Visual Studio :: Reference Resource Item / Sending Error?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm trying to reference a color value, which is stored in a file called Rsource.resx in the App_GlobalResources directory.

In vs 2008, I used to be able to use a line like this:


Now, in VS 2010, that no longer works.

I found a VS 2010 example that suggests I could try


<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server"
Text="test", BackColor="Resources.Webresources.sunlight",Visible="false"></asp:Label>

These examples both generate an error that the server tag is not well formed. I'm fairly new to this, so I think my error will be obvious to someone...

What would be the correct way to reference the color value in this case?

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Visual Studio :: "The Resource Cannot Be Found" Error When Pressing F5 To Run Website

Apr 7, 2010

My web site project has been working but suddenly I got this error after my pc hang and rebooted.

The resource cannot be found.

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

URL in IE is "http://localhost:3771/myweb/Default2.aspx

Searched web and forums, followed all suggestions but no luck.

What is the reason? Where is the port number "3771" cached? I remved all VS temporary files and it still uses 3771.

I am using Visual Studio 2008 SP1.

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Visual Studio :: Failed To Add Web Reference 'com.paypal.sandbox.www' - Error: Access To The Path Denied

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to add a web reference to my project in Visual Studio 2010 that points to PayPal's Sandbox service.

The address is [URL]

Although VS finds it using the Add Web Reference dialog box, when I press the Add Reference button I get the following error and it fails:

Failed to add Web Reference 'com.paypal.sandbox.www'.

Error: Access to the path 'C:Documents and SettingsMyNameLocal SettingsTempPayPalSvc.wsdl' is denied.

Even if I attempt this using http instead of https it still fails with the same error.

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Visual Studio - Why Does Website Reference Assembly From GAC, When Adding Local Reference

Jan 7, 2010

When you use ASP.NET web site (instead of web application model) and add reference to an assembly from local folder, Visual Studio, it seems, understands that this local assembly is also in GAC and so does NOT copy this assembly to bin folder (as it does with non-GAC assemblies), but simply adds new record in web.config file.

Why such a behaviour? Is it possible to force copy to bin folder (I need this since .dll is not on target environment)? I can add assembly to bin folder as file and it will work, but in this case bin folder contents will be in source control, which is not good.

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Prevent Error On Page When Resource Reference Is Invalid?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm using resources like this; " runat="server" />

Resources are maintained in a database and resourcefiles are generated when new translations are added. Sometimes bad references to keys happens. This results in error on the whole page.

How can I prevent the whole page from crashing when a resource does not exist? I just want a tiny error message where the resource lacks, like "Not found: Users.DetailsUserHeadline".

I also want to dynamically retrieve resources from code behind, by defining the key as a string "Users.DetailsUserHeadline" without any erros.

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Visual Studio :: Generating Resource Designer.vb?

Mar 11, 2010

We converted our web application project into website project..We had resources created in first project..after conversion the resources doenst seem to work..I get an error saying "Resources is not a member of My" ....So I have created a new resource file and tried to generate designer.vb file...I have tried using resgen but I get errors.. Is there any other way this can be done.

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Jul 4, 2010

My objective is to include a JavaScript file in my Custom Server Control, because it's a bit tedious writing all the JS in C#. I've done a lot of searching and most resources seem to say that I need to add the file as an embedded resource, and access that. I found a few pages describing how to do this:


They all seem to say I need to, after adding the JS file, change the build action to 'embedded resource' through its properties. However, the only properties I can actually see on the file are 'File Name' and 'File Path'. Right clicking the file in the solution explorer doesn't allow me access to properties, and right clicking (as one of those links suggests) anywhere else doesn't expose it either. I tried looking through VS Options but couldn't find anything, although I get the impression that I have something configured wrong that's not allowing me to see as many properties as I should be able to.

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Best Way To Deploy Localization Resource Files With Visual Studio?

Apr 9, 2010

For my *.resx files in App_GlobalResouces, what should the Build Action be? The defaults for creating a new resource file have Build Action as "Content", Copy to Output Directory as "Do not copy", and Custom Tool as "GlobalResourceProxyGenerator".

On certain servers I get an runtime error: "CS0101: The namespace 'Resources' already contains a definition..." that points to a "temporary files" folder. This makes me think that maybe I should be embedding these files so I don't have to worry about this duplicate registration. Or is my error the only real problem and keeping the physical files in the App_GlobalResouces section is fine?

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Visual Studio :: Access Value From Resource File In App_GlobalResources Directory?

Jan 27, 2010

I've added a key/value pair to an .resx file named SharedResources in my App_GobalResources directory.All the examples I've read on line have me trying to access the value as:


However, the intellisense is telling me that (Resources is not a member of '<Default>')

I've also tried this syntax, without the global

Dim MsgTemplate As String = Resources.SharedResources.EmailTemplate

I then get a message that (SharedResouces is not a member of Resources)

The intellisens is showing the following members for Resources




It should be compiling a global collection based upon the files in my App_GlobalResources directory from what I'm reading.However,I can't find anything to match what everythink on line says I should have available.

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Dec 13, 2010

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Jan 26, 2010

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Dec 5, 2010

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Visual Studio :: In Visual Studio 2010 Not Finding Default.aspx Error?

Apr 29, 2010

I am having an issue in VS 2010 trying to get even the default ASP.NET Web Application to run in Debug mode. I get the error:

"Unable to start program 'http://localhost:1443/Default.aspx'.

The system cannot find the file specified."

I am stumped here and cannot find anything out there with this error.

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Visual Studio :: Can't Add A Reference To A DLL

Jan 27, 2010

Has anyone ever experience problems adding a reference to a DLL in Visual Studio? I have a website that I copied from our development server and placed it on a virutual pc on my local machine. I updated all the references to all the DLLs. However, when I open the property pages window, the only references I see are ones to the GAC. When I try to add a reference to a DLL it adds it to the bin directory, but it will not show in the properties pages and the reference is not resolved and I still get the error that the type is not defined. I've tried deleting the DLL and adding it again, but nothing seems to work.

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Sending Email To Visual Studio Development Server

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ng an application that listens on port 25. My application will work as a SMTP server receiving emails. I am aware that I can just enable IIS SMTP feature, but for my current project, I needed to do in this way.If I can send emails to visual studio development server which has a private IP, my debugging will be much easier. Is there a way to send emails to VS development server?

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Visual Studio :: Adding A Reference To A Project?

Apr 13, 2010

1. Is there a reason why someone would want to add a reference to an assembly (e.g. System.Drawing) but not add the Using statement? Seems that if you add a reference, you should add the Using statement automatically, but maybe not always?

2. Correct me if I'm wrong, the only benefit of adding a "Using" statement at the top of your file, is to bring into scope an assembly and not have to fully type the class name? So if I have a Using System.Drawing, I can type in
string = Color.Tomato.ToString(); instead of string = System.Drawing.Color.Tomato.ToString();

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Restoring Web Reference In Visual Studio 2008

Feb 18, 2010

I had a web reference set in my VS2008 ASP.NET project, but due to some source control weirdness it is no longer listed in the project. I have the set of files in the Web References folder under my project. There's a .wsdl, .disco and several .datasource files. Is there any way to re-add this web reference through the existing files rather than using the "Add Web Reference" dialog?

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Visual Studio :: Can't Reference Webcontrols From Code Behind

Jul 12, 2010

Iīm having a problem with Visual Studio 2010 pro. I canīt seem to reference webcontrols from code behinde and there for no intellisense. Intellisense works fine, just not for controls on the ASP page.


<asp:TextBox Width="245px" ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
VB file: txtName.text = "Some text"
txtName dosent show up by intellisense.

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Visual Studio :: How To Add UserControl DLL Reference Into Tool Box

May 24, 2010

Environment : Vista,VS-2005I have converted my user controls into DLL.(This is ajax enabled Website).[URL]In another project i have added this reference , register the dll and use the Usercontrol.It is working fine.Question1 : How to add this dll into toolBox?....Question2 : How to Rename this dll?....(This is ajax enabled Website-I have added webusercontrol in this site-After publish th site i got this dll.)

user Conrol : Textbox
My Dll Name =App_Web_textbox.ascx.cdcab7d2.dll;
.aspx page (DLL Registration )
Assembly="App_Web_pwtextbox.ascx.cdcab7d2" %>;

This Code Workingfine.But i do no how to add this into ToolBox?......

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Visual Studio :: Creating Web Reference Proxy?

May 19, 2010

i am working in the web services aspects on sharepoint. However, the vs 2008 (3.0i am working in the web services aspects on sharepoint. However, the vs 2008 (3.0 or higher) does not seem to create a proxy class when i have used the add service reference and used the backward compatible version to use add web reference for 2.0. However, i dont seem to find the proxy class. does not seem to create a proxy class when i have used the add service reference and used the backward compatible version to use add web reference for 2.0. However, i dont seem to find the proxy class.

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Visual Studio :: Visual Studio 'copy Web Site' Error

Oct 31, 2010

I am getting the following error when I try to establish ftp remote connection using the 'copy web site' feature on visual studio 2005.

unable to open the web 'ftp://209.*.*.*/httpdocs'. The computer is disconnected from the network.

Why can't I connect to the remote site on visual studio 2005? I can do the same thing on Dreamweaver with no problem. I can ping the IP successfully. I can open the ftp URL on a web browser with no problem.

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WCF / ASMX :: Add A Web Reference To A .Net 1.1 Site From Visual Studio 2010?

Dec 13, 2010

I am facing a problem reated to web services. A customer is running his website on an old server running .Net Framework version 1.1. We would like from this site to call a Web Service, how can I do that. I have Visual Studio 2010 intalled on my machine and when I use the option "Add Web Reference" the generated files/folders seem to not be compatible.

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Visual Studio :: Reference Xml Files N The Setup Project?

Dec 13, 2010

I am using VS2010. When I am building a release for a WinForms Applicaiton, I can see some .xml files relevant to project in the bin elease folder. The .dll (third party component) has been referenced in the References folder of the project for eg. Rebex.Net.Ftp and in the properties window the Source Path is

C:Program FilesRebexFile Transfer Pack for .NET 4.0FTP SSL for .NET 4.0inRebex.Net.Ftp.dll In the above mentioned source path directory there is an Rebex.Net.Ftp.xml which gets pulled across to the release folder as well. I couldn't really get my head around where this can be referenced so that it puts this .xml file in the release folder of the project when I do a build?

My main problem is, when I created a setup project for this application, I can't get this file included in the installation pack (after installing the .msi file). I get the Rebex.Net.Ftp.dll but not Rebex.Net.Ftp.xml file. I tried all the options in the Project Output except including the "Source files" which I dont want to. how to include the .xml files in the setup installation pack, ie., if there are properties I am forgetting to set or something like that?

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Add Assembly Reference And Using .dll File From 2008 And 2010

Oct 19, 2010

tell me the way to solved my problem to looking for a long time.

My System Info:

OS: Windows 7 - Ultimate - 64bit

VS: Visual Studio 2008 - Professional (and problem with my VS2010 installed)


I have a small project and build it to library .dll file with some function util.

From an other website (with diffirence solution). I added reference the .dll before to website.

In website, I declaration to using the function in library (dll file before). But I found error:

Error 1 Type 'LibraryName' is not defined.

And in VS2010 the problem is same.

But, run website on an other computer, it work normally.

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Visual Studio - Reference A Class Library In App Code Of Website?

Jan 13, 2011

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