I have a form where the user enters their first name, last name, email address etc.. and then they also have the ability to enter 'cottages' that they are interested in viewing (ie. The cottage name, cottage address). The user then needs to be able to 'save' this somewhere and enter another cottage into the same form.
Finally the user will submit the form, and all the user details, and cottage details will be emailed to admin.
Would it be better to have a sp return multiple result sets and use NextResult() or have subsequent call to dr.execute.... () and hadle one result at a time?
To me using nextResult() on a multiresult datareader would be cleaner and easier - but it does not seem to be very "atomized". I guess I am wondering can the cost of executing multiple commands be neglected? Seems like executing multiple commands and receiving a single result set would also be easier to read/test/understand.
I am working on a site in which as user logs in (first database request) the stored procedure varify password and user id and then returns user record that I put in session to use next.
After this I do a second db request. it returns addresses of user which I put in cache.
I can get both sets of data (user record and his address from 2nd table) in one database requests.
just starting strongly typed data sets, I have managed to fill my data set and bind the gridview, but now I dont understand where to map the fields ? Inside the business logic layer or presentation layer.
working example to map fields with a select query and with an update .
I have a datalist and now i want to give custome paging to that datalist using multiple active result set. I mean i want to show paging as
first,previous,1 2 3. . . next, last.In this I want to get only 3 pages at a time. and once i got the page, I want to put it in caching and again if user click on that page number then i dont want to get the data from cache instead of hitting the database
I have a complicated report that nests six deep and so really hits the database hard. I want to use SqlDataReaders NOT DataAdapters and DataSets because I don't want big tables in memory.
MARS can get me the data fast, all from the one connection. But all the examples show it binding to a treeview.
I want to bind it to nested GridViews (six deep!).
Any examples of MARS binding to nested gridview/list/repeater controls of any kind?
Just after some advice I have a stored procedure that returns several tables. I then need to loop through the tables and create dynamic gridviews using the data. At the moment this stored proc is called using
I have used an xsd file to populate everthing else, but due to this returning multiple tables i wasn't sure how this works should it just be in its own xsd? as all the oather i just get a datatable where as with this i need a dataset... how this makes sense...
I am trying to code (.net) in the autosave functionality without clogging the network. I am trying to capture data from a webpage into a file on the local drive and automate save every 5 mins. Then finally when the user hits "save" the data should be pulled from the local file to update the data base.
I am using a sql stored procedure which returns multiple result sets. By default Sql Datasource is binding the first result set to gridview. I want the second result set to be binded. I browsed all the properties in Sql datasource but could not find one to set this.
save the Mulitple checkboxes in Gridview in once. I want to save only those rows which are checked.. not the once which are not checked. There is a row in gridview which has four checkboxes in each row, so i want to save the row in which either or all of the checkboxes are checked and ignore the once in which anyof checkbox is not checked.
If I pull just the xml from the database then I would not need to select multiple rows i just need to select one row then parse the xml into a class then pass that data to the controller. I just would like to know if this is a good idea? Will I be making a mistake if my site to scale in the future? Will this make more maintenance as the site gets bigger and want more features?
I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2 and am struggling with saving child entities. I have an existing Invoice entity (which I create on a separate form) and then I have a LogHours view that I'd like to use to save InvoiceLog's, which are child entities of Invoice. Here's the view:
In the SaveHours action, it properly sets the values of the InvoiceLog entities after I call TryUpdateModel but when it does SaveChanges it doesn't update the database with the new values. Also, if you manually update the values of the InvoiceLog entries in the database and then go to this page it doesn't populate the textboxes so it's clearly not binding correctly.
I was attempting to use a gridview, but found that it was a little to restrictive in terms of formatting. So I'm using a DataReader and a StringBuilder (using the Append method to attach to the Literal control) to build a form. The form is pretty simple: labels, radio buttons, and textboxes. The appended data was practically taken from a classic asp page (with just some minor tweeking). For the most part there will always be 5 records on the form to loop through and save (sometimes less...never more).
Now comes the tricky part. I want to save the information on my form, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Do I use the Append method to add a save button to my form. And if so, how do I save the data (I couldn't use the codebehind could I)? Do I use an asp:Button and if so, will it recognize the form since it was build dynammically?
I am working on a large project where I have to present efficient way for a user to enter data into a form.
Three of the fields of that form require a value from a subset of a common data source (SQL Table). I used JQuery and JQuery UI to build an autocomplete, which posts to a generic HttpHandler.
Internally the handler uses Linq-to-sql to grab the data required from that specific table. The table has about 10 different columns, and the linq expression uses the SqlMethods.Like() to match the single search term on each of those 10 fields.
The problem is that that table contains some 20K rows. The autocomplete works flawlessly, accept the sheer volume of data introduces deleays, in the vicinity of 6 seconds or so (when debugging on my local machine) before it shows up.
The JqueryUI autocomplete has 0 delay, queries on the 3 key, and the result of the post is made in a Facebook style multi-row selectable options. (I almost had to rewrite the autocomplete plugin...).
So the problem is data vs. speed. Any thoughts on how to speed this up? The only two thoughts I had were to cache the data (How/Where?); or use straight up sql data reader for data access?
I am in the way to make an SQL server saving transactions. How to make MultipleSaveNewReadings function to perform the best performance for an SQL server saving call without closing/opening connection for each record saving? I don't need to merge the for-next loop into the saving function code but it's ok to get out some of the saving code to be in the for-next calling function.
I have two SQL queries that are stored procedures that have 2 variables that my web form will be supplying through text boxes. The two queries will produce two different results. I have read a couple of different of the MSDN articles online, including this one:
that say that the tables must be similar to be able to merge them into a single datagridview. I know that datagridviews only like one table at a time, but I was curious if anyone had found a way to merge two dissimilar tables to one datagridview or not.
i have a countries list. Each user can check multiple countries. Once saved, this "user country list" will be used to get whether other users fit into countries certain user chose.
Question is what would be the most efficient approach to this problem...
I have one, one to save user selection as delimited list like Canada,USA,France ... in single varchar(max) field but problem with it would be that once user from Germany enters page i perform this check on. To search for Germany i would be needed to get all items and un-delimit each field to check against value or to use sql 'like' which again is pretty damn slow...
Just to make sure, many users will have their own selections of countries from which and only they want to have users to land on their page. While millions of users will reach those pages. So the faster approach will be the better.
I have a C# website developed with Visual Studio 2008 with a SQL backend. I have a top Navigation menu that has seven different tabs. I have a specific right bar content for each of the seven tabs. The content for the right bar is stored in a sql database and will be accessed using data sets. I believe that I have two ways to display the information with the data set...
1. User control - Create a User Control for each data set and then drop that on to the respective pages.
2. Master Pages - Create a Master Page for each of my seven sections, adding the data set to the respective Master Page.
Is there a preffered approach to achieve my goal? I am thinking Master Pages would be the most efficient but not certain. Is there another method I should consider?
The website I am working on has a section where users can search for content they have digitally subscribed to. way to cross-check both data sets, the first being content that matches the search criteria, the second being the content the user has subscribed to. What's making this is a mess is how the data is structured. Here is an example...
We store all of our content in a "Content" table in our database. A piece of content, a "journal", for example, and all of its child records (volumes, issues, and articles) are all stored as records in the "Content" table, each with a ParentId of its corresponding parent record. So, A journal can have n volumes. Each volume can have n issues. Each issue can have n articles. A user can have a subscription to any of these, which would implicitly give them access to all child records. For example, if a user was subscribed to a journal, they would have access to all of its volumes, issues, and articles. If the user was subscribed to an issue, they would have access to all of its articles, but not the parent volume or journal.
Some users own over 30,000 records, and we have over 100,000 content records in the database. The Content table has relationships with several other tables that are used for the search. This leaves me with an expensive query to find what the user has access to, and another expensive query to search through all of the records to find search criteria matches. Some of our searches take 20-30 seconds and I would like to speed it up to a max of 5sec per search.
I tried running a query to get the ContentIds of everything the user owned when they first visited the search page, and then caching it to eliminate further database hits, but when I passed the list of ints into the query via a linq .Contains statement, I hit the SQL parameter limit of 2100, since apparently .Contains() splits them all out.
I have a following scenario - A use selects criterias from a webform (C#) - a result is then returned from the sql. Say, to start, there are 2000 data returned from the sql and are stored in a dataset.
Now, the user wants to choose a number of drops (up to 6) - with the number of drops selected, they can enter their own quantity in each box. So, they can divide the 2000 records into 6 different drops. With each drop, there is campaigncode created based on the mail date and the job number they provide.
So, now i have the 2000 records in a dataset. What i want to do is loop through the gridview where the user fill out the quantity depending on the number of drops (for ex: if they say 3 drops, then there will be 3 rows in gridview with 3 quantity box to fill).
In the loop, I am getting the quantity, dropdate and the job number. The Campaigncode is created as well. Then, i am looping through the datarow in the dataset; updating the Campaign Code column with the CampaignCode for the number of records thats set in a loop. It works but the Campaign Code is not populated for the next set of records.
Here is the code:
I think its this line right here thats causing the problem. But i don't know how to tweak this so as to accomplish what i want to do.
if (Convert.IsDBNull(DSAEFile.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Campaign Code"]))
I am needing to display two gridviews in the same panel on a form. Each of the gridviews has their own sqldatasource. Both datasources pull from the same table but they have a different record selection. When I view this in the browser I only see one gridview displayed. Can someone tell me how to do this or is there a better way to get a two gridview look without using the gridview?
I am listing about 20 rows, each row represents an Order.Each row needs to have 3 buttons, each button click will perform a different action.I have 3 actions to handle each button post request, I am just unsure how to setup the Html forms for each button.
Should I create 3 forms for each button, per row in my listing?(that would mean 20 rows x 3 forms = 60 forms on a page)Is that 'ok' to do? (i.e. or is there a better way to do this?)
I have view that dynamically adds multiple partial views with a foreach statement with the standard <%Html.RenderPartial("partialName", model); %> . The partial view control has just a label and textbox control. When I view the source html generated it correctly has a single form control around all the multiple labels and textboxes. My single submit button, inside the form though does not send any of the form data back to the controller though when using FormCollection.