Should Switch To IIS7 URL Rewriting

Mar 5, 2010

I'm using Intelligencia url rewriting currently but have just leased an IIS 7.5 server to put my 3.5 site on. I installed the IIS URL rewriting module and was amazed at how easy it was to create rules. Creating rules with the Intelligencia url rewriter is complicated (at least for me). Are there any downsides to switching? Is there a reason for me not to move on to the Microsoft solution? This site isn't live yet, so I have time to switch

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Similar Messages: -an HttpModule To Perform Extension-Less URL Rewriting With IIS7"?

Nov 9, 2010

I've implemented "Approach 3: Using an HttpModule to Perform Extension-Less URL Rewriting with IIS7" from here: That is based on URLRewriter module: seems to work on my local environment but on production server (running IIS 7) it shows "404 - File or directory not found" page.I've searched on Google and could not seem to find the solution.In the end,we went back to IIS 6 and followed the instructions here which worked: someday we may have to upgrade to IIS 7 on a shared hosting environment and the same issue will appear again!

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Web Forms :: URL Rewriting - Looking For Easiest Way To URL Rewriting

Apr 10, 2010

I am trying to implement URL rewriting technique in my Web application.I have found some articles on net 2 rewrite URL. But i m not able to understand. tell me any API or DLL which will take care of all url rewriting techniques in my Web applications.

I have heard something abt UrlRewriter.ddl . But i have not used it yet. provide me the easiest way to do that. If any sample application is there then it will be better ti understand

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C# Want To Switch On Enums?

Jul 2, 2010

I have an enum:

public enum Status
Incomplete = 1, Complete = 2, Cancelled = 3, Deleted = 4

Now on a certain page I wish to list this enum in a checkboxlist. This would be fine except that I want the text of each checkbox to display different text than the enum.

i.e the check boxes should say:"Not Processed" instead of "Incomplete"

"Processed" instead of "Complete"

"Void" instead of "Cancelled"

Is it possible to put this enum in a foreach and then switch on the status and update the text. Like so:var statuses = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Status));
foreach (var status in statuses)))
switch (status) [code]....

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Configuration :: .net 4 Switch To .net 3.5?

Mar 1, 2011

i built web site in asp4/.net 4 using vs2010

only to find out that the hoster that i need to use (rackspace) doesn't support .net 4 except in beta

of course i can't precompile in 3.5 because of some of the assemblies

any quick way to rebuild in 3.5 without totally rebuilding the whole site in 3.5?

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Switch Statement Not Working?

May 20, 2010

My switch is based on a string, the text value of an server control. code:



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AJAX :: How To Switch From IFrame App

Mar 3, 2010

1) Should I change the iframe to a User/Server control? or just a div?

2) I currently just have HTML links with load my iframe based on the page the user wants to see. How should I load (1) from the main links?

3) I have multiple levels of user controls. So control A could dynamically load Child controls...which each of those could load child controls. Do All these controls get a scriptManagerProxy? WHere should the original scriptManager go from (1)?

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MVC :: Switch A Stylesheet On Postback?

Mar 4, 2011

I am new to MVC so I would like to know how would you switch the stylesheet of the view on postback?

I know how to do this in webforms but in MVC it does not appear to be done the same way.

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C# - C# Switch Statement With A Combo Box?

Jan 28, 2011

currently i'm attempting to using a switch statement to change between time zone with a project for school.

if (extTime1.timeZone == "CDT")
switch (cboTimeZone.SelectedItem.ToString)
case "EST":


I can't seem to get the cboTimeZone to work correctly. I always thought SelectedItem was the correct choice in this situation.

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Site Uses Cookies - Need To Switch To Sessions

Nov 17, 2010

My site uses cookies. I need to have it use sessions instead. The reason for this is because there is a third party that needs to connect to it, and it's always requiring 3rd party cookies to be enable in the browser and that is annoying my customers. Is there any other way around this other than switching to sessions?

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How To Switch Radio Button To Yes Or No Without Selection

Aug 13, 2010

I am writing a condition like:

if (dt > 0) {
objinvoice.editInvoice(strInvoice, strRenew, strExpiry);
GridView1.EditIndex = -1; bindGrid(); }

I will have a radio button in gridview if that radiobutton is initially set to false and if the condition is true I would like to set it to true.

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Security :: How To Switch To Another User Account

May 30, 2010

I have used membership provider to implement my system. The system administrator can list the users. What I want to do is, administrator should be able to sign-in as the selected user. I can sign out administrator by FormsAuthentication.Signout but how can I sign in as the selected user? Passwords are hashed so I can not retrieve the passwords.

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Web Forms :: How To Switch Between 2 Images With An Interval Of 1 Second

Jan 21, 2011

I wonder how it will be possible to have an imagebutton to switch between Image1.jpg and Image2.jpg with an interval of 1 second. It will loop like this Image1.jpg,Image2.jpg,Image1.jpg all the time.

For example in this case, the images will start switch if the public variable blinkImage is "true".


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Web Forms :: Switch CSS File From Code-behind?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm trying to switch CSS files in codebehind dependent upon which panel is exposed. I've read a number of sites that illustrate the process, but for some reason the code below is not working. The path to the css files are correct.

Also, my site uses a masterpage.


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WCF / ASMX :: How To Automatically Switch Binding

Aug 13, 2010

I have a wcf service which is running on IIS7 using WsHttpBinding but further requirement I need to create another end point using NetTCPBinding.And I want to host my wcf service like if my client application in intranet it will use NetTcpBinding or if it is in internet then it will use WSHttpBinding.

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Web Forms :: Switch Between Two Master Pages?

Oct 28, 2010

i have tow master pages .i want to switch between them according to a some condition

i work with this code to load master page what i want

at every page


i wirite this code for every page in my application

how can i write this code only once such as in Global.asax

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SQL Server :: Switch Two Field Data?

Dec 16, 2010

I pulled a fast one today. I imported thousands of records and accidentally put the FName in the LName and the LName in the FName. I don't have a clue how to write a SQL or TSQL that will switch them. I do have a parameter for the SQL though. WHERE User - System Import.on ASP.NET because this is my place for help instead of going elsewhere to a more specific type of forum just for SQL. I do only ASP.NET VB/CS development so this is my home to find all my answers. (99% of the time).

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C# - Switch .NET Assembly For Execution Of One Method?

Jan 20, 2010

I have different versions of dlls for my .NET application and most of the time I want to use the latest one. However, there is one method which I run on a separate thread where I need to be able to select an older version of the dll based on some criteria.

I have learned that it is not possible to just load an assembly and then unload it within the default application domain (I can't just keep both versions loaded because then I'm running into duplicate definitions of types problem)

Probably I have to create a separate AppDomain, load the assembly there and then unload it. This application domain would execute just one method on a separate thread and would work with a different version of the library.

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Switch From Web Programming To Data Warehousing?

Aug 27, 2010

I was looking a report on internet that data warehousing is much lucrative and highly paid IT career. I am talking about technologies like abinitio etl datastage teradata. I work in and sql server 05. Is it a good thought to move from web programming to data warehousing technologies. Since I would have no experience with data warehousing would I be eligible for a good pay? What technologies other than data warehousing are hot in terms to salary? I know, this may sound immature but I am planning to start my own business in future and would need capital for that.

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VS 2005 Ajax Extension - Switch / Update?

Jul 30, 2010

I download ajax extension from microsoft but in VS 2005 the extension is version 1.0.61025 and i install .net framework 3.5 it will install ajax extension 3.5.0. how come i switch or update my extension to version 3.5.0 script manager error occur? i did remove 1.0.6 from reference the same error occur again.

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Web Forms :: Switch Site Map Data According To Different Culture?

Mar 24, 2010

I create a web.sitemap file, and I set enableLocalization="true" under root node. For every child node, I special a value for resourceKey. Then I create two resource files under App_GlobalResources folder: web.sitemap.resx, web.sitemap.zh-cn.resx. In two resource files, I have filled corresponding value. Then I drag a TreeView and SiteMapDataSource control, then bind it. I try to switch different culture from DropDownlist value to show different treeview. But it always show default culture's data even if I switch to a chinese culture, I don't know why. I switch different culuture in InitializeCulture event.

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Web Forms :: Make Calendar Switch To Another Month?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a form where the user can choose a date and time in a GridView and the date is shown in a calendar. The date is marked in the calendar like it should but the calendar doesn't page itself to the month at hand.


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Debugging - Can't Switch Web Application Into DEBUG Mode

Jan 14, 2011

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 web application. For the application:

Configuration set to "DEBUG;
"Define DEBUG constant" checkbox is checked for "DEBUG" configuration;

web.config file contains 'true' as value for 'debug' attribute of 'compilation' node.

Nevertheless to everything the following code:


put "DebugMode: False" into result string. In the same time I can't connect to the application with VisualStudio in debug mode...


how can I get real value of debugging mode?

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How To Switch Off Validation Summary HeaderText For A Particular CustomValidator

Oct 26, 2010

I have 6 required field validators and 1 custom validator. ErrorMsg is common for required fields so I have set that msg to validation summery headertext but the problem is that error message is coming with custom validator too. In case of custom validator I want only customValidator error messsage not Header text. How can I do that> Do I have to add new validation summer for custom validator with no header text OR there is any smart solution?

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Architecture :: Option To Using Enums And Switch Statements?

Oct 26, 2010

Is there any design pattern or architectural design that prevent the following type of code, where I have an enum with different fileformats and I have to make a switch anywhere I want to distinguish between the different fileformats?


If add an item to the enum definition in this case I have to change all the code that uses switches and that kind og enum which, I guess, is a bad approach in terms on maintenance of the application?

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