then returning that with the room.

The end result I'm looking for is to return each room in a button control with text that looks like this:
"Room 1 - 2 Open" "Room 8 - 1 Open" and so on

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