VS 2010 - Changing Appearance Of Treenodes.?

Mar 7, 2011

I´m using a template from microsoft´s webdev.

I have a nested masterpage and in the childpage of the second master I have a treeview. Now I want to change appearence of the nodes in it (like the color), and I´m not able to do that. It doesn´t say anywhere if there´s a section of the css stylesheet that´s being applied.

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VS 2010 / Use Generic Code For Creating TreeNodes?

Apr 22, 2012

I have this code:

Dim obj1 As New TreeNode
obj1.Value = 1
obj1.Text = "Level" & obj1.Value
Dim obj2 As New TreeNode
obj2.Value = 2
obj2.Text = "Level" & obj2.Value


Can I somehow create a function that creates the nodes instead of I need to make Dim ... each time? If I have 300 nodes this is not a good solution.

I have tried something like this but it doesn't work:

Function CreateObj(ByVal no As Integer, ByVal name As String, ByVal obj As TreeNode) As TreeNode
obj.Text = "Level" & no
obj.Value = no
Return obj
End Function

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Changing The Default Appearance Of Disabled Buttons?

Feb 22, 2010

The application Im working on has a navigation menu that uses buttons that are pure black with no edges. This means that it is quite hard to tell if a button is disabled or not, based on the standard changes to a disabled button. Is there any way to change the appearance of the buttons when they become disabled; changing the background color, for example? If so, how do I go about it?

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Changing Appearance Of Master Page Based On Content Page?

Dec 21, 2010

My Master Page has a heading with tabs. The code looks something like:

<CT:Tab ID="tabHome" runat="server" Url="/index.aspx" Text = "Home" Highlight="true" />
<CT:Tab ID="tabFun" runat="server" Url="/fun.html" Text = "Fun"/>
<CT:Tab ID="tabBlog" runat="server" Url="/blog" Text = "Blog"/>

I can think of two ways to control which tab is highlighted from within a user control:Have the user control implement an interface. The master page can decide which tab to highlight based on which interface is implemented, or based on a method in the interface that returns a string.In the Page_Load (or Page_Init) function, tell the master page (via FindControl or via a function in the Master Page) which control to highlight.I don't really like either of these solutions. Is there a clean way I could control which tab is highlighted from the control at design time (i.e., in the aspx file)?

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Adding TreeNodes Within Web Application?

Jun 26, 2010

This thread is basically a continuation from my last post. I have a website that uses a TreeView Control. Each TreeNode represents a virtual directory and I wish for the user to be able to create a new Node/Virtual Directory. This site is for family photos. Each family member has their own node with a Child Node called "Albums". Within this "Albums" node, a family member can have as many Nodes/Virtual Directory as they want with each Node/Virtual Directory containing images.Each Virtual Directory path is stored in a Database. So essentially, I'm trying to create my own photo album. My question is....how do I allow a user to create a new Node/Virtual Directory (they don't know that a VD is being created...only a Node).

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VS 2010 - Changing Menu With Masterpage

Sep 3, 2011

When I began my first ASP.NET project, I didn't know about Masterpages, which was a pain. Because I had to manually change each and every link on all of my web pages. This was all mainly for the top menu and side menus.

But now that I'm using a master page, I think it's going to be much easier. But, I'm running into an issue.

When the user loads default.aspx, they see the following on the top menu.

Which is how I want it. But, what if they click one of the links? Before, I just updated that code to make the button of that page the active one. But, if they're all inheriting the same page, how do I commit this changes? I don't want to omit that part and manually change it on each page, because that would beat the entire purpose of doing this.

I also don't want to create another master page for each link. That would also beat the purpose.

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AJAX :: Check All The TreeNodes By Default?

Mar 4, 2011

Is there any way i can make all the nodes of the treeview checked by default other than looping through the nodes and setting each node property Checked=true; I dont want to unnecassary loop through the node collection to set each node property. There should be easy way of doing this by setting simple property for the entire treeview. Oh i am using the RadTreeView, I dont have the


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VS 2010 Changing From DataAdapters/DataSets To DataSources

Nov 13, 2010

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Explanation:My experience is with VB.NET for the most part. I've written a lot of apps drawing data through dataadapters into datasets and processing them to provide reports in aspx.

I'm starting to work in VB 2010 and those elements are no longer available. What appears to be the weapon of choice is the datasource.What I'm not seeing: 2 important things that I can't work without:

1. Control over when the database server is hit with a connection request; daMyQuery.Fill (MyDataSet) was an explicit command that I could use to collect my data on demand. From that point on, I could use the dataset as I wished to populate whatever controls or structures I wished - the database server was no longer needed and wasn't hit by my apps until another pageload.

2. Multiple Tables in a query result; This must be there, I just can't find the method by which to reference different tables in my SQL output. Previous, I would have a dataadapter which would use a stored procedure to deliver a dataset of multiple - sometimes many - tables for use in the application. I can't find the equivalent on a datasource.

So my two big-ticket needs - requests for assistance, really - are listed above: How do you get at multiple tables returned from a stored procedure;and;How do you keep datasources for hitting the dbserver whenever you use it if there is no equivalent to a 'fill' method?

I guess another - how would you walk through the rows of a dataset?

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VS 2010 - Error Changing Framework Of Windows Service

Nov 17, 2011

I have a deadline to install my windows service NOW. I developed it in VS2010 and chose the .NET 4.0 framework. The server where I am installing it, which is a server that hosts our live web sites, does not have .NET 4.0 installed. So I have to change the framework to 3.5. I have this error now when I try to build:

Error13Type System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a in the data at line 120, position 4 cannot be located. Line 122, position

5.C:DevprojectsDocFtpToVendorDocumentFtpProjectInstaller.resx1225DocumentFtpIt is in ProjectInstaller.resx and also Service1.resx. Is it because the version=, and if so how do I change that? And if not, what is the cause?

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VS 2010 - Changing Treenode Backcolor Dynamically In Code

Apr 19, 2012

What I need to do is perform some kind of decision statement and when true I need to change the backcolor of a treenode to grey, so that it has a grey box around the whole text. There is no backcolor property for the tree node and I don't need it applied all the time so I don't think a CSS class will do this.

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Visual Studio :: 2010 Tab Menu Changing The Class / Style?

Apr 20, 2010

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i have added to my web.config page this instruction:

<globalization culture="en-GB"></globalization>

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VS 2010 - LinkButton CommandArguments Changing In Gridview Bound To Datasource

Jun 23, 2011

I have a Gridview that displays some data I am pulling from a SQL Server database. The stored procedure that runs the query accepts a table valued parameter. I am unable to find a way to pass this structure to an asp:SQLDatasource so I have been manually creating the datatable and then binding my Gridview to it. The DataType I am using in the code-behind to pass into the stored procedure is a System.Data.SqlDbType.Structured type.

Each Gridview row has an asp:LinkButton with a CommandArgument value that looks like

<%# Eval("PartNumber").ToString() + "|" + Eval("ID").ToString() %>

Each LinkButton calls back to a function in my code behind that accepts the CommandArgs, does some work, and redirects the user to another page.

Since I am manually binding the Gridview to the Datasource when the number of records exceeds my paging size and the user changes pages or sorts the Gridview, the CommandArgument value changes to the wrong row and I get bad data back from the CommandArgument. how to pass a System.Data.SqlDbType.Structured type into an asp:SQLDataSource but if that is not possible how I can work around this?

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VS 2010 / Changing Label Text From Page Load Does Not Work

Nov 22, 2013

I have a label on my page, and in Page_Load I have

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Label1.Text = "dog"
End Sub

This works when I run it locally, but not when I upload it to my host. The label does not change. what is going on?

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Web Forms :: TreeNodes Of TreeView (with Custom Hierarchical DataSource) Not Indexing Properly

Jul 30, 2010

I've managed to render TreeView using custom made Hierarchical Datasource based on Linq queries on self referencing table. Rendered output looks well but... Every Node in NodeCollection has the same index = 0. Therefore when I click on any collapse button - the whole tree Collapses. In generated html every node has the same id = MainContent_TreeView1n0 I suppose n0 should increment to n1 n2 n3 and so on.

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How To Set The Appearance Of A Web Control

Jan 11, 2010

I'm trying to set the appearance of a Login web control, but I'm having quite a few problems. As far as I can tell, I've set everything correctly, but for some reason control still isn't displayed correctly:

a) The width of the two TextBox controls ( with IDs UserName and Password ) should be equal to 70% of table's width, but it isn't, even though I've set their width attributes.

b) If table cells containing lblPassword and lblPassword controls have their text-align property set to center, then lblPassword and lblPassword overflow. Why is that?


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Appearance Settings Of The Website?

Sep 6, 2010

Am running asp.net web application.I need to modify the appearance of my web page..I want to bring a table that contains some labels and textbox to the centre of the page..I changed the align to centre..it is not working...i changed the padding pixels which is in default...it is also not working out...i feel CSS in not applying.

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Web Forms :: Can't Change The Appearance Of Button

Jun 2, 2010

I'm trying to chnage the appearance of asp button control. I defined a style in CSS file and in VS2005 design mode I can see the desired result however it didn't change at runtime.

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Web Forms :: Change CheckBoxList Appearance

Aug 23, 2013

I used CheckBoxList in mypage

 <asp:CheckBoxList ID="ChkGroups" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" TextAlign="Left" Width="300px">
<asp:ListItem Text="Special" Value="Special"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="free" Value="free"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="State" Value="State"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="Other" Value="Other"></asp:ListItem>

Here I want change ListItem of Checkbox Appearance I mean I want define variable  space between ListItem when I set width for Checkboxlist it change space between ListItem equally but I want change space variable...

How I can do it?

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AJAX :: How To Restore The Callout Appearance Of ValidatorCalloutExtender

Jun 18, 2010

After the validators were put into a table, their appearance was completely messed up. The worst is the disappearance of the background. The background has been restored by setting a default skin for all ValidatorCalloutExtenders, but now they are just simple rectangles containing the exclamation mark and the error message adjacent to the target control. The callout look is gone.

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AJAX :: Appearance In An Incorrect Position On The Window

Mar 8, 2011

I have a customized HTMLEditor with less buttons. Nothing very special.I use this HTMLEditor in a User Control (ASCX) that has a ModalPopupExtender.


When I open the modal popup,the HTMLEditor appears and I can click the button to select a color without problem.The issue comes when I scroll the page down and opens the popup again.The color selector, the list of colors that open when I click the color selector,appears in an incorrect position on the window. And if I scroll a little bit more, the list of colors will not appear anymore.The same happens with the popup when I create a link.The popup to write the link and select the target appears in strange positions.It seems that the initial position of these popups depends on the scroll of the whole page.it makes the editor useless.

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Mar 9, 2010

I have the following classes in my Model:

public abstract class Entity : IEntity


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Web Forms :: How To Make All The Controls In Web App Look To One Css File For All Its Appearance Propert.

Apr 15, 2010

I don't want to have to set font and stuff for every control in my web app.I have a basic understanding of css but i am yet to find a tutorial which will let me do what i want to do (and trust me, i've looked).I don't want anything fancy. I just want to have one single css file which i go to in order to change the appearance of everything.

to have a single css file to handle appearance for all different kinds of controls, or do you need one per control type?

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Visual Studio :: Change Output Window's Appearance?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a simple question : in the output window when you build a solution, how to change its behavior so that files with errors do not appear with their full path? I only need the file's name, not its full path.

The reason is I am using Visual Studio to build projects whose files are in very very deep folders (paths >400 characters), which messes up the output in a very annoying way...

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