We have a simple SQL Server database with an ASP.NET front end.
I can easily update a record from my browser.
Another person cannot: he edits the field and hits the "update" button, but the change is not propagated to the database. The old value remains. He is using Internet Explorer. I checked the database, and his change is not propagated. There is no error thrown.
He WAS able to edit in May. Today he can't. but I can.
I can even update it with the Google Chrome browser.
I want users to select a record in the GridView and then have that record open up in the Detailsview. How would I go about getting these two tools to communicate?
I need to stop users users using the browser back button and potentially submitting an old version of a form.
I'm storing a guid in a session variable and also writing the value to a hidden form field and then checking the session value against the hidden field value if a user does try to navigate back and submit an old form.
If the form is submitted and the user wants to complete a new copy of the form then a new guid is generated both to the session and to the hidden form field. Now, if the user decides to hit the back button a few times to get the old form and tries to submit it again, the page checks the current guid in session against the guid stored in the form field and it finds a mismatch and prevents the form being submitted.
This works as expected in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE6, when the user hits the back button to view the old form, the new guid value appears in the hidden field of the old form! This means the user can submit the old form again, which we definitely do not want.
I have a website where i already have User / Roles mechanism. What i am after is the if user update certain record i will include his username against that record thats easy enough. But if that row have multiple coulmns i want to save which coulmn he/she updated?How can i compare old and new data have save this information?
I have used Login Control + Change Password + Create User Wizard in my project. Everything is working fine. I want to know that how to get the List of Users and also to Update/Delete users.
I have the query to retrieve selected record in textbox. How to use this query to update record: I want when I enter sumit in textbox1 and click submit button then the record with ID 1 will be updated to name sumit
Dim SQLData As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True") Dim cmdSelect As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 Name FROM Table1 Order by Id DESC", SQLData) SQLData.Open() Dim dtrReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader() If dtrReader.HasRows Then While dtrReader.Read() TextBox1.Text = dtrReader("Name") End While Else Response.Write("No customer found for the supplied ID.") End If dtrReader.Close() SQLData.Close()
I have written a script to write several values to an Access Database Table, but I need to ammend i so it checks for two values (Asset and LName) to see if they match if they do it updates the record if not it writes a new record, my script so far is as follows :
I'm just stuck as I can't work out the best way to do it,
I would like to use the image (file) upload control to allow users to basically create an avatar for a record they manage.I would like to enforce the following:1) Type (PNG only)2) Dimensions (X pixles by X pixels)3) Size (less than XYZ kilobytes) 4) Rename the file to something organized (for my sake)5) Not open some gaping hole in my file system (security)Some of these are pretty easy to do it seems.
In my website I am maintaining log of users in which I am storing some user's information such as user machine IP umber,SessionId,UserName etc.and able to show the list of current and past users in webpage. I want to share and connect to browser session of any of the current users. Is it possible,if yes then how?
i have to implement a requirement that's kind of weird for web apps (intranet web app).
after an user login to the app, the user may press Ctrl + N to open the current page in a new window. this sounds perfectly normal except the business requirement is to prevent users from doing this. users must logoff before they can access to the app again with a different browser window/tab.
We use windows authentication. User opens our website in tab1 and does some action but with out clicking on save he opens a new tab tab2 and opens the same website again. Now, if the user session in tab1 is active i need to warn users that the he is already logged on to application in some other browser and go to some log out page. But if the user session in tab1 is timed out then he must be able to continue with the website in tab2 as usual, but if he tries to do anything in tab1 he should go to session expired page. I tried implementing it in following way.
I have a hidden field in each page which will be set to unique Id using GUID.NewID(). when user requests for a page the following code is executed.
I use the following coding to show a form for receiving the original record and it works:
And then I set the controller for edit page as the following:
Although it does not show any error and return to the index page, it cannot update the record because I can see the original record in the index page. Is there any mistakes I made?
I have tested the record insertion and it works. Therefore, I think it is not the problem on the database write permission.
I've been playing around with MVC lately, and was wondering how you could do this:
I have a view that displays a list of products, and against each product is a list of categories (in a combobox). I'm trying to find out how you can update a product's category when you select a category in the list. I know you could do something fairly simple with jQuery, but I'm trying to understand how submitting forms works with MVC.
Here's what I currently have:
But I'm not sure how to tell the controller what product needs to be updated when the form is submitted.
I clicked the edit link button the "test" will shown in the textbox.I am change to "testing" and i will click the Update button.But it store in test.i update datetime also.The datetime has been updated..How to i update the record?..
Reason: The Form again post.So i enter with the "state=edit" and the data retrieve from the DB i will shown in the Field.After the Updation function is working.So the textbox value set into the DB value.
I am getting the following error when I try to update my record in a GridView. I am using a DataObjectSource and its grabbing the update from a DAL. This is the error:Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.This is my code where it says the error is:
I am having a problem with setting a flag on sucessful completion of a record in a stored proc. I am using following code. stored proc: Update where condition.
if @@RowCount=1 update table set ItemReviewed=1 where condition..... select @Count=@@rowcount
here the problem is i do have 2 update statments in a single proc..if one is sucessful then its setting if others failed...I want to check both are sucessful. @count will return the bool to my code where i can move on to the next record. if some testing @@rowcount is not feasible one to use...Itemreviewed is bit field.
I have seen that when some one posts a message on my facebook wall, I get a mail and I can reply to that wall post by just replying that email and my wall gets updated. I want to implement this feature in an ASP.Net website of mine but don't know how can I accomplish this task.
I am not sure if I am in the right spot here because this really doesn't have to do any datacontrol but hopefully somone can give me a hand with this.
Basically I have a bunch of TextBox controls on a page that are displaying the data I want but when I try to run an UPDATE query on the record I get nothing. The record values don't update and I don't appear to get any exceptions.....I am actually kinda really baffled on this one, here is what I have for the update code: [Code]....
Btw, if there is an easier way to do this with a control I am up for suggestions as I am just going off of some of my old VB6 ways