SQL Server :: Database Refresh Time / To Know When The Last Refresh Has Happend?

Jul 20, 2010

we have a sql server 2005...that has 70-80 databases and hundreds of tables....

It is supposed to refresh every night.... refresh is done by other vendor(3rd party).... we dont know what method(technology) they use to refresh the databases....

My question is .....

Is there a good way to know when the last refresh has happend...can we determine it from sys tables.....

the sql server is installed in window server 2003 box.... we have access to the box as well as the sql server.....

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Server Error in '/MedTegraSL.Web' Application.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


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Exception Details: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

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Source File:

c:ProductiveTeamsMedTegraPresentationMedTegraSLMedTegraSL.WebMainMaster.Master Line: 16 Assembly Load Trace: The following information can be to determine why the assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' could not be loaded.


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System.Web.Caching.Cache Doesn't Seem To Refresh Itself On Time

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I would like to show a code sample, which can shed more light:


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Mar 9, 2011


I'm running a single page (default.aspx) web site in Visual Studio 2010. I have a few other projects in the solution, but they're all taken out of the build queue at the moment. I'm using Visual Studio Development Server as the web server (I haven't tried IIS yet). I'm using the HTML5 Boilerplate from [URL] I'm testing in Chrome and IE8


Visual Studio 2010 is outputting "Debug" information to the Output window every time I refresh my browser. Whilst this isn't a problem in itself, it seems to be extremely slow in doing so... it takes around 4 seconds to show the page in full from initial refresh.

I've noticed that the "Script Documents" folder appears in my solution view, and some files (notably JS files) seem to take a while to show up. I've tried removing all the JS and CSS file references from my page, but it still does it.

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As a last resort, I've created a new project and tried it with no changes to the default page - still the same, takes a few seconds to finish loading in either browser.

The strange thing is that this happens even when I stop debugging in Visual Studio and browse directly to the URL on the ASP.NET Development server.

Output Windows contents when page is refreshed


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Jan 5, 2011

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How can i refresh the page without it going back to top again? I tryed wrapping an updatepanel around the table but it didnt

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can i get any sample C# asp.net code ?

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How I can to fix this problem?

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ADO.NET :: Refresh Dbml When Stores Procedures Are Changed In Database

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I have a DBML file in C#. And I have drag and drop some Stored Procedurs in it . Now I have changed some SPs. Now I want to refresh the dbml file without drap and drop the SPs. How can I do it in C#. Is there any way that the changes Made in SPs will come with out drag ang drop the SPs.

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Web Forms :: How To Refresh Page And Fetch Information From Database

Aug 9, 2010

Split of from [URL]

tel me some code to refresh my asp page automatically after say 40 minutes to fetch latest data from database.

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Web Forms :: Page Refresh And Values From Database Repeating

May 3, 2013

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

[Code] ....

Whenever I refresh the page the value from database update automatically even when i am not inserting 

Database table

Id in primary key 

Name nvarchar max 

Message nvarchar max

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