Using JavaScript / Code-Behind Variables Interchangeably?

Jan 2, 2012

I have a webpage in which I declared a variable in my code-behind as:

Code : Private ok As New HiddenField

I have a javascript function that sets this variable to either "T" or "F". However, I have a server-side button control that in the click() event, it checks the "ok" variable like this:

If ok.Value = "T" Then
End If

The javascript function initializes the "ok" variable to "T". It goes thru a series of field edits. When a field doesn't pass the edit, it sets the "ok" variable to "F". Either way, this variable has a value. When the code-behind event above checks the "ok" variable, it's value is "".

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Pass Variables To Javascript Method From Code Behind

Jan 10, 2011

I am calling a javascript function from .cs file which is as below:

private string CallValuesScript()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("$(document).ready(function() {");
sb.AppendLine(" });");
return sb.ToString();

I have two integers declared at class level private int ratingLinkId = 0 ;

private int ratingValue = 0;

how I can pass these two integer values to the function "DisplayValues();" ? I have the javascript function is aspx as below:

function DisplayRatings(id, count) {

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Web Forms :: Storing Javascript Variables Into C# Variables

Jan 2, 2010

I have this code in javascript: var x = e.mapX; It gets the X-coordinate of a map. What I want to do is that I want to store this into a c# variable. I have a class named Test with an integer property X. I want to store var x into X. In the codebehind, I have this on the Page_Load: Test test = new Test(); Then I am trying this on the javascript code: var x = e.mapX;

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C# - Get Variables From JavaScript To (MVC)

Mar 6, 2010

I'm using ASP.NET MVC (I'm really new to both and the mvc type projects, but trying hard to learn).

I've set up MVC with a controller so that it runs a method which;

queries an mssql db
converts it to json
returns the json string

It's called from the javascript by requesting an url with a parameter. But what I need now is for the C# part to read two integer variables from the javascript. What would be the best way to do that, and does anyone have any good examples/code that I could look at?

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Asp - Accessing Javascript Variables

Nov 10, 2010

I want to assign array of photos to imagearray but the following script is not working. i cant able to access variables a,i,cnlink etc in new fadeSlideShow() .how to access this outside the function and assign it to imagearray

<script type="text/javascript">
var i; var a; var cnLink; var cn;var cnSplit;
var photos = new Array();
var photoslink = new Array();
function x() {
a = document.getElementById('HiddenField4').value;
cnLink = document.getElementById('hdnLink').value;
cn = document.getElementById('HiddenField3').value;
cnSplit = cnLink.split(';');
while (i < cn) {
photoslink[i] = cnSplit[i];
photos[i] = b[i];
var mygallery2 = new fadeSlideShow({
wrapperid: "fadeshow2",
dimensions: [568, 313],
imagearray: [
//<--array of images!
displaymode: { type: 'auto', pause: 2500, cycles: 0, wraparound: false },
persist: false, //remember last viewed slide and recall within same session?
fadeduration: 500, //transition duration (milliseconds)
descreveal: "always",
togglerid: "fadeshow2toggler"

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Web Forms :: How To Use Unused Variables In Code

Feb 25, 2011

I am building an application in ASP.NET(C#). In certain forms I have many unused Varibales (declared as global variables).

I want to know whether these variables takes any memory space when i build the application.

For instance

public string _ID;
public string _Name;

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Web Forms :: Passing Variables From Code Behind Into ASP

Aug 11, 2010

Im having problems passing a variable from my c# code behind into my asp as part of a connection string. how do i go about passing in a variable from my code behind into my asp.

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Web Forms :: Code Behind File, Variables Not Found?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm trying to put all the coding in my various pages into the code behind file...

I'm also using a Master page.

This is what I have at the top of my .aspx file:

<%@ Page MasterPageFile="master.Master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="search.aspx.vb" Inherits="search" Src="search.aspx.vb" %>

This is how what I have in my aspx.vb file:

Partial Public Class search

Inherits Page

Visual Studio 2005 doesn't show any errors, but when I view in the browser I get...

Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'fieldOfSearchDropDownList' is not declared.

fieldOfSearchDropDownList is definately declared.

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Web Forms :: Client Side Variables In Code Behind?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a question, I am writing a user tracking class that needs to obtain the screen resolution of the user. I have the javascript all written and it is working along with a hidden variable ( used to set the javascript vars so I can access them server side ). What I am running into is when I try to access the value of the hidden variable on Page load it's not there, but If I cause a post back I can get it. How can I access this data on page load? There is no guarantee that the user will ever cause a postback, some users just look at the home page and leave.

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Web Forms :: Create Variables That Would Represent A Control In JavaScript On The Fly

Jan 28, 2011

Just for an example, if I have three controls on a Master page, I would usually declare a variable for a control like this.

var elem = document.getElemntId('<%=control1.ClientID %>');

var elem2 = document.getElemntId('<%=control2.ClientID %>');

var elem3 = document.getElemntId('<%=control3.ClientID %>');

Can I do it in some form of concenation like:


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Passing Javascript Variables To Server-side C# Logic?

Oct 26, 2010

Is there a way to assign/pass/copy a javascript variable to a server side variable in C#? For the sake of argument, let's say that I was able to parse some JSON for variables that I want to store and assign them on the client (ie. var = FirstName and var = 25 and var = someDateTime, etc) .

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Including ListItem Variables In JavaScript Function Call?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a nested ListView (Master/Detail) and want to invoke a JavaScript function in the detail ItemTemplate so that this function can call a static method on the server site and post the field update. I need to include three data variables in the function call, two of which must come from the ListItem data. The JavaScript call to SaveAnswer that is contained in a list item embedded in the inner listview does not render properly. The code must pass three variables: ThisPAQID is a public variable from the codebehind. I could probably make it a hidden variable on this page. QuestionID is a variable from the current listitem and is contained in the table cell immediately preceeding the SaveAnswer method call.

The nested listview works great, and if I dummy the PAQID and QuestionID values in the function call (e.g. SaveAnswer(1,1, this.Value), it works fine.

<asp:ListView ID="lstQuestions" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="lstQuestions_ItemDataBound">

When I put a breakpoint into this code in FireFox, the break never fires. Do I need an "OnBlur" tied to this code? Clearly I am not a JavaScript wizard.

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Capturing Session Variables Inside Jquery Code?

Nov 30, 2010

I use (webforms flavour) for the server coding. Let's say that I stored a variable called "test" inside the Session object.Is there a way to grab its content inside the javascript js file (I use Jquery). Currently, I use the following workaround - in my aspx.cs file I populate a hidden field, then in Jquery I grab the contents of that field.What is the proper way to do that?I tried to expose the session through a web method and using $ajax function to get the value on the Jquery side, but I am getting security error - "permission denied" - no additional explanation offered.My workaround works fine, but to me it seems rather clunky. What are the common ways to achieve session access in Jquery?

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Javascript - Access Global Variables That Are Set Inside An Event Listener?

Dec 18, 2010

I am working with Google maps api V3. I need to get the values of the getSouthWest & getNorthEast bounds of my map. To do this the 'bounds_changed' event needs to be fired in order to get the new values. This is all good, however, I need to access these values from outside the event and passed to a server side function (more specifically, I don't want to call my server side function every time the map bounds are changed).

My code is:

var sw, nw, Searchbounds;
function myFunc(){
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'bounds_changed', function() {
Searchbounds = map.getBounds();
sw = Searchbounds.getSouthWest();
ne = Searchbounds.getNorthEast();
CallServerSideWebService(, ne.lng(),, ne.lng());

When executing this code I get the error message sw is undefined.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass The Fields Values To The JavaScript Variables

Mar 13, 2010

i am still stcuk with my project and unabale to perform calculation on my edited gridview..

here is my problem :

i have fields (f1,f2,f3, f4...) pulled from my sql data base table. into a gridview.

the "f4" field value is based on some calculation done on f1, f2 & f3 field values..

1- i need to have the same calculation done when i edit and update f1, f2 & f3 on my gridview...

more complicated..

2 -my calculation are based on a javascript function ...

a- how can i pass the fields values to the JavaScript variables...perform the calculation....then reassign back the result varibale to the f4 field ?? ..then update my gridview with the new calculation..


View 6 Replies

How To Access Any Server Side Events Or Variables In The Code Editor Window

Mar 1, 2010

While working through some demos today I managed to trick VS 2008 somehow and I cannot access any server side events or variables in the code editor window. Hopefully

this screenshot will demonstrate exactly what I am missing. No matter what control I pick from my source I get the same drop down items overhead. What is quite weird is that when I drop new server side controls onto the source editor I can set the tag attributes for the events, but when I double click that event there is not an automatic created event handler with the same name created for me. Also, on the property pages there is no events image button (the one with the lightning bolt). The only property page items which have the events image button (lightning bolt) are the ajax toolkit controls. Already tried the "import all settings - VB Default" to blast away everything and no luck..

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State Management :: Set Session Variables In One Page And Retrieve Them In Code File?

May 12, 2010

I'm trying to set session variables in one page, and retrieve them in my code file in the page that it posts to.

I keep getting this error. I put the correct namespaces in, and enabledSessionState = true to my application files, but no luck.

Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration><system.web><httpModules> section in the application configuration.

I'm just calling a session variable, and I get that error


Public AUID As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(Session("AUID"))

View 9 Replies

Web Forms :: With Javascript, Does A Response.redirect Clear Out All Global Variables And Values Declared?

Feb 7, 2011

For some reason it seems as though variables that I declare in javascript sometimes persist themselves across applications even when I do a response.redirect. I thought that a response.redirect would clear them out.

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Are Content Web Forms Able To Access Variables Declared In The Code Behind Section Of It's Master Page

Dec 1, 2010

I have a Master Page which controls the styling of my site. In the Code Behind, there are a few class instances instantiated as well as variables. These classes validate user access and then create user objects

I have a few Web Content Forms which carries out instructions based on the user objects. So far it seems that on each Web Content Form I have to create new instances of the classes found on the Master Page. This is doubling my work for every Web Content Form.

Is there anyway I can inhereit Classes and objects instantiated in the Master Page Code Behind?

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Collect 2 Variables From One Hyperlink, And Use Those Variables In The Page_load To Set As Session?

Aug 8, 2010

i am trying to collect 2 variables from one hyperlink, and use those variables in the page_load to set as session. but i don't know how to collect those 2 variables

such :

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="wsChangeColor('mainData', '#FF0000','#FFE4E1');return false;" title="Change color" id="red">1</a>

i would like to collect '#FF0000','#FFE4E1' or direct set '#FF0000','#FFE4E1' to string then send to pageload, how can i do this by only clicking on it ?

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How To Call Code Behind Button Click Event Or A Code Behind Method From Javascript

May 18, 2010

how do you call code behind button click event or a code behind method
from javascript.

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Call Javascript Function From Code Behind After Server Side Code Executes

May 25, 2010

I have an button, that when clicked calls a code behind function. The function does some evaluation, and then I want to call javascript from within this function.

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Web Forms :: How To Run Javascript Code When Javascript In Browser Is Disabled

Sep 20, 2010

we are working on one of our site which is having lots of javascript code.but while testing one of our tester has disabled javascript in in this scenario javascript code is not working properly. So can any one let me know is thr any work around to run javascript code while browser javascript is disabled.

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Javascript Messagebox - Tried Several JavaScript To Popup In Code Behind But That Did Not Work

Jul 27, 2010

This program in 2.0 is a Spanish/English Dictionary.

It consists of two textboxes,one button and a datalist. The datalist is bound to an acces database consisting of two columns; One Spanish and one English. When a user enters a Spanish word in textbox1 and clicks the button, the meaning of the word appears in textbox2. Now sometimes a user enters a word that is not in the database. I want, in this case, to have a javascript messagebox to popup saying “Either the word is not listed or misspelled”.

I tried several javascripts to popup in code behind but that did not work. I know that a clientside should be included but I am not able to do that.

The sub below is the one I am using to fetch the words and it is working perfect as long as I enter a word that is already in access database. The words in the rows in database are separated by hyphens so I am using a “Split” fuction which is also working perfectly.


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C# - JavaScript For Running Code-behind Code When A Button Is Clicked?

Nov 24, 2010

i have a popup that is getting displayed when Save button is clicked. The popup has 2 buttons. Yes and No. No should cancel the popupand yes should take you to function in the code-behind say, btnSave_Click(object sender, Eventargs e). How is it possible.

Below is the code where i am showin the popup.


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